Budy Wiryawan
Bogor Agricultural University
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Featured researches published by Budy Wiryawan.
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning | 2016
Megan Bailey; Alice M.M. Miller; Simon R. Bush; Paul A.M. van Zwieten; Budy Wiryawan
Abstract Indonesia is one of the worlds largest tuna producing countries, yet regulatory oversight remains weak and management is poor. Incentive-based approaches are a way to improve state-based resource management, but they often require strong government regulation. In this paper, we use principal–agent theory and the notion of the ‘incentive gap’ to explore how incentives could be brought to bear in Indonesia through a combination of private and public actors. With a shared fish stock like tuna, we argue that a double principal–agent problem emerges, where information, asymmetries between various players complicate management. We focus on the problems of adverse selection and moral hazard in three different tuna fisheries in Indonesia to identify the nature of the incentive gap, and comment on the mix of public and private actors currently engaged in tuna fishery governance towards reducing the gap. The double principal–agent problem is a useful yet underutilized framework to understand the dynamics of shared stocks management. In this first application to a developing country fishery, we conclude that information asymmetries cannot be overcome without the involvement of private actors, who are increasingly becoming important in aligning regional and global objectives with those of fishers themselves.
Fisheries Science | 2015
Irfan Yulianto; Cornelius Hammer; Budy Wiryawan; Harry W. Palm
As a result of high levels of exploitation, in many regions of the world grouper (Epinephelidae) populations are at risk and/or declining steadily, such as in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to determine grouper stock sizes in Karimunjawa National Park, Indonesia. If the establishment of the park with no-take zones was effective in protecting grouper populations, the biomass of the grouper populations in this park should have increased or at least have been maintained between 2005 and 2012, the period under study. We found that grouper mean abundance declined between 2005 and 2012, with a fluctuating mean biomass, but that the mean biomass increased from 2009 to 2012. A significant difference was found in the abundance and biomass of groupers between the different core zones, but no significant difference was observed for three observed species between these zones. Three fishing gear types are used by fishermen to catch groupers, with speargun fisheries being the most effective. In 2011, the speargun effort was decreased, based on self-regulation by fishermen; this resulted in a change in the groupers’ target size and impacted recruitment success, with an increase in the stock size and biomass of groupers in 2012. Based on our analysis, we conclude that the establishment of marine protected areas alone, as exemplified by the establishment of three core zones in Karimunjawa National Park, is not sufficient on its own to protect natural populations of groupers, and that fishing-gear regulation and community support are also required.
Journal of Coastal Zone Management | 2015
Irfan Yulianto; Cornelius Hammer; Budy Wiryawan; Harry W. Palm
Indonesia is one of the countries in Asia region that plays an important role in the grouper supply. Grouper production in Indonesia increased 5-fold within two decades aside a continuous increase in grouper demand. To enhance grouper yield, the Indonesian Government initiated stock enhancement programmes releasing cultured grouper into the natural habitats. The purpose of the present study was to examine the impact of grouper stock enhancement onto natural grouper populations in Karimujawa National Park, Indonesia and to monitor the potential risks involved. Experimental release of 10 cm cultured Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (brown-marbled grouper) from the backyard multi-species hatchery system was monitored using underwater visual census and fish-catch monitoring. As a result, it was found that the greatest peril for the released grouper of 10 cm length was falling immediately prey to predators in the reef habitat, even though enough hides were available at the release site, since groupers of this particular size class were not trained to survive under field conditions. Grouper of 15 cm however are well capable of seeking shelter and avoiding predators. This leads to the clear recommendation that released grouper should to have a size of at least 15 cm for release in stock enhancement programmes. According to our experiments the so far officially recommended minimum size of release (10 cm) is therefore too low and should be increased to 15 cm for E. fuscoguttatus, and requires future adjustment of the official recommendations in use. Parasitological examination of the released fish was conducted in order to analyse potential risks involved. No macro-parasites could be observed, limiting the risk of spreading parasites and diseases within the Indonesian archipelago. However, many parasites of E. fuscoguttatus are widespread and can infect different grouper species.
