Miriam Schenker
Rio de Janeiro State University
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Featured researches published by Miriam Schenker.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2003
Miriam Schenker; Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo
Este artigo apresenta uma revisao critica da literatura sobre a relacao entre adolescencia, familia e uso abusivo de drogas. Discorre sobre a importância da insercao do sintoma drogadiccao no contexto familiar e sociocultural para o entendimento de sua complexidade. A familia e vista como uma das fontes de socializacao primaria do adolescente, juntamente com a escola e o grupo de amigos. As praticas educativas e os estilos de criacao da familia, com seus tres diferentes tipos de controle parental, sao ressaltados porque podem facilitar, ou nao, o uso abusivo de drogas. Os resultados das pesquisas apontam para a importância de se engajar a familia no tratamento do adicto e alguns estudos ampliam o foco para engajar contextos sociais multiplos - familia, amigos, escola, comunidade e sistema legal - no tratamento do adolescente que faz uso abusivo de drogas.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2004
Miriam Schenker; Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo
This article presents a literature review on family and two phases of drug addiction treatment: engagement and treatment itself. Referring to various studies, the article highlights the need for addicts to be treated together with their families in order to achieve satisfactory results. The study points to important socio-cultural issues that influence institutional treatment and emphasizes that treatment of addicts and their families fosters an understanding and basis for effective preventive action.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2006
Romeu Gomes; Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo; Simone Gonçalves de Assis; Kathie Njaine; Miriam Schenker
O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os exitos e os limites de experiencias nacionais na prevencao da violencia e indicar possibilidades de enfrentamento do problema.A pesquisa que da origem ao artigo consistiu em um estudo de caso de nove experiencias, seguindo principios da triangulacao de metodos. Foram aplicados questionarios quantitativos e realizadas entrevistas (individuais e grupais). Os resultados apontam que os principaisexitos relatados sao: informacao para a cidadania; preparacao para o trabalho; envolvimento de criancas e adolescentes em atividades ludicas e educativas e o fortalecimento da auto-estima dos jovens e criancas participantes. As maiores dificuldades das experiencias sao a manutencao financeira e a articulacao de suas propostas com as de outros grupos e instituicoes. O estudo leva a concluir que essas experiencias, ainda que nao sejam as unicas bem-sucedidas no Pais, apontam para um horizonte novo pela forma como atuam, inovando e criando uma praxis diferenciada na abordagem da violencia.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013
Edinilsa Ramos de Souza; Miriam Schenker; Patrícia Constantino; Bruna Soares Chaves Correia
Investiga-se o consumo de substâncias psicoativas entre policiais civis e militares da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados provem de dois estudos seccionais sobre condicoes de trabalho e saude que aplicaram questionario a amostra representativa das duas corporacoes. Os resultados mostram maiores frequencias de consumo regular de tabaco (23,3% dos civis versus 19,1% dos militares), de uso diario de bebida alcoolica (12% dos civis versus 11% dos militares) e de tranquilizantes no ultimo ano (13,3% dos civis e 10,1% dos militares). O consumo de maconha envolveu 0,1% dos policiais civis e 1,1% dos militares, e o uso de cocaina entre os militares foi de 1,1%. O consumo de alcool apresentou-se intenso e acarretando problemas no trabalho e nas relacoes sociais e familiares destes policiais. Ressalta-se a necessidade de politicas publicas preventivas as adiccoes e a possivel subestimacao das informacoes sobre as substâncias ilicitas.This paper addresses the perception of members of the judiciary regarding the introductory deposition. The concept of comprehensive protection was used as a theoretical benchmark. It involves qualitative research, in which the semi-structured interview enabled the production of data, organized according to the content analysis technique, resulting in the following themes: production of evidence; protection; and challenges/needs. A positive perception of the interview was expressed in all themes. It became clear, however, that the culture observed in the judiciary arises as an obstacle to conducting the introductory deposition, since it is necessary to adapt the institution in order to apply the methodology. The enhancement of the physical infrastructure and training of the judiciary clerks are challenges to be overcome for the implementation of the interview as one of the court case procedures involving children and adolescents who are the victims or witnesses of violence.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013
Edinilsa Ramos de Souza; Miriam Schenker; Patrícia Constantino; Bruna Soares Chaves Correia
The consumption of psychoactive substances by civil and military police of the city of Rio de Janeiro was investigated. Data was gathered from two cross-sectional studies on a questionnaire on work and health conditions given to a sample from the two corporations. The results show higher frequencies of regular consumption of tobacco (23.3% by civil police and 19.1% by military police), daily use of alcohol (12% by civil police and 11% by military police) and tranquilizers in the past year (13.3% by civil police and 10.1% by military police). The consumption of marijuana among officers was 0.1% by civil police and 1.1% by military police, and cocaine use among the military police was 1.1%. Alcohol consumption proved to be intense and causes problems at work and in the social and family relationships of these officers. The need for preventive policies for addiction and the possible underestimation of information on illicit substances is emphasized.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2006
Romeu Gomes; Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo; Simone Gonçalves de Assis; Kathie Njaine; Miriam Schenker
The present study analyzes the success of Brazilian experiences engaged in prevention of violence as well as their limitations, and seeks to show ways for a solution of the problem. The investigation underlying this article consisted in a case study of nine experiences, using triangulation of methods. For this purpose, we used questionnaires and interviewed individuals and groups. Successful results were mainly: informed citizenship, work preparation, involvement of children and adolescents in recreating and educative activities, and increased self-esteem of the children and teens involved in the experiences. The greatest difficulties found were the lack of funds and of articulation of proposals with other groups and institutions. These experiences are not the only successful ones carried out in the country, but they point to a new horizon by innovating and creating a different practical approach to violence.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2010
Miriam Schenker
Archive | 2010
Romeu Gomes; Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo; Simone Gonçalves de Assis; Kathie Njaine; Miriam Schenker
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2017
Daniella Harth da Costa; Kathie Njaine; Miriam Schenker
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2016
Francisco I. Bastos; Miriam Schenker