A. Schaffrath Rosario
Robert Koch Institute
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Featured researches published by A. Schaffrath Rosario.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2007
Kurth Bm; A. Schaffrath Rosario
ZusammenfassungÜbergewicht und Adipositas sind ein wachsendes gesundheitliches Problem. Bislang gab es für Kinder und Jugendliche jedoch keine repräsentativen altersspezifischen Aussagen zur Verbreitung des Problems in Deutschland. Im Rahmen des bundesweiten Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurveys (KiGGS) wurden die Teilnehmer im Studienzentrum standardisiert gemessen und gewogen. Zur Definition von Übergewicht und Adipositas wurden die von Kromeyer-Hauschild et al. vorgelegten Referenzdaten zur Verteilung des Body-Mass-Index (BMI) zugrunde gelegt. Damit liegen erstmalig repräsentative Informationen zur Verbreitung von Übergewicht und Adipositas vor: 15% der Kinder und Jugendlichen von 3–17 Jahren haben einen BMI oberhalb des 90. Perzentils der Referenzdaten und sind damit übergewichtig. Eine Untergruppe davon, nämlich 6,3% aller 3- bis 17-Jährigen, leidet nach dieser Definition unter Adipositas, da ihr BMI oberhalb des 97. Perzentils der Referenzdaten liegt. Der Anteil der Übergewichtigen steigt von 9% bei den 3- bis 6-Jährigen über 15% bei den 7- bis 10-Jährigen bis hin zu 17% bei den 14- bis 17-Jährigen. Die Verbreitung von Adipositas beträgt bei den 3- bis 6-Jährigen 2,9% und steigt über 6,4% bei den 7- bis 10-Jährigen bis auf 8,5% bei den 14- bis 17-Jährigen. Klare Unterschiede zwischen Jungen und Mädchen oder zwischen den alten und neuen Bundesländern sind nicht zu erkennen. Ein höheres Risiko für Übergewicht und Adipositas besteht bei Kindern aus Familien mit niedrigem Sozialstatus, bei Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund und bei Kindern, deren Mütter ebenfalls übergewichtig sind.AbstractOverweight and obesity are an increasing problem: worldwide, for Germany and for children and adolescents. Until now there have been no representative and age-specific assessments of the prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents in Germany. Thus, the standardised height and weight measurements gathered in the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS) have, for the first time, provided national, representative data about overweight and obesity in young people. The terms ‘overweight’ and ‘obese’ are defined based on percentiles of the body mass index (BMI) of the Kromeyer-Hauschild reference system. Of children and adolescents between the ages of 3 and 17, 15% exceed the 90th BMI percentile of the reference data and are thus overweight, 6.3% exceed the 97th BMI percentile and thus suffer from obesity by this definition. The proportion of overweight rises from 9% of 3–6-year-olds to 15% of 7–10-year-olds and 17% of 14–17-year-olds. The prevalence of obesity is 2.9%, 6.4% and 8.5% for the same age groups respectively. No clear differences between boys and girls or between East and West Germany are detected. Children are at a higher risk of being overweight or obese if they have a lower socioeconomic status, have a migration background, or have mothers who are also overweight.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2007
Rüdiger Dölle; A. Schaffrath Rosario; Heribert Stolzenberg
ZusammenfassungIm Rahmen des Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurveys (KiGGS) wurden erstmals umfassend und bundesweit repräsentative Daten zum Gesundheitszustand von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland erhoben. Im Laufe der 3-jährigen Erhebungsphase wurden 17.641 Probanden untersucht und befragt und ca. 1500 Items erfasst. Das Datenmanagement beschränkte sich nicht allein auf die Erfassung, Verwaltung und Qualitätssicherung der Erhebungsdaten, sondern ebenso auf die Bereitstellung von Werkzeugen zur Verwaltung und Kontrolle von Prozessdaten sowie zur Steuerung surveyspezifischer Geschäftsabläufe. Im Rahmen der KiGGS-Studie wurde eine Vielzahl von Komponenten zur Unterstützung der umfangreichen und komplexen Prozessabläufe für die Studienmitarbeiter entwickelt. Dies betraf in erster Linie die Aufgabenbereiche Probanden- und Sample-Point-Verwaltung, Terminplanung, Stichprobenziehung, Berichterstattung, Feldlogistik und Labordatenverwaltung. Die computergestützte Bearbeitung von Routineaufgaben im Rahmen der Feldorganisation führte zu einer deutlichen Arbeitserleichterung sowie zu einer verbesserten Projektablaufkontrolle. Teilweise