Featured Researches

Quantum Physics

Operational applications of the diamond norm and related measures in quantifying the non-physicality of quantum maps

Although quantum channels underlie the dynamics of quantum states, maps which are not physical channels -- that is, not completely positive -- can often be encountered in settings such as entanglement detection, non-Markovian quantum dynamics, or error mitigation. We introduce an operational approach to the quantitative study of the non-physicality of linear maps based on different ways to approximate a given linear map with quantum channels. Our first measure directly quantifies the cost of simulating a given map using physically implementable quantum channels, shifting the difficulty in simulating unphysical dynamics onto the task of simulating linear combinations of quantum states. Our second measure benchmarks the quantitative advantages that a non-completely-positive map can provide in discrimination-based quantum games. Notably, we show that for any trace-preserving map, the quantities both reduce to a fundamental distance measure: the diamond norm, thus endowing this norm with new operational meanings in the characterisation of linear maps. We discuss applications of our results to structural physical approximations of positive maps, quantification of non-Markovianity, and bounding the cost of error mitigation. As a consequence of our findings, we also show that a measure of physical implementability of maps recently considered in [Jiang et al., arXiv:2012.10959] actually equals the diamond norm.

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Quantum Physics

Opportunities in Quantum Reservoir Computing and Extreme Learning Machines

Quantum reservoir computing (QRC) and quantum extreme learning machines (QELM) are two emerging approaches that have demonstrated their potential both in classical and quantum machine learning tasks. They exploit the quantumness of physical systems combined with an easy training strategy, achieving an excellent performance. The increasing interest in these unconventional computing approaches is fueled by the availability of diverse quantum platforms suitable for implementation and the theoretical progresses in the study of complex quantum systems. In this perspective article, we overview recent proposals and first experiments displaying a broad range of possibilities when quantum inputs, quantum physical substrates and quantum tasks are considered. The main focus is the performance of these approaches, on the advantages with respect to classical counterparts and opportunities.

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Quantum Physics

Optimal implementation of two-qubit linear optical quantum filters

We design optimal interferometric schemes for implementation of two-qubit linear optical quantum filters diagonal in the computational basis. The filtering is realized by interference of the two photons encoding the qubits in a multiport linear optical interferometer, followed by conditioning on presence of a single photon in each output port of the filter. The filter thus operates in the coincidence basis, similarly to many linear optical unitary quantum gates. Implementation of the filter with linear optics may require an additional overhead in terms of reduced overall success probability of the filtering and the optimal filters are those that maximize the overall success probability. We discuss in detail the case of symmetric real filters and extend our analysis also to asymmetric and complex filters.

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Quantum Physics

Optimal observables for practical super-resolution imaging

Recent works identified resolution limits for the distance between incoherent point sources. However, it is often unclear how to choose suitable observables and estimators to reach these limits in practical situations. Here, we show how estimators saturating the Cramer-Rao bound for the distance between two thermal point sources can be constructed using an optimally designed observable in the presence of practical imperfections, such as misalignment, crosstalk and detector noise.

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Quantum Physics

Optimization of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver for Quantum Chemistry Applications

This work studies the variational quantum eigensolver algorithm, designed to determine the ground state of a quantum mechanical system by combining classical and quantum hardware. Methods of reducing the number of required qubit manipulations, prone to induce errors, for the variational quantum eigensolver are studied. We formally justify the qubit removal process as sketched by Bravyi, Gambetta, Mezzacapo and Temme [arXiv:1701.08213 (2017)]. Furthermore, different classical optimization and entangling methods, both gate based and native, are surveyed by computing ground state energies of H 2 and LiH. This paper aims to provide performance-based recommendations for entangling methods and classical optimization methods. Analyzing the VQE problem is complex, where the optimization algorithm, the method of entangling, and the dimensionality of the search space all interact. In specific cases however, concrete results can be shown, and an entangling method or optimization algorithm can be recommended over others. In particular we find that for high dimensionality (many qubits and/or entanglement depth) certain classical optimization algorithms outperform others in terms of energy error.

