Marta Gislene Pignatti
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
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Featured researches published by Marta Gislene Pignatti.
Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical | 1998
Renata Caporalle Mayo; Claudio Casanova; Luciene Maura Mascarini; Marta Gislene Pignatti; Osias Rangel; Eunice Aparecida Bianchi Galati; Dalva Marli Valério Wanderley; Fernando Motta de Azevedo Corrêa
The present study was effected aiming the verification of the seazonal, spatial and hourly of the phlebotominic species found in the county of Itupeva. Captures were performed fortnightly and 864 sand flies were collected between april/94 and march/95. 81.3% of the captured specimens belonged to 4 species: L. migonei (32.4%), L. whitmani (26.0%), L. intermedia (12.0%) e L. fischeri (10.9%). Such species showed larger densities during the cold and dry season of the year (from april to september/94) and were more active between the second and the fifth hour after twilight. L. migonei predominated almost in all the investigated surroundings being followed by L. whitmani and L. longipalpis in the domestic environnents. In conclusion it is thought that in conjunction with L. intermedia, a suspect vector in the State of Sao Paulo, L. migonei and L. whitmani may have an important role in the transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the area under study.The present study was effected aiming the verification of the seasonal, spatial and hourly of the phlebotominic species found in the county of Itupeva. Captures were performed fortnightly and 864 sand flies were collected between april/94 and march/95. 81.3% of the captured specimens belonged to 4 species: L. migonei (32.4%), L. whitmani (26.0%), L. intermedia (12.0%) e L. fischeri (10.9%). Such species showed larger densities during the cold and dry season of the year (from april to september/94) and were more active between the second and the fifth hour after twilight. L. migonei predominated almost in all the investigated surroundings being followed by L. whitmani and L. longipalpis in the domestic environments. In conclusion it is thought that in conjunction with L. intermedia, a suspect vector in the State of Sao Paulo, L. migonei and L. whitmani may have an important role in the transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the area under study.
Ambiente & Sociedade | 2004
Marta Gislene Pignatti
This article is a critical review on the main Health theories concerned with diseases resulting from environmental changes and the occurrence of some infectious diseases in Brazil. It addresses the relationship between urbanization, human migration, life quality, institutional intervention policy and the emergence of dengue, cholera, malaria, spot fever, and leishmaniasis. In conclusion, it points out the necessity of carrying out interdisciplinary studies and integrated political strategies.
Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical | 1995
Virgínia Luna Castor de Lima; Ana Cristina Figueiredo; Marta Gislene Pignatti; Maurício Modolo
A febre maculosa foi identificada no Estado de Sâo Paulo e Minas Gerais na primeira metade deste seculo38914.No Estado de Sao Paulo nao ha um registro sistematico de casos desta enfermidade. Travassos14 em publicacao do ano de 1945 apresenta dois mapas mostrando a distribuicao provavel da transmissao no estado aquela epoca. A area registrada e extensa, no entanto, o autor nao refere a fonte de seus dados nem os discute no texto do artigo, o qual centra sua atencao em questoes tecnicas sobre a obtencao de uma vacina.Apos esta publicacao o que se dispoe, em termos de casuistica da febre maculosa no estado sao os registros de casos internados no hospital estadual especializado em doencas infecciosas e parasitarias, o “Instituto de Infectologia Emilio Ribas”. Foram diagnosticados, neste hospital, 53 casos da doenca, no periodo de 1957 a 197413 e 10 casos de 1976 a 198210. A maioria deles foram procedentes de areas rurais de municipios vizinhos da capital tais como Mogi das Cruzes, Diadema e Santo Andre.Em 1985 foram identificados casos suspeitos de febre maculosa na zona rural do municipio de Pedreira, situado na regiao administrativa de Campinas, a 90km a noroeste da capital do Estado (longitude 46°54’27”, latitude 22°44’21”). Este municipio estava incluido no mapa da publicacao de 1945, citada acima, alem de outros situados nas suas proximidades, como local de transmissao da doenca, no entanto, nao se tinha nos servicos
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 1996
Antônio Ângelo Corte; Márcia Regina Nozawa; Maria do Carmo Ferreira; Marta Gislene Pignatti; Osias Rangel; Savina S. Lacerra
The authors describe an outbreak of American cutaneous leishmaniasis from February 1993 to September 1994 in the districts of Sousas and Joaquim Egídio, Campinas, São Paulo State. Out of a total of 25 cases, seven occurred in the countryside, nine in the periurban area, and nine in the urban area. The authors observed a shift in the occurrence of leishmaniasis cases from rural to urban areas. Cases in males predominated over females (60%/40%). Some 44% of the cases occurred in individuals ranging from 11 to 30 years of age. Some 48% of cases occurred in students, domestic workers, and housewives. In 90% of the cases, the disease presented as a single lesion, located predominantly on the upper and lower limbs. The appearance of cases in the region is probably related to the expansion of urban areas occurring in the 1970s and 1980s, a trend which intensified further more recently.
Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical | 2009
Rosina Djunko Miyazaki; Ana Lúcia Maria Ribeiro; Marta Gislene Pignatti; José Holanda Campelo Júnior; Marina Pignati
TDengue is one of the most important arboviruses affecting man and is a serious health problem in tropical areas where climatic conditions are favorable for occurrences of foci of Aedes aegypti. Oviposition traps with added hay infusion were installed at 19 points on the campus of the Federal University of Mato Grosso with the objective of investigating the monthly levels of infestation with the dengue vector and the influence of abiotic factors. The results obtained were compared with the following monthly abiotic data: temperature, relative air humidity and precipitation; and with the number of days for which the traps remained in the field. Rain was the only abiotic factor that influenced the level of infestation of the dengue vector at this location. There were significant differences between the quantities of Aedes aegypti eggs found at different sites within the same study area. The numbers of eggs found at each site over the year did not follow a single distribution pattern.
Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical | 1997
Vania Martins Fontes Del Guercio; Marilú Mendes M. Rocha; Heloisa Helena Barbosa Melles; Virgília C.L. de Lima; Marta Gislene Pignatti
Cases of Brasilian spotted fever (BSF) have been occurred since 1985, in the rural area of Pedreira town, situated 160 km away from the city of São Paulo (longitude 46 degrees 5407, latitude 22 degrees 4421). Aiming at evaluating the prevalence of Brasilian spotted fever in this endemic area, single-serum samples were collected from 473 healthy persons, amongst city-dwellers and the local china industry workers. The obtained samples were tested by indirect immunofluorescence (IFA), in order to determine the antibodies titer for the group of Brasilian spotted fever. Twenty-five (5.3%) were considered positive (titer 3 1:64) and thirty-one (6.5%) were taken as borderline (titer 1:32). The results show a serologically positivity rate similar to other areas, known as endemic ones within the country.
Cadernos Saúde Coletiva | 2013
Hélen Rosane Meinke Curvo; Wanderlei Antonio Pignati; Marta Gislene Pignatti
Cancer in children and adolescents is reported as the second cause of death in the population between 0 and 19 years in Brazil, only behind the accidents. Among environmental factors, in addition to genetic issues, epidemiological studies have linked exposure to pesticides and childhood tumors, especially leukemia. Inside the state of Mato Grosso, the increase in grain cultivation and export has been accompanied by increasing use of pesticides. To analyze the association between the agricultural use of pesticides and cancer morbidity and mortality in children under 20 years, it was conducted ecological study of the average time series of morbidity (2000-2005) and mortality (2000-2006) from cancer at the age 0-19 years and the use of pesticides in municipalities in the state of Mato Grosso. It was observed that the average use of pesticides in the counties showed a statistically significant association for both morbidity (p=0.021), as for mortality (p=0.005) for cancer children and adolescents, with 95% confidence interval. The results indicate that exposure to pesticides is associated with morbidity and mortality from cancer in children and adolescents. It is recommended as a preventive measure to prevent cancer to reduce the intentional use of pesticides.