konnten die KiGGS-spezifischen Komponenten mit minimalem Anpassungsaufwand bereits auf andere Studien übertragen werden. Beim Datenmanagement der Erhebungsdaten stand die Standardisierung der Verfahren ihrer Aufbereitung, Prüfung und Bereinigung im Vordergrund. Hier konnte auf einen breiten Erfahrungsschatz aufgebaut werden. Die etablierten Methoden zur Qualitätssicherung wurden weitgehend standardisiert und teilweise automatisiert und durch Datenbanktools zur Verwaltung und Dokumentation von Erhebungsinstrumenten und Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen ergänzt. Die Summe aller Maßnahmen ermöglichte es, den Datennutzern relativ schnell einen geprüften und bereinigten Enddatensatz einschließlich einer ausführlichen Dokumentation zur Verfügung zu stellen.AbstractIn the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS), comprehensive, nationwide representative data on the state of health of children and adolescents were collected for the first time. During the 3-year data collection phase of the survey, 17,641 subjects were examined and interviewed and approx. 1,500 items were recorded. Data management was not limited to survey data collection, administration and quality assurance alone, but also comprised the provision of tools for the management and control of process data, as well as for managing survey-specific business processes. In the context of the KiGGS study, numerous components for supporting the extensive and complex processes were developed for the study staff. Here the primary focus was on subject and sample point administration, scheduling, sampling, reporting, field logistics and laboratory data management. Thanks to the computer-based processing of routine tasks involved in the organisation of the field work, ease of work and project progress control were enhanced significantly. To some extent, KiGGS-specific components have already been used in other studies and only minor adaptations were needed for the transfer. The main emphasis with regards to survey data management was on the standardisation of methods for data processing, data control and data cleaning. Here, a wealth of previous experien ces was available as a starting point. The established quality assurance methods were standardised to a large extent and partly automated and complemented by data base tools for the management and documentation of survey instruments and quality assurance measures. All these measures combined made it possible to provide data users with a controlled and cleaned final data set, including a detailed documentation.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2007
Heidrun Kahl; A. Schaffrath Rosario; Martin Schlaud
ZusammenfassungNach einem Stillstand in der Reifeakzeleration in den 80er-Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts wird international und auch in Deutschland eine weitere Verschiebung der Reifeentwicklung in das jüngere Lebensalter diskutiert. Mit der Erhebung von Reifemerkmalen bei Mädchen und Jungen im Rahmen des bundesweiten Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurveys (KiGGS) sollen bevölkerungsrepräsentative Angaben zur sexuellen Reifung ermittelt und Zusammenhänge zwischen Reifestatus und ausgewählten Gesundheits- und Sozialdaten geprüft werden. Mädchen wurden nach der ersten Regelblutung (Menarche) und Jungen nach Veränderungen in der Stimmlage, dem Stimmbruch (Mutation) gefragt (Status-quo-Methode). Die Schambehaarung (Pubes) wurde nach definierten Entwicklungsstufen (Tanner) anhand von Zeichenvorlagen von den Kindern und Jugendlichen vom vollendeten 10.–17. Lebensjahr selbst eingeschätzt. Das mittlere Alter (Median) für die Menarche, für die Mutation und die Pubesstufen wurde über ein Logit-Modell berechnet. Mit 10 Jahren berichten 42,4 % der Mädchen und 35,7 % der Jungen über die Entwicklung von Schamhaaren. Mit 17 Jahren haben die Mehrzahl der Mädchen und Jungen die Stufen PH5 (Mädchen 57,5 %, Jungen 47,8 %) und PH6 (Mädchen 23,6 %, Jungen 46,5 %) nach Tanner erreicht. Das Durchschnittsalter für die einzelnen Pubesstufen ist bei Mädchen niedriger (PH2 10,8; PH3 11,7; PH4 12,3; PH5 13,4 Jahre) als bei Jungen (PH2 10,9; PH3 12,6; PH4 13,4; PH5 14,1). Der Menarchemedian beträgt 12,8 Jahre, der Median für die Mutation (Stimme tief) 15,1 Jahre. Signifikante Unterschiede im Menarchealter bestehen zwischen Mädchen in Abhängigkeit vom Sozialstatus (12,7/12,9/13,0 Jahre für niedrigen/ mittleren/hohen Sozialstatus) und zwischen Mädchen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund (12,5/12,9 Jahre). Keine Unterschiede sind im Menarchealter nach Ost/West und nach Wohnortgröße nachweisbar. Zusammenhänge zwischen Reifestatus und BMI sind bei Mädchen stärker ausgeprägt als bei Jungen. Insgesamt beginnt die Reifeentwicklung deutscher Kinder und Jugendlicher im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Studien nicht signifikant früher.AbstractFollowing the standstill in maturity acceleration in the eighties of the twentieth century, now a further shift in maturity development towards younger ages is the issue of an international and also German discussion. The collection of sexual maturity data in boys and girls as part of the nationwide German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS) is intended to pro vide population-representative information on sexual maturation and to evaluate associations between maturity status and selected health and social data. Girls were interviewed regarding their first menstrual period (menarche) and boys regarding voice change (status-quo method). Pubic hair was self-assessed by children and adolescents from 10 to 17 years of age, based on drawings of Tanners defined developmental stages. The median age for menarche, for voice change and pubic hair stages were calculated using a logit model. At an age of 10 years, 42.4 % of girls and 35.7 % of boys report the development of pubic hair. At 17 years of age, the majority of girls and boys have reached the stages PH5 (girls 57.5 %, boys 47.8 %) and PH6 (girls 23.6 %, boys 46.5 %) according to Tanner. The average age for each pubic hair stage is lower in girls (PH2 10.8; PH3 11.7; PH4 12.3; PH5 13.4 years) than in boys (PH2 10.9; PH3 12.6; PH4 13.4; PH5 14.1). The median age at menarche is 12.8 years, the median for voice change (voice low) 15.1 years. Significant differences in age at menarche are found in girls depending on socioeconomic status (12.7/12.9/13.0 years for low/middle/high status) and between girls with and without migration background (12.5/12.9 years). No differences in age at menarche can be seen between East and West Germany or cities and rural areas. The association between maturity status and BMI is more pronounced in girls than in boys. Overall, the onset of maturity development in German children and adolescents is not significantly earlier than in other European studies.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2010
Kurth Bm; A. Schaffrath Rosario
The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity is a reason for concern not only in Germany but also in other countries. There are various methods and data sources that can be used to assess the extent of this public health problem. The present publication gives an overview of the reference systems that are in use in Germany to assess body mass index (BMI), which is calculated from height and weight, and an overview from several data sources: the school entry examinations, the HBSC study of the WHO, and the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS). Current prevalence estimates are based on the KiGGS survey, which found that, based on the Kromeyer-Hauschild reference system, 14.8% of the children and adolescents in Germany aged 2-17 years are overweight, including 6.1% suffering from obesity. In absolute numbers referring to the most recent population numbers, this corresponds to 1.7 million overweight children and adolescents in Germany aged 2 years and older, 750,000 of whom are obese. This description of the status quo represents the benchmark for all future studies of BMI that aim at assessing temporal trends and, thus, the efficacy of national prevention and intervention programs. Regular examinations of certain age groups of children and adolescents in Germany, such as the school entry examinations, can be used for the assessment of temporal trends, if certain standards are followed during the examination. Studies that rely on self-reported height and weight instead of measurements, such as the German part of the HBSC study, however, need a correction based on the subjective body perception. The KiGGS participants themselves are also subject to follow-up interviews and examinations. Thus, it will be possible to regularly update the assessment of the prevalence of overweight and obesity. The Kromeyer-Hauschild reference system should not be replaced by the KiGGS BMI data, in order not to artificially lower the prevalences of overweight and obesity. It should, however, not be used for children below 2 years of age.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2009
