Andrea De Rossi Rufato
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
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Featured researches published by Andrea De Rossi Rufato.
Ciencia Rural | 2014
Janaína Muniz; Aike Anneliese Kretzschmar; Leo Rufato; Tânia Regina Pelizza; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Tiago Afonso de Macedo
The Physalis peruviana L. is an exotic fruit that belongs to the Solanaceae family with recent production in Brazil. This is presented as an alternative production with nutritional potential and economic value. The cape gooseberry plant has a high added value that can be used from its root to the fruit itself. The roots and leaves are rich in medicinal properties that are used in pharmacology. The fruit is sweet and have good content of vitamins A, C, iron, phosphorus and fiber, often used in making jellies, jams, juices and ice creams. To improve the plant canopy, but also contribute to the quality and appearance of the fruit produced some cultural practices such as staking, training systems, pruning and thinning are used. The aim of this review is to provide technical and scientific data about the culture of physalis.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2012
Cláudia Simone Madruga Lima; Simone Padilha Galarça; Débora Leitzke Betemps; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Leo Rufato
Physalis peruviana L. e uma especie que vem sendo incorporada em plantios de pequenas frutas. Esta frutifera e tratada como anual, e o principal metodo de propagacao e por sementes. Seu cultivo apresenta uma dinâmica de colheita diferenciada, com duracao do periodo de colheita superior a tres meses. Acredita-se que, devido ao extenso periodo de colheita, associado a diferentes epocas de semeadura, irao ocorrer variacoes nas caracteristicas dos frutos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as caracteristicas fisicas, quimicas e fitoquimicas de frutos de Physalis peruviana ao longo do periodo de colheita, em funcao de duas epocas de plantio. O experimento foi realizado no periodo de 2007/2008. A semeadura foi realizada em duas epocas (04-09-2007 e 26-11-2007), e o transplante foi realizado quando as plantas estavam no estadio de duas folhas verdadeiras. Os frutos foram colhidos aos 120; 150; 180; 210 e 240 dias apos o transplante e avaliados quanto a massa total e a coloracao da epiderme, assim como quanto aos seus teores de solidos soluveis (SS), acidez titulavel (AT), fenois e de carotenoides totais, razao SS/AT e atividade antioxidante. Os frutos de Physalis apresentaram variacoes fisicas, quimicas e fitoquimicas ao longo do periodo de colheita, para as duas datas de semeadura. O desenvolvimento das plantas, apos o transplantio, levou a acrescimo nos valores de massa, nos teores de solidos soluveis, fenois e carotenoides, assim como na razao SS/AT. Na coloracao e na atividade antioxidante, os maiores valores foram obtidos na primeira colheita (120 dias). A semeadura realizada em setembro proporcionou a obtencao de frutos com melhor qualidade.
Bragantia | 2011
Tânia Regina Pelizza; Cláudia Roberta Damiani; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; André Luiz Kulkamp de Souza; Mirian de Farias Ribeiro; Márcia Wulff Schuch
This work was carried out aiming to evaluate the rooting capacity of microcuttings derived from different positions (median and apical) of the blueberry branches under protected environment. The blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) branches cv. Climax used for this experiment were derived from the micropropagated plants. Two types of microcuttings (apical and median) and three substrates (Plantmax® + carbonized rice rusks (1:1); Humus Fertil® and Vermicompound of cattle) were used. The indolbutiric acid (IBA) was applied at 2000 mg L-1 to stimulate rooting. The microcuttings were put into expanded polystyrene trays. Microcuttings from the median position showed higher percentage of surviving, higher number of leaves and shoots; however, they had higher callus formation. The number of roots is dependent on the type of microcutting and substrate used. The use of median microcuttings together with the use of the substrate Plantmax® + carbonized rice rusks are favorable to plant production of the blueberry cv. Climax, with increases in rooting percentage and surviving cuttings, length of roots and number of leaves and shoots.
