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Featured researches published by Patrícia Constantino.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2005

Perspectivas de prevenção da infração juvenil masculina

Simone Gonçalves de Assis; Patrícia Constantino

O artigo apresenta uma revisao das principais e atuais teorias de prevencao a violencia cometida por adolescentes. Discute como os principais fatores de risco para a infracao direcionam estrategias de prevencao primaria, secundaria e terciaria. Apresenta o perfil dos adolescentes brasileiros em situacao de privacao de liberdade e do atendimento oferecido no Pais em 2002 e aponta algumas iniciativas de prevencao existentes na realidade brasileira. Sao destacadas as areas de prevencao que tem mostrado, atraves de avaliacoes sistematicas, impacto significativo na reducao da infracao cometida por jovens: intervencoes na gravidez e infância precoce para familias em situacao de risco; treinamento para pais; programas de prevencao primaria realizados em escolas e intervencoes precoces para jovens infratores.

Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2007

Riscos percebidos e vitimização de policiais civis e militares na (in)segurança pública

Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo; Edinilsa Ramos de Souza; Patrícia Constantino

This study was based on a larger survey on the socioeconomic, quality-of-life, occupational, and health characteristics of military and civil police in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study triangulated quantitative methods (an anonymous questionnaire in a random sample of clusters involving 46 police units and 2,678 police force members) and qualitative ones (18 focus groups with 143 police force members, 24 individual semi-structured interviews, and field observations). The article specifically approaches the issues of victimization and perceived risks among on-duty and off-duty police. Data were processed and analyzed according to risk-related variables. We performed a content analysis, comparing strata within and between police forces, according to thematic lines. This empirical approach is supported by secondary data analyses. According to our analysis, the police are the greatest victims in the performance of their duties, especially military police and those from both forces involved in direct law enforcement activities. Different variables are associated with risk in the two forces, with an emphasis on work conditions and especially involvement in other activities during their official off-duty time.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2012

Visão ecossistêmica do homicídio

Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo; Patrícia Constantino

Four cities were analyzed in term of homicide rates, namely two Brazilian and two Argentinian cities. In each country, a city with high homicide rates and another with low rates were studied over the same three-year period. The theoretical approach of complex systems was used as it examines the link between the local system in its internal interconnections, the influence of the external environment and psychic engagement, namely the interpenetration between the social system and subjectivities. The emphasis of the study and the comparisons were conducted using qualitative research with observation, the use of interviews and focal groups. The results show that in locations with high or low homicide rates, there is synergy between the external environment (macrosocial and macroeconomic politics), the social system (social organization, local government, community participation) and subjectivity, whether it is in the construction of solidarity or social disintegration. Studies about changes in the violent social systems show that persistent and coordinated actions that articulate economic, social and educational investments as measures to prevent and restrain homicides have a positive impact in historical terms.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013

Consumo de substâncias lícitas e ilícitas por policiais da cidade do Rio de Janeiro

Edinilsa Ramos de Souza; Miriam Schenker; Patrícia Constantino; Bruna Soares Chaves Correia

Investiga-se o consumo de substâncias psicoativas entre policiais civis e militares da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados provem de dois estudos seccionais sobre condicoes de trabalho e saude que aplicaram questionario a amostra representativa das duas corporacoes. Os resultados mostram maiores frequencias de consumo regular de tabaco (23,3% dos civis versus 19,1% dos militares), de uso diario de bebida alcoolica (12% dos civis versus 11% dos militares) e de tranquilizantes no ultimo ano (13,3% dos civis e 10,1% dos militares). O consumo de maconha envolveu 0,1% dos policiais civis e 1,1% dos militares, e o uso de cocaina entre os militares foi de 1,1%. O consumo de alcool apresentou-se intenso e acarretando problemas no trabalho e nas relacoes sociais e familiares destes policiais. Ressalta-se a necessidade de politicas publicas preventivas as adiccoes e a possivel subestimacao das informacoes sobre as substâncias ilicitas.This paper addresses the perception of members of the judiciary regarding the introductory deposition. The concept of comprehensive protection was used as a theoretical benchmark. It involves qualitative research, in which the semi-structured interview enabled the production of data, organized according to the content analysis technique, resulting in the following themes: production of evidence; protection; and challenges/needs. A positive perception of the interview was expressed in all themes. It became clear, however, that the culture observed in the judiciary arises as an obstacle to conducting the introductory deposition, since it is necessary to adapt the institution in order to apply the methodology. The enhancement of the physical infrastructure and training of the judiciary clerks are challenges to be overcome for the implementation of the interview as one of the court case procedures involving children and adolescents who are the victims or witnesses of violence.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013