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2017
Muhammad Rizal; Budy Wiryawan; Sugeng Hari Wisudo; Iin Solihin; John Haluan
Nowadays, the development of fisheries strategic issues is related to poverty and welfare of fishermen. In 2010 - 2014, Ministry of Marine and Fisheries implemented Business Development Program of Rural Area by creating a Joint Business Group (JBG) to help traditional and small scale fishermen who categorized as poor. This study aimed to determine the performance of JBG of gillnet fishermen and to identify the attributes of performance (aspects of institutional, socio-cultural, economic, environmental and policy) in Barsela Aceh. Data was collected by purposive sampling method from 13 JBG of gillnet fishermen. IPA analysis and gap analysis were performed to measure each attribute and attributes performance. The results showed that the value of the gap in the aspect of the institution of 1.87, and socio-cultural aspect of 1.91, which are categorized as good enough. Furthermore, the value of the economic aspect (2,12), environmental aspect (2,43) and policy aspect (2.21) are categorized as less good. The attributes which categorized as a top priority (in quadrant A) are the aspect of institution, namely; human resources quality of JBG, the level of utilization of information technology and marketing, participation in training event, frequency of training held by related agencies and traditional institutions and the effectiveness of PPTK. Socio-cultural aspects are the desire to be independent culture, work ethic culture, group cohesiveness, and JBG assets are jointly managed. In economic aspect are active savings and loan activities, the level of turnover development of JBG and the level of market opportunities for JBG fishermens business. Environmental aspects are the effectiveness of target fish species catch, high economic value of fish and environment-friendly technologies. Policy aspects are sanctioned policies for fictitious JBG, policies about who can become a member of JBG, policy management in preparing a joint business plan and sanctions for members who violate the rules.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan | 2017
M. Nizar Dahlan; Budy Wiryawan; Bambang Murdiyanto; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Akhmad Fauzi
Perairan Laut Cina Selatan dengan potensi lestari 1,06 juta ton/tahun dan masih belum menjadikan sektor perikanan sebagai kontributor ekonomi utama di kawasan termasuk di Kabupaten Belitung. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan kebijakan pembangunan perikanan tangkap sehingga menjadi basis ekonomi Kabupaten Belitung. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari analisis deskriptif dan analisis micro-macro link yang dikembangkan dengan metode structural equation modelling (SEM). Hasil analisis menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan terjadi pada usaha perikanan Belitung terhadap wilayah basis (P=0,008), kondisi fiskal terhadap pertumbuhan market output (P = 0,002) dan wilayah basis (P=0,005), kebijakan nasional terhadap moneter (P=0,002) dan trade (P=0,007), trade terhadap ekonomi regional (P=0,003), dan ekonomi regional terhadap sektor penunjang (P=0,000). Terkait dengan ini, maka kebijakan pembangunan perikanan dapat diarahkan pada pengembangan usaha perikanan tangkap yang berbasis potensi dan prospek kewilayahan, serta penyelamatan pemasaran produk perikanan daerah dan usaha perikanan unggulan terutama bila kondisi ekonomi dan keuangan global tidak stabil. Hal ini untuk antisipasi terhadap kondisi yang tidak mendukung bila suatu kebijakan nasional diberlakukan di kawasan yang tidak sesuai dengan kondisi kedaerahan. Dan perlu pengembangan jalur-jalur perdagangan produk perikanan yang permanen dan jangka panjang serta jaminan kondusifitas kegiatan pelayanan jasa yang mendukung pembangunan perikanan
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016
Irfan Yulianto; Budy Wiryawan; Am Azbas Taurusman; Prihatin Ika Wahyuningrum; Vita R. Kurniawati
ABSTRACTKarimunjawa National Park is one of the national parks that have the objective to maintain fish populations in the Java Sea, where one of them is grouper. Grouper is one of the target fish in the national park. The objective of this study is to assess the conditions and dynamics of the grouper fishery in Karimunjawa National Park. Fish landing surveys were conducted to collect the data. Fishing gear types, grouper species, and weight of each species were collected. Calculation of Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) per month and two-way ANOVA statistical tests were used for data analysis. Results of this study indicated that catches of grouper using speargun was significantly higher than the catch using handline. There was a seasonal cycle of the grouper catch, where the value of the highest CPUE occurred in transitional season between the west and east monsoon season, from March to May.Key words: CPUE, grouper fishery, Karimunjawa National Park-------ABSTRAKTaman Nasional Karimunjawa merupakan salah satu taman nasional yang salah satu tujuannya untuk mempertahankan populasi ikan di Laut Jawa, dimana salah satunya adalah perikanan kerapu. Ikan kerapu merupakan salah satu target penangkapan di perairan Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kondisi dan dinamika perikanan kerapu di Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Survei pendaratan ikan dilakukan untuk pengumpulan data. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah alat tangkap yang digunakan untuk menangkap ikan kerapu, jenis hasil tangkapan, dan berat masing-masing jenis hasil tangkapan setiap trip. Perhitungan nilai Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) setiap bulan dan uji statistik two ways ANOVA digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil tangkapan ikan kerapu dengan menggunakan speargun lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata secara statistik dibandingkan hasil tangkapan dengan menggunakan pancing. Terdapat siklus musiman hasil tangkapan, dimana nilai CPUE tertinggi terjadi pada musim peralihan antara musim barat dan musim timur yakni dari bulan Maret hingga Mei.Kata kunci: CPUE, perikanan kerapu, Taman Nasional Karimunjawa
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016
Neliyana; Budy Wiryawan; Eko Sri Wiyono; Tri Wiji Nurani
ABSTRACT This research was realized in January-February 2013 at Lampulo Fishing Port Banda Aceh. Sample were selected using purposive sampling. Data used in this reseach is primary data and sekundary data. Method analyzes data used descriptive method and analysis financial. The Results of this study show that of the purse seine fisheries feasibility between the daily and weekly still qualified and feasible to continued. The calculations results of the purse seine fisheries feasibility between the daily Net Present Value (NPV) 294,909,091, IRR 12.10% and B/C 10.47. The calculations results of the purse seine fisheries feasibility between the weekly Net Present Value (NPV) Rp 2,703,945,455, IRR 12.14% and B/C 13.86. Key words: Analysis financial, lampulo, fisheries, purse seine ------- ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai Januari sampai Februari 2013 di pelabuhan perikanan pantai (PPP) Lampulo Banda Aceh. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling. Data yang diambil data primer dan sekunder. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis finansial usaha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha perikanan pukat cincin harian dan mingguan di Lampulo memenuhi persyaratan dan masih layak dilanjutkan. Hasil perhitungan kelayakan usaha pada usaha perikanan pukat cincin harian Net Present Value (NPV) Rp 294.909.091, IRR 12,10% dan B/C 10,47. Hasil perhitungan kelayakan usaha pada usaha perikanan pukat cincin mingguan Net Present Value (NPV) Rp 2.703.945.455, IRR 12,14% dan B/C 13,86. Kata kunci: kelayakan usaha, Lampulo, perikanan, pukat cincin
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016
Yuli Purwanto; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Mohammad Imron; Budy Wiryawan
ABSTRACT Has become a common understanding that fishing is a risky job, so the safety aspects on board is an important factor that must be considered. Fishing vessels should also be supported with design and good stability, so that fishing activities can run smoothly and avoid the danger of accidents. Pole and liner in Bitung is quite varied and the ships were built in traditional dockyard and not based on the calculation and construction planning and design. One of the instruments on fishing vessel operational safety assurance is the implementation of the regulation, both nationally and internationally. At the international level, many regulations governing the safety of the ship in respect of fish. While national regulations relating to the safety of fishing vessels has not been consistent and in harmony, hence the assessment regulations relating to fishing vessel safety improvement needs to be done to determine the extent of the responsibility of government and the extent of the application of the existing rules. The general objective of this study was to determine the safety aspects of pole and line vessels, while the specific goal are: (1) review and analyze to get the quality stability of the ship (2) identify and assess safety-related regulatory review pole and line vessels in Bitung. The results showed that the quality of the stability of the vessel pole and line in the four conditions of the charge distribution in a state of good stability. It is represented by the value of all the parameters that are above the standard value IMO. In the simulated load conditions, the maximum GZ value at the time the vessel is in operation, while the GZ smallest value in an empty load case ship condition. There