Annette Baattrup-Pedersen
Aarhus University
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Featured researches published by Annette Baattrup-Pedersen.
Hydrobiologia | 2006
Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz; Teresa Ferreira; Thomas Korte; Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; John Davy-Bowker; Mattie O’Hare
The macrophyte surveys undertaken as part of the EU-funded STAR project are a unique resource allowing aquatic plant communities to be studied at a Pan-European scale (211 stream sites with macrophytes in 14 countries). Using this dataset, we examined the influence of organic pollution in relation to other environmental correlates of river plant community variation across Europe. We examined the relationships between several existing macrophyte metrics and nutrient enrichment, and we also explored the possibility of developing a pan-European macrophyte-based assessment system. We showed that trophic (nutrient) status is an important driver of aquatic plant communities in European rivers. We found that while most existing macrophyte metrics are useful, none can be applied at a pan-European scale in their current form. Our attempt to redesign the Mean Trophic Rank (MTR) index by the addition of further species, and the re-scoring of existing species, resulted in a considerable improvement in the relationship between MTR scores and nutrient variables. We conclude that an enlarged core group of macrophyte species can form part of an improved pan-European macrophyte-based bioassessment system, although regional modifications may be required to adequately describe the nutrient status of certain stream types.
Science of The Total Environment | 2012
Jes Rasmussen; Peter Wiberg-Larsen; Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Rikke Juul Monberg; Brian Kronvang
Agricultural pesticides are known to significantly impact the composition of communities in stream ecosystems. Moreover, agricultural streams are often characterised by loss of physical habitat diversity which may impose additional stress resulting from suboptimal environmental conditions. We surveyed pesticide contamination and rates of leaf litter decomposition in 14 1st and 2nd order Danish streams using litter bags with coarse and fine mesh sizes. Two sites differing in physical habitat complexity were sampled in each stream, and we used this approach to differentiate the effects of pesticides between sites with uniform (silt and sand) and more heterogeneous physical properties. Microbial litter decomposition was reduced by a factor two to four in agricultural streams compared to forested streams, and we found that the rate of microbial litter decomposition responded most strongly to pesticide toxicity for microorganisms and not to eutrophication. Moreover, the rate of microbial litter decomposition was generally 50% lower at sites with uniform physical habitats dominated by soft substrate compared to the sites with more heterogeneous physical habitats. The rate of macroinvertebrate shredding activity was governed by the density of shredders, and the density of shredders was not correlated to pesticide contamination mainly due to high abundances of the amphipod Gammarus pulex at all sites. Our study provides the first field based results on the importance of multiple stressors and their potential to increase the effect of agricultural pesticides on important ecosystem processes.
Hydrobiologia | 2006
Mattie O'Hare; Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; R.C. Nijboer; Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz; Teresa Ferreira
The impact of altering hydro-morphology on three macrophyte community types was investigated at 107 European stream sites. Sites were surveyed using standard macrophyte and habitat survey techniques (Mean Trophic Rank Methodology and River Habitat Survey respectively). Principal Components Analysis shows the macrophyte community of upland streams live in a more structurally diverse physical habitat than lowland communities. Variables representing the homogeneity and diversity of the physical environment were used to successfully separate un-impacted from impacted sites, e.g. homogeneity of depth and substrate increased with decreasing quality class for lowland sites (ANOVA p < 0.05). Macrophyte attribute groups and structural metrics such as species richness were successfully linked to hydro-morphological variables indicative of impact. Most links were specific to each macrophyte community type, e.g., the attribute group liverworts, mosses and lichens decreased in abundance with increasing homogeneity of depth and decreasing substrate size at lowland sites but not at upland sites. Elodea canadensis, Sparganium emersum and Potamogeton crispus were indicative of impacted lowland sites. Many of the indicator species are also known to be tolerant to other forms of impact. The potential for a macrophyte tool indicative of hydro-morphological impact is discussed. It is concluded one could be constructed by combining indicator species and metrics such as species richness and evenness.
Hydrobiologia | 2006
Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz; R.C. Nijboer; Mattie O'Hare; Teresa Ferreira
Macrophytes are an important component of aquatic ecosystems and are used widely within the Water Framework Directive (WFD) to establish ecological quality. In the present paper we investigated macrophyte community structure, i.e., composition, richness and diversity measures in 60 unimpacted stream and river sites throughout Europe. The objectives were to describe assemblage patterns in different types of streams and to assess the variability in various structural and ecological metrics within these types to provide a basis for an evaluation of their suitability in ecological quality assessment. Macrophyte assemblage patterns varied considerably among the main stream types. Moving from small-sized, shallow mountain streams to medium-sized, lowland streams there was a clear transition in species richness, diversity and community structure. There was especially a shift from a predominance of species-poor mosses and communities dominated by liverwort in the small-sized, shallow mountain streams to more species-rich communities dominated by vascular plants in the medium-sized, lowland streams. The macrophyte communities responded to most of the features underlying the typological framework defined in WFD. The present interpretation of the WFD typology may not, however, be adequate for an evaluation of stream quality based on macrophytes. First and most important, by using this typology we may overlook an important community type, which is characteristic of small-sized, relatively steep-gradient streams that are an intermediate type between the small-sized, shallow mountain streams and the medium-sized, lowland streams. Second, the variability in most of the calculated metrics was slightly higher when using the pre-defined typology. The consistency of these results should be investigated by analysing a larger number of sites. Particularly the need of re-defining the typology to improve the ability to detect impacts on streams and rivers from macrophyte assemblage patterns should be investigated.
