Taner Yilmaz
Uşak University
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Featured researches published by Taner Yilmaz.
The Anthropologist | 2015
Çağrı Çelenk; Mehmet Ozal; Ersan Kara; Taner Yilmaz; Mustafa Akil; Bilal Demirhan
Abstract This study was carried out to examine the effects of an additional 8-week quickness exercise applied to trained wrestlers in the category of cadet, young and adults, on their agility and reaction times. When the data results were analyzed, it was observed that there was a significant difference between the agility test results of cadet and young athlete subjects (p<0.05). However, t-test results showed that there was no significant difference between light and audio reaction parameters (p=0.05). In conclusion, the results of this study showed that the 8- week quickness exercise applied to trained wrestlers had a positive effect on the agility performance of cadet and young athletes. There was no effect in the category of adult athletes who wrestle in the category of adults in terms of their agility and reaction times.
Studies on Ethno-Medicine | 2015
Taner Yilmaz; Elif Top; Çağrı Çelenk; Mustafa Akil; Ersan Kara
Abstract This study has been conducted in order to evaluate the self-confidence levels of children at the age of 14-16, who do exercises in different branches or not, in accordance with several variables. The sample group of the study comprises the children who are doing exercises actively in the branches of swimming, football, basketball and tennis, while the control group consists of the children in the same age group. In order to determine the selfconfidence levels of the children, Self-Concept Scale has been used in the study. As a result of this study, it can be said that sports increases the self-confidence in the children at the age group of 14-16, the people who do exercise have higher levels of self-confidence than the people who do not do exercises, the athletes included in team sports have higher self-confidence than the individual athletes, and the highest self-confidence levels belong to basketball players, who are followed by athletes in football and swimming branches.
International journal of Science Culture and Sport | 2015
Muammer Canbaz; Mehmet Acet; Taner Yilmaz; Metin Şahin
The aim of this study is to determine the level of anger of the athletes taking part in Adults National Team eliminations. The sample group consists of 52 females, 115 males, totally 167 elite athletes took part in the eliminations. The average of age for females was 20, 38, and 20, 99 for males. In order to identify the level, Spielberg’s four-dimensional Schedule whose validity and reliability for our country was adapted to by Özer in 1994, developed by Spielberg in 1983 was used. As a result of analysis made, no outstanding difference of anger level was found between males and females in terms of permanent anger factor(p=0,579); similarly no significant difference was discovered in respect to sub factor of anger-out (p=0,315). Also in analysis of anger-in (p=0.673) and anger-out (p=0.290) sub scales, important difference wasn’t pointed out between male and female athletes.Bu calismanin amaci Turkiye buyukler taekwondo milli takim secmelerine katilan sporcularin ofke duzeylerinin incelenmesidir. Arastirmanin orneklem grubu buyukler taekwondo milli takim secmelerine katilan bayan (n=52), erkek (n=115), toplam 167 elit sporcudan olusmaktadir. Bayan sporculari yas ortalamasi 20,38 ve erkek sporcularin yas ortalamasi 20,99 olarak belirlenmistir. Sporcularin ofke duzeylerinin belirlenmesinde Spielberger tarafindan 1983 yilinda gelistirilmis, ulkemiz icin gecerlilik ve guvenirliligi Ozer (1994) tarafindan yapilmis olan dort boyuttan olusan Spielberg surekli ofke ve ofke tarz olcegi (SSOOTO) kullanilmistir. Sonuc olarak, bayan ve erkek sporcularin ofke duzeylerinin incelenmesinde; surekli ofke degiskeni bakimindan bayanla erkek arasinda anlamli farklilik cikmamistir (p=.579); benzer sekilde ofke disi alt degiskeni bakimindan da farklilik cikmamistir (p=0.315). Ofke ici alt (p=0.673) ve ofke kontrol alt (p=0.290) olceklerinin incelenmesinde de bayan ve erkek sporcular arasinda farklilik cikmamistir
