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Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2017

SISTEM PEMANFAATAN IKAN TUNA DI NUSA TENGGARA (Tuna Utilization System in Nusa Tenggara)

Soraya Gigentika; Tri Wiji Nurani; Sugeng Hari Wisudo; John Haluan

Competition of tuna utilization in Nusa Tenggara has resulted in the inclining toward irresponsible utilization, which causes various issuess of tuna utilization system in Nusa Tenggara. The objectives of this research are to identify the issues of tuna utilization system in Nusa Tenggara and the root of issues. Analysis data used three steps of Soft System Methodology (SSM), there were understanding of the issues situation, established issues situation, and establish the issues definition. The results showed the issues in tuna utilization system in Nusa Tenggara are illegal installation of FADs; the depleted productivity of tuna fishing unit; inefficient fishing capacity utilization and over-input production input on tuna fishing units, fishermen catch baby tuna (undersized tuna), in optimal quality of landed tuna and conflicts related to FADs utilization. The solution that can be performed for these problems are: 1) Strict and effective law enforcement for illegal FADs and ideal allocated number of FADs; 2) determining of optimum allocation number for tuna fishing unit (effort) and the right time for close session; 3) determining the size of the ship which is efficient and determining the optimum amount of effort; 4) Establishing the regulations related to baby tuna fishing, developing the fishing technology which minimizes the catch of baby tuna and controlling the season and the location of the tuna fishing activities; 5) facilitating and training the fishermen and tuna fishing companies or trader for cold-chain handling; and 6) strict and effective law enforcement for fishermen trespassing the fishing area.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016


Rita L. Bubun; Domu Simbolon; Tri Wiji Nurani; Sugeng Hari Wisudo

The Interaction biology of species in the fishing ground caused by displacement energy from one species to another species and create the structure of patterns trophic level. The objectives of this studi are to determine structure of trophic level and composition of dominant spesies in fishing ground by light fishing in waters of the east Southeast Sulawesi. The research method is survey method. Primary data are using simple random sampling of the fish entrails composition of the purse seine and “bagan apung” unit. Analysis of data using analysis trophic level to determine the patterns of trophic level in the fishing ground by using light fishing and descriptive analysis to determine the composition of species based on trophic level. The result showed: (i) The patterns of trophic level in waters of the east Southeast Sulawesi are (I) phytoplankton; (II) zooplankton; (III) shrimp and squid in TL 3,2; (IV) small pelagic fish in TL 3,7; predatory fish in TL 4.2 up; (ii) Composition of dominant spesies in the purse seine is 60% to consumer groups 5 inTL 4,2 up and bagan apung is 66% consumer groups 4 in TL 3,7.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016

SISTEM RANTAI PASOK TUNA LOIN DI PERAIRAN MALUKU (Supply Chain System of Tuna Loin in Maluku Waters)

Arinto Kuncoro Jati; Tri Wiji Nurani; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar

Fishing operation pattern in Maluku waters are highly dependent on natural conditions and others supporting technical factors such as fuel supply and other operational capital which generally unstructured and unmeasureable fishing operation management pattern. One important factor in determining quality control process is supplying-chain factor, i.e. loin tuna distribution which ranging from fish hooked on the ship until the receiving product by the consumer. The objectives of this study is to describe loin tuna supply chain system in Maluku. The supply chain was analyzed by using black box diagram system approach and market integration model used to identify a valuate the relationship of each supply chain component with destined market. The results showed that there is no market integration between Japanese markets and Maluku, but there is long term cooperation between American market and Maluku.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016


