Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke
Universidade Federal de Pelotas
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Featured researches published by Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2009
Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke; Telma Elisa Carraro
The human being, upon experiencing teenage parenthood, experiences various different feelings. This study presents research of a qualitative nature involving adolescent fathers’ families in their three generations. The objective of this study is to outline the respective fathers’ families’ feelings concerning facing adolescent parenthood. Theoretical support is anchored in the Bio-ecological Approach of Human Development, with methodological support based on Schutze’s narrative interview and analysis proposal, with the narrative interviews, genograms, and ecomaps used for data collection. The results unmasked alternatives of how this process occurs, starting from the empiric knowledge about the families. The positive feelings of affection, support, joy, happiness, and pride stood out over the negative. Further, with respect to the negative feelings, fear and worry predominated. The adolescent parents sought to live and to exercise paternity, as well as to adapt to their new situation. DESCRIPTORS: Paternity. Adolescent. Family. Emotions. LA EXPERIENCIA DE LA PATERNIDAD EN LA ADOLESCENCIA: LOS SENTIMIENTOS EXPRESADOS POR LA FAMILIA DEL PADRE ADOLESCENTE RESUMEN: El ser humano al vivir la adolescencia y la paternidad experimenta muchos sentimientos. El presente trabajo trata de una investigacion de naturaleza cualitativa, realizada con las familias del padre adolescente en sus tres generaciones. Su objetivo es abordar los sentimientos de la familia del padre adolescente y la experiencia de su paternidad. La fundamentacion teorica se apoya en el Abordaje Bioecologico del Desarrollo Humano, y el referencial metodologico se basa en las narrativas de las entrevistas y en la propuesta de analisis de Schutze, siendo utilizadas para la recoleccion de los datos, las entrevistas narrativas, los genogramas y eco-mapas. Los resultados revelaron alternativas de como ese proceso ocurre a partir del conocimiento empirico de las familias. Los sentimientos positivos se sobrepusieron a los negativos, siendo ellos: el afecto, el carino, el apoyo, la alegria, la felicidad y el orgullo. Y, cuando se refieren a los sentimientos negativos, fueron mas fuertes el miedo y la preocupacion. Los padres adolescentes procuraron vivir y ejercer la paternidad, adaptandose a la nueva situacion. DESCRIPTORES: Paternidad. Adolescente. Familia. Emociones.
Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais | 2012
Aline Machado Feijó; Maria Emilia Nunes Bueno; Teila Ceolin; C.L. Linck; Eda Schwartz; Celmira Lange; Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke; Rita Maria Heck; R.L. Barbieri; G. Heiden
Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as plantas medicinais utilizadas por idosos assistidos em uma Unidade Basica de Saude de Pelotas-RS, com diagnostico de Diabetes mellitus, como terapia complementar no tratamento dos sintomas da doenca. Caracterizou-se por pesquisa qualitativa, realizada em julho de 2009, no municipio de Pelotas-RS. Foram entrevistados 18 idosos com idade entre 60 e 77 anos, sendo 14 do sexo feminino. Os participantes citaram 20 plantas medicinais utilizadas como terapia complementar no tratamento do Diabetes mellitus. Entre estas, as mais citadas utilizadas para diminuir os niveis de glicose no sangue foram Sphagneticola trilobata, Bauhinia spp. e Syzygium cumini, sendo que para as duas ultimas ha comprovacao cientifica do efeito hipoglicemiante. A infusao foi a forma de preparo predominante. Considera-se importante a realizacao de estudos farmacologicos que investiguem os efeitos das plantas utilizadas pela populacao, a fim de que o uso proporcione os beneficios desejados e nao cause danos a saude.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2008
Telma Elisa Carraro; Roxana Knobel; Ariane Thaise Frello; Vitória Regina Petters Gregório; Dalva Irany Grüdtner; Vera Radünz; Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke
Se trata de una investigacion cualitativa y cuantitativa, multicentrica, con base teorica en los Componentes del Cuidado de Carraro, cuyo objetivo fue presentar el papel del equipo de salud, segun la opinion de las mujeres, en relacion a los metodos utilizados para su cuidado y confort durante el trabajo de parto y el parto. Las entrevistas fueron realizadas con 30 puerperas internadas en tres instituciones publicas de la region sur de Brasil, en el periodo de agosto a diciembre de 2006, siendo analizados los datos por medio del analisis de contenido. Como resultados, surgieron las siguientes categorias: apoyo emocional del equipo de salud; orientacion; y falta de cuidado, el cual aparece en los momentos de soledad y abandono mencionados por las puerperas. El estudio indica a la enfermera, juntamente con el equipo de salud, tomando posicion en relacion a su responsabilidad etica, legal y moral, y no apenas tecnica y cientifica, despertando la mujer para la realidad de conocer su cuerpo y sus limites.This is a qualitative fragment of a multi-centric study with qualitative and quantitative approaches developed in three public health institutions in the Southern region of Brazil, involving 30 inpatient pregnant women. The study uses Carraros Components of Care as theoretical support and aims to present the health teams role, according to the methods applied for womens care and comfort during labor and childbirth. The interviews took place between August and December of 2006 and were analyzed through content analysis. As a result, the following categories emerged: emotional support provided by the health team; orientation; and care-lessness, which appeared in moments of loneliness and abandonment mentioned by the interviewed women. The study points out the nurse together with the health team taking a stand on their ethical, legal, and moral responsibility, going beyond technical and scientific responsibility, awakening women to the reality of knowing her body and her limitations.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2011
Telma Elisa Carraro; Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke; Neusa Collet; Bárbara Cristina Tavares; Silvana Silveira Kempfer
The objective was to get to know, through the genogram, the family background described by the teenage parents, subject in this study. The research is qualitative, descriptive, exploratory, with semi-structured interview technique, moment when the genogram was constructed, developed with 41 parents aged between 15 and 19 years old, from December/2008 to November/2009. The selection of the parents was made with postpartum adolescents admitted to a university hospital in Florianopolis-SC. Data were submitted to content analysis. The results show that most of these young parents know little about their family background, having more knowledge about the first generation of their families, unaware about the second and third generations, or at least, not having contact with them. The encouragement of the family is considered essential; they need to be close to the adolescent parent expanding the care condition. These results provide subsidies for the health professionals to take care and intervene together with the adolescent parents. DESCRIPTORS: Paternity. Pregnancy in adolescence. Family relations.
