Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Counterfactual State Explanations for Reinforcement Learning Agents via Generative Deep Learning

Counterfactual explanations, which deal with "why not?" scenarios, can provide insightful explanations to an AI agent's behavior. In this work, we focus on generating counterfactual explanations for deep reinforcement learning (RL) agents which operate in visual input environments like Atari. We introduce counterfactual state explanations, a novel example-based approach to counterfactual explanations based on generative deep learning. Specifically, a counterfactual state illustrates what minimal change is needed to an Atari game image such that the agent chooses a different action. We also evaluate the effectiveness of counterfactual states on human participants who are not machine learning experts. Our first user study investigates if humans can discern if the counterfactual state explanations are produced by the actual game or produced by a generative deep learning approach. Our second user study investigates if counterfactual state explanations can help non-expert participants identify a flawed agent; we compare against a baseline approach based on a nearest neighbor explanation which uses images from the actual game. Our results indicate that counterfactual state explanations have sufficient fidelity to the actual game images to enable non-experts to more effectively identify a flawed RL agent compared to the nearest neighbor baseline and to having no explanation at all.

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Artificial Intelligence

Creation and Evaluation of a Pre-tertiary Artificial Intelligence (AI) Curriculum

Contributions: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)-Jockey Club AI for the Future Project (AI4Future) co-created an AI curriculum for pre-tertiary education and evaluated its efficacy. While AI is conventionally taught in tertiary level education, our co-creation process successfully developed the curriculum that has been used in secondary school teaching in Hong Kong and received positive feedback. Background: AI4Future is a cross-sector project that engages five major partners - CUHK Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Education, Hong Kong secondary schools, the government and the AI industry. A team of 14 professors with expertise in engineering and education collaborated with 17 principals and teachers from 6 secondary schools to co-create the curriculum. This team formation bridges the gap between researchers in engineering and education, together with practitioners in education context. Research Questions: What are the main features of the curriculum content developed through the co-creation process? Would the curriculum significantly improve the students perceived competence in, as well as attitude and motivation towards AI? What are the teachers perceptions of the co-creation process that aims to accommodate and foster teacher autonomy? Methodology: This study adopted a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods and involved 335 student participants. Findings: 1) two main features of learning resources, 2) the students perceived greater competence, and developed more positive attitude to learn AI, and 3) the co-creation process generated a variety of resources which enhanced the teachers knowledge in AI, as well as fostered teachers autonomy in bringing the subject matter into their classrooms.

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Artificial Intelligence

Creative Captioning: An AI Grand Challenge Based on the Dixit Board Game

We propose a new class of "grand challenge" AI problems that we call creative captioning---generating clever, interesting, or abstract captions for images, as well as understanding such captions. Creative captioning draws on core AI research areas of vision, natural language processing, narrative reasoning, and social reasoning, and across all these areas, it requires sophisticated uses of common sense and cultural knowledge. In this paper, we analyze several specific research problems that fall under creative captioning, using the popular board game Dixit as both inspiration and proposed testing ground. We expect that Dixit could serve as an engaging and motivating benchmark for creative captioning across numerous AI research communities for the coming 1-2 decades.

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Artificial Intelligence

Cross Learning in Deep Q-Networks

In this work, we propose a novel cross Q-learning algorithm, aim at alleviating the well-known overestimation problem in value-based reinforcement learning methods, particularly in the deep Q-networks where the overestimation is exaggerated by function approximation errors. Our algorithm builds on double Q-learning, by maintaining a set of parallel models and estimate the Q-value based on a randomly selected network, which leads to reduced overestimation bias as well as the variance. We provide empirical evidence on the advantages of our method by evaluating on some benchmark environment, the experimental results demonstrate significant improvement of performance in reducing the overestimation bias and stabilizing the training, further leading to better derived policies.

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Artificial Intelligence

Cross-modal Adversarial Reprogramming

With the abundance of large-scale deep learning models, it has become possible to repurpose pre-trained networks for new tasks. Recent works on adversarial reprogramming have shown that it is possible to repurpose neural networks for alternate tasks without modifying the network architecture or parameters. However these works only consider original and target tasks within the same data domain. In this work, we broaden the scope of adversarial reprogramming beyond the data modality of the original task. We analyze the feasibility of adversarially repurposing image classification neural networks for Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other sequence classification tasks. We design an efficient adversarial program that maps a sequence of discrete tokens into an image which can be classified to the desired class by an image classification model. We demonstrate that by using highly efficient adversarial programs, we can reprogram image classifiers to achieve competitive performance on a variety of text and sequence classification benchmarks without retraining the network.