Neliyana; Budy Wiryawan; Eko Sri Wiyono; Tri Wiji Nurani

ABSTRACT This research was realized in January-February 2013 at Lampulo Fishing Port Banda Aceh. Sample were selected using purposive sampling. Data used in this reseach is primary data and sekundary data. Method analyzes data used descriptive method and analysis financial. The Results of this study show that of the purse seine fisheries feasibility between the daily and weekly still qualified and feasible to continued. The calculations results of the purse seine fisheries feasibility between the daily Net Present Value (NPV) 294,909,091, IRR 12.10% and B/C 10.47. The calculations results of the purse seine fisheries feasibility between the weekly Net Present Value (NPV) Rp 2,703,945,455, IRR 12.14% and B/C 13.86. Key words: Analysis financial, lampulo, fisheries, purse seine ------- ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai Januari sampai Februari 2013 di pelabuhan perikanan pantai (PPP) Lampulo Banda Aceh. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling. Data yang diambil data primer dan sekunder. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis finansial usaha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha perikanan pukat cincin harian dan mingguan di Lampulo memenuhi persyaratan dan masih layak dilanjutkan. Hasil perhitungan kelayakan usaha pada usaha perikanan pukat cincin harian Net Present Value (NPV) Rp 294.909.091, IRR 12,10% dan B/C 10,47. Hasil perhitungan kelayakan usaha pada usaha perikanan pukat cincin mingguan Net Present Value (NPV) Rp 2.703.945.455, IRR 12,14% dan B/C 13,86. Kata kunci: kelayakan usaha, Lampulo, perikanan, pukat cincin

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016

SASARAN STRATEGIS PENGEMBANGAN MODEL KLUSTER INDUSTRI PERIKANAN TANGKAP (Strategic objectives for Cluster Development Model of Capture Fisheries Industry)

Tri Wiji Nurani; Ardani; Ernani Lubis

ABSTRACT Cluster model in fisheries industry base on leading commodity is a policies initiated by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs to promote the accelerated development of marine and fisheries sector. Palabuhanratu is one of the areas designated as fisheries industry cluster development. The successful development of the program needs to be evaluated by measurable indicators. This study aims to formulate strategic goals as a measure of the success of the development model of capture fisheries industrial clusters in Palabuhanratu. SWOT analysis and balanced scorecard are used to formulate a strategy and a benchmark for the success of the program. The study states that the strategic objectives of capture fisheries industry cluster development in Palabuhanratu should be able to synergize the interests of actors and interests among sectors in order to create industries competitiveness and productiveness. Factors of successinclude8 strategic targets with 17 benchmarks are covered in 4 perspectives: customer and stakeholder perspective, financial, internal business and institutional perspective. Strategic objectives include balancing utilization and conservation, continuity of production, quality, customer satisfaction, supply chain integration, partnerships, and commitment among the actors in the development of the program. Keywords: cluster industry model, Palabuhanratu, capture fisheries, strategic objective, benchmark ------- ABSTRAK Model kluster industri perikanan berbasis komoditas unggulan merupakan kebijakan yang digulirkan oleh Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan untuk mendorong percepatan pembangunan sektor kelautan dan perikanan. Palabuhanratu merupakan salah satu lokasi yang ditetapkan sebagai kawasan pengembangan kluster industri perikanan tangkap. Keberhasilan pengembangan program perlu dievaluasi melalui indikator yang terukur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasikan sasaran strategis sebagai tolok ukur keberhasilan pengembangan model kluster industri perikanan tangkap di Palabuhanratu. Analisis SWOT dan balanced scorecard digunakan untuk merumuskan strategi dan tolok ukur keberhasilan program. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa sasaran strategis pengembangan kluster industri perikanan tangkap di Palabuhanratu harus dapat mensinergikan kepentingan para pelaku dan kepentingan antar sektor untuk dapat menciptakan industri yang memiliki daya saing dan produktif. Faktor keberhasilan mencakup 8 sasaran strategis, dengan 17 tolok ukur keberhasilan yang tercakup dalam 4 perspektif yaitu perpektif pelanggan dan stakeholder, keuangan, bisnis internal dan perspektif kelembagaan. Sasaran strategis meliputi keseimbangan pemanfaatan dan konservasi, kontinuitas produksi, mutu, kepuasan pelanggan, integrasi rantai pasok, kemitraan, dan komitmen diantara para pelaku dalam pengembangan program. Kata kunci: model kluster industri, Palabuhanratu, perikanan tangkap, sasaran strategis, tolok ukur

Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan | 2014


Welem Waileruny; Eko Sri Wiyono; Sugeng Hari Wisodo; Ari Purbayanto; Tri Wiji Nurani

Suhu permukaan laut (SPL) dan klorofil-a (CHL) merupakan parameter oseanografi yang penting dan sering digunakan untuk memprediksi daerah penangkapan potensial menggunakan remote sensing. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dan memetakan daerah penangkapan ikan cakalang di Laut Banda dan sekitanya Provinsi Maluku berdasarkan perubahan musim. Data SPL dan CHL diambil dari analisis data citra satelit, hasil observasi sensor Aqua MODIS level 3 dengan resolusi spasial 4 km dan resolusi temporal bulan dan musiman. Data citra dianalisis dengan program SEADAS 5.2. Hasil analisis menunjukkan suhu permukaan laut (SPL) dan konsentrasi klorofil-a di Laut Banda dan sekitarnya mengalami fluktuasi dari bulan ke bulan. Kondisi ini mempengaruhi fluktuasi SPL dan CHL musiman. Rata-rata suhu tertinggi berada pada musim barat dan pancaroba pertama sedangkan suhu terendah di musim timur. Berbeda dengan konsentrasi klorofil-a, tertinggi pada musim timur dan terendah pada musim pancaroba pertama. Ada korelasi antara peningkatan suhu dan penurunan konsentrasi klorofil-a. Suhu permukaan laut juga memiliki korelasi negatif dengan CPUE dan mempengaruhi pembentukan daerah penangkapan ikan. Daerah penangkapan cakalang di Laut Banda dengan CPUE tertinggi pada semua musim ada di sebelah barat Pulau Seram sekitar Pulau Buano, Kelang dan Manipa atau pada posisi 126,7o-128o BT dan 2.6o-3.4o LS, di sekitar Laut Banda pada posisi 127o-130,3o BT dan 3.2o-4o LS.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2013

Integrasi Pasar Komoditas Unggulan Minapolitan di Palabuhanratu (Market Integration for Major Minapolitan Commodities in Palabuhanratu)

Ardani Ardani; Tri Wiji Nurani; Ernani Lubis

Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Palabuhanratu telah ditetapkan sebagai lokasi proyek minapolitan perikanan tangkap. Pemerintah daerah menetapkan tuna dan layur sebagai komoditas unggulan minapolitan. Salah satu aspek penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam pengembangan komoditas unggulan adalah integrasi pasar. Dalam integrasi pasar, harga suatu komoditas sangat responsif terhadap perubahan harga produk yang memiliki kualitas yang sama di pasar lainnya. Hubungan harga spasial dapat menunjukkan kinerja pasar secara keseluruhan. Kinerja pasar yang efisien dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu daya saing komoditas unggulan minapolitan di Palabuhanratu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis integrasi pasar tuna dan layur di kawasan minapolitan perikanan tangkap Palabuhanratu. Model Ravallion digunakan untuk menganalisis integrasi pasar tuna dan layur antara pasar lokal dan pasar ekspor. Metode Index of Market Connection digunakan untuk menghitung derajat integrasi di antara kedua pasar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pasar bigeye tuna segar dan layur di Palabuhanratu terintegrasi baik untuk jenis pasar lokal maupun pasar ekspor. Kata kunci: perikanan tangkap, integrasi pasar, minapolitan, Palabuhanratu

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2012

EVALUASI LUASAN KAWASAN MANGROVE UNTUK MENDUKUNG PERIKANAN UDANG DI KABUPATEN CILACAP PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH (Evaluation of the Mangrove Area Extents to Support Fishing Shrimp in Cilacap Regency, Central Java Province)