Journal of Environmental Quality | 2012
Brian Kronvang; Joachim Audet; Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Henning S. Jensen; Søren E. Larsen
Phosphorus loss from bank erosion was studied in the catchment of River Odense, a lowland Danish river basin, with the aim of testing the hypothesis of whether stream banks act as major diffuse phosphorus (P) sources at catchment scale. Furthermore, the study aimed at analyzing the impact of different factors influencing bank erosion and P loss such as stream order, anthropogenic disturbances, width of uncultivated buffer strips, and the vegetation of buffer strips. A random stratified procedure in geographical information system (GIS) was used to select two replicate stream reaches covering different stream orders, channelized vs. naturally meandering channels, width of uncultivated buffer strips (≤ 2 m and ≥ 10 m), and buffer strips with different vegetation types. Thirty-six 100-m stream reaches with 180 bank plots and a total of 3000 erosion pins were established in autumn 2006, and readings were conducted during a 3-yr period (2006-2009). The results show that neither stream size nor stream disturbance measured as channelization of channel or the width of uncultivated buffer strip had any significant ( < 0.05) influence on bank erosion and P losses during each of the 3 yr studied. In buffer strips with natural trees bank erosion was significantly ( < 0.05) lower than in buffer strips dominated by grass and herbs. Gross and net P input from bank erosion amounted to 13.8 to 16.5 and 2.4 to 6.3 t P, respectively, in the River Odense catchment during the three study years. The net P input from bank erosion equaled 17 to 29% of the annual total P export and 21 to 62% of the annual export of P from diffuse sources from the River Odense catchment. Most of the exported total P was found to be bioavailable (71.7%) based on a P speciation of monthly suspended sediment samples collected at the outlet of the river basin. The results found in this study have a great importance for managers working with P mitigation and modeling at catchment scale.
Environmental Pollution | 2012
Jes J. Rasmussen; Peter Wiberg-Larsen; Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Nikolai Friberg; Brian Kronvang
Agricultural pesticides continue to impair surface water ecosystems, although there are few assessments of interactions with other modifications such as fine sediment and physical alteration for flood drainage. We, therefore, surveyed pesticide contamination and macroinvertebrates in 14 streams along a gradient of expected pesticide exposure using a paired-reach approach to differentiate effects between physically modified and less modified sites. Apparent pesticides effects on the relative abundance of SPEcies At Risk (SPEAR) were increased at sites with degraded habitats primarily due to the absence of species with specific preferences for hard substrates. Our findings highlight the importance of physical habitat degradation in the assessment and mitigation of pesticide risk in agricultural streams.
Freshwater Biology | 2008
Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Gunta Springe; Tenna Riis; Søren E. Larsen; Kaj Sand-Jensen; Lars M. Kjellerup Larsen
Summary 1. The European Water Framework Directive provides a framework for improving the ecological quality of stream ecosystems, with deviation from reference used as a measure of ecological status. 2. Here we examine the possibility of using less impacted stream sites from Latvia, Lithuania and Poland to establish a Danish reference network for macrophyte assemblages, and as a guiding image for identification of possible references sites within Denmark. Both approaches were evaluated using historical Danish records. 3. Four different macrophyte assemblages were identified for mid‐sized streams in the Central and Eastern Lowland ecoregions. Macrophyte assemblages could not be delineated using physical stream site characteristics; however a gradual change in assemblage composition was attributed to differences in alkalinity and human impact. 4. Assemblages of contemporary vegetation in Denmark were quite similar to those found in Polish, Latvian and Lithuanian streams (26–35%). However, more importantly, from species‐based predictions we noted higher similarity, particularly with Latvian and Lithuanian streams, before intensive land use commenced in Denmark (c. 1900). These results show that stream sites from these three countries can be considered in a Danish reference network. 5. Two of the four macrophyte assemblages comprised species such as Fontinalis antipyretica, Myriophyllum spicatum, Nuphar lutea, Potamogeton alpinus and P. perfoliatus that have a very scattered occurrence in the contemporary vegetation in Denmark. These groups were closely associated with the predictions from historic records, thereby lending support the conjecture that these assemblages could be part of the guiding image for the identification of potential reference sites within Denmark.