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Artificial Intelligence

Crowdsourcing Parallel Corpus for English-Oromo Neural Machine Translation using Community Engagement Platform

Even though Afaan Oromo is the most widely spoken language in the Cushitic family by more than fifty million people in the Horn and East Africa, it is surprisingly resource-scarce from a technological point of view. The increasing amount of various useful documents written in English language brings to investigate the machine that can translate those documents and make it easily accessible for local language. The paper deals with implementing a translation of English to Afaan Oromo and vice versa using Neural Machine Translation. But the implementation is not very well explored due to the limited amount and diversity of the corpus. However, using a bilingual corpus of just over 40k sentence pairs we have collected, this study showed a promising result. About a quarter of this corpus is collected via Community Engagement Platform (CEP) that was implemented to enrich the parallel corpus through crowdsourcing translations.

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Artificial Intelligence

DRIBO: Robust Deep Reinforcement Learning via Multi-View Information Bottleneck

Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agents are often sensitive to visual changes that were unseen in their training environments. To address this problem, we leverage the sequential nature of RL to learn robust representations that encode only task-relevant information from observations based on the unsupervised multi-view setting. Specifically, we introduce an auxiliary objective based on the multi-view in-formation bottleneck (MIB) principle which quantifies the amount of task-irrelevant information and encourages learning representations that are both predictive of the future and less sensitive to task-irrelevant distractions. This enables us to train high-performance policies that are robust to visual distractions and can generalize to unseen environments. We demonstrate that our approach can achieve SOTA performance on diverse visual control tasks on the DeepMind Control Suite, even when the background is replaced with natural videos. In addition, we show that our approach outperforms well-established baselines for generalization to unseen environments on the Procgen benchmark. Our code is open-sourced and available at this https URL.

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Artificial Intelligence

DVD: A Diagnostic Dataset for Multi-step Reasoning in Video Grounded Dialogue

A video-grounded dialogue system is required to understand both dialogue, which contains semantic dependencies from turn to turn, and video, which contains visual cues of spatial and temporal scene variations. Building such dialogue systems is a challenging problem, involving various reasoning types on both visual and language inputs. Existing benchmarks do not have enough annotations to thoroughly analyze dialogue systems and understand their capabilities and limitations in isolation. These benchmarks are also not explicitly designed to minimise biases that models can exploit without actual reasoning. To address these limitations, in this paper, we present DVD, a Diagnostic Dataset for Video-grounded Dialogues. The dataset is designed to contain minimal biases and has detailed annotations for the different types of reasoning over the spatio-temporal space of video. Dialogues are synthesized over multiple question turns, each of which is injected with a set of cross-turn semantic relationships. We use DVD to analyze existing approaches, providing interesting insights into their abilities and limitations. In total, DVD is built from 11k CATER synthetic videos and contains 10 instances of 10 -round dialogues for each video, resulting in more than 100k dialogues and 1M question-answer pairs. Our code and dataset are publicly available at this https URL.

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Artificial Intelligence

Data Obsolescence Detection in the Light of Newly Acquired Valid Observations

The information describing the conditions of a system or a person is constantly evolving and may become obsolete and contradict other information. A database, therefore, must be consistently updated upon the acquisition of new valid observations that contradict obsolete ones contained in the database. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for dealing with the information obsolescence problem. Our approach aims to detect, in real-time, contradictions between observations and then identify the obsolete ones, given a representation model. Since we work within an uncertain environment characterized by the lack of information, we choose to use a Bayesian network as our representation model and propose a new approximate concept, ϵ -Contradiction. The new concept is parameterised by a confidence level of having a contradiction in a set of observations. We propose a polynomial-time algorithm for detecting obsolete information. We show that the resulting obsolete information is better represented by an AND-OR tree than a simple set of observations. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a real elderly fall-prevention database and showcase how this tree can be used to give reliable recommendations to doctors. Our experiments give systematically and substantially very good results.

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Artificial Intelligence

Data-driven Analysis for Understanding Team Sports Behaviors

Understanding the principles of real-world biological multi-agent behaviors is a current challenge in various scientific and engineering fields. The rules regarding the real-world biological multi-agent behaviors such as team sports are often largely unknown due to their inherently higher-order interactions, cognition, and body dynamics. Estimation of the rules from data, i.e., data-driven approaches such as machine learning, provides an effective way for the analysis of such behaviors. Although most data-driven models have non-linear structures and high prediction performances, it is sometimes hard to interpret them. This survey focuses on data-driven analysis for quantitative understanding of invasion team sports behaviors such as basketball and football, and introduces two main approaches for understanding such multi-agent behaviors: (1) extracting easily interpretable features or rules from data and (2) generating and controlling behaviors in visually-understandable ways. The first approach involves the visualization of learned representations and the extraction of mathematical structures behind the behaviors. The second approach can be used to test hypotheses by simulating and controlling future and counterfactual behaviors. Lastly, the potential practical applications of extracted rules, features, and generated behaviors are discussed. These approaches can contribute to a better understanding of multi-agent behaviors in the real world.

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