Featured Researches

Quantum Physics

Observing Non-Markovian Effects of Two-Level Systems in a Niobium Coaxial Resonator with a Single-Photon Lifetime of 10 ms

Understanding and mitigating loss channels due to two-level systems (TLS) is one of the main cornerstones in the quest of realizing long photon lifetimes in superconducting quantum circuits. Typically, the TLS to which a circuit couples are modeled as a large bath without any coherence. Here we demonstrate that the coherence of TLS has to be considered to accurately describe the ring-down dynamics of a coaxial quarter-wave resonator with an internal quality factor of 0.5? 10 9 at the single-photon level. The transient analysis reveals effective non-Markovian dynamics of the combined TLS and cavity system, which we can accurately fit by introducing a comprehensive TLS model. The fit returns an average coherence time of around T ??2 ??.3μs for a total of N??10 9 TLS with power-law distributed coupling strengths. Despite the shortly coherent TLS excitations, we observe long-term effects on the cavity decay due to coherent elastic scattering between the resonator field and the TLS. Moreover, this model provides an accurate prediction of the internal quality factor's temperature dependence.

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Quantum Physics

Observing a Topological Transition in Weak-Measurement-Induced Geometric Phases

Measurement plays a quintessential role in the control of quantum systems. Beyond initialization and readout which pertain to projective measurements, weak measurements in particular, through their back-action on the system, may enable various levels of coherent control. The latter ranges from observing quantum trajectories to state dragging and steering. Furthermore, just like the adiabatic evolution of quantum states that is known to induce the Berry phase, sequential weak measurements may lead to path-dependent geometric phases. Here we measure the geometric phases induced by sequences of weak measurements and demonstrate a topological transition in the geometric phase controlled by measurement strength. This connection between weak measurement induced quantum dynamics and topological transitions reveals subtle topological features in measurement-based manipulation of quantum systems. Our protocol could be implemented for classes of operations (e.g. braiding) which are topological in nature. Furthermore, our results open new horizons for measurement-enabled quantum control of many-body topological states.

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Quantum Physics

On Quantum Weight Reduction

We give a general procedure for weight reducing quantum codes. This corrects a previous work\cite{owr}, and introduces a new technique that we call "coning" to effectively induce high weight stabilizers in an LDPC code. As one application, any LDPC code (with arbitrary O(1) stabilizer weights) may be turned into a code where all stabilizers have weight at most 5 at the cost of at most a constant factor increase in number of physical qubits and constant factor reduction in distance. Also, by applying this technique to a quantum code whose X -stabilizers are derived from a classical log-weight random code and whose Z -stabilizers have linear weight, we construct an LDPC quantum code with distance Ω ~ ( N 2/3 ) and Ω ~ ( N 2/3 ) logical qubits.

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Quantum Physics

On Time-Dependent Dephasing and Quantum Transport

The investigation of the phenomenon of dephasing assisted quantum transport, which happens when the presence of dephasing benefits the efficiency of this process, has been mainly focused on Markovian scenarios associated with constant and positive dephasing rates in their respective Lindblad master equations. What happens if we consider a more general framework, where time-dependent dephasing rates are allowed, thereby permitting the possibility of non-Markovian scenarios? Does dephasing assisted transport still manifest for non-Markovian dephasing? Here, we address these open questions in a setup of coupled two-level systems. Our results show that the manifestation of non-Markovian dephasing assisted transport depends on the way in which the incoherent energy sources are locally coupled to the chain. This is illustrated with two different configurations, namely non-symmetric and symmetric. Specifically, we verify that non-Markovian dephasing assisted transport manifested only in the non-symmetric configuration. This allows us to draw a parallel with the conditions in which time-independent Markovian dephasing assisted transport manifests. Finally, we find similar results by considering a controllable and experimentally implementable system, which highlights the significance of our findings for quantum technologies.

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Quantum Physics

On the Hardness of PAC-learning stabilizer States with Noise

We consider the problem of learning stabilizer states with noise in the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) framework of Aaronson (2007) for learning quantum states. In the noiseless setting, an algorithm for this problem was recently given by Rocchetto (2018), but the noisy case was left open. Motivated by approaches to noise tolerance from classical learning theory, we introduce the Statistical Query (SQ) model for PAC-learning quantum states, and prove that algorithms in this model are indeed resilient to common forms of noise, including classification and depolarizing noise. We prove an exponential lower bound on learning stabilizer states in the SQ model. Even outside the SQ model, we prove that learning stabilizer states with noise is in general as hard as Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) using classical examples. Our results position the problem of learning stabilizer states as a natural quantum analogue of the classical problem of learning parities: easy in the noiseless setting, but seemingly intractable even with simple forms of noise.