International journal of Science Culture and Sport | 2015
Mehmet Acet; Metin Şahin; Muammer Canbaz; Taner Yilmaz
Bu calismanin amaci Turkiye buyukler taekwondo milli takim secmelerine katilan sporcularin stresle basa cikma duzeylerinin incelenmesidir. Arastirmanin orneklem grubu, buyukler taekwondo milli takim secmelerine katilan bayan (n=56), erkek (n=118), toplam 174 elit sporcudan olusmaktadir. Bayan sporcularin yas ortalamasi 20,48 ve erkek sporcularin yas ortalamasi 21,00 olarak belirlenmistir. Sporcularin ofke duzeyinin belirlenmesinde A. Sibel Turkum (1999) tarafindan gelistirilmis olan 5’li Likert tipi stresle basa cikma olcegi (SBO) kullanilmistir. Sosyal degisken bakimindan bayan ve erkek sporcular arasinda anlamli farklilik cikmamistir. (p=0.987). Stresle Basa cikma degiskeni bakimindan gruplar arasinda anlamli farklilik bulunmustur (p=0.031) buna gore bu degisken bakimindan bayanlarin ortalamasi erkeklere gore anlamli olarak daha yuksek bulunmustur
International Journal of Science Culture and Sport | 2015
Taner Yilmaz; Mehmet Acet; Metin Şahin; Muammer Canbaz
Atilgan olmayi bircok faktor etkileyebilir. Kadinin geleneksel kiz kardes ve bakici rolu zaman zaman onun kati ve otoriter davranarak saldirgan olmasina, zaman zamanda pasif davranmasina neden olmaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci 2014 yili Turkiye buyukler taekwondo milli takim secmelerine katilan sporcularin atilganlik duzeylerinin incelenmesidir. Bu arastirmaya; yas ortalamasi 20,39 olan 56 bayan sporcu ve yas ortalamasi 21,12 olan 106 erkek sporcu katilmistir. Toplam 162 katilimcinin atilganlik duzeyini belirlenmesinde Rathus (1977)’un gelistirdigi ve Nilufer Voltan Acar (1980)’in Turkceye uyarlama calismasi yaptigi Rathus Atilganlik Envanteri (RAE-Rathus Assertiveness Schedule) kullanilmistir. Sonuc olarak, bayan ve erkek sporcularin atilganlik duzeyi puanlarinin karsilastirilmasinda anlamli bir farklilik bulunmamistir
International journal of Science Culture and Sport | 2014
Emre Şimşek; Zait Burak Aktuğ; Çağrı Çelenk; Taner Yilmaz; Elif Top; Ersan Kara
This study has been conducted with the aim of evaluating the physical characteristics of children at the age group of 9-15, who play football at amateur level, in accordance with age. The domain of the study consists of amateur male football players(n=82) who play actively in Kayseri and have been selected with random sampling method. In order to investigate the effects of football training on physical parameters, some tests selected from Eurofit test battery such as hand grip strength, plate tapping, 30 seconds of sit-ups, flamingo, standing broad jump, sit and reach, 20 meters shuttle run, as well as 20 meters sprint and anthropometric measurements (height, weight and body mass index) were applied to the subjects. The statistical evaluation of data is based on 0.05 significance value; after the descriptive statistical and One-Way ANOVA tests have been applied, Duncan has been used as second level test in order to evaluate the differences between the groups. According to the results, some substantial differences(p 0,05) have been found with respect to parameters such as BMI(%), sit-ups (30 sec/times), flamingo balance test(errors). It has been determined after the evaluation of the results that the differences associated with the physical properties of the footballers between 9 and 15 years old affect the development of the players in accordance with their ages and that sports contribute positively to their physical properties in terms of development level and time.
Journal of Education and Learning | 2018
Elif Top; Çağrı Çelenk; Irfan Marangoz; Zait Burak Aktug; Taner Yilmaz; Mustafa Akil
Journal of physical education and sport | 2016
Taner Yilmaz; Elif Top; Mustafa Akil
Journal of Sports Sciences | 2016
Taner Yilmaz; Elif Top; Mustafa Akil
International journal of Science Culture and Sport | 2016
Taner Yilmaz