Mercedes Trentini
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
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Featured researches published by Mercedes Trentini.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2002
Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da Silva; Mercedes Trentini
O texto apresenta a narrativa como possibilidade de abordagem para pesquisas na enfermagem, especialmente como tecnica de coleta e analise de dados, destacando seus aspectos teoricos e praticos. Inclui uma revisao do conceito de narrativa, por meio da compreensao dos autores de diferentes areas do conhecimento: filosofia, antropologia, linguistica e enfermagem. Quanto ao aspecto pratico de sua aplicacao na pesquisa, introduz tres diferentes tipos de narrativas, identificadas a partir das historias que as pessoas contam: narrativas breves, narrativas de vivencias e narrativas populares. Inclui, tambem, formas de apresentacao das narrativas em textos cientificos e seu processo de interpretacao. Destaca que as narrativas criam um campo de acao coletiva e permitem aos profissionais de saude a construcao de conhecimento alicercado na experiencia das pessoas.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2006
Mariluci Hautsch Willig; Mercedes Trentini
The study aimed at investigating a theoretical practical experience as well as the prospects concerning care management reported by nursing professionals working at hemodialysis units in Curitiba/Brazil. It is a practice-converging research; information was obtained by means of interviews, and team discussions and reflections during a workshop of educational practice. The approach of Collective Speech was used in order to organize data for the analysis. Research results pointed out the existence of a conflict between care management and care delivery to patients. This would result, according to the nurses, from the excess of administrative tasks, shortage of nursing staff and lack of effective planning.El estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la experiencia teorico-practica y las perspectivas referentes al gerenciamiento del cuidado verbalizadas por los profesionales de enfermeria en que actuan en unidades de hemodialisis de Curitiba. El estudio se configura como convergente-asistencial; las informaciones fueron obtenidas por el metodo de entrevista e por discusiones e reflexiones en grupo durante un taller de practica educativa. El metodo del Discurso Colectivo fue utilizado en la organizacion de los datos para el analisis. Los resultados del estudio apuntaron la existencia de conflicto entre gerenciar el cuidado y prestar el cuidado directo al paciente, resultante, segun la vision de las enfermeras, del exceso de actividades administrativas, del numero inadecuado del personal de enfermeria y de la ausencia de un planeamiento efectivo.
Escola Anna Nery | 2010
Lygia Paim; Mercedes Trentini; Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da Silva; Arlete Arlinda Jochen
Abstract Resumen El artigo objetiva reflexionar acerca de los desafios de lainvestigacion inherentes a las lagunas entre la teoria y la practicaen el area de enfermeria. Una mirada retrospectiva mostroque la investigacion en enfermeria continua siendo desarrolladaprincipalmente por los profesores e estudiantes de los cursosde Postgrados y que, en su mayoria, estas investigacioneshan producido conocimiento teorico sin que se investigue elimpacto que tiene en la practica profesional. La intransferenciade la produccion del conocimiento teorico en los campos deactuacion de la practica de enfermeria requiere el desarrollode proyectos de investigacion centrados en la creacion detecnologias y el establecimiento de estrategias y protocolosadecuados para incorporar de resultados en investigacionesrealizadas. Esta iniciativa de aplicabilidad significa que estosproyectos requieren de la inclusion de los saberes de lapractica.Palabras clave: Investigacion en Enfermeria. Conocimiento.e:Practica Profesional.O artigo objetiva refletir acerca dos desafios da pesquisa inerentes as lacunas entre a teoria e a pratica na area de enfermagem. Um olhar retrospectivo mostrou que a pesquisa em enfermagem continua sendo desenvolvida prioritariamente pelo Corpo Docente e Discente dos cursos de Pos-Graduacao e que, na sua maioria, estas pesquisas tem produzido conhecimento teorico sem que se investigue o impacto na pratica profissional. A nao transportabilidade da producao do conhecimento teorico para os campos de atuacao da pratica de enfermagem requer o desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa focados na construcao de tecnologias, estrategias e protocolos apropriados a incorporacao de achados em investigacoes acumulados. Essa iniciativa de aplicabilidade significa que estes projetos requerem a inclusao dos saberes da pratica.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 1987
Mercedes Trentini
The present study is an attempt to present a process of relationship among theory, research, and practice in nursing. First, the term theory is defined as well as each of the theorys basic elements. Secondly, the concepts of research and practice are discussed in terms of their potential for stemming, testing, and redefining the theory. Thirdly, the concepts of theory, research and practice are presented as a triple spiral which works as a dinamic process. Within this process the theory, research, and practice interact to improve each other.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2012
Mercedes Trentini; Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da Silva