are seven international policy and five national policies relevant to the safety of fishing vessels. International policies clearly have established the safety of the ship and crew of fishing vessels, but implementation at the national level is still lacking and not aligned. Keywords: pole and liner, quality stability, regulation ------- ABSTRAK Telah menjadi pemahaman umum bahwa kegiatan penangkapan ikan merupakan suatu pekerjaan beresiko, sehingga aspek keselamatan diatas kapal merupakan faktor terpenting yang harus diperhatikan. Kapal ikan juga harus didukung dengan desain dan stabilitas yang baik, sehingga kegiatan penangkapan ikan dapat berjalan lancar dan terhindar dari bahaya kecelakaan. Armada kapal pole and line di Bitung cukup bervariasi dan kapal-kapal tersebut dibangun digalangan tradisional yang tidak berdasarkan perhitungan dan perencanaan konstruksi dan desain. Salah satu instrumen dalam jaminan keselamatan operasional kapal ikan adalah pelaksanaan peraturan, baik nasional maupun internasional. Pada tingkat internasional, banyak regulasi yang mengatur berkenaan dengan keselamatan kapal ikan. Sementara peraturan nasional yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan kapal ikan belum sejalan dan selaras, karenanya pengkajian regulasi terkait dengan peningkatan keselamatan kapal ikan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tanggung jawab pemerintah dan sejauh mana penerapan aturan yang ada. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan aspek keselamatan kapal pole and line, sedangkan tujuan khususnya adalah: (1) mengkaji dan menganalisis untuk mendapatkan kualitas stabilitas kapal (2) mengidentifikasi dan mengkaji tinjauan regulasi terkait keselamatan kapal pole and line di Bitung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas stabilitas kapal pole and line pada empat kondisi distribusi muatan dalam keadaan stabilitas yang baik. Hal ini diwakili oleh nilai semua parameter yang berada di atas nilai standar IMO. Pada kondisi simulasi muatan, nilai GZ maksimum berada pada saat kapal beroperasi, sementara nilai GZ terkecil pada kondisi kapal muatan kosong. Terdapat tujuh kebijakan internasional dan lima kebijakan nasional yang relevan dengan keselamatan kapal ikan. Kebijakan internasional jelas telah menetapkan keselamatan kapal dan awak kapal penangkap ikan, tetapi implementasi di tingkat nasional masih kurang dan belum selaras. Kata kunci: Kapal pole and line, kualitas stabilitas, regulasi
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2013
Irfan Yulianto; Budy Wiryawan; Am Azbas Taurusman
Dengan adanya Undang-undang nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, Pemerintah daerah dalam hal ini pemerintah kabupaten atau pemerintah kota memiliki peranan penting dalam pengelolaan perikanan karang. Disisi lain kapasitas sebagian pemerintah kabupaten dan kota dalam pengelolaan perikanan masih relatif lemah. Sehingga banyak pemerintah kabupaten dan kota tidak melakukan kegiatan pengelolaan perikanan karang. Kota Sabang, merupakan kota terletak di ujung barat laut Pulau Sumatera, termasuk wilayah Provinsi Aceh. Berdasarkan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Kota Sabang, bidang perikanan merupakan salah satu bidang prioritas dalam rencana tersebut. Salah satu masalah utamanya adalah kapasitas pemerintah Kota Sabang masih terbatas dalam melakukan pengelolaan perikanan khususnya perikanan karang sehingga memiliki kelemahan dalam menyusun strategi pengelolaan perikanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: adanya kajian status kelembagaan pemerintah kota sabang dalam melakukan pengelolaan perikanan karang; dan adanya strategi dan rekomendasi pengelolaan perikanan karang berdasarkan status kelembagaan. Metode yang dipakai dalam studi ini adalah Institutional Development Framework (IDF) yang dikembangkan oleh Renzi (1996) dan Manulang (1999). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara kelembangaan, Dinas Kelautan, Perikanan dan Pertanian (DKPP), Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (BAPPEDA), dan Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan, Kebersihan dan Pertamanan (BAPEDALKEP) berada dalam tahap pemantapan dalam melakukan pengelolaan perikanan karang. Kata kunci: kapasitas pemerintah, pengelolaan perikanan, perikanan karang
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2012
Yopi Novita; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Bambang Murdiyanto; Budy Wiryawan; Hariyanto Hariyanto
Liquid cargo in the hold of life fish carier might influence ship stability. This is due to effect of free surface that is generated by liquid cargo movement during ship motion. This research exa-mined the effect of free surface from two kinds of hold that are formed into box and cylinder shapes.The result shows that, the effect of free surface of liquid cargo that placed in box shape hold givesless impact comparing to the one in cylinder shape.