Naci Tüzemen
Atatürk University
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Featured researches published by Naci Tüzemen.
Meat Science | 2004
Abdülkadir Özlütürk; Naci Tüzemen; Mete Yanar; Nurinisa Esenbuga; Ensar Dursun
Comparisons were made among calves sired by Charolais (C), Simmental (S) and Eastern Anatolian Red (EAR) breeds of bulls for fattening, carcass and meat quality traits when mated to EAR dams. C- and S-sired calves had 43.1% and 36.4% higher daily weight gain, 44.5% and 43.9% heavier final weight in fattening, respectively. Calves produced by C sires had best feed efficiency value (6.51 vs. 7.44 and 7.22) compared to the S and EAR sire breed groups. Carcasses of C- and S-sired calves had heavier weight, higher dressing percentage and greater Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle area than those of EAR-sired calves. USDA yield grades were lower (P<0.01) for carcasses from C and S sires, and highest for carcasses from EAR calves. C-sired calves received higher (P<0.01) ratings for panel tenderness score, lower shear force value and number of chews before swallow than S- and EAR-sired progeny. Overall results of the study suggested that fattening performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics might be considerably improved by using C sires in the crossbreeding program as sire breed.
Journal of Applied Animal Research | 2005
Binali Çomaklı; Mete Yanar; Naci Tüzemen; Mustafa Tan; Leyla Turgut; Ömer Menteşe
Abstract Comakli, B., Yanar, M., Tuzemen, N., Tan, M., Turgut, L. and Mentese, Ö. 2005. Growth performance of Brown Swiss, calves fed early and late cut hay from meadow fertilized by two levels of N and P2 O5. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 27: 35–38. To determine effects of rations mainly formed by early or late-bloom cut hay from meadows fertilized by N and P2 O5 or not fertilized, on the growth performance, 20 female Brown Swiss calves (6–12 m) were fed for 129 days. Average daily weight gain, feed per unit weight gain and total intake of meadow hay were better for hay from meadows fertilized with N and P2 O5 as compared to hay from not fertilized meadow. Similarly these parameters were better for calves fed early bloom hay than for calves fed late bloom hay. Application of N and P2 O5 fertilizers and early cutting stage for meadow hay is suggested for providing better growth performance and feed efficiency traits of the Brown Swiss calves.
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology | 2017
Naci Tüzemen; Rıdvan Koçyiğit
The study was conducted to determine effects of different types floor on the milk yield, milk composition, somatic cell count, behavioural properties, cleaning situations, microorganism count and levels of stress hormones of Brown Swiss cows. The experiment was carried out at the Research Farm of the Collage of Agriculture at Atatürk University by using 33 Brown Swiss cows. The cows were allocated to three groups called as concrete, rubber mat and mattress groups. The results have shown that levels of cortisol hormone among the stress hormones in different groups were significant (P<0.05), however, levels of epinephrine and glucose in the treatment groups were not significant (P>0.05). Streptococci and Coliform counts were not significantly different among groups (P>0.05). Keyword: Concrete, Browns Swiss, hormone, rubber mat, mattress, microorganism Farklı Zemin Tiplerinin Esmer Sığırlarda Memedeki Mikroorganizma Yükü ve Stres Hormonları Üzerine Etkileri The Effects of Different Types Floor on Udder Microorganism Load and Stress Hormones Traits of Brown Swiss Cows Rıdvan KOÇYİĞİT, Naci TÜZEMEN Iğ dı r Ü ni ve rs it es i F en B ili m le ri E ns ti tü sü D er gi si Iğ dı r U ni ve rs ity J ou rn al o f th e In st itu te o f Sc ie nc e an d Te ch no lo gy Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article