O percurso da construcao do conhecimento e infinito e esta repleto de desafios. O maior desafio dos grupos de pesquisa na enfermagem diz respeito a coparticipacao das instituicoes de saude no campo da pratica assistencial. Na sua maioria, os grupos de pesquisa na enfermagem nao tem vinculo legitimado com os sistemas responsaveis pelas praticas de saude e, esse fato, implica em dificuldade para a transferencia de conhecimentos da academia para a pratica e vice-versa. A origem deste distanciamento pode estar relacionada ao desencontro de interesses e propositos de ambas as partes. Os grupos de pesquisa em universidades centralizam suas atividades no desenvolvimento de conhecimentos, predominantemente abstratos, enquanto que as instituicoes responsaveis pela pratica necessitam de conhecimentos que os orientem para a solucao de problemas em curto prazo, enfrentados em seu cotidiano. Visto deste modo, um dos maiores desafios na atualidade, se constitui na oficializacao da participacao de instituicoes de assistencia a saude, no desenvolvimento e socializacao do conhecimento construido por esses grupos de pesquisa. A concretizacao dessa comunicacao requer por parte dos servicos de saude, uma agenda de pesquisas que indique seus temas de interesse. Neste sentido, a responsabilidade de transferir o conhecimento produzido na pesquisa para a pratica e compartilhada entre os profissionais que atuam no campo da pratica e os pesquisadores. Estes tem o compromisso de construir, em parceria com os profissionais da pratica, dispositivos para proceder esta transferibilidade, fazer pesquisa confiavel, pesquisar temas inerentes a pratica e, sobretudo, estarem atentos as demandas e respostas da pratica de enfermagem. Embora existam inumeras tentativas para transferir o conhecimento produzido nas pesquisas para a pratica de enfermagem, esta ainda se mostra em desarmonia com esse emergir de evidencias teoricas. As tentativas de transferibilidade se intensificaram nos tempos mais recentes e ainda prosseguem desafiantes. Para concretizar tal transferibilidade do conhecimento teorico para a pratica assistencial, ha que se considerar que a migracao do conhecimento nao corresponde simplesmente na transladacao do mesmo, tal qual foi concebido pelos pesquisadores, ele precisa ser reconstruido, ou seja, necessita de um processo de des-abstracao, de modo a torna-lo refinado e ajustavel as condicoes da pratica. Para efetuar o refinamento do conhecimento, os pesquisadores precisam escutar a “voz da pratica”, pois e no campo da pratica que as formulacoes teoricas emergem e precisam a pratica retornar, a fim de serem testadas, absorvidas e incorporadas ou refutadas. Ao refletir desta maneira, a evolucao da enfermagem como profissao depende, necessariamente, do processo de interacao do conhecimento emerso da pratica e do conhecimento construido pela pesquisa. A formacao de grupos de pesquisa envolve tambem atividades tecnico-administrativas que favorecam essa transferibilidade, tais como: prover recursos humanos e materiais suficientes em numero e qualidade, incentivar atitudes de comprometimento com a transferibilidade, tanto individual quanto organizacional, e elaborar um plano de educacao, em longo prazo, para a capacitacao profissional. Alem desses aspectos, ha disponibilidade de metodologias do tipo participativa, a exemplo da pesquisa-acao e a pesquisa convergente-assistencial, que se mostram apropriadas para a simultaneidade da construcao do conhecimento e sua transferencia para a pratica. Outro desafio a ser enfrentado pelos grupos de pesquisa e a superacao da carencia de comunica cao entre grupos afins. Percebe-se que nao ha uma efetiva comunicacao entre os grupos de pesquisa existentes de uma mesma instituicao de ensino na enfermagem e, muito menos, com grupos afins de outras instituicoes. Esta vulnerabilidade dos grupos de pesquisa pode levar cada grupo de pesquisa a se enclausurar e, com isso, visar interesses somente do proprio grupo, circunscritos a seus interesses locais.The route of the construction of knowledge is infinite and full of challenges. The biggest challenge of the research groups in nursing relates to joint participation of health institutions in the field of health care practice. Most of the research groups in nursing have no legitimate connection with the systems responsible for health practices, and this fact implies difficulties for knowledge transfer from academia to practice and vice versa. The origin of this gap may be related to the mismatch of interests and intentions of both parties. The research groups at universities centralize its activities on the development of knowledge, predominantly abstract knowledge, while the institutions are responsible for the practical knowledge and they need to guide this knowledge to solve problems in the short term, faced in their daily routines. Seen this way, one of the biggest challenges today, constitutes the official participation of health care institutions in the development and socialization of knowledge built by these research groups. Achieving this communication requires from each of the parts of health services, a research agenda that indicates their topics of interest. In this sense, the responsibility of transferring the knowledge produced in research to practice is shared among professionals working in the field of practice and research. They are committed to building a partnership with professional the practice, to carry this device and making reliable research, to researching topics related to the practice and, above of all, to be aware