Triono Probo Pangesti; Tri Wiji Nurani; Eko Sri Wiyono

ABSTRACT Cilacap waters are rich with shrimp resource, particularly from Penaidae spp species, such as shrimp Jerbung (Penaeus merguensis) and shrimp Dogol (Metapenaeus endevouri and Metapenaeus ensis). Statistic data of shrimp in Cilacap showed shrimp production keep on declining, from 1,118,644 kg in 2004 to 818,595 kg in 2008. The declining production is suspected due to the increasing intensity of catching and the damage of ecology in coastal areas, particularly the mangrove. This research is aimed at mapping the mangrove areas, and estimating stock of shrimp resource in Cilacap. Data analysis was conducted by using spatial analysis and analysis of potential resource of fish. Results of the analysis showed that estimated mangrove forest in Cilacap in 2005 was about 14,502.55 ha, reduced to about 9,326.71 ha in 2007 and continue to decline to about 2,618.78 ha in 2009. Estimated score of MSY shrimp is 955,493.34 kg/year, with optimum catch 55,014.68 trips. Keywords: analysis of surplus production, Cilacap, mangrove, shrimp, spatial analysis ------ ABSTRAK Wilayah perairan Kabupaten Cilacap kaya akan sumberdaya udang, khususnya dari jenis Penaidae spp., diantaranya yaitu udang jerbung (Penaeus merguensis) dan udang dogol (Metapenaeus endevouri dan Metapenaeus ensis). Data statistik perikanan udang di Cilacap menunjukkan produksi udang terus mengalami penurunan yaitu dari 1.118.644 kg pada tahun 2004 menjadi 818.595 kg pada tahun 2008. Penurunan produksi udang di Cilacap diduga disebabkan oleh meningkatnya intensitas penangkapan dan kerusakan ekologi kawasan pesisir, khususnya hutan mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun peta untuk menghitung luas kawasan lahan mangrove, dan mengestimasi stok sumberdaya udang di Kabupaten Cilacap. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis spasial dan analisis potensi sumberdaya ikan. Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa estimasi luasan kawasan hutan mangrove di Cilacap pada tahun 2005 sekitar 14.502,55 ha, menurun menjadi sekitar

Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia | 2011


Tri Wiji Nurani; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Gina Almirani Wahyudi

Many numbers of rejected tuna product of Indonesia in export market, request fish handling which can qual ity assurance and security of the product. Fish handling on board is one of the production chain which playing a port of important to quality of tuna product. HACCP quality management system have been obliged to be applied in fish processing unit, while in fishing vessel the traceability. Appling SSOP and GMP/GHP represent a basic requirement (pre requisite) as measuring rod of the readiness of applying HACCP. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of the basic requirements of HACCP implementation in the tuna longline vessels. Research done in the fishing port of Palabuhanratu and Nizam Zachman Jakarta. Assessment conducted to basic requirement of ves sel feasibility, include the location and environment, design and construction of ships and facilities, equipment and supplies, operational management, hygiene and health of workers, to the quality management system. Result of the research indicated that value Yi around 1,5<Yi<3, can make conclusion that applying of basic requirement has near enough from the standard, so that the HACCP can be applied in fresh tuna longline vessel after some completion.

Archive | 2015

Catch of tuna fish on trolling fishing in Indian Ocean Waters, Southern Coast of East Java related to sea surface temperature variability

Tri Wiji Nurani; Prihatin Ika Wahyuningrum; Sugeng Hari Wisudo; Risti Endriani Arhatin; Didin Komarudin


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Eko Sri Wiyono

Bogor Agricultural University

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John Haluan

Bogor Agricultural University

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Budy Wiryawan

Bogor Agricultural University

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Domu Simbolon

Bogor Agricultural University

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Ernani Lubis

Bogor Agricultural University

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Ririn Irnawati

Bogor Agricultural University

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Bambang Murdiyanto

Bogor Agricultural University

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