Silke van Dyk
University of Jena
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Featured researches published by Silke van Dyk.
European Journal of Social Security | 2005
Martin Seeleib-Kaiser; Silke van Dyk; Martin Roggenkamp
Comparative welfare state research has argued for some time that whether Social Democrats or Christian Democrats are in government makes a difference with regard to specific welfare state design. The theory is based on the fact that, historically, the social policy aims of Social Democrats and Christian Democrats have differed. Can these policy differences still be assumed after almost three decades, which have been characterised by a discourse about ‘necessary’ welfare state retrenchment, adaptation, and modification? Based on an in-depth analysis of the social policy aims of the Social Democrats and Christian Democrats in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands since 1975, we argue that, the differences between the two welfare state parties in formerly conservative welfare states have largely faded away.
Acta Politica | 2006
Silke van Dyk
In the middle of the 1990s the Netherlands became world famous as the Poldermodel. Whereas the country had previously been used as a deterrent example, with high unemployment, low employment rates and rising public deficits in the late 1970s and 1980s, overnight it turned into a model country in terms of macroeconomic and social performance. An extensive consensus between government, employers and trade unions, which is held to be based on the supply side-oriented promotion of international competitiveness by wage restraint and the consolidation of public finances, is regarded as the recipe to success. However, in spite of its popularity since the mid-1990s, consensus has neither taken shape as an analytical concept nor has its creation been thoroughly scrutinized. Referred to as the explanans of successful management of crisis, consensus is at the centre of the academic and political debate, but in fact it has a shadowy existence. This article thus aims at examining the structure as well as the creation of popular unanimity, in order to reposition consensus from an explanans to an explanandum. Starting from an interpretative perspective based on the Foucauldian governmentality approach, the article raises the question why supply-sided strategies, and not others, are seen as being necessary and sensible, and how power relations between the actors are embedded in the process of consensus creation.
Archive | 2010
Silke van Dyk; Alexandra Schauer
Entgegen der Ausrichtung der Soziologie durch ihre Grundungsvater, deren wissenschaftliches Interesse den sie umgebenden Transformationsprozessen im Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts galt, entwickelte sich die Disziplin in den nachfolgenden Jahrzehnten zunehmend zu einer “weltfernen Wissenschaft” (papcke 1986: 168), deren “Lieblingsthema” (Kaesler 2008: 81) der Streit um die Bestimmung ihres Faches war.
Work, Employment & Society | 2018
Silke van Dyk
This article discusses new patterns of precariarization and informalization beyond waged labour. Against a backdrop of multiple social changes, there is a new era of social reproduction based on the interplay between a politics of post-waged work and a politics of community, involving activities outside the realms of market, state and family. Whereas the implications of family-based care work have long been highlighted, the community-based political economy of the ‘post-wage regime’ has yet to be analysed. Taking Germany as an example, the article describes how the state is actively involved in promoting and exploiting post-waged work. At the same time, community projects and grassroots activities contribute to the social reproduction of livelihoods, often becoming an active part of the precarious post-wage regime. The question is raised whether or not these interweaving developments herald a new era of community capitalism.This article discusses new patterns of precariarization and informalization beyond waged labour. Against a backdrop of multiple social changes, there is a new era of social reproduction based on the interplay between a politics of post-waged work and a politics of community, involving activities outside the realms of market, state and family. Whereas the implications of family-based care work have long been highlighted, the community-based political economy of the ‘post-wage regime’ has yet to be analysed. Taking Germany as an example, the article describes how the state is actively involved in promoting and exploiting post-waged work. At the same time, community projects and grassroots activities contribute to the social reproduction of livelihoods, often becoming an active part of the precarious post-wage regime. The question is raised whether or not these interweaving developments herald a new era of community capitalism.
Archive | 2015
Silke van Dyk
Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Neuverhandlung des hoheren Lebensalters im Sinne eines aktiven und produktiven Alter(n)s in Deutschland. Das besondere Augenmerk gilt dabei der engen Verschrankung dieses Paradigmenwechsels mit der wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Wende zur aktivierenden Sozialpolitik einerseits und dem demografischen Krisendiskurs andererseits. Ausgangspunkt der Argumentation bilden eine sozialpolitisch kontextualisierte Genealogie des aktiven und produktiven Alters sowie eine kritische Reflexion der politischen Altersaktivierung, die nicht zuletzt nach der Ubersetzung des Paradigmas in die konkreten Lebenswelten der adressierten Akteure fragt. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden aktuelle politische Tendenzen, diesen Lebenswelten in kommunalen Kontexten verstarkt Rechnung zu tragen, erortert sowie Perspektiven und Fallstricke einer starkeren sozialraumlichen Orientierung im Feld der Alter(n)spolitik diskutiert.