of the demands and interests of nursing practice. Although there are plentiful attempts to transfer the knowledge produced in research to the nursing practice, this still shows disharmony with the emerging theoretical evidences. Attempts to transferability intensified in the recent times and is still pursued as challenging. To realize such transferability of theoretical knowledge to practical care, we must consider that migration of knowledge simply does not match the translocation of the same, as it was designed by the researchers, because it needs to be rebuilt and you need a process des-abstraction so as to make it refined and adjustable based on the conditions of the practice. To perform the refinement of knowledge, researchers need to listen to the “voice of the practice” because it is in the field of practice that theoretical formulations emerge and need to return to practice in order to be tested, absorbed and incorporated or rejected. Reflecting this way, the evolution of nursing as a profession depends on the interaction process of knowledge emerged from practice and knowledge built by the research. The formation of research groups also involves technical and administrative activities that promote transferability, such as: providing human and material resources sufficient in number and quality, encouraging attitudes of commitment to portability, both individual and organizational, and develop an education plan in the long run for professional training. Besides these aspects, there is an availability for the type participatory methodologies, such as action research and research convergent-care, which shows suitability for the simultaneous construction of knowledge and its transfer to practice. Another challenge to be faced by research groups is to overcome the lack of communication between groups alike. It is noticed that there is effective communication between the research groups existing in the same educational institution in nursing and, much less, with similar groups from other institutions. This vulnerability of the research groups can take each research group to enclose and thereby target group’s own interests only, restricted to their own local interests. Despite some attempts at building networks in the research in the health area, as has been proposed by CNPq in bidding for research funding, a consistent movement in this direction has not been
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2008
Mercedes Trentini; Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da Silva; Albertina Bonetti; Betina Hörner Schlindwein Meirelles; Eunice Simão; Rita de Cássia Bruno Sandoval
Objetivou-se investigar o conhecimento teorico e pratico dos recem graduados em enfermagem quanto ao cuidado as pessoas em condicoes cronicas. Estudo exploratorio realizado atraves de entrevistas com 31 enfermeiras diplomadas no periodo de 2000 a 2006. A organizacao e a analise foram feitas pelo metodo do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo com auxilio do software Atlas Ti. Quatro ideias centrais foram identificadas: papel dos profissionais de enfermagem no cuidado as pessoas em condicoes cronicas; estrategias para o cuidado; preparo especifico da enfermeira-enfermeiro para cuidar das pessoas em condicoes cronicas; aprendizado adquirido nos cursos de enfermagem referente ao cuidado as pessoas em condicoes cronicas. O conhecimento teorico-pratico dos participantes referente as condicoes cronicas nao reflete, na sua integra, o profissional com o perfil estabelecido pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2012
Mercedes Trentini; Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da Silva
O percurso da construcao do conhecimento e infinito e esta repleto de desafios. O maior desafio dos grupos de pesquisa na enfermagem diz respeito a coparticipacao das instituicoes de saude no campo da pratica assistencial. Na sua maioria, os grupos de pesquisa na enfermagem nao tem vinculo legitimado com os sistemas responsaveis pelas praticas de saude e, esse fato, implica em dificuldade para a transferencia de conhecimentos da academia para a pratica e vice-versa. A origem deste distanciamento pode estar relacionada ao desencontro de interesses e propositos de ambas as partes. Os grupos de pesquisa em universidades centralizam suas atividades no desenvolvimento de conhecimentos, predominantemente abstratos, enquanto que as instituicoes responsaveis pela pratica necessitam de conhecimentos que os orientem para a solucao de problemas em curto prazo, enfrentados em seu cotidiano. Visto deste modo, um dos maiores desafios na atualidade, se constitui na oficializacao da participacao de instituicoes de assistencia a saude, no desenvolvimento e socializacao do conhecimento construido por esses grupos de pesquisa. A concretizacao dessa comunicacao requer por parte dos servicos de saude, uma agenda de pesquisas que indique seus temas de interesse. Neste sentido, a responsabilidade de transferir o conhecimento produzido na pesquisa para a pratica e compartilhada entre os profissionais que atuam no campo da pratica e os pesquisadores. Estes tem o compromisso de construir, em parceria com os profissionais da pratica, dispositivos para proceder esta transferibilidade, fazer pesquisa confiavel, pesquisar temas inerentes a pratica e, sobretudo, estarem atentos as demandas e respostas da pratica de enfermagem. Embora existam inumeras tentativas para transferir o conhecimento produzido nas pesquisas para a pratica de enfermagem, esta ainda se mostra em desarmonia com esse emergir de evidencias teoricas. As