Estresse ocupacional em mulheres policiais

Cláudia de Magalhães Bezerra; Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo; Patrícia Constantino

The scope of this study is occupational stress among female police officers in Rio de Janeiro. A qualitative approach was initially used (interviews, focal groups and observations) to establish their perceptions regarding gender differences in the performance of police work, the relationship between occupational stress and health issues and the strategies used to mitigate this type of stress. A total of 42 participants including female officers and staff and operational and health professionals were involved. The participants link stress to their daily work, cite a number of symptoms and show how family relationships are affected. Stress originates primarily from work management and organizational issues. Gender discrimination and harassment are also perceived as stressors. Psychic suffering is greater among officers in commanding roles, and operational activities are perceived as more stressful due to the risks involved. Physical exercise is seen as the most effective strategy to mitigate the consequences of stress. The conclusions drawn are that, there is a need for organizational and managerial change from the perspective of gender and investment in preventive measures that can reduce the consequences of stress within the Rio de Janeiro police force.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013

Consumption of licit and illicit substances by police officers in the city of Rio de Janeiro

Edinilsa Ramos de Souza; Miriam Schenker; Patrícia Constantino; Bruna Soares Chaves Correia

The consumption of psychoactive substances by civil and military police of the city of Rio de Janeiro was investigated. Data was gathered from two cross-sectional studies on a questionnaire on work and health conditions given to a sample from the two corporations. The results show higher frequencies of regular consumption of tobacco (23.3% by civil police and 19.1% by military police), daily use of alcohol (12% by civil police and 11% by military police) and tranquilizers in the past year (13.3% by civil police and 10.1% by military police). The consumption of marijuana among officers was 0.1% by civil police and 1.1% by military police, and cocaine use among the military police was 1.1%. Alcohol consumption proved to be intense and causes problems at work and in the social and family relationships of these officers. The need for preventive policies for addiction and the possible underestimation of information on illicit substances is emphasized.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013

Percepção do risco entre policiais civis de diferentes territórios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Patrícia Constantino; Adalgisa Peixoto Ribeiro; Bruna Soares Chaves Correia

Objetiva-se identificar a percepcao de risco dos policiais civis do Estado do Rio de Janeiro a partir de suas areas de atuacao: Capital, Interior e Baixada Fluminense, analisando de forma comparativa a vitimizacao desses policiais. Trata-se de um estudo transversal que usou a triangulacao de metodos. A pesquisa quantitativa investigou 533 policiais na Capital; 159 no Interior e 222 na Baixada Fluminense; a abordagem qualitativa contou com 17 entrevistas com delegados e 15 grupos focais nas tres areas. Os resultados indicam que as percepcoes de risco dos policiais e as estrategias que usam para minimiza-los sao caracteristicas que os unem. Apesar do seu carater universal o risco ganha gradientes diferenciados em relacao a funcao e ao territorio de atuacao. Na Capital estao mais expostos ao risco pelo maior confronto com a criminalidade, menor valorizacao do policial pela populacao, mas por outro lado, nessa area existe maior apoio operacional da corporacao. Ao contrario da percepcao, a vitimizacao esta relacionada ao territorio de acao: 67,8% dos policiais da Capital, 13,7% da Baixada e 9,7% do Interior foram vitimizados no ultimo ano. Espera-se que as analises subsidiem a gestao para o apoio tecnico e a assistencia a saude dos policiais, considerando as especificidades do trabalho nos diversos territorios.