Saude E Sociedade | 2009
Marly de Cerqueira Vasconcellos; Marta Gislene Pignatti; Wanderlei Antonio Pignati
Os agravos a saude do trabalhador vem, historicamente, acompanhando o crescimento economico e a diversificacao dos processos produtivos. O agronegocio expandiu-se nas ultimas tres decadas no estado de Mato Grosso e nele a intensificacao das atividades do setor pecuario traduziu-se na instalacao de frigorificos, aumento de empregos formais e acidentes de trabalho. Este estudo propos-se a caracterizar os acidentes de trabalho em industrias frigorificas do estado de Mato Grosso no periodo de 2000 a 2005, contextualizando-os com o mercado de trabalho e a insercao da mao de obra, atraves da utilizacao dos indicadores de acidentes de trabalho oriundos das Comunicacoes de Acidentes do Trabalho do Ministerio da Previdencia Social, dados da RAIS, do Ministerio do Trabalho e Emprego, e da PNAD, do IBGE. Os resultados apontaram para o crescimento de postos de trabalho com expressiva rotatividade, diminuicao do salario de admissao (de 2,2 para 2,0 salarios minimos) e a maioria da mao de obra com baixa escolaridade. O setor frigorifico ocupou a segunda posicao na estatistica de doencas e acidentes de trabalho registrados no estado, cuja taxa de incidencia cresceu de 41,2 para 46,5 acidentes de trabalho por mil trabalhadores, com maior incidencia na faixa etaria dos 18 aos 24 anos (49,8 acidentes/mil trabalhadores), atingindo principalmente os trabalhadores ocupados nas principais etapas do processo produtivo. Os resultados sugerem indicios de precarizacao do emprego e condicoes de trabalho na atividade frigorifica e insuficiencia da acao de vigilância/fiscalizacao estatal no setor, bem como baixos investimentos dos empresarios na saude e seguranca do trabalho.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2008
Marta Gislene Pignatti; Sueli Pereira Castro
The human life fragility/resistance taken in the ambiguous/complexity sense suggests an eye to the dynamics of life of specific groups. The study of the community around the Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony of the Social Service Commerce (RPPN Sesc) Pantanal, situated in Joselândia rural district, municipality of Barao de Melgaco - Mato Grosso state - Brasil, 2003 at 2005, used qualitative methods to apprehend the lifestyle of this population, articulating the explanation of the health-ill process with historical, economic and social aspects of the respective community and the singularity of the cure practices that happened on site. It was used historical records, testimonials of residents, population survey, interviews and observations. The results indicate changes in the solidarity bonds among residents at work and at food production. Popular cure practices are frequently used to reduce symptoms and diseases. The fragility/resistance of this specific group is observed while resistance based in solidarity and familiar relations and the fragility in the difficulty of access of work, health services and public equipments.
Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva | 2011
Marta Gislene Pignatti; Reni Aparecida Barsaglini; Giselle Dantas Senna
No processo de envelhecimento populacional, em territorio rural, as redes de apoio social sao fundamentais para a reproducao do grupo que, por forca da tradicao destaca-se a familia como unidade essencial de cooperacao economica e principal fonte de apoio social. As transformacoes no territorio afetam, reciprocamente, as possibilidades desse apoio. No contexto desse artigo, foram enfocados aspectos do apoio social entre familias de campesinos idosos tendo como referencia a nocao de rede social em territorio rural e como universo empirico duas comunidades rurais (Sao Pedro e Retiro Sao Bento), no distrito de Joselândia, municipio de Barao de Melgaco/MT. Trata-se de estudo orientado pela perspectiva socioantropologica, que permitiu apreender os pontos de vista dos sujeitos, valendo-se da abordagem qualitativa. Foram entrevistados 18 idosos, pertencentes a 11 familias, sendo 8 delas de Sao Pedro e 3 de Sao Bento. De modo geral, os moradores idosos entrevistados nao desvinculam a dimensao fisica da terra, da sua simbologia - que e todo o sentido de sua existencia. O parentesco, a amizade e a identidade interligam as pessoas em relacoes de reciprocidade, por diversos motivos, em situacoes cotidianas, chamando a atencao para o papel dos vinculos para a manutencao da saude. As redes de apoio se ampliam, no caso do cuidado com as doencas, e outras sao estabelecidas para o acesso aos servicos de saude. Essa elasticidade/plasticidade da rede para o apoio coaduna-se a nocao de territorialidade pela sua conotacao material e simbolica.