Revista Ceres | 2013
Cláudia Simone Madruga Lima; Joseana Severo; Suélen Braga de Andrade; Luana Borges Affonso; Cesar Valmor Rombaldi; Andrea De Rossi Rufato
A physalis (Physalis peruviana) e um pequeno fruto cujo cultivo vem se expandindo no Brasil. No entanto, informacoes a respeito do seu armazenamento ainda sao escassas. Por isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de physalis durante o armazenamento, sob temperaturas ambiente e refrigerada. A colheita foi realizada quando o calice dos frutos apresentava coloracao amarelo-esverdeada, sendo os frutos submetidos aos seguintes tratamentos: 1- armazenamento a temperatura de 20°C (± 0,5°C) e 2- armazenamento a temperatura de 4°C (± 0,5°C). Foram avaliados os teores de SS, AT, SS/AT, o pH, a firmeza, a cor e a perda de massa dos frutos, a cada dois dias, durante oito dias. Foi possivel observar que o emprego da refrigeracao promoveu a manutencao da firmeza, auxiliando tambem na prevencao da perda de massa fresca, do fruto e do calice. O teor de solidos soluveis (SS) reduziu-se significativamente, independentemente da temperatura de armazenamento dos frutos. Frutos armazenados sob refrigeracao apresentaram teores superiores de acidez titulavel (AT) e, consequentemente, menor relacao SS/AT. Os resultados, obtidos neste estudo, permitiram concluir que as modificacoes que ocorrem em parâmetros considerados importantes para a qualidade de physalis, como pH, AT, SS/AT, firmeza e cor, durante o periodo de armazenamento de frutos, podem ser minimizados com o uso da refrigeracao (4 °C).
Scientia Agricola | 2008
Casiane Salete Tibola; José Carlos Fachinello; Cesar Valmor Rombaldi; Leonardo Nora; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Leo Rufato
A rastreabilidade esta se tornando o metodo mais efetivo para assegurar uma cadeia alimentar mais segura e conectar produtores e consumidores. Nesse trabalho relatamos a aplicacao e validacao de um sistema de rastreabilidade na cadeia produtiva do pessego, de acordo com as Normas Brasileiras para Producao Integrada de Pessego (PIP) e Analises de Perigos e Pontos Criticos de Controle (APPCC). As parcelas de colheita foram discriminadas utilizando-se um aparelho de GPS (Global Positioning System). As praticas horticulturais foram registradas no caderno de campo, de acordo com as normas da PIP. As caixas para transportar as frutas, desde a lavoura, foram etiquetadas com codigo de barra para identificar as frutas em termos de origem (pomar e parcela de colheita), cultivar, qualidade, data e hora de colheita. Na industria, utilizando-se um leitor otico de codigo de barras, as frutas de cada caixa foram alocadas para um determinado lote homogeneo para fins de processamento. As latas de pessego foram etiquetadas com o numero do lote homogeneo correspondente, foi monitorado com base em analise fisicas e quimicas, de acordo com as regras da PIP e da APPCC. Uma base d e dados eletronica foi construida e disponibilizada atraves da Internet. Utilizando-se o numero do lote, foi possivel obter todas as informacoes desde a(s) parcela(s) de colheita correspondente(s) a uma determinada lata de pessego.
Ciencia Rural | 2014
Janaína Muniz; Aike Anneliese Kretzschmar; Leo Rufato; Tânia Regina Pelizza; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Tiago Afonso de Macedo
The Physalis peruviana L. is an exotic fruit that belongs to the Solanaceae family with recent production in Brazil. This is presented as an alternative production with nutritional potential and economic value. The cape gooseberry plant has a high added value that can be used from its root to the fruit itself. The roots and leaves are rich in medicinal properties that are used in pharmacology. The fruit is sweet and have good content of vitamins A, C, iron, phosphorus and fiber, often used in making jellies, jams, juices and ice creams. To improve the plant canopy, but also contribute to the quality and appearance of the fruit produced some cultural practices such as staking, training systems, pruning and thinning are used. The aim of this review is to provide technical and scientific data about the culture of physalis.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2014
Débora Leitzke Betemps; José Carlos Fachinello; Cláudia Simone Madruga Lima; Simone Padilha Galarça; Andrea De Rossi Rufato
Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar o comportamento fenologico e os componentes do crescimento de plantas de fisalis (Physalis peruviana L.) em funcao de tres epocas de semeadura, na regiao de Pelotas-RS. Sao determinados as datas de ocorrencia, os dias apos a emergencia (DAE) e a soma termica (GD) para os seguintes estadios: folhas verdadeiras, primeira ramificacao, brotacao floral, botoes florais, flores abertas, formacao de brotos basais, frutos caidos, inicio de queda das folhas e colheita. Quinzenalmente, a partir do transplante, foram realizadas avaliacoes de comprimento do ramo principal, numero total de folhas do ramo principal, numero de flores e frutos por planta. Nas condicoes edafoclimaticas de Pelotas, as plantas de fisalis, oriundas da semeadura em novembro, necessitaram de menor numero de DAE para completar os estadios fenologicos; contudo, esta tendencia nao se manteve para GD. A semeadura de fisalis realizada no inicio do mes de setembro resultou em plantas com maior crescimento vegetativo e numero de frutos, bem como com caracteristicas de crescimento e de producao semelhantes as principais regioes de cultivo.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2009