tentativas de transferibilidade se intensificaram nos tempos mais recentes e ainda prosseguem desafiantes. Para concretizar tal transferibilidade do conhecimento teorico para a pratica assistencial, ha que se considerar que a migracao do conhecimento nao corresponde simplesmente na transladacao do mesmo, tal qual foi concebido pelos pesquisadores, ele precisa ser reconstruido, ou seja, necessita de um processo de des-abstracao, de modo a torna-lo refinado e ajustavel as condicoes da pratica. Para efetuar o refinamento do conhecimento, os pesquisadores precisam escutar a “voz da pratica”, pois e no campo da pratica que as formulacoes teoricas emergem e precisam a pratica retornar, a fim de serem testadas, absorvidas e incorporadas ou refutadas. Ao refletir desta maneira, a evolucao da enfermagem como profissao depende, necessariamente, do processo de interacao do conhecimento emerso da pratica e do conhecimento construido pela pesquisa. A formacao de grupos de pesquisa envolve tambem atividades tecnico-administrativas que favorecam essa transferibilidade, tais como: prover recursos humanos e materiais suficientes em numero e qualidade, incentivar atitudes de comprometimento com a transferibilidade, tanto individual quanto organizacional, e elaborar um plano de educacao, em longo prazo, para a capacitacao profissional. Alem desses aspectos, ha disponibilidade de metodologias do tipo participativa, a exemplo da pesquisa-acao e a pesquisa convergente-assistencial, que se mostram apropriadas para a simultaneidade da construcao do conhecimento e sua transferencia para a pratica. Outro desafio a ser enfrentado pelos grupos de pesquisa e a superacao da carencia de comunica cao entre grupos afins. Percebe-se que nao ha uma efetiva comunicacao entre os grupos de pesquisa existentes de uma mesma instituicao de ensino na enfermagem e, muito menos, com grupos afins de outras instituicoes. Esta vulnerabilidade dos grupos de pesquisa pode levar cada grupo de pesquisa a se enclausurar e, com isso, visar interesses somente do proprio grupo, circunscritos a seus interesses locais.The route of the construction of knowledge is infinite and full of challenges. The biggest challenge of the research groups in nursing relates to joint participation of health institutions in the field of health care practice. Most of the research groups in nursing have no legitimate connection with the systems responsible for health practices, and this fact implies difficulties for knowledge transfer from academia to practice and vice versa. The origin of this gap may be related to the mismatch of interests and intentions of both parties. The research groups at universities centralize its activities on the development of knowledge, predominantly abstract knowledge, while the institutions are responsible for the practical knowledge and they need to guide this knowledge to solve problems in the short term, faced in their daily routines. Seen this way, one of the biggest challenges today, constitutes the official participation of health care institutions in the development and socialization of knowledge built by these research groups. Achieving this communication requires from each of the parts of health services, a research agenda that indicates their topics of interest. In this sense, the responsibility of transferring the knowledge produced in research to practice is shared among professionals working in the field of practice and research. They are committed to building a partnership with professional the practice, to carry this device and making reliable research, to researching topics related to the practice and, above of all, to be aware of the demands and interests of nursing practice. Although there are plentiful attempts to transfer the knowledge produced in research to the nursing practice, this still shows disharmony with the emerging theoretical evidences. Attempts to transferability intensified in the recent times and is still pursued as challenging. To realize such transferability of theoretical knowledge to practical care, we must consider that migration of knowledge simply does not match the translocation of the same, as it was designed by the researchers, because it needs to be rebuilt and you need a process des-abstraction so as to make it refined and adjustable based on the conditions of the practice. To perform the refinement of knowledge, researchers need to listen to the “voice of the practice” because it is in the field of practice that theoretical formulations emerge and need to return to practice in order to be tested, absorbed and incorporated or rejected. Reflecting this way, the evolution of nursing as a profession depends on the interaction process of knowledge emerged from practice and knowledge built by the research. The formation of research groups also involves technical and administrative activities that promote transferability, such as: providing human and material resources sufficient in number and quality, encouraging attitudes of commitment to portability, both individual and organizational, and develop an education plan in the long run for professional training. Besides these aspects, there is an availability for the type participatory methodologies, such as action research and research convergent-care, which shows suitability for the simultaneous construction of knowledge and its transfer to practice. Another challenge to be faced by research groups is to overcome the lack of communication between groups alike. It is noticed that there is effective communication between the research groups existing in the same educational institution in nursing and, much less, with similar groups from other institutions. This vulnerability of the research groups can take each research group to enclose and thereby target group’s own interests only, restricted to their own local interests. Despite some attempts at building networks in the research in the health area, as has been proposed by CNPq in bidding for research funding, a consistent movement in this direction has not been
