Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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Featured researches published by Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2004
Cesar Augusto Piccinini; Milena da Rosa Silva; Tonantzin Ribeiro Gonçalves; Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes; Jonathan Tudge
O periodo de gestacao da companheira exige uma serie de adaptacoes por parte do pai, que precisa se preparar para os novos papeis que devera assumir frente ao bebe e a sua nova familia. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo investigar como se da o envolvimento paterno durante o 3o trimestre de gestacao. Participaram deste estudo 35 pais que esperavam seu primeiro filho, com idades entre 21 e 40 anos. Os pais foram entrevistados individualmente e as suas respostas foram examinadas atraves de analise de conteudo. Os resultados indicaram que muitos pais estiveram envolvidos de diversas maneiras durante a gestacao de suas companheiras, mostrando-se emocionalmente conectados a gestante e ao bebe. No entanto, alguns pais ainda encontravam dificuldades quanto ao envolvimento com seu filho, parecendo nao percebe-lo como real e apresentando uma baixa ligacao emocional com a gestacao. Estes dados apontam para indicios de uma modificacao quanto a paternidade ja no periodo da gestacao, a qual se encontra cada vez menos restrita ao universo feminino.
Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa | 2004
Cesar Augusto Piccinini; Aline Grill Gomes; Lisandra Espíndola Moreira; Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes
The mothers relationship with her baby is constructed since the prenatal period and is infl uenced by her expectations regarding the baby and the interaction she establishes with him/her. This fi rst relationship serves as a prelude of the mother-infant relationship established after birth. The aim of this study was to investigate the pregnant womens expectations and feelings regarding the baby. Thirty-nine primiparous pregnant women, in the last trimester of gestation, aged 19 to 37, took part in this study. The pregnant women were individually interviewed and their answers were examined through content analysis. The results indicated that, since pregnancy, mothers try to give the baby more identity, holding expectations and feelings regarding his/her sex, name, psychological characteristics, health, besides interacting with him/her. This seems to constitute an important investment for the babys psychic constitution, besides enabling mothering.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2008
Cesar Augusto Piccinini; Aline Grill Gomes; Tatiana De Nardi; Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes
*# ¶ * RESUMO. Na gravidez ocorrem mudancas biologicas, somaticas, psicologicas e sociais que influenciam a dinâmica psiquica individual e as demais relacoes sociais da gestante, e maneira como ela vive estas mudancas repercute intensamente na constituicao da maternidade e na relacao mae-bebe. Assim sendo, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os sentimentos das gestantes sobre a maternidade, com destaque para a relacao entre o periodo gestacional e a constituicao da maternidade. Participaram do estudo 39 gestantes primiparas, entre 19 e 37 anos, no terceiro trimestre de gestacao. A analise de conteudo qualitativa das entrevistas mostrou que as gestantes passaram por importantes transformacoes corporais, pessoais e interpessoais durante a gestacao e vivenciaram intensos sentimentos em relacao ao tornar-se mae. Os achados sugerem que na gestacao o processo de constituicao da maternidade esta em intenso desenvolvimento, assim como o proprio exercicio ativo do papel materno. Palavras-chave : gestacao, maternidade, relacao mae-bebe. PREGNANCY AND MOTHERHOOD
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2005
Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes; Tagma Marina Schneider Donelli; Carolina Mousquer Lima; Cesar Augusto Piccinini
Labour represents an important event in a womans life, having a deep impact on the physical, emotional and social domains. It is anticipated during pregnancy, in the womans fantasies and will be relived in the mothers memories. The present longitudinal study investigated the expectations and the later report of the labour experience of 28 primiparous women, aged 20 to 37. Individual interviews were carried out during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and 3 months after labour. Qualitative content analysis indicated that mothers reported, during pregnancy, both positive and negative expectations regarding herself and the baby during labour. As far as labour experience is concerned, there was a trend towards polarization, with some mothers reporting only positive feelings whereas others reported only negative ones. Supporting the initial expectation of the study, the results show that labour is an event which encompasses the whole process of pregnancy and postpartum having a deep impact on the mothers history.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2007
Andrea Gabriela Ferrari; Cesar Augusto Piccinini; Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes
Based on the literature, the mother’s construction of the imagined baby during pregnancy is discussed. Reports of pregnant women who were in the third trimester of pregnancy at the beginning of the study are presented. They were interviewed at the end of pregnancy and in the baby’s third and eighth month. In these interviews the feelings and expectations concerning motherhood and the baby were explored. Based on psychoanalytic theory we analyzed the pregnant women’s reports concerning the imagined baby in whom the mother invests her libido in order to constitute a subjective space to receive the baby of reality. From this study it is suggested that the imagined baby has an important impact on the future mother-infant interaction.Based on the literature, the mothers construction of the imagined baby during pregnancy is discussed. Reports of pregnant women who were in the third trimester of pregnancy at the beginning of the study are presented. They were interviewed at the end of pregnancy and in the babys third and eighth month. In these interviews the feelings and expectations concerning motherhood and the baby were explored. Based on psychoanalytic theory we analyzed the pregnant womens reports concerning the imagined baby in whom the mother invests her libido in order to constitute a subjective space to receive the baby of reality. From this study it is suggested that the imagined baby has an important impact on the future mother-infant interaction.