Iğdır Üni. Fen Bilimleri Enst. Der. / Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. & Tech. 7(2): 345-352, 2017 1 Atatürk Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Zootekni Bölümü, Erzurum, Türkiye 2 Kastamonu, Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesİ, Genetik ve Biyomühendislik Bölümü, Kastamonu, Türkiye Sorumlu yazar/Corresponding Author: Rıdvan KOÇYİĞİT, [email protected] Geliş tarihi / Received: 26.10.2016 Kabul tarihi / Accepted: 27.11.2016 C ilt /V ol um e: 7 , S ay ı/I ss ue : 2, S ay fa /p p: 3 45 -3 52 , 2 01 7 IS SN : 2 14 605 74 , e -I SS N : 2 53 646 18 D O I: 1 0. 21 59 7/ jis t.2 01 7. 14 2
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi | 2017
Olcay Güler; Naci Tüzemen; Mete Yanar; Binali Çomaklı; Mustafa Tan; Ömer Akbulut; Jale Metin; Recep Aydin; Rıdvan Koçyiğit
Bu calismanin amaclari, 2 farkli yemleme programinin; i) 20 adet Siyah Alaca ve 20 adet Esmer sigirda 144 gunluk deneme suresince sut verimi ve kompozisyonu ile duyusal ozellikleri uzerine etkilerini 1. denemede degerlendirmek, ii) 18 adet Esmer ve 14 adet Siyah Alaca duvenin 90 gun boyunca gelisme performanslarini 2. denemede karsilastirmaktir. Birinci denemede, yemleme programlari [(i) misir silaji (25.0 kg/bas/gun) ile sinirli miktarda kuru ot (5.0 kg/bas/gun) ve 4.5 kg/bas/gun kesif yem (MS yemleme programi); (ii) kuru ot (10,0 kg/bas/gun) ve 4.5 kg/bas/gun kesif yem (KO yemleme programi)] gunluk sut verimi ile sut yagi, kuru madde ve yagsiz kuru madde oranlarini onemli derecede etkilememistir. Farkli yemleme programlarinin sutun duyusal ozellikleri uzerine etkileri onemli olmayip, silaj iceren rasyonla yapilan yemleme, sutun duyusal ozellikleri uzerine herhangi bir olumsuz etkiye neden olmamistir. Ikinci denemede, DMS yemleme programindaki [misir silaji (10.0 kg/bas/gun) ile sinirli miktarda kuru ot (2.0 kg/bas/gun) ve 2.0 kg/ bas/gun kesif yem] duveler, DKO programindakilere [kuru ot (6.0 kg/bas/gun) ve 2.0 kg/bas/gun kesif yem] gore % 49.7 oraninda daha yuksek toplam canli agirlik artisi saglamislardir. DMS yemleme programindaki duvelerin ortalama yemden yararlanma oranlari onemli olcude daha iyi bulunmustur. Sonuc olarak, incelenen her iki yemleme programi Esmer ve Siyah Alaca ineklerin gunluk sut verimi ile sutun kompozisyonu ve duyusal ozellikleri uzerine onemli etkilerde bulunmazken, DMS yemleme programi duveler icin tavsiye edilmistir.
Indian Journal of Animal Research | 2015
R. Kocyigit; R. Aydin; Mete Yanar; Olcay Güler; A. Diler; Naci Tüzemen; M. Avci; S. Ozyurek; E. Hirik; D. Kabakci
The objectives of this study were to compare the effect of different doses of direct-fed microbials (DFM) plus exogenous fibrolytic enzymes (EFE) additives on the growth performance, feed efficiency ratio and fecal consistency index of Brown Swiss and Holstein Friesian calves. Twenty six calves were assigned to three groups (control, 10 g and 20 g per head/day of DFM plus EFE) according to breeds. Calves in 10 g per head/day of DFM plus EFE group in pre- and post-weaning periods had 20.0% and 6.3% higher total weight gains than calves in the control group respectively. However, the effects of breeds and dosages of the supplement on the weights, weight gains and feed efficiency ratios were not significant. Average fecal consistency score of the calves fed a diet supplemented with 10 g head/day of DFM plus EFE had the lowest score (P<0.01) (i.e., less scouring) compared to other treatment groups in pre-weaning period as well as between birth and 6 months of age. The study revealed that the feeding of DFM plus EFE to dairy calves until 6 months of age did not result in statistically significant improvement on the growth traits and feed efficiency ratio. On the other hand, the dose of 10 g head/day of the DFM plus EFE additives might be beneficial for reducing incidence of diarrhea in dairy calves.
Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture | 2006
Ömer Menteşe; Leyla Turgut; Olcay Güler; Mete Yanar; Naci Tüzemen; Mustafa Tan; Binali Çomaklı
Bu calisma, disi Siyah Alaca danalarin buyume performansi uzerine erken veya gec ciceklenme doneminde bicilen cayir otu ile beslemenin etkisini belirlemek uzere yurutulmustur. Bu amacla 8-10 aylik yaslarda 12 adet disi Siyah Alaca dana 129 gun sure ile beslenmistir. Cayir otu bicim zamaninin, erken bicim uygulamasi lehine olmak uzere buyume performansi ve yemden yararlanma orani bakimindan onemli etki yaptigi belirlenmistir. Erken bicilmis cayir otu ile beslenen buzagilar, gec bicilmis ot verilen buzagilardan 17.5 kg daha fazla toplam canli agirlik artisi yapmislardir. Bir kg canli agirlik artisi icin tuketilen erken bicim cayir otu miktari gec bicilen ot ile beslenenlerden 1.725 kg daha azdir. Dogu Anadolu Bolgesinde yetistirilen disi Siyah Alaca danalarda daha iyi bir buyume performansi ve yemden yararlanma degeri saglanmasi bakimindan, erken ciceklenme doneminde cayir otu uretiminin tavsiye edilebilecegi sonucuna varilmistir.
Journal of Applied Animal Research | 2002
Leyla Turgut; Mete Yanar; Naci Tüzemen; Sadrettin Yuksel; A. Vahap Yaganoglu
Abstract Turgut, L., Yanar, M., Tüzemen, N., Yüksel, S. and Yaganoglu, A.V. 2002. Effect of tethered and free-stall housing systems on the fattening performance of Holstein Friesian bulls at two different ages. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 22: 91–95. Fattening performance and feed efficiency ratio characteristics of young Holstein Friesian bulls housed in free-stall or tie-stall barn at two different age groups i.e. 9–12 months and 14–17 months of age were investigated. A total of 19 Holstein bulls were fattened for 142 days. Adjusted average final weights of the young bulls kept in free-stall and stall bam were 395.50 and 404.95 kg, respectively. Average total weight gain of the bulls in loose housing system was 4.7 kg, higher than those in tethered barn. The feed efficiency ratio values for free-stall system was better than tethered barns. The free-stall housing system might be successfully used without causing detrimental effect on the fattening performance of Holstein cattle.
Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture | 1990
Naci Tüzemen; Hayri Dayıoğlu; Mete Yanar; Faruk Doğrul
OZET Bu calismada, Dogu Anadolu Kirmizisi sigirlarindan alinan kan orneklerinde transferrin ve hemoglobin tipleri belirlenmistir. Ayrica bu iki karakter bakimimdan Dogu Anadolu Kirmizisi Sigirlarinin genetik yapisi incelenmistir. Arastirmada transferrin gen yeri bakimindan S allel (TfA, TfB, TfDl, TfD2, TfF, TfE, TfG, TfH) tarafindan determine edilen 24 transferrin genotipi (Tf AA, Tf AB, Tf ADI, Tf AD2, Tf AF, Tf AE, TfBDl, TfBF, Tf BG, Tf DI DI, Tf DID2, Tf DIE, TfD2E, TfDIG, Tf EE, Tf EGf Tf DI F, TfGG, TfFF, TfFH, Tf EH r TfAG, Tf AH, BB) belirlenmistir. Hemoglobin gen yeri bakimindan ise 3 allel (HbA, HbB, HbF) ile tanimlanan 4 hemoglobin genotip (Hb AA, Hb AB, Hb AF, Hb BB) tesbit edilmistir. A RESEARCH ON THE POLYMORPHISM OF TRANSFERRIN AND HEAMOGLOBIN ON THE EASTERN ANATOLIAN RED CATTLEBREEDS SUMMARY In his research, the types of transferrin andheamoglobin in blood samples which taken from eastern anatolian red cattle breeds were determinedAlso the structure of genes in both characters were anatyzed. Twenty Four transferrin genotypes (Tf AA, Tf AB, Tf ADI, Tf AD2, Tf AF, Tf AE, TfBDl, TfBF, Tf BG, Tf D IDI, Tf D1D2, Tf DIE, Tf D2E, TfDIG, Tf EG, Tf DIF, Tf GG, Tf FF, Tf FH, Tf EH, Tf AG, Tf AH, Tf BB) which determined by eight alieles (TfA, T/B, TfDl, TfD2, T/E, TfP, TfG, T/H) were found study. Four heamoglobin variants genotypes (Hb AA, Hb Ab, Hb AF, Hb BB) Which fixed by ihree alieles (HbA, HbB, HbF) were determined in respect to heamoglobin genes structure.
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences | 1997
Mete Yanar; Feyzi Uğur; Naci Tüzemen; Recep Aydin
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences | 2004
Bahri Bayram; Ömer Akbulut; Mete Yanar; Naci Tüzemen