Burnout for Experts: Prevention in the Context of Living, 2013, ISBN 978-1-4614-4390-2, págs. 89-98 | 2013

Burnout Aspects of Physical and Mental Health Conditions

Patrícia Constantino; Edinilsa Ramos de Souza; Simone Gonçalves de Assis; Bruna Soares Chaves Correia

The chapter presents burnout aspects of the physical and mental health conditions of 1,845 civilian and military police officers who act within operational sectors in the State of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil. The research was carried out by the Latin American Center for Violence and Health Studies of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. The results demonstrate that specific professions, such as police officers, are vulnerable to developing burnout syndrome. Analysis has shown that 7.1 % of the civilians and 16.6 % of the military police officers present with professional distress (p < 0.001), including psychic suffering and low professional awareness. Considering only the psychological suffering, 18.2 % of the civilian and 39.8 % of the military police officers presented with this mental health problem. Those data indicate that the police officers are vulnerable to developing burnout syndrome.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2016

O impacto da prisão na saúde mental dos presos do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Patrícia Constantino; Simone Gonçalves de Assis; Liana Wernersbach Pinto

UNLABELLED The aim of this article is to assess the mental health status of inmates and people in custody in the state of Rio de Janeiro and the association between mental health and imprisonment using the Beck Depression Inventory and the Lipp Stress Symptom Inventory for Adults. SAMPLE 1,573 individuals, via stratified sampling with probability proportional to size. STUDY POPULATION more than half have up to 29 years old; 70.6% were black/brown; 77.4% had strong family ties; 42.9% had been incarcerated for under a year; and 22,9% performed work tasks in prison. Stress: 35.8% of men and 57.9% of women. Factors associated with stress among men: length of time in prison and family ties. Male prisoners who had been in prison for between 1 and 9 years are 0.55 times less likely to experience stress symptoms than those who had been in prison for less than a year; those with regular/weak family ties are more likely to experience stress than those with strong ties. Women with only regular/weak family ties are more likely to experience stress; work tasks performed in prison was a protective factor. Depression: 7.5% of women and 6.3% of men. Among men, practicing a religion, maintaining strong family ties, and performing prison work tasks are protective factors. Among women, an association was found between depression and family ties.The aim of this article is to assess the mental health status of inmates and people in custody in the state of Rio de Janeiro and the association between mental health and imprisonment using the Beck Depression Inventory and the Lipp Stress Symptom Inventory for Adults. Sample: 1,573 individuals, via stratified sampling with probability proportional to size. Study population: more than half have up to 29 years old; 70.6% were black/brown; 77.4% had strong family ties; 42.9% had been incarcerated for under a year; and 22,9% performed work tasks in prison. Stress: 35.8% of men and 57.9% of women. Factors associated with stress among men: length of time in prison and family ties. Male prisoners who had been in prison for between 1 and 9 years are 0.55 times less likely to experience stress symptoms than those who had been in prison for less than a year; those with regular/weak family ties are more likely to experience stress than those with strong ties. Women with only regular/weak family ties are more likely to experience stress; work tasks performed in prison was a protective factor. Depression: 7.5% of women and 6.3% of men. Among men, practicing a religion, maintaining strong family ties, and performing prison work tasks are protective factors. Among women, an association was found between depression and family ties.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2016

Sofrimento psíquico e estresse no trabalho de agentes penitenciários: uma revisão da literatura

Cláudia de Magalhães Bezerra; Simone Gonçalves de Assis; Patrícia Constantino

This article presents a review of literature based on a survey of national and international journals on psychological distress and stress in the work of correctional officers between 2000 and 2014. The databases used were the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Web of Science, and Scopus, and the descriptors were psychological distress, stress and correctional officers. We analyzed 40 articles, mainly about stress. The concept of burnout appeared in several works. The United States is the country that most publishes on the subject. There is little interest about the subject in the journals of Public Health. In Latin America we found only four studies, all Brazilian. The number of publications has gradually intensified over the years, and there was methodological improvement in the development and assessment scales, mainly regarding stress and burnout. Work overload, lack of material and human resources, level of contact with the inmates, overcrowding, perceptions of fear or danger, and the paradox of punish / reeducate were some of the risk factors encountered, among others. The protective factors refer to social support within the prison environment, and the coping strategies are related to the improvement of officer training, stimulating social support, and offering psychological care.


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Miriam Schenker

Rio de Janeiro State University

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