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Quantum Physics

On the Markov evolution of the ? -matrix of a subsystem

Evolution of the reduced density matrix for a subsystem is studied to determine deviations from its Markov character for a system consisting of a closed chain of N oscillators with one of them serving as a subsystem. The dependence on N and on the coupling of the two subsystems is investigated numerically. The found deviations strongly depend on N and the coupling. In the most beneficial case with N??=100 and the coupling randomized in its structure the deviations fall with the evolution time up 3\%. In other cases they remain to be of the order 30\% or even more.

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Quantum Physics

One qubit as a Universal Approximant

A single-qubit circuit can approximate any bounded complex function stored in the degrees of freedom defining its quantum gates. The single-qubit approximant is operated through a series of gates that take as their input the independent variable of the target function and an additional set of adjustable parameters. The independent variable is re-uploaded in every gate while the parameters are optimized for each target function. The result of this quantum circuit becomes more accurate as the number of re-uploadings of the independent variable increases. In this work, we provide two different proofs stating that a single-qubit circuit is a universal approximant, first by a direct casting of a series of exponentials to standard Fourier analysis and, second, by an analogous proof for quantum systems of the universal approximation theorem for neural networks. We also benchmark the performance of both methods and compare them to their classical counterparts. We further implement a single-qubit approximant in a real superconducting qubit device, demonstrating how the ability to describe a set of functions improves with the depth of the quantum circuit.

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Quantum Physics

One-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks with general coin

Quantum walk (QW) is the quantum analog of the random walk. QW is an integral part of the development of numerous quantum algorithms. Hence, an in-depth understanding of QW helps us to grasp the quantum algorithms. We revisit the one-dimensional discrete-time QW and discuss basic steps in detail by incorporating the most general coin operator. We investigate the impact of each parameter of the general coin operator on the probability distribution of the quantum walker. We show that by tuning the parameters of the general coin, one can regulate the probability distribution of the walker. We provide an algorithm for the one-dimensional quantum walk driven by the general coin operator. The study conducted on general coin operator also includes the popular coins -- Hadamard, Grover, and Fourier coins.

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Quantum Physics

One-photon Solutions to Multiqubit Multimode quantum Rabi model

General solutions to the quantum Rabi model involve subspaces with unbounded number of photons. However, for the multiqubit multimode case, we find special solutions with at most one photon for arbitrary number of qubits and photon modes. Unlike the Juddian solution, ours exists for arbitrary single qubit-photon coupling strength with constant eigenenergy. This corresponds to a horizontal line in the spectrum, while still being a qubit-photon entangled state. As a possible application, we propose an adiabatic scheme for the fast generation of arbitrary single-photon multimode W states with nonadiabatic error less than 1%. Finally, we propose a superconducting circuit design, showing the experimental feasibility of the multimode multiqubit Rabi model.

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Quantum Physics

One-shot multi-sender decoupling and simultaneous decoding for the quantum MAC

In this work, we prove a novel one-shot multi-sender decoupling theorem generalising Dupuis result. We start off with a multipartite quantum state, say on A1 A2 R, where A1, A2 are treated as the two sender systems and R is the reference system. We apply independent Haar random unitaries in tensor product on A1 and A2 and then send the resulting systems through a quantum channel. We want the channel output B to be almost in tensor with the untouched reference R. Our main result shows that this is indeed the case if suitable entropic conditions are met. An immediate application of our main result is to obtain a one-shot simultaneous decoder for sending quantum information over a k-sender entanglement unassisted quantum multiple access channel (QMAC). The rate region achieved by this decoder is the natural one-shot quantum analogue of the pentagonal classical rate region. Assuming a simultaneous smoothing conjecture, this one-shot rate region approaches the optimal rate region of Yard, Dein the asymptotic iid limit. Our work is the first one to obtain a non-trivial simultaneous decoder for the QMAC with limited entanglement assistance in both one-shot and asymptotic iid settings; previous works used unlimited entanglement assistance.

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