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Journal of Applied Animal Research | 2009

Factors Influencing the Shape of Lactation Curve and Persistency of Holstein Friesian Cows in High Altitude of Eastern Turkey

Olcay Güler; Mete Yanar

Abstract Güler, O. and Yanar, M. 2009. Factors influencing the shape of lactation curve and persistency of Holstein Friesian cows in high altitude of Eastern Turkey. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 35: 39–44. Data on 371 lactation records pertaining to Holstein Friesian cows reared in high altitude and harsh climatic conditions of Eastern Turkey were analyzed to study the effects of different non-genetic factors on the shape of lactation curve and persistency measures. Calving season affected significantly (P<0.01) a, b, c as well as Tomax, PII/PI and CV from measures of persistency, while days in milk (DIM) at peak yield, peak yield (Ymax) and S were not influenced by calving season. Calving year also affected (P<0.05) DIM at peak yield and a, b, c, S, PII/PI and CV (P<0.01). The significant and positive phenotypic correlation of peak yield with 305 DIM yield suggested that Ymax could be used as a selection criterion to improve milk yield of Holstein Friesian cows reared in high altitude of Eastern Turkey.

Journal of Applied Animal Research | 2009

Determination of the Factors Affecting Live Weight Gain Using Factor Analysis and Stepwise Regression Model

H. Bayram Işık; Yavuz Topcu; Olcay Güler

Abstract Isik, H.B., Topcu, Y. and Guler, O. 2009. Determination of the factors affecting live weight gain using factor analysis and stepwise regression model. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 35: 161–164. To examine the most important factors on weight gains of Brown Swiss (BS) and Holstein Friesian (HF) calves using factor and stepwise regression analyses 53 BS and 41 HF calves were observed from parturition to six months of age. The results showed that physical characteristics, feeding type, gender and breed all played an important role on weight gains of calves.

Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2007

Growth performance, health and behavioural characteristics of Brown Swiss calves fed a limited amount of acidified whole milk

Bahri Bayram; Mete Yanar; Olcay Güler; Jale Metin

Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare performances of 27 Brown Swiss calves (13 male, 14 female) fed acidified whole milk (AM) or sweet whole milk (SM) at 8% of birth weight during 35 days. Daily body weight gains of calves that consumed AM were similar to those for calves fed SM. Overall feed efficiency ratio of AM-fed calves was also similar to those of SM-fed calves. Calf faecal consistency score and percent days with scours (P<0.01) of calves that consumed AM were significantly lower than those offered SM. Some of the behavioural traits such as frequency of daily meals of milk and total time spent consuming milk of calves consuming AM were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of calves fed SM. On the other hand, number of days that assistance was needed to drink milk from open pail for AM-fed calves was higher (P<0.01) than that of calves that consumed SM. The results obtained in this study suggested that feeding AM decreased incidence of scours in young Brown Swiss calves without decreasing growth and feed efficiency.

Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology | 2018

Erzurum İli Narman İlçesi Sığır Yetiştiricilerinin Sığır Besleme Tercihleri

Abdulkerim Diler; Rıdvan Koçyiğit; Mete Yanar; Recep Aydin; Olcay Güler

Bu arastirma, sigir yetistiricilerinin sigir besleme ve yemleme aliskanliklarini ortaya koymak amaciyla Erzurum Ili Narman Ilcesi’nde yapilmistir. Bu amacla Narman ilce ve koylerinde 208 isletme sahibiyle anket calismasi yapilarak veriler elde edilmistir. Arastirmada elde edilen bulgulara gore yetistiricilerin % 80.8’inin yem bitkisi uretimi yaptigi saptanmistir. Bu isletmelerde cogunlukla yonca (% 61.5) ve arpa (% 60.1) uretimi yapildigi belirlenmistir. Ancak onemli kaba yem kaynagi olan silajlik misir uretimi dusuk duzeyde (% 7.7) yapilmaktadir. Mera kullanim orani % 96.2 olup genellikle Mayis (% 47.5) veya Haziran (% 37) aylarinda meraya cikis gerceklesmektedir. Meradan yararlanma sureleri ise 3 ay (% 31) veya 4 ay (% 68) olarak belirlenmistir. Isletmelerin % 41’inin yaylaya cikma imkâni oldugu, Mayis-Haziran aylarinda yaylalara ciktiklari ve cogunlukla 4 ay (% 43) kaldiklari tespit edilmistir. Isletmelerde kullanilan kaba yem kaynaklarinda bugday-arpa samani (% 27) ilk sirayi alir iken bunu kuru yonca (% 21) ve kuru cayir otu (%16) takip etmektedir. Silaj ise dusuk duzeyde (% 7) kullanilmaktadir. Isletmelerde kesif yem olarak genellikle arpa kirmasi (% 34), besi yemi (% 23) ve sut yemi (% 22) kullanilmaktadir. Ilcede meranin islah edilerek, aktif kullanimi, yem bitkileri uretimi ve ozellikle misir silaji uretiminin arttirilmasi gerekli gorulmektedir. Ayrica tarimsal yayim hizmetlerinin kirsal alanlarda yogunlastirilmasi yetistiriciler icin faydali olacaktir.

Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi | 2017

Sığırcılık İşletmelerinin Barınak Özellikleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma; Erzurum İli Narman İlçesi Örneği

Olcay Güler; Recep Aydin; Abdulkerim Diler; Mete Yanar; Rıdvan Koçyiğit; Ahmet Maraşli

Bu calisma Erzurum ili Narman ilcesinde bulunan sigir barinaklarina iliskin yapisal ozelliklerin belirlenmesi, mevcut sorunlari ve cozum onerilerini ortaya koymak amaciyla yapilmistir. Bu amacla Narman ilce ve koylerinde 208 isletme sahibiyle yuz yuze anket yapilarak veriler elde edilmistir. Isletmelerde yer alan barinaklarin % 55.3’u klasik bagli duraksiz, % 38.5’i bagli durakli, % 6.3’u ise serbest durakli kapali sistem karakterindedir. Soz konusu barinaklarin ortalama kapasitesi 38 bas ve barinak yasi ortalama 17.1 yil olarak belirlenmistir. Sigircilik isletmelerinin % 55.3’unun ahir duvarlarinda tas yapi malzemesi, ahir tabaninda % 43.8 beton, cati ortu malzemesi olarak % 48.1 oraninda sac, yemliklerde ise % 48.1’i ahsap yapi malzemesi kullanmislardir. Ahirlarin sadece % 6.3’unde yem yolu, % 47.5’sinde 2 adet pencere ve % 45.7’sinde 1 adet, % 40.0’inda ise 2 adet baca bulunmaktadir. Isletme barinaklarinin % 91.3’unde dogum bolmesi bulunmadigi, % 88.5’inde dana, duve ve inek cagindaki hayvanlarin ayni ahirda barindirildigi, % 78.8’inde yataklik kullanildigi ve yataklik cesidi olarak ilk sirada % 87.8 oraninda kuru gubrenin kullanildigi tespit edilmistir. Isletmelerin % 76.9’unda gubrenin ahir yakininda acikta depolandigi, % 53.4’unde gubrenin tarlada gubre olarak, % 38.0’inde yakacak olarak kullanildigi belirlenmistir. Narman ilcesinde ahir tipleri, havalandirma ve gubreleme gibi problemlerin cozumu icin egitim ve tesvike ihtiyac vardir.

Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi | 2017

Esmer ve Siyah Alaca Sağmal İnekler ile Düvelerde İki Farklı Yemleme Programının Karşılaştırılması

Olcay Güler; Naci Tüzemen; Mete Yanar; Binali Çomaklı; Mustafa Tan; Ömer Akbulut; Jale Metin; Recep Aydin; Rıdvan Koçyiğit

Bu calismanin amaclari, 2 farkli yemleme programinin; i) 20 adet Siyah Alaca ve 20 adet Esmer sigirda 144 gunluk deneme suresince sut verimi ve kompozisyonu ile duyusal ozellikleri uzerine etkilerini 1. denemede degerlendirmek, ii) 18 adet Esmer ve 14 adet Siyah Alaca duvenin 90 gun boyunca gelisme performanslarini 2. denemede karsilastirmaktir. Birinci denemede, yemleme programlari [(i) misir silaji (25.0 kg/bas/gun) ile sinirli miktarda kuru ot (5.0 kg/bas/gun) ve 4.5 kg/bas/gun kesif yem (MS yemleme programi); (ii) kuru ot (10,0 kg/bas/gun) ve 4.5 kg/bas/gun kesif yem (KO yemleme programi)] gunluk sut verimi ile sut yagi, kuru madde ve yagsiz kuru madde oranlarini onemli derecede etkilememistir. Farkli yemleme programlarinin sutun duyusal ozellikleri uzerine etkileri onemli olmayip, silaj iceren rasyonla yapilan yemleme, sutun duyusal ozellikleri uzerine herhangi bir olumsuz etkiye neden olmamistir. Ikinci denemede, DMS yemleme programindaki [misir silaji (10.0 kg/bas/gun) ile sinirli miktarda kuru ot (2.0 kg/bas/gun) ve 2.0 kg/ bas/gun kesif yem] duveler, DKO programindakilere [kuru ot (6.0 kg/bas/gun) ve 2.0 kg/bas/gun kesif yem] gore % 49.7 oraninda daha yuksek toplam canli agirlik artisi saglamislardir. DMS yemleme programindaki duvelerin ortalama yemden yararlanma oranlari onemli olcude daha iyi bulunmustur. Sonuc olarak, incelenen her iki yemleme programi Esmer ve Siyah Alaca ineklerin gunluk sut verimi ile sutun kompozisyonu ve duyusal ozellikleri uzerine onemli etkilerde bulunmazken, DMS yemleme programi duveler icin tavsiye edilmistir.

Indian Journal of Animal Research | 2015

Effect of doses of direct-fed microbials plus exogenous fibrolytic enzymes supplementation on growth, feed efficiency ratio and fecal consistency index of brown swiss and holstein Friesian Calves

R. Kocyigit; R. Aydin; Mete Yanar; Olcay Güler; A. Diler; Naci Tüzemen; M. Avci; S. Ozyurek; E. Hirik; D. Kabakci

The objectives of this study were to compare the effect of different doses of direct-fed microbials (DFM) plus exogenous fibrolytic enzymes (EFE) additives on the growth performance, feed efficiency ratio and fecal consistency index of Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian calves. Twenty six calves were assigned to three groups (control, 10 g and 20 g per head/day of DFM plus EFE) according to breeds. Calves in 10 g per head/day of DFM plus EFE group in pre- and post-weaning periods had 20.0% and 6.3% higher total weight gains than calves in the control group respectively. However, the effects of breeds and dosages of the supplement on the weights, weight gains and feed efficiency ratios were not significant. Average fecal consistency score of the calves fed a diet supplemented with 10 g head/day of DFM plus EFE had the lowest score (P<0.01) (i.e., less scouring) compared to other treatment groups in pre-weaning period as well as between birth and 6 months of age. The study revealed that the feeding of DFM plus EFE to dairy calves until 6 months of age did not result in statistically significant improvement on the growth traits and feed efficiency ratio. On the other hand, the dose of 10 g head/day of the DFM plus EFE additives might be beneficial for reducing incidence of diarrhea in dairy calves.

Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture | 2006

Growth Performance Characteristics of Holstein Friesian Calves Fed Early and Late Cut Meadow Hay / Erken ve Geç Biçilmiş Çayır Otu ile Beslenen Siyah Alaca Danaların Büyüme Performansı Özellikleri

Ömer Menteşe; Leyla Turgut; Olcay Güler; Mete Yanar; Naci Tüzemen; Mustafa Tan; Binali Çomaklı

Bu calisma, disi Siyah Alaca danalarin buyume performansi uzerine erken veya gec ciceklenme doneminde bicilen cayir otu ile beslemenin etkisini belirlemek uzere yurutulmustur. Bu amacla 8-10 aylik yaslarda 12 adet disi Siyah Alaca dana 129 gun sure ile beslenmistir. Cayir otu bicim zamaninin, erken bicim uygulamasi lehine olmak uzere buyume performansi ve yemden yararlanma orani bakimindan onemli etki yaptigi belirlenmistir. Erken bicilmis cayir otu ile beslenen buzagilar, gec bicilmis ot verilen buzagilardan 17.5 kg daha fazla toplam canli agirlik artisi yapmislardir. Bir kg canli agirlik artisi icin tuketilen erken bicim cayir otu miktari gec bicilen ot ile beslenenlerden 1.725 kg daha azdir. Dogu Anadolu Bolgesinde yetistirilen disi Siyah Alaca danalarda daha iyi bir buyume performansi ve yemden yararlanma degeri saglanmasi bakimindan, erken ciceklenme doneminde cayir otu uretiminin tavsiye edilebilecegi sonucuna varilmistir.

Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture | 2006

Determination of Linear Regression Models for Estimation of Body Weights of Eastern Anatolian Red Cattle / Doğu Anadolu Kırmızısı Sığırlarında Vücut Ağırlıklarının Tahmini İçin Doğrusal Regresyon Modellerinin Belirlenmesi

Abdülkadir Özlütürk; Sinan Kopuzlu; Olcay Güler; Mete Yanar

ABSTRACT: The study was conducted to develop linear regression models for prediction of body weights of Eastern Anatolian Red cattle from various body measurements taken at birth, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 months of ages and at mature cows that were older than 24 months of age. Among the body measurements, hearth girth resulted in highly significant (P<0.01) and the highest correlation coefficients with body weights. It was concluded that the models including heart girth alone could be used to predict precisely body weights of Eastern Anatolian Red cattle. Additionally, body weights at different ages were also predicted by using the linear regression models and results were tabulated and presented in the tables for practical purpose. Key words: Body Measurements, Body weights, Eastern Anatolian Red, Cattle. Dogu Anadolu Kirmizisi Sigirlarinda Vucut Agirliklarinin Tahmini Icin Dogrusal Regresyon Modellerinin Belirlenmesi OZET: Bu calisma, Dogu Anadolu Kirmizisi irki 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 aylik hayvanlarindan ve ergin ineklerden alinan cesitli vucut olculerinden bu hayvanlarin canli agirliklarini tahminleyen dogrusal regresyon modellerini belirlemek icin yurutulmustur. Vucut olculeri arasinda, gogus cevresinin vucut agirliklari ile cok onemli (P<0.01) ve yuksek duzeyde bir iliskiye neden oldugu belirlenmistir. Tek basina gogus cevresinin dahil edildigi modellerin Dogu Anadolu Kirmizisi sigirlarda vucut agirliklarinin dogru bir sekilde tahmin edilmesinde kullanilabilecegi sonucuna varilmistir. Ayrica, degisik yaslardaki canli agirliklar, belirlenen dogrusal regresyon modelleri kullanilarak tahminlenmis ve sonuclar pratikte kullanim amaciyla tablolar halinde sunulmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler : Vucut Olculeri, Vucut Agirliklari, Dogu Anadolu Kirmizisi, Sigir.

South African Journal of Animal Science | 2006

Performance and health of dairy calves fed limited amounts of acidified milk replacer

Olcay Güler; Mete Yanar; Bahri Bayram; Jale Metin


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Bahri Bayram

Gümüşhane University

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Mustafa Tan

United States Department of Agriculture

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