Featured Researches

Quantum Physics

Phase-dependent fluctuations of resonance fluorescence near the coherent population trapping condition

We study phase-dependent fluctuations of the resonance fluorescence of a single ? -type three-level atom in the regime near coherent population trapping, i.e., alongside the two-photon detuning condition. To this end, we employ the method of conditional homodyne detection (CHD) which considers squeezing in the weak driving regime, and extends to non-Gaussian fluctuations for saturating and strong fields. In this framework, and using estimated parameter settings of the resonance fluorescence of a single trapped 138 Ba + ion, the light scattered from the probe transitions is found to manifest a non-classical character and conspicuous asymmetric third-order fluctuations in the amplitude-intensity correlation of CHD.

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Quantum Physics

Phase-modulated electromagnetically induced transparency in a giant-atom system within waveguide QED

The nonlocal emitter-waveguide coupling, which gives birth to the so called giant atom, represents a new paradigm in the field of quantum optics and waveguide QED. In this paper, we investigate the single-photon scattering in a one-dimensional waveguide on a two-level or three-level giant atom. Thanks to the natural interference induced by the back and forth photon transmitted/reflected at the atom-waveguide coupling points, the photon transmission can be dynamically controlled by the periodic phase modulation via adjusting the size of the giant atom. For the two-level giant-atom setup, we demonstrate the energy shift which is dependent on the atomic size. For the driven three-level giant-atom setup, it is of great interest that, the interference effect between different atomic transition paths, can lead to a complete transmission window, analogous to the electromagnetically induced transparency and beyond the two-photon resonance mechanism, and the width of the transmission valleys (reflection range) is tunable in terms of the atomic size. Our investigation will be beneficial to the photon or phonon control in quantum network based on mesoscopical or even macroscopical quantum nodes involving the giant atom.

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Quantum Physics

Photon induced atom recoil in collectively interacting planar arrays

The recoil of atoms in arrays due to the emission or absorption of photons is studied for sub-wavelength interatomic spacing. The atoms in the array interact with each other through collective dipole-dipole interactions and with the incident laser field in the low intensity limit. Shining uniform light on the array gives rise to patterns of excitation and recoil in the array. These arise due to the interference of different eigenmodes of excitation. The relation between the recoil and the decay dynamics is studied when the array is in its excitation eigenstates. The recoil experienced by a subradiant collective decay is substantially larger than from independent atom decay. A method to calculate the rate of recoil when steady state has been achieved with a constant influx of photons is also described.

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Quantum Physics

Playing with Casimir in the vacuum sandbox

The Casimir effect continues to be a subject of discussion regarding its relationship, or the lack of it, with the vacuum energy of fluctuating quantum fields. In this note, we propose a Gedankenexperiment considering an imaginary process similar to a vacuum fluctuation in a typical static Casimir set up. The thought experiment leads to intriguing conclusions regarding the minimum distance between the plates when approaching the Planck scale. More specifically, it is found that distance between the plates cannot reach a value below (L/ L P ) 2/3 Planck lengths, being L P the Planck length and L the typical lateral extension of the plates. Additional findings allow the conclusion that the approach between the two plates towards this minimum separation distance is asymptotic.

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Quantum Physics

Positive energy density leads to no squeezing

We consider two kinds of superpositions of squeezed states of light. In the case of superpositions of first kind, the squeezing and all higher order squeezing vanishes. However, in the case of the second kind, it is possible to achieve a maximum amount of squeezing by adjusting the parameters in the superposition. The emergence and vanishing of squeezing for the superposition states are explained on the basis of expectation values of the energy density. We show that expectation values of energy density of quantum states which show no squeezing will be always positive and that of squeezed states will be negative for some values of spacetime-dependent phase.

