Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Drift anticipation with forgetting to improve evolving fuzzy system

Working with a non-stationary stream of data requires for the analysis system to evolve its model (the parameters as well as the structure) over time. In particular, concept drifts can occur, which makes it necessary to forget knowledge that has become obsolete. However, the forgetting is subjected to the stability-plasticity dilemma, that is, increasing forgetting improve reactivity of adapting to the new data while reducing the robustness of the system. Based on a set of inference rules, Evolving Fuzzy Systems-EFS-have proven to be effective in solving the data stream learning problem. However tackling the stability-plasticity dilemma is still an open question. This paper proposes a coherent method to integrate forgetting in Evolving Fuzzy System, based on the recently introduced notion of concept drift anticipation. The forgetting is applied with two methods: an exponential forgetting of the premise part and a deferred directional forgetting of the conclusion part of EFS to preserve the coherence between both parts. The originality of the approach consists in applying the forgetting only in the anticipation module and in keeping the EFS (called principal system) learned without any forgetting. Then, when a drift is detected in the stream, a selection mechanism is proposed to replace the obsolete parameters of the principal system with more suitable parameters of the anticipation module. An evaluation of the proposed methods is carried out on benchmark online datasets, with a comparison with state-of-the-art online classifiers (Learn++.NSE, PENsemble, pclass) as well as with the original system using different forgetting strategies.

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Artificial Intelligence

Driving Tasks Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Decision-making of Autonomous Vehicles

Knowledge transfer is a promising concept to achieve real-time decision-making for autonomous vehicles. This paper constructs a transfer deep reinforcement learning framework to transform the driving tasks in inter-section environments. The driving missions at the un-signalized intersection are cast into a left turn, right turn, and running straight for automated vehicles. The goal of the autonomous ego vehicle (AEV) is to drive through the intersection situation efficiently and safely. This objective promotes the studied vehicle to increase its speed and avoid crashing other vehicles. The decision-making pol-icy learned from one driving task is transferred and evaluated in another driving mission. Simulation results reveal that the decision-making strategies related to similar tasks are transferable. It indicates that the presented control framework could reduce the time consumption and realize online implementation.

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Artificial Intelligence

Dynamic Bicycle Dispatching of Dockless Public Bicycle-sharing Systems using Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning

As a new generation of Public Bicycle-sharing Systems (PBS), the dockless PBS (DL-PBS) is an important application of cyber-physical systems and intelligent transportation. How to use AI to provide efficient bicycle dispatching solutions based on dynamic bicycle rental demand is an essential issue for DL-PBS. In this paper, we propose a dynamic bicycle dispatching algorithm based on multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL-BD) to provide the optimal bicycle dispatching solution for DL-PBS. We model the DL-PBS system from the perspective of CPS and use deep learning to predict the layout of bicycle parking spots and the dynamic demand of bicycle dispatching. We define the multi-route bicycle dispatching problem as a multi-objective optimization problem by considering the optimization objectives of dispatching costs, dispatch truck's initial load, workload balance among the trucks, and the dynamic balance of bicycle supply and demand. On this basis, the collaborative multi-route bicycle dispatching problem among multiple dispatch trucks is modeled as a multi-agent MORL model. All dispatch paths between parking spots are defined as state spaces, and the reciprocal of dispatching costs is defined as a reward. Each dispatch truck is equipped with an agent to learn the optimal dispatch path in the dynamic DL-PBS network. We create an elite list to store the Pareto optimal solutions of bicycle dispatch paths found in each action, and finally, get the Pareto frontier. Experimental results on the actual DL-PBS systems show that compared with existing methods, MORL-BD can find a higher quality Pareto frontier with less execution time.

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Artificial Intelligence

Dynamic Multi-Agent Path Finding based on Conflict Resolution using Answer Set Programming

We study a dynamic version of multi-agent path finding problem (called D-MAPF) where existing agents may leave and new agents may join the team at different times. We introduce a new method to solve D-MAPF based on conflict-resolution. The idea is, when a set of new agents joins the team and there are conflicts, instead of replanning for the whole team, to replan only for a minimal subset of agents whose plans conflict with each other. We utilize answer set programming as part of our method for planning, replanning and identifying minimal set of conflicts.

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Artificial Intelligence

Dynamic Virtual Graph Significance Networks for Predicting Influenza

Graph-structured data and their related algorithms have attracted significant attention in many fields, such as influenza prediction in public health. However, the variable influenza seasonality, occasional pandemics, and domain knowledge pose great challenges to construct an appropriate graph, which could impair the strength of the current popular graph-based algorithms to perform data analysis. In this study, we develop a novel method, Dynamic Virtual Graph Significance Networks (DVGSN), which can supervisedly and dynamically learn from similar "infection situations" in historical timepoints. Representation learning on the dynamic virtual graph can tackle the varied seasonality and pandemics, and therefore improve the performance. The extensive experiments on real-world influenza data demonstrate that DVGSN significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to supervisedly learn a dynamic virtual graph for time-series prediction tasks. Moreover, the proposed method needs less domain knowledge to build a graph in advance and has rich interpretability, which makes the method more acceptable in the fields of public health, life sciences, and so on.