Irish Journal of Sociology | 2009
Silke van Dyk
According to a widely held view, Irelands economic success story in the 1990s is attributable to the social partnership process. An extensive supply side consensus between the actors is regarded as key to its success. However, in spite of its popularity, consensus has neither taken shape as an analytical concept nor has its creation been thoroughly scrutinised. In fact, the question remains unanswered as to how and under what conditions initially antagonistic actors began to consider the same (supply side) solution as the only possible route. Based on a Foucauldian perspective on power and discourse, this article examines the creation and structure of popular unanimity within the Irish social partnership model in order to reposition consensus from an explanans to an explanandum.According to a widely held view, Irelands economic success story in the 1990s is attributable to the social partnership process. An extensive supply side consensus between the actors is regarded as key to its success. However, in spite of its popularity, consensus has neither taken shape as an analytical concept nor has its creation been thoroughly scrutinised. In fact, the question remains unanswered as to how and under what conditions initially antagonistic actors began to consider the same (supply side) solution as the only possible route. Based on a Foucauldian perspective on power and discourse, this article examines the creation and structure of popular unanimity within the Irish social partnership model in order to reposition consensus from an explanans to an explanandum.
Archive | 2017
Silke van Dyk; Anna Richter
In ihrem Beitrag „Altwerden im Spannungsfeld von Normierung und Eigensinn. Methodologische Uberlegungen und methodische Schritte zur Verbindung von Dispositiv und Biographie“ stellen Silke van Dyk und Anna Sarah Richter ein zweistufiges Forschungsverfahren vor, in dem eine diskurstheoretisch fundierte, empirische Dispositivanalyse mit einer qualitativen Interviewstudie zur Lebensfuhrung des Alter(n)s verschrankt wird. Ausgehend von der Perspektive der Gouvernementalitat nach Foucault stellen sie die Frage nach methodischen sowie methodologischen Vorgehen bei der Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltnisses von sich bestandig wandelnden Dispositiven und Subjekten. Dabei verfolgen sie die These, dass „die zirkulare Verschrankung von Subjekten und Dispositiven“ nur durch „eine biographie- und lebenslaufbezogene Analytik und Sensibilitat“ sichtbar gemacht werden kann.
Archive | 2015
Silke van Dyk; Alexandra Schauer
Zehn Jahre lag der letzte Kongress zuruck, als die DGS im September 1922 zum 3. Soziologentag nach Jena einlud, um sich der Thematik »Das Wesen der Revolution« soziologisch anzunahern. Wahrend der langen kriegsbedingten Pause waren zahlreiche wichtige DGS-Mitglieder und Grundungsvater der Gesellschaft – so unter anderem Max Weber, Georg Simmel, Ludwig Sinzheimer und Wilhelm Wundt – verstorben, was erhebliche Konsequenzen fur die inhaltlichen Debatten der 1920er Jahre haben sollte.
Archive | 2015
Silke van Dyk; Alexandra Schauer
Um die Entwicklung der Soziologie im Nationalsozialismus sowie die Rolle der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Soziologie (DGS) besser einordnen und kontextualisieren zu konnen, lohnt ein kurzer Blick zuruck auf die Anfange des Faches und die Grundung der DGS.
Archive | 2015
Silke van Dyk; Alexandra Schauer
Die unliebsame Vergangenheit einzelner Soziologen war unmittelbar nach Kriegsende nicht nur im Zusammenhang mit den Entnazifizierungsverfahren, sondern auch in den darauf folgenden Jahren immer wieder Gegenstand fachinterner Auseinandersetzungen. Zu den wichtigsten DGS-internen Konflikten, die einen Bezug zur nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit aufweisen, zahlen: (1) die offentlich ausgetragene Auseinandersetzung um einen fur 1958 in Nurnberg geplanten Kongress des Institut International de Sociologie (IIS) unter der Leitung des faschistischen Theoretikers Corrado Gini (siehe Kapitel 7); (2) die masgeblich auf das Engagement Helmut Schelskys zuruckgehende Berufung Karl Heinz Pfeffers an die Universitat Munster im Jahr 1961 sowie (3) die Auseinandersetzung um die Ernennung Emil Muhlmanns zum DGS-Vorsitzenden.