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Quantum Physics

Private learning implies quantum stability

Learning an unknown n -qubit quantum state ? is a fundamental challenge in quantum computing. Information-theoretically, it is known that tomography requires exponential in n many copies of ? to estimate it up to trace distance. Motivated by computational learning theory, Aaronson et al. introduced many (weaker) learning models: the PAC model of learning states (Proceedings of Royal Society A'07), shadow tomography (STOC'18) for learning "shadows" of a state, a model that also requires learners to be differentially private (STOC'19) and the online model of learning states (NeurIPS'18). In these models it was shown that an unknown state can be learned "approximately" using linear-in- n many copies of rho. But is there any relationship between these models? In this paper we prove a sequence of (information-theoretic) implications from differentially-private PAC learning, to communication complexity, to online learning and then to quantum stability. Our main result generalizes the recent work of Bun, Livni and Moran (Journal of the ACM'21) who showed that finite Littlestone dimension (of Boolean-valued concept classes) implies PAC learnability in the (approximate) differentially private (DP) setting. We first consider their work in the real-valued setting and further extend their techniques to the setting of learning quantum states. Key to our results is our generic quantum online learner, Robust Standard Optimal Algorithm (RSOA), which is robust to adversarial imprecision. We then show information-theoretic implications between DP learning quantum states in the PAC model, learnability of quantum states in the one-way communication model, online learning of quantum states, quantum stability (which is our conceptual contribution), various combinatorial parameters and give further applications to gentle shadow tomography and noisy quantum state learning.

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Quantum Physics

Probabilistic resumable quantum teleportation in high dimensions

Teleportation is a quantum information processes without classical counterparts, in which the sender can disembodied transfer unknown quantum states to the receiver. In probabilistic teleportation through a partial entangled quantum channel, the transmission is exact (with fidelity 1), but may fail in a probability and simultaneously destroy the state to be teleported. We propose a scheme for nondestructive probabilistic teleportation of high-dimensional quantum states. With the aid of an ancilla in the hands of sender, the initial quantum information can be recovered when teleportation fails. The ancilla acts as a quantum apparatus to measure the sender's subsystem, and erasing the information it records can resumes the initial state.

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Quantum Physics

Probabilistically Violating the First Law of Thermodynamics in a Quantum Heat Engine

Fluctuations of thermodynamic observables, such as heat and work, contain relevant information on the underlying physical process. These fluctuations are however not taken into account in the traditional laws of thermodynamics. While the second law is extended to fluctuating systems by the celebrated fluctuation theorems, the first law is generally believed to hold even in the presence of fluctuations. Here we show that in the presence of quantum fluctuations, also the first law of thermodynamics may break down. This happens because quantum mechanics imposes constraints on the knowledge of heat and work. To illustrate our results, we provide a detailed case-study of work and heat fluctuations in a quantum heat engine based on a circuit QED architecture. We find probabilistic violations of the first law and show that they are closely connected to quantum signatures related to negative quasi-probabilities. Our results imply that in the presence of quantum fluctuations, the first law of thermodynamics may not be applicable to individual experimental runs.

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Quantum Physics

Probing non-classical light fields with energetic witnesses in Waveguide Quantum Electro-Dynamics

We analyze energy exchanges between a qubit and a resonant field propagating in a waveguide. The joint dynamics is analytically solved within a repeated interaction model. The work received by the qubit is defined as the unitary component of the field-induced energy change. Using the same definition for the field, we show that both work flows compensate each other. Focusing on the charging of a qubit battery by a pulse of light, we evidence that the work provided by a coherent field is an upper bound for the qubit ergotropy, while this bound can be violated by non-classical fields, e.g. a coherent superposition of zero- and single-photon states. Our results provide operational, energy-based witnesses to probe the non-classical nature of a light field.

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Quantum Physics

Probing the topological Anderson transition with quantum walks

We consider one-dimensional quantum walks in optical linear networks with synthetically introduced disorder and tunable system parameters allowing for the engineered realization of distinct topological phases. The option to directly monitor the walker's probability distribution makes this optical platform ideally suited for the experimental observation of the unique signatures of the one-dimensional topological Anderson transition. We analytically calculate the probability distribution describing the quantum critical walk in terms of a (time staggered) spin polarization signal and propose a concrete experimental protocol for its measurement. Numerical simulations back the realizability of our blueprint with current date experimental hardware.

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