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2015
Laís Antunes Wilhelm; Camila Neumaier Alves; Carolina Carbonell Demori; Silvana Cruz da Silva; Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke; Lúcia Beatriz Ressel
Aim: to know the feelings experienced by women who experienced a high-risk pregnancy. Methodology: qualitative and descriptive study conducted at the University Hospital of Santa Maria, in the south of the country. Participants were selected based on the list of medical records of women who attended prenatal high risk consultations. Ten women over 18 years old, considered as those who experienced a high-risk pregnancy and who gave birth not more than two years from the date of study were interviewed. Data was analyzed and interpreted according to thematic content analysis of the operative proposal. Results: the category “feelings of women who experienced a high-risk pregnancy” and subcategories such as feelings of fear, anxiety, sadness and happiness emerged from the study. Discussion: we observed the exacerbation of feelings, often contradictory, because even with fear and anxiety the patients felt happiness, which is also described in the literature.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2013
Renata Cunha da Silva; Marilu Correa Soares; Vanda Maria da Rosa Jardim; Nalú Pereira da Costa Kerber; Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke
ABTRACT: This descriptive study aimed to identify the childbirth care practices developed by health professionals towards adolescent parturients. Data were collected from the database of the study “Humanizing Childbirth Care in Adolescents”, developed in the city of Pelotas-RS, by means of semi-structured interviews, between 2008 and 2009. The study population consisted of health workers from the obstetric center of a public teaching hospital. The analysis was systematized as per the guide Care in Normal Birth, published by the World Health Organization. Results evidenced that useful practices, such as intimacy and privacy, choice of the type of childbirth and breastfeeding encouragement are not respected. The harmful practices that stood out were the use of the lithotomy position and oxytocin. Examples of practices that are frequently developed inappropriately are food restriction and the use of amniotomy. In conclusion, childbirth care practices partially complied with the Humanizing Labor and Childbirth Policy. DESCRIPTORS: Adolescent. Women’s health. Humanizing childbirth. Nursing.ABTRACT: This descriptive study aimed to identify the childbirth care practices developed by health professionals towards adolescent parturients. Data were collected from the database of the study “Humanizing childbirth care in adolescents”, developed in the city of Pelotas-RS, by means of semi-structured interviews, between 2008 and 2009. The study population consisted of health workers from the obstetric center of a public teaching hospital. The analysis was systematized as per the guide Care in Normal Birth, published by the World Health Organization. Results evidenced that useful practices, such as intimacy and privacy, choice of the type of childbirth and breastfeeding encouragement are not respected. The harmful practices that stood out were the use of the lithotomy position and oxytocin. Examples of practices that are frequently developed inappropriately are food restriction and the use of amniotomy. In conclusion, childbirth care practices partially complied with the Humanizing Labor and Childbirth Policy. DESCRIPTORS: Adolescent. Women’s health. Humanizing delivery. Nursing.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2014
Simoní Saraiva Bordignon; Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke; Marilu Correa Soares; Eda Schwartz; Edison Luiz Devos Barlem; Valéria Lerch Lunardi
This study aimed to investigate the perception of the adolescent father regarding his interaction with the health services, school and community. It is an extract from the multicentric study turned Social Support Networks for Fatherhood in Adolescence, and has a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach. It was undertaken with 14 adolescent fathers in a university hospital. The semi- structured interviews were held six months after the birth of the child, between 2009 and 2010. Discursive textual analysis and the theoretical framework of Urie Bronfenbrenner were used for the construction of three categories: The adolescent fathers perception regarding his interaction with the school; with the health services; and with the community. The adolescent fathers were shown to be receptive to formal study, and present and participative in the health services and community; the possible difficulties of interaction between the adolescent fathers and the environments studied seem to result from the lack of organization and appropriate preparation for embracing them. DESCRIPTORS: Nursing. Paternity. Adolescent. Social support.This study aimed to investigate the perception of the adolescent father regarding his interaction with the health services, school and community. It is an extract from the multicentric study turned Social Support Networks for Fatherhood in Adolescence, and has a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach. It was undertaken with 14 adolescent fathers in a university hospital. The semi-structured interviews were held six months after the birth of the child, between 2009 and 2010. Discursive textual analysis and the theoretical framework of Urie Bronfenbrenner were used for the construction of three categories: The adolescent fathers perception regarding his interaction with the school; with the health services; and with the community. The adolescent fathers were shown to be receptive to formal study, and present and participative in the health services and community; the possible difficulties of interaction between the adolescent fathers and the environments studied seem to result from the lack of organization and appropriate preparation for embracing them.
Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM | 2014
Inajara Mirapalhete Canieles; Rosani Manfrin Muniz; Ana Cândida Lopes Corrêa; Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke; Lenícia Cruz Soares
Aim: to identify the support network to the mastectomized women. Methodology: qualitative, exploratory and descriptive. Conducted with five participants mastectomized support group for women with breast cancer “Mama Vida” in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Results: this study has highlighted the family, friends, religion and the group “Mama Vida” as a support network. It has contributed to face cancer in an easier way and Faith is seen as a great responsible for healing and overcoming. Conclusion: this network was of relevance to that the women survive to all the alterations caused by the fact of “being” with breast cancer.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2017
Niviane Genz; Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke; Maria Laura Vidal Carret; Ana Cândida Lopes Corrêa; Camila Neumaier Alves
Objective: to evaluate the sexual knowledge and behavior of adolescents about Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Method: a descriptive, observational and quantitative study with a convenience sample of 532 adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years old. An individual questionnaire on sexually transmitted diseases was applied. The STATA 11.1 program was used for data analysis. Results: 89.2% of the teenage girls and 90.3% of the teenage boys were able to properly define the concept of a STD. Condom use is the most efficient method for STD prevention for 98.5% of the girls and 98.9% of the boys. However, 37.1% of the girls and 30.5% of the boys mentioned the use of contraceptives as a preventive method for sexually transmitted diseases. Conclusion: it is important to carry out educational actions together with schools on topics such as sexuality and reproductive health. DESCRIPTORS: Adolescent. Sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual and reproductive rights. Sex education. Nursing. DOENÇAS SEXUALMENTE TRANSMISSÍVEIS: CONHECIMENTO E COMPORTAMENTO SEXUAL DE ADOLESCENTESObjective: to evaluate the sexual knowledge and behavior of adolescents about Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Method: a descriptive, observational and quantitative study with a convenience sample of 532 adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years old. An individual questionnaire on sexually transmitted diseases was applied. The STATA 11.1 program was used for data analysis. Results: 89.2% of the teenage girls and 90.3% of the teenage boys were able to properly define the concept of a STD. Condom use is the most efficient method for STD prevention for 98.5% of the girls and 98.9% of the boys. However, 37.1% of the girls and 30.5% of the boys mentioned the use of contraceptives as a preventive method for Sexually Transmitted diseases. Conclusion: it is important to carry out educational actions together with schools on topics such as sexuality and reproductive health. DESCRIPTORS: Adolescent. Sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual and reproductive rights. Sex education. Nursing.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2017
Niviane Genz; Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke; Maria Laura Vidal Carret; Ana Cândida Lopes Corrêa; Camila Neumaier Alves
Objective: to evaluate the sexual knowledge and behavior of adolescents about Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Method: a descriptive, observational and quantitative study with a convenience sample of 532 adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years old. An individual questionnaire on sexually transmitted diseases was applied. The STATA 11.1 program was used for data analysis. Results: 89.2% of the teenage girls and 90.3% of the teenage boys were able to properly define the concept of a STD. Condom use is the most efficient method for STD prevention for 98.5% of the girls and 98.9% of the boys. However, 37.1% of the girls and 30.5% of the boys mentioned the use of contraceptives as a preventive method for sexually transmitted diseases. Conclusion: it is important to carry out educational actions together with schools on topics such as sexuality and reproductive health. DESCRIPTORS: Adolescent. Sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual and reproductive rights. Sex education. Nursing. DOENÇAS SEXUALMENTE TRANSMISSÍVEIS: CONHECIMENTO E COMPORTAMENTO SEXUAL DE ADOLESCENTESObjective: to evaluate the sexual knowledge and behavior of adolescents about Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Method: a descriptive, observational and quantitative study with a convenience sample of 532 adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years old. An individual questionnaire on sexually transmitted diseases was applied. The STATA 11.1 program was used for data analysis. Results: 89.2% of the teenage girls and 90.3% of the teenage boys were able to properly define the concept of a STD. Condom use is the most efficient method for STD prevention for 98.5% of the girls and 98.9% of the boys. However, 37.1% of the girls and 30.5% of the boys mentioned the use of contraceptives as a preventive method for Sexually Transmitted diseases. Conclusion: it is important to carry out educational actions together with schools on topics such as sexuality and reproductive health. DESCRIPTORS: Adolescent. Sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual and reproductive rights. Sex education. Nursing.