José Luiz Marcon Filho; Leo Rufato; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Aike Anneliese Kretzschmar; Celso Zancan
Obtaining a compact orchard, with less vigorous plants and high production, constitutes a strong tendency in the current horticulture, aiming the raise of the productivity. One of the techniques for reducing vigor is the interstem. This study was developed in a commercial orchard of Randon Agro Silvo Pastoril S.A. (RASIP), located in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the vegetative and productive development of apple trees cv. Imperial Gala with different lengths of EM-9 interstem. The treatments consisted of five interstem lengths: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 cm. The following parameters were evaluated, in the seventh and eighth year of implantation: the sectional area of the Imperial Gala 5 cm above the second graft point; height of the plant; the tree-head size; fertility index; the number of fruits per plant; estimated productivity and productive efficiency. The use of interstem EM-9 of 30 cm in the rootstock Marubakaido is the most indicated for vigor control of Imperial Gala apple trees, provides greater productive efficiency and produces bigger fruits.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2015
Luciane Arantes De Paula; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Paulo Ricardo Dias de Oliveira; Maurício Reginini Tallamini
The objective of the study was to characterize the pollen compatibility of pear with quince (interspecific crosses) and between species of pear. It was used: ‘Packham’s Triumph’ (female parental) and ‘William’s’ and ‘Clapp’s Favorite’, ‘Maca’ and ‘Portugal’ (male parental). It was determined fruit set (%) in the field at 40 days after crosses and the in vivo germination. It was obtained a higher fruit set in the crossing ‘Packham’s Triumph’ x ‘Clapp’s Favorite’. In interspecific crosses, the highest fruit set was obtained with ‘Packham’s Triumph’ x ‘Portugal’’. In in vivo germination, the developmental stage of the pollen tube showed significant variations between the combinations, but the pollen tube did not penetrate the embryo sac. As it was observed fructification in all crossing is possible the existence of compatibility among genotypes. The results indicated that the pollen donor cultivars of the species P. communis are compatible with ‘Packham’s Triumph’. Other studies should be conducted with the pollen of quince to confirm this compatibility.
Ciencia Rural | 2014
Geraldine de Andrade Meyer; Thaysi Ventura de Souza; Rosa Maria Valdebenito Sanhueza; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Leo Rufato; Marisa Santos
Studies about anatomical and ontogeny of leaf abscission in pome fruit trees are scarce. The leaf fall occurs after the abscission zone is promoted, being a natural process in pome fruit, and it lasted from the fall until the first frost in southern Brazil. It is not known yet how long the leaves of apple trees remained functional. The aim of this study was to develop a methodology to study the beginning and the end zones of leaf abscission of Galaxy and Fuji apple trees. The study was conducted in commercial apple orchards in Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul. The proposed method consisted of collecting branches to 10cm to 20cm in length, and use a segment containing a portion of the stem, an axillary bud and the base of the petiole, discarding the part of the four-leaf apex. The segments were fixed, sectioned and stained for observation of the abscission zone in optical microscopy. The methodology allowed the understanding of the abscission zone on apple trees. The abscission zone was formed by elongated cells with thin walls, presenting cell wall lignification. The process kept the bud intact and occurred from the adaxial to abaxial surface. The natural leaf abscission in Galaxy and Fuji plants without symptoms of disease and favorable environmental conditions , can be accompanied by 7 and 14 days before and after harvest, and after intervals of 14 and 21 days until May. From May, collections should be weekly. This information will be useful in making a decision to carry out cultural practices and / or chemical control, for the maintenance of healthy leaves, resulting in greater accumulation of carbohydrate reserves and / or reducing the number of fungicide applications.