Norbert Berthold
University of Würzburg
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Featured researches published by Norbert Berthold.
German Economic Review | 2002
Norbert Berthold; Rainer Fehn; Eric Thode
Abstract The literature on unemployment has mostly focused on labor market issues while the impact of capital formation is largely neglected. Job creation is often thought to be a matter of encouraging more employment on a given capital stock. In contrast, this paper explicitly deals with the long-run consequences of institutional shocks on capital formation and employment. It is shown that the usual tradeoff between employment and wages disappears in the long run. In line with an appropriation model, the estimated values for the long-run elasticities of substitution between capital and labor for Germany and France are substantially greater than one.
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik | 2001
Norbert Berthold; Stefan Drews; Eric Thode
Abstract This paper deals with the system of fiscal federalism (Finanzausgleich) in Germany and its effects on macroeconomic growth. The maze of both transfers from federal government to the states (vertikaler Finanzausgleich) and interregional transfers between the states (horizontaler Finanzausgleich) is revealed and how the growth rates of the GDP developed. Econometric analysis show the negative impact on growth. This is due to both vertical and horizontal redistribution because of the massive negative incentives of the system. States contributing to and even those obtaining from the current system could benefit from changes.
Real Wage Rigidities, Fiscal Policy, and the Stability of EMU in the Transition Phase | 1999
Eric Thode; Norbert Berthold; Rainer Fehn
EMU started with eleven member countries as scheduled on January 1, 1999. The paper shows that the primacy of politics over economics in this decision could have serious consequences concerning the stability of EMU in the transition phase. Speculative attacks against currencies which are in economic distress due to asymmetric shocks can still happen. A speculative attack as such cannot force a country out of EMU. However, the country concerned might voluntarily decide to leave the system as the costs of staying inside EMU, e.g., due to further rising unemployment, become too large to bear.
List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik | 2005
Norbert Berthold; Holger Fricke; Matthias Kullas
ZusammenfassungDas gegenwärtige System der WirtschaftsfŐrderung in den neuen Bundesländern ist nicht nur teuer, sondern auch ineffizient: Eine Konvergenz ist kaum noch zu beobachten, ökonometrischen Studien zufolge sind Maßnahmen der Investirionsfbrderung und aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik wenig wirksam, und mit Infrastrukturmängeln ist kaum noch zu erklären, weshalb der Osten nicht aufholt. Ursachenadäquate Reformen müssten die neuen Bundesländer aus dem starren bundesrepublikanischen Regelungsrahmen befreien. So könnten Landesregierungen Investitionshindernisse beseitigen und eine individuelle Positionierung im Standortwettbewerb vornehmen. Die neuen Bundesländer sollten Transfers nicht im Rahmen bundesweiter Systeme erhalten, die nicht auf die Erfordernisse einer rückständigen und aufholwilligen Őkonomie zugeschnitten sind, sondern pauschal und zur freien Verfügung. Im Gegenzug könnte das Transfervolumen rascher als bisher vorgesehen abgeschmolzen werden. Dies erscheint folgerichtig, sind die neuen Bundesländer nach solchen Reformschritten doch eher in der Lage, sich selbst zu helfen.AbstractThe current system set up to boost the economy in eastern Germany turns out to be expensive and little efficient: There is hardly any convergence to perceive. Active labour market policy reveals poor effects, the same as the attempts to foster investments, and infrastructure doesn’t seem to be a major growth obstacle any more. Reforms aimed at the causes of the poor economic performance should let the east German laender out of Germany’s rigid institutional framework. This would enable the east German laender to remove investment obstacles. As locational competition becomes harder, they could reach for a unique competitive position. The transfers to east Germany’s laender shouldn’t be paid within the federal systems, which are poorly suitable for an economy supposed to catch up. Lump-sum payments at the laender’s free disposal are more appropriate. As east Germany’s laender obtain the means to help themselves, transfers can be reduced more quickly.