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2010
Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da Silva; Sabrina da Silva de Souza; Mercedes Trentini; Albertina Bonetti; Mariza Maria Serafim Mattosinho
The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges faced by the nurses during the first years of their nursing work. A total of 31 novice nurses were included in the sample that answered a questionnaire with open and closed questions. The data analysis was conducted by using the qualitative software called Atlas Ti. The novice nurses deal with some challenges related to: a) leadership team; b) the competence and technique ability. The findings suggested that the nursing novice is not well prepared for assuming a leadership role as well as for caring in the settings of high-complexity. In order to cope those challenges new strategies of education and nursing practice has to be developed together with nurses educators and nurses practitioners.The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges faced by the nurses during the first years of their nursing work. A total of 31 novice nurses were included in the sample that answered a questionnaire with open and closed questions. The data analysis was conducted by using the qualitative software called Atlas Ti. The novice nurses deal with some challenges related to: a) leadership team; b) the competence and technique ability. The findings suggested that the nursing novice is not well prepared for assuming a leadership role as well as for caring in the settings of high-complexity. In order to cope those challenges new strategies of education and nursing practice has to be developed together with nurses educators and nurses practitioners.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2010
Denise Guerreiro Vieira da Silva; Sabrina da Silva de Souza; Mercedes Trentini; Albertina Bonetti; Mariza Maria Serafim Mattosinho
The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges faced by the nurses during the first years of their nursing work. A total of 31 novice nurses were included in the sample that answered a questionnaire with open and closed questions. The data analysis was conducted by using the qualitative software called Atlas Ti. The novice nurses deal with some challenges related to: a) leadership team; b) the competence and technique ability. The findings suggested that the nursing novice is not well prepared for assuming a leadership role as well as for caring in the settings of high-complexity. In order to cope those challenges new strategies of education and nursing practice has to be developed together with nurses educators and nurses practitioners.The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges faced by the nurses during the first years of their nursing work. A total of 31 novice nurses were included in the sample that answered a questionnaire with open and closed questions. The data analysis was conducted by using the qualitative software called Atlas Ti. The novice nurses deal with some challenges related to: a) leadership team; b) the competence and technique ability. The findings suggested that the nursing novice is not well prepared for assuming a leadership role as well as for caring in the settings of high-complexity. In order to cope those challenges new strategies of education and nursing practice has to be developed together with nurses educators and nurses practitioners.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2006
Mariluci Hautsch Willig; Mercedes Trentini
The study aimed at investigating a theoretical practical experience as well as the prospects concerning care management reported by nursing professionals working at hemodialysis units in Curitiba/Brazil. It is a practice-converging research; information was obtained by means of interviews, and team discussions and reflections during a workshop of educational practice. The approach of Collective Speech was used in order to organize data for the analysis. Research results pointed out the existence of a conflict between care management and care delivery to patients. This would result, according to the nurses, from the excess of administrative tasks, shortage of nursing staff and lack of effective planning.El estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la experiencia teorico-practica y las perspectivas referentes al gerenciamiento del cuidado verbalizadas por los profesionales de enfermeria en que actuan en unidades de hemodialisis de Curitiba. El estudio se configura como convergente-asistencial; las informaciones fueron obtenidas por el metodo de entrevista e por discusiones e reflexiones en grupo durante un taller de practica educativa. El metodo del Discurso Colectivo fue utilizado en la organizacion de los datos para el analisis. Los resultados del estudio apuntaron la existencia de conflicto entre gerenciar el cuidado y prestar el cuidado directo al paciente, resultante, segun la vision de las enfermeras, del exceso de actividades administrativas, del numero inadecuado del personal de enfermeria y de la ausencia de un planeamiento efectivo.