Featured Researches

Quantum Physics

Prospects of Quantum Computing for Molecular Sciences

Molecular science is governed by the dynamics of electrons, atomic nuclei, and their interaction with electromagnetic fields. A reliable physicochemical understanding of these processes is crucial for the design and synthesis of chemicals and materials of economic value. Although some problems in this field are adequately addressed by classical mechanics, many require an explicit quantum mechanical description. Such quantum problems represented by exponentially large wave function should naturally benefit from quantum computation on a number of logical qubits that scales only linearly with system size. In this perspective, we focus on the potential of quantum computing for solving relevant problems in the molecular sciences -- molecular physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science.

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Quantum Physics

Protecting topological order by dynamical localization

As a prototype model of topological quantum memory, two-dimensional toric code is genuinely immune to generic local static perturbations, but fragile at finite temperature and also after non-equilibrium time evolution at zero temperature. We show that dynamical localization induced by disorder makes the time evolution a local unitary transformation at all times, which keeps topological order robust after a quantum quench. We verify this conclusion by investigating the Wilson loop expectation value and topological entanglement entropy. Our results suggest that the two dimensional topological quantum memory can be dynamically robust at zero temperature.

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Quantum Physics

Purcell-enhanced single photon source based on a deterministically placed WSe 2 monolayer quantum dot in a circular Bragg grating cavity

We demonstrate a deterministic Purcell-enhanced single-photon source realized by integrating an atomically thin WSe 2 layer with a circular Bragg grating cavity. The cavity significantly enhances the photoluminescence from the atomically thin layer, and supports single-photon generation with g (2) (0)<0.25 . We observe a consistent increase of the spontaneous emission rate for WSe 2 emitters located in the center of the Bragg grating cavity. These WSe 2 emitters are self-aligned and deterministically coupled to such a broadband cavity, configuring a new generation of deterministic single-photon sources, characterized by their simple and low-cost production and intrinsic scalability.

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Quantum Physics

QAOA-based Fair Sampling on NISQ Devices

We study the status of fair sampling on Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices, in particular the IBM Q family of backends. Using the recently introduced Grover Mixer-QAOA algorithm for discrete optimization, we generate fair sampling circuits to solve six problems of varying difficulty, each with several optimal solutions, which we then run on ten different backends available on the IBM Q system. For a given circuit evaluated on a specific set of qubits, we evaluate: how frequently the qubits return an optimal solution to the problem, the fairness with which the qubits sample from all optimal solutions, and the reported hardware error rate of the qubits. To quantify fairness, we define a novel metric based on Pearson's ? 2 test. We find that fairness is relatively high for circuits with small and large error rates, but drops for circuits with medium error rates. This indicates that structured errors dominate in this regime, while unstructured errors, which are random and thus inherently fair, dominate in noisier qubits and longer circuits. Our results provide a simple, intuitive means of quantifying fairness in quantum circuits, and show that reducing structured errors is necessary to improve fair sampling on NISQ hardware.

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Quantum Physics

Quantifying necessary quantum resources for nonlocality

Nonlocality is one of the most important resources for quantum information protocols. The observation of nonlocal correlations in a Bell experiment is the result of appropriately chosen measurements and quantum states. We quantify the minimal purity to achieve a certain Bell value for any Bell operator. Since purity is the most fundamental resource of a quantum state, this enables us also to quantify the necessary coherence, discord, and entanglement for a given violation of two-qubit correlation inequalities. Our results shine new light on the CHSH inequality by showing that for a fixed Bell violation an increase in the measurement resources does not always lead to a decrease of the minimal state resources.

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Quantum Physics

Quantum Algorithm for Quantum State Discrimination via Partial Negation and Weak Measurement

The quantum state discrimination problem is to distinguish between non-orthogonal quantum states. This problem has many applications in quantum information theory, quantum communication and quantum cryptography. In this paper a quantum algorithm using weak measurement and partial negation will be proposed to solve the quantum state discrimination problem using a single copy of an unknown qubit. The usage of weak measurement makes it possible to reconstruct the qubit after measurement since the superposition will not be destroyed due to measurement. The proposed algorithm will be able to determine, with high probability of success, the state of the unknown qubit and whether it is encoded in the Hadamard or the computational basis by counting the outcome of the successive measurements on an auxiliary qubit.

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Quantum Physics

Quantum Channel Marginal Problem

Given a set of local dynamics, are they compatible with a global dynamics? We systematically formulate these questions as quantum channel marginal problems, which can be understood as a dynamical generalization of the marginal problems for quantum states. After defining the notion of compatibility between global and local dynamics, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for it, showing that it takes the form of a semidefinite program. Using this formulation, we construct channel incompatibility witnesses and show that a set of local channels are incompatible if and only if they demonstrate an advantage in a state-discrimination task.

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Quantum Physics

Quantum Chaos is Quantum

It is well known that a quantum circuit on N qubits composed of Clifford gates with the addition of k non Clifford gates can be simulated on a classical computer by an algorithm scaling as poly(N)exp(k) [1]. We show that, for a quantum circuit to simulate quantum chaotic behavior, it is both necessary and sufficient that k=O(N) . This result implies the impossibility of simulating quantum chaos on a classical computer.

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Quantum Physics

Quantum Computational Supremacy via High-Dimensional Gaussian Boson Sampling

Photonics is a promising platform for demonstrating quantum computational supremacy (QCS) by convincingly outperforming the most powerful classical supercomputers on a well-defined computational task. Despite this promise, existing photonics proposals and demonstrations face significant hurdles. Experimentally, current implementations of Gaussian boson sampling lack programmability or have prohibitive loss rates. Theoretically, there is a comparative lack of rigorous evidence for the classical hardness of GBS. In this work, we make significant progress in improving both the theoretical evidence and experimental prospects. On the theory side, we provide strong evidence for the hardness of Gaussian boson sampling, placing it on par with the strongest theoretical proposals for QCS. On the experimental side, we propose a new QCS architecture, high-dimensional Gaussian boson sampling, which is programmable and can be implemented with low loss rates using few optical components. We show that particular classical algorithms for simulating GBS are vastly outperformed by high-dimensional Gaussian boson sampling experiments at modest system sizes. This work thus opens the path to demonstrating QCS with programmable photonic processors.

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Quantum Physics

Quantum Computers: Engines for Next Industrial Revolution

Although the current information revolution is still unfolding, the next industrial revolution is already rearing its head. A second quantum revolution based on quantum technology will power this new industrial revolution with quantum computers as its engines. The development of quantum computing will turn quantum theory into quantum technology, hence release the power of quantum phenomena, and exponentially accelerate the progress of science and technology. Building a large-scale quantum computing is at the juncture of science and engineering. Even if large-scale quantum computers become reality, they cannot make the conventional computers obsolete soon. Building a large-scale quantum computer is a daunting complex engineering problem to integrate ultra-low temperature with room temperature and micro-world with macro-world. We have built hundreds of physical qubits already but are still working on logical and topological qubits. Since physical qubits cannot tolerate errors, they cannot be used to perform long precise calculations to solve practically useful problems yet.

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