A. Schaffrath Rosario; B.-M. Kurth
ZusammenfassungDas Aufdecken von Trends und regionalen Unterschieden in der Auftretenshäufigkeit von Übergewicht und Adipositas bei Kindern und Jugendlichen ist in Anbetracht der hohen Public-Health-Relevanz dieses weit verbreiteten Gesundheitsrisikos von großem Interesse. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass Trendaussagen und Vergleiche belastbar sind und auf denselben methodischen Grundlagen basieren. Am Beispiel der Daten des Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurveys (KiGGS) sind die potenziellen Auswirkungen zweier Fehlerquellen methodischer Art auf Prävalenzaussagen bei den Schuleingangsuntersuchungen dargestellt. Als Schlussfolgerung werden einfache Empfehlungen zur Vermeidung dieser Fehler gegeben.AbstractDiscovering trends and regional differences in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is an important task, bearing in mind the high public health relevance of this widespread health risk. It is all the more important to ensure a common methodological basis for the calculations underlying statements about trends and comparisons. Using the data of the German Health Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS), the potential effects of two methodological sources of error when calculating overweight and obesity prevalence at school entry are presented. Finally, simple recommendations for avoiding these errors are given.Discovering trends and regional differences in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is an important task, bearing in mind the high public health relevance of this widespread health risk. It is all the more important to ensure a common methodological basis for the calculations underlying statements about trends and comparisons. Using the data of the German Health Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS), the potential effects of two methodological sources of error when calculating overweight and obesity prevalence at school entry are presented. Finally, simple recommendations for avoiding these errors are given.
Diabetic Medicine | 2012
Andreas Beyerlein; Ina Nehring; A. Schaffrath Rosario; R. von Kries
Diabet. Med. 29, 378–384 (2012)
Climacteric | 2009
Yong Du; Christa Scheidt-Nave; A. Schaffrath Rosario; Ute Ellert; Martina Dören; Hildtraud Knopf
Background There are virtually no prospective cohort studies in Germany regarding the changes of menopausal hormone therapy (HT) use pattern and factors associated with HT discontinuation after the release of the Womens Health Initiative (WHI) trial results. Methods We assessed HT prevalence and use pattern as well as factors associated with HT discontinuation in a cohort of 903 women 40 years of age and older, who participated in two consecutive follow-up visits in a 20-year prospective health study from July 2000 to February and from August 2002 to December 2004. Results Overall, the prevalence of HT users in the cohort declined significantly from 35.4% in 2000–2002 to 22.5% in 2002–2004. Adjusting for aging of the population, a statistically significant decrease in HT user prevalence was consistently observed across subgroups of HT users defined by type and duration of HT use. The decline was most pronounced with respect to women using combined estrogen–progestin regimens (−10.5%), higher-dose estrogens (−11.6%), oral preparations (−11.1%), as well as long-term HT users (−8.4%). The prevalence of women indicating HT use for climacteric symptoms decreased significantly (−12.4%), whereas the prevalence of women reporting use of HT for the prevention of osteoporosis increased (+1.8%) significantly. Irrespective of hysterectomy status, half of the women who continued HT changed their HT preparations and switched to lower estrogen doses (11.5%), topical estrogens (8.2%), or phytohormones (3.8%). We did not observe any significant differences between women who continued and discontinued HT regarding health-related characteristics of the study population as of 2000–2002. However, women seeing a gynecologist in the 12 months preceding the 2002–2004 visit were significantly less likely to discontinue HT use in bivariate and multivariate analyses. Conclusions Substantial declines in HT user prevalence as well as changes in HT use patterns to lower-dose estrogen preparations and non-oral routes of administration are likely to reflect effects of the publication of the WHI results. Consulting a gynecologist appeared to be relevant for a womans decision to continue HT.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2010