Psico-USF | 2007
Clarissa Corrêa Menezes; Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes
Resumo No presente estudo objetivou-se analisar a relacao conjugal, durante a transicao para a parentalidade, sob dois enfoques: a avaliacao que cada casal faz de sua relacao e a interacao comunicacional que estabelece nos diferentes momentos da transicao. Foi realizado um estudo de caso coletivo, longitudinal, que abrangeu cinco etapas: o ultimo trimestre de gestacao e o terceiro, o oitavo, o decimo-segundo e o decimo-oitavo mes de vida dos bebes. A amostra foi composta por quatro casais adultos, com idades entre 20-30 anos, que esperavam seu primeiro filho e que foram recrutados em grupos de preparacao para gestantes em hospitais de Porto Alegre. Em cada uma das etapas consideradas, os casais foram contatados e entrevistados conjuntamente, com base em entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A analise dos dados foi realizada a partir das analises qualitativa e quantitativa de conteudo. Os resultados deste estudo apontam que um fator central para a compreensao da conjugalidade na transicao para a parentalidade e a qualidade da relacao conjugal estabelecida antes da transicao. Palavras-chave: Relacao conjugal; Transicao para a parentalidade; Nascimento do primeiro filho. Marriage in the transition to parenthood: pregnancy until eighteen months of baby
Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa | 2007
Cesar Augusto Piccinini; Giana Bitencourt Frizzo; Patrícia Alvarenga; Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes; Jonathan Tudge
The present study investigated eventual differences in educative practices of mothers and fathers of 18-month-old children. Thirty-four families of different socioeconomic levels who had only one child took part in the study. The mothers and fathers answered separately an interview on educative practices involving six daily situations of the child. The content analysis revealed a predominance of inductive practices reported both by mothers and fathers, followed by coercitive and non-interference practices. However, no significant differences were found between the practices mentioned by mothers and fathers, or between the different socioeconomic levels in none of the examined categories. The results are discussed taking into consideration the repercussions of the appearance of assertiveness and of the initial phase of language development of the children on parental educative practices.
Estudos De Psicologia (campinas) | 2009
Cesar Augusto Piccinini; Daniela Centenaro Levandowski; Aline Grill Gomes; Daniela Lindenmeyer; Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes
According to the psychoanalytical, theoretical framework, the father-infant relationship established during pregnancy, through the construction of a mental image of the infant andthrough father-infant interaction, has important consequences for the father-infant relationship after the birth. The aim of this study was to investigate the expectations and feelings of the father-to-be regarding his baby. Thirty-five first-time fathers, aged 21 to 40, who lived with the babys mothers, participated in this study. The mothers were all primiparas. The fathers were interviewed individually at home. An analysis of qualitative content revealed that few fathers reported difficulties in imagining the baby. In general, they showed that they had already constructed a mental image of the baby, imagining its physical and psychological characteristics, as well as its sex. They also participated in the choice of the babys name and expressed concerns as to the childs health.
Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa | 2007
Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes; Débora Silva de Oliveira; Aline Groff Vivian; Lúcia Martins Costa Bohmgahren; Cesar Augusto Piccinini; Jonathan Tudge
Aos 12 meses a crianca apresenta novas aquisicoes de linguagem e locomocao que a permitem realizar movimentos de afastamento e reaproximacao do cuidador. Assim, a mae ocupa papel fundamental, pois deve proporcionar oportunidades para descobertas e favorecer exploracoes. Este estudo investigou o desenvolvimento da crianca aos 12 mesese os sentimentos maternos em relacao a esse momento. Participaram 28 mulheres, de nivel socioeconomico variado, comidades entre 20 e 37 anos, cujos filhos tinham 12 meses. Foi realizada uma entrevista semi-estruturada sobre a experienciada maternidade e o desenvolvimento da crianca. A analise de conteudo revelou a riqueza das novas aquisicoes e seu impacto nos sentimentos maternos. As maes relataram sentimentos ambivalentes de gratificacao e realizacao, mas tambem de maiordemanda e dedicacao. Dada a importância desse periodo, torna-se fundamental que a mae seja capaz de adaptar-se as novas aquisicoes infantis e que esteja disponivel para partilhar de suas experiencias.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2003
Ana Cristina Garcia Dias; Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes
This study had the purpose to investigate the representation of maternity from 10 young mothers and their mothers. Through an interview, they were requested to describe themselves as mothers, their mothers (or daughters) as mothers and describe how a good mother should be. No significant discrepancies were observed among the mothers and daughters descriptions. There was an appreciation of characteristics linked to the affection. It was not observed, from the daughters part, a conscious desire to be different from their mothers. The characteristics more emphasized by the daughters than by the mothers seem to indicate the emergency of new values related to the maternity.
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Tagma Marina Schneider Donelli
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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