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Quantum Physics

Orchestrated Trios: Compiling for Efficient Communication in Quantum Programs with 3-Qubit Gates

Current quantum computers are especially error prone and require high levels of optimization to reduce operation counts and maximize the probability the compiled program will succeed. These computers only support operations decomposed into one- and two-qubit gates and only two-qubit gates between physically connected pairs of qubits. Typical compilers first decompose operations, then route data to connected qubits. We propose a new compiler structure, Orchestrated Trios, that first decomposes to the three-qubit Toffoli, routes the inputs of the higher-level Toffoli operations to groups of nearby qubits, then finishes decomposition to hardware-supported gates. This significantly reduces communication overhead by giving the routing pass access to the higher-level structure of the circuit instead of discarding it. A second benefit is the ability to now select an architecture-tuned Toffoli decomposition such as the 8-CNOT Toffoli for the specific hardware qubits now known after the routing pass. We perform real experiments on IBM Johannesburg showing an average 35% decrease in two-qubit gate count and 23% increase in success rate of a single Toffoli over Qiskit. We additionally compile many near-term benchmark algorithms showing an average 344% increase in (or 4.44x) simulated success rate on the Johannesburg architecture and compare with other architecture types.

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Quantum Physics

Oscillator-to-oscillator codes do not have a threshold

It is known that continuous variable quantum information cannot be protected against naturally occurring noise using Gaussian states and operations only. Noh et al. (PRL 125:080503, 2020) proposed bosonic oscillator-to-oscillator codes relying on non-Gaussian resource states as an alternative, and showed that these encodings can lead to a reduction of the effective error strength at the logical level as measured by the variance of the classical displacement noise channel. An oscillator-to-oscillator code embeds K logical bosonic modes (in an arbitrary state) into N physical modes by means of a Gaussian N-mode unitary and N-K auxiliary one-mode Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill-states. Here we ask if - in analogy to qubit error-correcting codes - there are families of oscillator-to-oscillator codes with the following threshold property: They allow to convert physical displacement noise with variance below some threshold value to logical noise with variance upper bounded by any (arbitrary) constant. We find that this is not the case if encoding unitaries involving a constant amount of squeezing and maximum likelihood error decoding are used. We show a general lower bound on the logical error probability which is only a function of the amount of squeezing and independent of the number of modes. As a consequence, any physically implementable family of oscillator-to-oscillator codes combined with maximum likelihood error decoding does not admit a threshold.

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Quantum Physics

Overview of the phase space formulation of quantum mechanics with application to quantum technologies

The phase-space formulation of quantum mechanics has recently seen increased use in testing quantum technologies, including metho ds of tomography for state verification and device validation. Here, an overview of quantum mechanics in phase space is presented. The formulation to generate a generalized phase-space function for any arbitrary quantum system is shown, such as the Wigner and Weyl functions along with the asso ciated Q and P functions. Examples of how these different formulations have b een used in quantum technologies are provided, with a focus on discrete quantum systems, qubits in particular. Also provided are some results that, to the authors' knowledge, have not been published elsewhere. These results provide insight into the relation between different representations of phase space and how the phase-space representation is a powerful tool in understanding quantum information and quantum technologies.

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Quantum Physics

PT -Symmetric Quantum State Discrimination for Attack on BB84 Quantum Key Distribution

Quantum Key Distribution or QKD provides symmetric key distribution using the quantum mechanics/channels with new security properties. The security of QKD relies on the difficulty of the quantum state discrimination problem. We discover that the recent developments in PT symmetry can be used to expedite the quantum state discrimination problem and therefore to attack the BB84 QKD scheme. We analyze the security of the BB84 scheme and show that the attack significantly increases the eavesdropping success rate over the previous Hermitian quantum state discrimination approach. We design and analyze the approaches to attack BB84 QKD protocol exploiting an extra degree of freedom provided by the PT -symmetric quantum mechanics.

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Quantum Physics

Pair production in asymmetric Sauter potential well

Electron-positron pair production in asymmetric Sauter potential well is studied, where the potential well has been built as the width of the right edge fixed but the left side of the well is changeable at different values. We study the momentum spectrum, the location distribution and the total pair numbers in this case of asymmetric potential well and compare them with the symmetric case. The relationship between created electron energy, the level energy in the bound states and the photon energy in the symmetric potential well is used to the studied problem for the created electrons in the asymmetric potential well and its validity is confirmed by this approximation. By the location distribution of the electrons we have also shown the reason why the momentum spectrum has an optimization in the asymmetric well compared with the symmetric one.

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