B.-M. Kurth; A. Schaffrath Rosario
The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity is a reason for concern not only in Germany but also in other countries. There are various methods and data sources that can be used to assess the extent of this public health problem. The present publication gives an overview of the reference systems that are in use in Germany to assess body mass index (BMI), which is calculated from height and weight, and an overview from several data sources: the school entry examinations, the HBSC study of the WHO, and the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS). Current prevalence estimates are based on the KiGGS survey, which found that, based on the Kromeyer-Hauschild reference system, 14.8% of the children and adolescents in Germany aged 2-17 years are overweight, including 6.1% suffering from obesity. In absolute numbers referring to the most recent population numbers, this corresponds to 1.7 million overweight children and adolescents in Germany aged 2 years and older, 750,000 of whom are obese. This description of the status quo represents the benchmark for all future studies of BMI that aim at assessing temporal trends and, thus, the efficacy of national prevention and intervention programs. Regular examinations of certain age groups of children and adolescents in Germany, such as the school entry examinations, can be used for the assessment of temporal trends, if certain standards are followed during the examination. Studies that rely on self-reported height and weight instead of measurements, such as the German part of the HBSC study, however, need a correction based on the subjective body perception. The KiGGS participants themselves are also subject to follow-up interviews and examinations. Thus, it will be possible to regularly update the assessment of the prevalence of overweight and obesity. The Kromeyer-Hauschild reference system should not be replaced by the KiGGS BMI data, in order not to artificially lower the prevalences of overweight and obesity. It should, however, not be used for children below 2 years of age.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2009
A. Schaffrath Rosario; B.-M. Kurth
ZusammenfassungDas Aufdecken von Trends und regionalen Unterschieden in der Auftretenshäufigkeit von Übergewicht und Adipositas bei Kindern und Jugendlichen ist in Anbetracht der hohen Public-Health-Relevanz dieses weit verbreiteten Gesundheitsrisikos von großem Interesse. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass Trendaussagen und Vergleiche belastbar sind und auf denselben methodischen Grundlagen basieren. Am Beispiel der Daten des Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurveys (KiGGS) sind die potenziellen Auswirkungen zweier Fehlerquellen methodischer Art auf Prävalenzaussagen bei den Schuleingangsuntersuchungen dargestellt. Als Schlussfolgerung werden einfache Empfehlungen zur Vermeidung dieser Fehler gegeben.AbstractDiscovering trends and regional differences in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is an important task, bearing in mind the high public health relevance of this widespread health risk. It is all the more important to ensure a common methodological basis for the calculations underlying statements about trends and comparisons. Using the data of the German Health Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS), the potential effects of two methodological sources of error when calculating overweight and obesity prevalence at school entry are presented. Finally, simple recommendations for avoiding these errors are given.Discovering trends and regional differences in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is an important task, bearing in mind the high public health relevance of this widespread health risk. It is all the more important to ensure a common methodological basis for the calculations underlying statements about trends and comparisons. Using the data of the German Health Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS), the potential effects of two methodological sources of error when calculating overweight and obesity prevalence at school entry are presented. Finally, simple recommendations for avoiding these errors are given.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2007
Panagiotis Kamtsiuris; Michael Lange; A. Schaffrath Rosario