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Artificial Intelligence

Dynamic neighbourhood optimisation for task allocation using multi-agent

In large-scale systems there are fundamental challenges when centralised techniques are used for task allocation. The number of interactions is limited by resource constraints such as on computation, storage, and network communication. We can increase scalability by implementing the system as a distributed task-allocation system, sharing tasks across many agents. However, this also increases the resource cost of communications and synchronisation, and is difficult to scale. In this paper we present four algorithms to solve these problems. The combination of these algorithms enable each agent to improve their task allocation strategy through reinforcement learning, while changing how much they explore the system in response to how optimal they believe their current strategy is, given their past experience. We focus on distributed agent systems where the agents' behaviours are constrained by resource usage limits, limiting agents to local rather than system-wide knowledge. We evaluate these algorithms in a simulated environment where agents are given a task composed of multiple subtasks that must be allocated to other agents with differing capabilities, to then carry out those tasks. We also simulate real-life system effects such as networking instability. Our solution is shown to solve the task allocation problem to 6.7% of the theoretical optimal within the system configurations considered. It provides 5x better performance recovery over no-knowledge retention approaches when system connectivity is impacted, and is tested against systems up to 100 agents with less than a 9% impact on the algorithms' performance.

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Artificial Intelligence

EM-RBR: a reinforced framework for knowledge graph completion from reasoning perspective

Knowledge graph completion aims to predict the new links in given entities among the knowledge graph (KG). Most mainstream embedding methods focus on fact triplets contained in the given KG, however, ignoring the rich background information provided by logic rules driven from knowledge base implicitly. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose a general framework, named EM-RBR(embedding and rule-based reasoning), capable of combining the advantages of reasoning based on rules and the state-of-the-art models of embedding. EM-RBR aims to utilize relational background knowledge contained in rules to conduct multi-relation reasoning link prediction rather than superficial vector triangle linkage in embedding models. By this way, we can explore relation between two entities in deeper context to achieve higher accuracy. In experiments, we demonstrate that EM-RBR achieves better performance compared with previous models on FB15k, WN18 and our new dataset FB15k-R, especially the new dataset where our model perform futher better than those state-of-the-arts. We make the implementation of EM-RBR available at this https URL.

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Artificial Intelligence

Edge Minimizing the Student Conflict Graph

In many schools, courses are given in sections. Prior to timetabling students need to be assigned to individual sections. We give a hybrid approximation sectioning algorithm that minimizes the number of edges (potential conflicts) in the student conflict graph (SCG). We start with a greedy algorithm to obtain a starting solution and then continue with a constraint programming based algorithm (CP-SAT) that reduces the number of edges. We apply the sectioning algorithm to a highly constrained timetabling model which we specify.

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Artificial Intelligence

Efficient Incremental Modelling and Solving

In various scenarios, a single phase of modelling and solving is either not sufficient or not feasible to solve the problem at hand. A standard approach to solving AI planning problems, for example, is to incrementally extend the planning horizon and solve the problem of trying to find a plan of a particular length. Indeed, any optimization problem can be solved as a sequence of decision problems in which the objective value is incrementally updated. Another example is constraint dominance programming (CDP), in which search is organized into a sequence of levels. The contribution of this work is to enable a native interaction between SAT solvers and the automated modelling system Savile Row to support efficient incremental modelling and solving. This allows adding new decision variables, posting new constraints and removing existing constraints (via assumptions) between incremental steps. Two additional benefits of the native coupling of modelling and solving are the ability to retain learned information between SAT solver calls and to enable SAT assumptions, further improving flexibility and efficiency. Experiments on one optimisation problem and five pattern mining tasks demonstrate that the native interaction between the modelling system and SAT solver consistently improves performance significantly.

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Artificial Intelligence

Egalitarian Judgment Aggregation

Egalitarian considerations play a central role in many areas of social choice theory. Applications of egalitarian principles range from ensuring everyone gets an equal share of a cake when deciding how to divide it, to guaranteeing balance with respect to gender or ethnicity in committee elections. Yet, the egalitarian approach has received little attention in judgment aggregation -- a powerful framework for aggregating logically interconnected issues. We make the first steps towards filling that gap. We introduce axioms capturing two classical interpretations of egalitarianism in judgment aggregation and situate these within the context of existing axioms in the pertinent framework of belief merging. We then explore the relationship between these axioms and several notions of strategyproofness from social choice theory at large. Finally, a novel egalitarian judgment aggregation rule stems from our analysis; we present complexity results concerning both outcome determination and strategic manipulation for that rule.

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