Water Research | 2015
Jes J. Rasmussen; Peter Wiberg-Larsen; Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Nina Cedergreen; Ursula S. McKnight; Jenny Kreuger; Dean Jacobsen; Esben Astrup Kristensen; Nikolai Friberg
We revealed a history of legacy pesticides in water and sediment samples from 19 small streams across an agricultural landscape. Dominant legacy compounds included organochlorine pesticides, such as DDT and lindane, the organophosphate chlorpyrifos and triazine herbicides such as terbutylazine and simazine which have long been banned in the EU. The highest concentrations of legacy pesticides were found in streams draining catchments with a large proportion of arable farmland suggesting that they originated from past agricultural applications. The sum of toxic units (SumTUD.magna) based on storm water samples from agriculturally impacted streams was significantly higher when legacy pesticides were included compared to when they were omitted. Legacy pesticides did not significantly change the predicted toxicity of water samples to algae or fish. However, pesticide concentrations in bed sediment and suspended sediment samples exceeded safety thresholds in 50% of the samples and the average contribution of legacy pesticides to the SumTUC.riparius was >90%. Our results suggest that legacy pesticides can be highly significant contributors to the current toxic exposure of stream biota, especially macroinvertebrate communities, and that those communities were primarily exposed to legacy pesticides via the sediment. Additionally, our results suggest that neglecting legacy pesticides in the risk assessment of pesticides in streams may severely underestimate the risk of ecological effects.
Journal of Applied Ecology | 2015
Daniel Hering; Jukka Aroviita; Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Karel Brabec; Tom Buijse; Frauke Ecke; Nikolai Friberg; Marek Giełczewski; Kathrin Januschke; Jan Köhler; Benjamin Kupilas; Armin W. Lorenz; Susanne Muhar; Amael Paillex; Michaela Poppe; Torsten C. Schmidt; Stefan Schmutz; Jan Vermaat; Piet F. M. Verdonschot; R.C.M. Verdonschot; Christian Wolter; Jochem Kail
Restoration of river hydromorphology often has limited detected effects on river biota. One frequently discussed reason is that the restored river length is insufficient to allow populations to develop and give the room for geomorphological processes to occur. We investigated ten pairs of restored river sections of which one was a large project involving a long, intensively restored river section and one represented a smaller restoration effort. The restoration effect was quantified by comparing each restored river section to an upstream non-restored section. We sampled the following response variables: habitat composition in the river and its floodplain, three aquatic organism groups (aquatic macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish), two floodplain-inhabiting organism groups (floodplain vegetation, ground beetles), as well as food web composition and land-water interactions reflected by stable isotopes. For each response variable, we compared the difference in dissimilarity of the restored and nearby non-restored section between the larger and the smaller restoration projects. In a second step, we regrouped the pairs and compared restored sections with large changes in substrate composition to those with small changes. When comparing all restored to all non-restored sections, ground beetles were most strongly responding to restoration, followed by fish, floodplain vegetation, benthic invertebrates and aquatic macrophytes. Aquatic habitats and stable isotope signatures responded less strongly. When grouping the restored sections by project size, there was no difference in the response to restoration between the projects targeting long and short river sections with regard to any of the measured response variables except nitrogen isotopic composition. In contrast, when grouping the restored sections by substrate composition, the responses of fish, benthic invertebrates, aquatic macrophytes, floodplain vegetation and nitrogen isotopic composition were greater in sections with larger changes in substrate composition as compared to those with smaller changes. Synthesis and applications. The effects of hydromorphological restoration measures on aquatic and floodplain biota strongly depend on the creation of habitat for aquatic organisms, which were limited or not present prior to restoration. These positive effects on habitats are not necessarily related to the restored river length. Therefore, we recommend a focus on habitat enhancement in river restoration projects. The effects of hydromorphological restoration measures on aquatic and floodplain biota strongly depend on the creation of habitat for aquatic organisms, which were limited or not present prior to restoration. These positive effects on habitats are not necessarily related to the restored river length. Therefore, we recommend a focus on habitat enhancement in river restoration projects.
Hydrobiologia | 2002
Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Søren E. Larsen; Tenna Riis
Submerged macrophytes grow abundantly in most shallow streams common in the cultivated lowlands of northwestern Europe. Weed-cutting has been practised for years in many of these streams to reduce the risk of flooding of adjacent land. Our objective was to quantify long-term impacts of weed-cutting on macrophyte communities in two Danish rivers. We found that the total macrophyte coverage was similar in the weed-cut and uncut reaches in the two rivers, but species richness, diversity and patch complexity were higher in the uncut reaches. The spatial distribution of macrophytes on the stream bottom was also more heterogeneous in the uncut stream reaches. We also found evidence of a strong effect of weed-cutting on macrophyte species composition. P. natans was abundant in the uncut reaches in both streams but practically eliminated in the cut reaches, despite the fact that its basic habitat requirements were met. Also, the established phase strategy of the macrophyte community was affected by weed-cutting. Species displaying characteristically ruderal traits were more abundant in the cut reaches and species with competitive abilities were only abundant in the uncut stream reaches. We suggest that important species traits in streams, where the weed is cut regularly, are associated with rapid growth and high dispersal-capacity. Our results indicate that weed-cutting can contribute significantly to a decline in species diversity in streams. To provide optimal conditions for diverse stream macrophyte communities, we therefore suggest that weed-cutting should be minimised.