Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Attention Actor-Critic algorithm for Multi-Agent Constrained Co-operative Reinforcement Learning

In this work, we consider the problem of computing optimal actions for Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents in a co-operative setting, where the objective is to optimize a common goal. However, in many real-life applications, in addition to optimizing the goal, the agents are required to satisfy certain constraints specified on their actions. Under this setting, the objective of the agents is to not only learn the actions that optimize the common objective but also meet the specified constraints. In recent times, the Actor-Critic algorithm with an attention mechanism has been successfully applied to obtain optimal actions for RL agents in multi-agent environments. In this work, we extend this algorithm to the constrained multi-agent RL setting. The idea here is that optimizing the common goal and satisfying the constraints may require different modes of attention. By incorporating different attention modes, the agents can select useful information required for optimizing the objective and satisfying the constraints separately, thereby yielding better actions. Through experiments on benchmark multi-agent environments, we show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.

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Artificial Intelligence

AutoPreview: A Framework for Autopilot Behavior Understanding

The behavior of self driving cars may differ from people expectations, (e.g. an autopilot may unexpectedly relinquish control). This expectation mismatch can cause potential and existing users to distrust self driving technology and can increase the likelihood of accidents. We propose a simple but effective framework, AutoPreview, to enable consumers to preview a target autopilot potential actions in the real world driving context before deployment. For a given target autopilot, we design a delegate policy that replicates the target autopilot behavior with explainable action representations, which can then be queried online for comparison and to build an accurate mental model. To demonstrate its practicality, we present a prototype of AutoPreview integrated with the CARLA simulator along with two potential use cases of the framework. We conduct a pilot study to investigate whether or not AutoPreview provides deeper understanding about autopilot behavior when experiencing a new autopilot policy for the first time. Our results suggest that the AutoPreview method helps users understand autopilot behavior in terms of driving style comprehension, deployment preference, and exact action timing prediction.

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Artificial Intelligence

Automated Aggregator -- Rewriting with the Counting Aggregate

Answer set programming is a leading declarative constraint programming paradigm with wide use for complex knowledge-intensive applications. Modern answer set programming languages support many equivalent ways to model constraints and specifications in a program. However, so far answer set programming has failed to develop systematic methodologies for building representations that would uniformly lend well to automated processing. This suggests that encoding selection, in the same way as algorithm selection and portfolio solving, may be a viable direction for improving performance of answer-set solving. The necessary precondition is automating the process of generating possible alternative encodings. Here we present an automated rewriting system, the Automated Aggregator or AAgg, that given a non-ground logic program, produces a family of equivalent programs with complementary performance when run under modern answer set programming solvers. We demonstrate this behavior through experimental analysis and propose the system's use in automated answer set programming solver selection tools.

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Artificial Intelligence

Avoiding Help Avoidance: Using Interface Design Changes to Promote Unsolicited Hint Usage in an Intelligent Tutor

Within intelligent tutoring systems, considerable research has investigated hints, including how to generate data-driven hints, what hint content to present, and when to provide hints for optimal learning outcomes. However, less attention has been paid to how hints are presented. In this paper, we propose a new hint delivery mechanism called "Assertions" for providing unsolicited hints in a data-driven intelligent tutor. Assertions are partially-worked example steps designed to appear within a student workspace, and in the same format as student-derived steps, to show students a possible subgoal leading to the solution. We hypothesized that Assertions can help address the well-known hint avoidance problem. In systems that only provide hints upon request, hint avoidance results in students not receiving hints when they are needed. Our unsolicited Assertions do not seek to improve student help-seeking, but rather seek to ensure students receive the help they need. We contrast Assertions with Messages, text-based, unsolicited hints that appear after student inactivity. Our results show that Assertions significantly increase unsolicited hint usage compared to Messages. Further, they show a significant aptitude-treatment interaction between Assertions and prior proficiency, with Assertions leading students with low prior proficiency to generate shorter (more efficient) posttest solutions faster. We also present a clustering analysis that shows patterns of productive persistence among students with low prior knowledge when the tutor provides unsolicited help in the form of Assertions. Overall, this work provides encouraging evidence that hint presentation can significantly impact how students use them and using Assertions can be an effective way to address help avoidance.

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Artificial Intelligence

BF++: a language for general-purpose program synthesis

Most state of the art decision systems based on Reinforcement Learning (RL) are data-driven black-box neural models, where it is often difficult to incorporate expert knowledge into the models or let experts review and validate the learned decision mechanisms. Knowledge-insertion and model review are important requirements in many applications involving human health and safety. One way to bridge the gap between data and knowledge driven systems is program synthesis: replacing a neural network that outputs decisions with a symbolic program generated by a neural network or by means of genetic programming. We propose a new programming language, BF++, designed specifically for automatic programming of agents in a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) setting and apply neural program synthesis to solve standard OpenAI Gym benchmarks.

