Featured Researches

Quantum Physics

Parameter Dependence and Bell nonlocality

Bell's theorem asserts that no model that satisfies all of the plausible physical assumptions of outcome independence (OI), measurement independence (MI) and Parameter Independence (PI) can reproduce quantum mechanics. Here I find the optimum model that saturates CHSH inequality for the case that outcome independence and measurement independence hold but parameter dependence is allowed. The symbolic optimizations to find the saturating models are performed using Analytical Optimizer v1.0.

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Quantum Physics

Parametrized Quantum Circuits of Synonymous Sentences in Quantum Natural Language Processing

In this paper, we develop a compositional vector-based semantics of positive transitive sentences in quantum natural language processing for a non-English language, i.e. Persian, to compare the parametrized quantum circuits of two synonymous sentences in two languages, English and Persian. By considering grammar+meaning of a transitive sentence, we translate DisCoCat diagram via ZX-calculus into quantum circuit form. Also, we use a bigraph method to rewrite DisCoCat diagram and turn into quantum circuit in the semantic side.

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Quantum Physics

Parity-Swap State Comparison Amplifier for Schrödinger Cat States

We propose a postselecting parity-swap amplifier for Schrödinger cat states that does not require the amplified state to be known a priori. The device is based on a previously-implemented state comparison amplifier for coherent states. It consumes only Gaussian resource states, which provides an advantage over some cat state amplifiers. It requires simple Geiger-mode photodetectors and works with high fidelity and approximately twofold gain.

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Quantum Physics

Performance and limits of feedback cooling methods for levitated oscillators: a direct comparison

Cooling the centre-of-mass motion is an important tool for levitated optomechanical systems, but it is often not clear which method can practically reach lower temperatures for a particular experiment. We directly compare the parametric and velocity feedback damping methods, which are used extensively for cooling the motion of single trapped particles in a range of traps. By performing experiments on the same particle, and with the same detection system, we demonstrate that velocity damping cools the oscillator to lower temperatures and is more resilient to imperfect experimental conditions. We show that these results are consistent with analytical limits as well as numerical simulations that include experimental noise.

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Quantum Physics

Performance of Domain-Wall Encoding for Quantum Annealing

In this paper we experimentally test the performance of the recently proposed domain-wall encoding of discrete variables from [Chancellor Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 045004] on Ising model flux qubit quantum annealers. We compare this encoding with the traditional one-hot methods and find that they outperform the one-hot encoding for three different problems at different sizes both of the problem and of the variables. From these results we conclude that the domain-wall encoding yields superior performance against a variety of metrics furthermore, we do not find a single metric by which one hot performs better. We even find that a 2000Q quantum annealer with a drastically less connected hardware graph but using the domain-wall encoding can outperform the next generation Advantage processor if that processor uses one-hot encoding.

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Quantum Physics

Permutation-Invariant Quantum Codes for Deletion Errors

This paper presents conditions for constructing permutation-invariant quantum codes for deletion errors and provides a method for constructing them. Our codes give the first example of quantum codes that can correct two or more deletion errors. Also, our codes give the first example of quantum codes that can correct both multiple-qubit errors and multiple-deletion errors. We also discuss a generalization of the construction of our codes at the end.

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Quantum Physics

Permutation-invariant quantum coding for quantum deletion channels

Quantum deletions, which are harder to correct than erasure errors, occur in many realistic settings. It is therefore pertinent to develop quantum coding schemes for quantum deletion channels. To date, not much is known about which explicit quantum error correction codes can combat quantum deletions. We note that {\em any} permutation-invariant quantum code that has a distance of t+1 can correct t quantum deletions for any positive integer t in both the qubit and the qudit setting. Leveraging on coding properties of permutation-invariant quantum codes under erasure errors, we derive corresponding coding bounds for permutation-invariant quantum codes under quantum deletions. We focus our attention on a specific family of N -qubit permutation-invariant quantum codes, which we call shifted gnu codes, and show that their encoding and decoding algorithms can be performed in O(N) and O( N 2 ) .

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Quantum Physics

Persistent currents in Bose-Bose mixtures after an interspecies interaction quench

We study the persistent currents and interspecies entanglement generation in a Bose-Bose mixture formed by two atomic gases (hereafter labelled by the letters A and B) trapped in a one-dimensional ring lattice potential with an artificial gauge field after a sudden quench from zero to strong interactions between the two gases. Assuming that the strength of these interactions is much larger than the single species energies and that the gas A is initially in the Mott-insulator regime, we show that the current of the gas B is reduced with respect to its value prior the interaction quench. Averaging fast oscillations out, the relative decrease of this current is independent of the initial visibility and Peierls phase of the gas B and behaves quadratically with the visibility of the gas A. The second Rényi entropy of the reduced state measuring the amount of entanglement between the two gases is found to scale linearly with the number of sites and to be proportional to the relative decrease of the current.

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Quantum Physics

Phase Space Logic

We propose a phase space logic that can capture the behavior of quantum and quantum-like systems. The proposal is similar to the more generic concept of epistemic logic: it encodes knowledge or perhaps more correctly, predictions about outcomes of future observations on some systems. For a quantum system, these predictions are statements about future outcomes of measurements performed on specific degrees of freedom of the system. The proposed logic will include propositions and their relations including connectives, but importantly also transformations between propositions on different degrees of freedom of the systems. A key point is the addition of a transformation that allows to convert propositions about single systems into propositions about correlations between systems. We will see that subtle choices of the properties of the transformations lead to drastically different underlying mathematical models; one choice gives stabilizer quantum mechanics, while another choice gives Spekkens' toy theory. This points to a crucial basic property of quantum and quantum-like systems that can be handled within the present phase space logic by adjusting the mentioned choice. It also enables a discussion on what behaviors are properly quantum or only quantum-like, relating to that choice and how it manifests in the system under scrutiny.

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Quantum Physics

Phase-controlled pathway interferences and switchable fast-slow light in a cavity-magnon polariton system

We study the phase controlled transmission properties in a compound system consisting of a 3D copper cavity and an yttrium iron garnet (YIG) sphere. By tuning the relative phase of the magnon pumping and cavity probe tones, constructive and destructive interferences occur periodically, which strongly modify both the cavity field transmission spectra and the group delay of light. Moreover, the tunable amplitude ratio between pump-probe tones allows us to further improve the signal absorption or amplification, accompanied by either significantly enhanced optical advance or delay. Both the phase and amplitude-ratio can be used to realize in-situ tunable and switchable fast-slow light. The tunable phase and amplitude-ratio lead to the zero reflection of the transmitted light and an abrupt fast-slow light transition. Our results confirm that direct magnon pumping through the coupling loops provides a versatile route to achieve controllable signal transmission, storage, and communication, which can be further expanded to the quantum regime, realizing coherent-state processing or quantum-limited precise measurements.

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