Archive | 1997
Norbert Berthold; Rainer Fehn
The Federal Republic of Germany has a long tradition of social policy. Social policy in Germany was restricted to safety regulations for workers until the second half of the last century. However, a milestone in this development was the buildup of a state-organized social security system in the 1880s by Chancellor Bismarck. Health and accident insurance for workers were started in 1883 and in 1884, respectively, whereas pension insurance for workers was installed in 1889. In 1911, pension insurance for employees was added. The public social security system was further extended during the Weimar Republic (1919–1932) and completed by the installation of an unemployment insurance system in 1927 before the start of the Great Depression. Apart from the further extension of safety regulations for workers, several new social policies were added during this time: labor market policy (autonomous and collective wage negotiations, state-run job counseling and placement services, etc.), codetermination rights, public welfare, and housing policy. After the Second World War, the already existing social policies (safety regulations for workers, social security, codetermination rights, public welfare, and housing policy) were not only preserved and enforced, family, education, and redistribution policies were also added.
Perspektiven Der Wirtschaftspolitik | 2001
Norbert Berthold
Abstract Persistently high unemployment is still the most urgent problem confronting policymakers in many continental European countries. Policymakers were not idle but their activities often treated the symptoms rather than the real causes of the malaise in labor markets. A prerequisite for solving the unemployment problem is pushing for more competition in all markets, but in particular in the labor market. However, lack of competition allows insiders to capture rents, thus making them opposed to a rigorous competitive policy approach. It is often suggested that corporatism would be an alternative and possibly even superior solution, i.e., tripartist agreements involving unions, employer associations and the government. The paper argues that this is not the case. Rather, corporatism leads to even less competition and opens additional channels for externalizing the burden of adjustment to exogenous shocks on future generations and on taxpayers at large via the social security system. Globalization might in contrast help to overcome the problem because there are fewer rents to be captured by insiders, and more open goods and factor markets make labor demand more elastic, thus enforcing more moderate wage setting and more flexible wage structures.
Archive | 1998
Norbert Berthold; Eric Thode
Das Wort Globalisierung ist in aller Munde. Der technische Fortschritt im Bereich des Transportwesens und der Kommunikation hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark dazu beigetragen, das Guter und Dienstleistungen schneller und billiger uber Landergrenzen hinweg ausgetauscht werden konnen. So sind beispielsweise die Kosten fur Luft-und Seefracht seit den zwanziger Jahren auf rund 20% gesunken. Ein dreiminutiges Telefongesprach von New York nach London verbilligte sich im Zeitraum von 1930 bis 1990 von 250 US
Archive | 2006
Norbert Berthold; Holger Fricke
(in Preisen von 1990) auf 3.32 US
Review of World Economics | 1999
Norbert Berthold; Rainer Fehn; Eric Thode
. Andere Technologien, durch die eine weitreichende weltwirtschaftliche Integration uberhaupt erst moglich wurde, standen vor einigen Jahrzehnten uberhaupt noch nicht zur Verfugung, wie z.B. die Kommunikation uber Satelliten oder die Informationsverarbeitung mit Personal Computern. 1 Daneben haben politische Initiativen dafur gesorgt, das Handelsschranken abgebaut worden sind und somit der wirtschaftlichen Verflechtung der Volkswirtschaften zusatzlicher Vorschub geleistet worden ist. Dies alles hat dazu gefuhrt, das der Handel mit Waren und Dienstleistungen zugenommen hat und das Real-und Finanzkapital sowie Arbeit mobiler geworden sind. So konnte es gelingen, das Welthandelsvolumen nach der Weltwirtschaftskrise und den beiden Weltkriegen wieder auf das Niveau zu Beginn dieses Jahrhunderts zu heben.
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik | 2003
Norbert Berthold; Michael Neumann
Der Koalitionsvertrag von CDU/CSU und SPD als Arbeitsgrundlage fur die neue Bundesregierung lasst viele Wunsche offen. Immerhin: Die beteiligten Parteien wollen die bundesstaatliche Ordnung reformieren. Damit stehen die Chancen nicht schlecht, dass es erstmals seit der letzten grosen Koalition Ende der 1960er Jahre wieder zu einer nennenswerten Reform der foderalen Ordnung kommt. Es ist zu wunschen, dass die politischen Akteure bei einer solchen Neuordnung der bundesstaatlichen Beziehungen einen ausreichend grosen Schritt wagen.