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Artificial Intelligence

Baby Intuitions Benchmark (BIB): Discerning the goals, preferences, and actions of others

To achieve human-like common sense about everyday life, machine learning systems must understand and reason about the goals, preferences, and actions of others. Human infants intuitively achieve such common sense by making inferences about the underlying causes of other agents' actions. Directly informed by research on infant cognition, our benchmark BIB challenges machines to achieve generalizable, common-sense reasoning about other agents like human infants do. As in studies on infant cognition, moreover, we use a violation of expectation paradigm in which machines must predict the plausibility of an agent's behavior given a video sequence, making this benchmark appropriate for direct validation with human infants in future studies. We show that recently proposed, deep-learning-based agency reasoning models fail to show infant-like reasoning, leaving BIB an open challenge.

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Artificial Intelligence

Benchmarking and Survey of Explanation Methods for Black Box Models

The widespread adoption of black-box models in Artificial Intelligence has enhanced the need for explanation methods to reveal how these obscure models reach specific decisions. Retrieving explanations is fundamental to unveil possible biases and to resolve practical or ethical issues. Nowadays, the literature is full of methods with different explanations. We provide a categorization of explanation methods based on the type of explanation returned. We present the most recent and widely used explainers, and we show a visual comparison among explanations and a quantitative benchmarking.

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Artificial Intelligence

Beneficial and Harmful Explanatory Machine Learning

Given the recent successes of Deep Learning in AI there has been increased interest in the role and need for explanations in machine learned theories. A distinct notion in this context is that of Michie's definition of Ultra-Strong Machine Learning (USML). USML is demonstrated by a measurable increase in human performance of a task following provision to the human of a symbolic machine learned theory for task performance. A recent paper demonstrates the beneficial effect of a machine learned logic theory for a classification task, yet no existing work to our knowledge has examined the potential harmfulness of machine's involvement for human comprehension during learning. This paper investigates the explanatory effects of a machine learned theory in the context of simple two person games and proposes a framework for identifying the harmfulness of machine explanations based on the Cognitive Science literature. The approach involves a cognitive window consisting of two quantifiable bounds and it is supported by empirical evidence collected from human trials. Our quantitative and qualitative results indicate that human learning aided by a symbolic machine learned theory which satisfies a cognitive window has achieved significantly higher performance than human self learning. Results also demonstrate that human learning aided by a symbolic machine learned theory that fails to satisfy this window leads to significantly worse performance than unaided human learning.

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Artificial Intelligence

Bias in ontologies -- a preliminary assessment

Logical theories in the form of ontologies and similar artefacts in computing and IT are used for structuring, annotating, and querying data, among others, and therewith influence data analytics regarding what is fed into the algorithms. Algorithmic bias is a well-known notion, but what does bias mean in the context of ontologies that provide a structuring mechanism for an algorithm's input? What are the sources of bias there and how would they manifest themselves in ontologies? We examine and enumerate types of bias relevant for ontologies, and whether they are explicit or implicit. These eight types are illustrated with examples from extant production-level ontologies and samples from the literature. We then assessed three concurrently developed COVID-19 ontologies on bias and detected different subsets of types of bias in each one, to a greater or lesser extent. This first characterisation aims contribute to a sensitisation of ethical aspects of ontologies primarily regarding representation of information and knowledge.

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Artificial Intelligence

CaEGCN: Cross-Attention Fusion based Enhanced Graph Convolutional Network for Clustering

With the powerful learning ability of deep convolutional networks, deep clustering methods can extract the most discriminative information from individual data and produce more satisfactory clustering results. However, existing deep clustering methods usually ignore the relationship between the data. Fortunately, the graph convolutional network can handle such relationship, opening up a new research direction for deep clustering. In this paper, we propose a cross-attention based deep clustering framework, named Cross-Attention Fusion based Enhanced Graph Convolutional Network (CaEGCN), which contains four main modules: the cross-attention fusion module which innovatively concatenates the Content Auto-encoder module (CAE) relating to the individual data and Graph Convolutional Auto-encoder module (GAE) relating to the relationship between the data in a layer-by-layer manner, and the self-supervised model that highlights the discriminative information for clustering tasks. While the cross-attention fusion module fuses two kinds of heterogeneous representation, the CAE module supplements the content information for the GAE module, which avoids the over-smoothing problem of GCN. In the GAE module, two novel loss functions are proposed that reconstruct the content and relationship between the data, respectively. Finally, the self-supervised module constrains the distributions of the middle layer representations of CAE and GAE to be consistent. Experimental results on different types of datasets prove the superiority and robustness of the proposed CaEGCN.

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