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Featured researches published by Brian Kronvang.

Journal of Environmental Quality | 2009

Climate change effects on runoff, catchment phosphorus loading and lake ecological state, and potential adaptations.

Erik Jeppesen; Brian Kronvang; Mariana Meerhoff; Martin Søndergaard; Kristina M. Hansen; Hans Estrup Andersen; Torben L. Lauridsen; Lone Liboriussen; Meryem Beklioglu; Arda Özen; Jørgen E. Olesen

Climate change may have profound effects on phosphorus (P) transport in streams and on lake eutrophication. Phosphorus loading from land to streams is expected to increase in northern temperate coastal regions due to higher winter rainfall and to a decline in warm temperate and arid climates. Model results suggest a 3.3 to 16.5% increase within the next 100 yr in the P loading of Danish streams depending on soil type and region. In lakes, higher eutrophication can be expected, reinforced by temperature-mediated higher P release from the sediment. Furthermore, a shift in fish community structure toward small and abundant plankti-benthivorous fish enhances predator control of zooplankton, resulting in higher phytoplankton biomass. Data from Danish lakes indicate increased chlorophyll a and phytoplankton biomass, higher dominance of dinophytes and cyanobacteria (most notably of nitrogen fixing forms), but lower abundance of diatoms and chrysophytes, reduced size of copepods and cladocerans, and a tendency to reduced zooplankton biomass and zooplankton:phytoplankton biomass ratio when lakes warm. Higher P concentrations are also seen in warm arid lakes despite reduced external loading due to increased evapotranspiration and reduced inflow. Therefore, the critical loading for good ecological state in lakes has to be lowered in a future warmer climate. This calls for adaptation measures, which in the northern temperate zone should include improved P cycling in agriculture, reduced loading from point sources, and (re)-establishment of wetlands and riparian buffer zones. In the arid Southern Europe, restrictions on human use of water are also needed, not least on irrigation.

Journal of Environmental Quality | 2009

Phosphorus retention in riparian buffers: review of their efficiency.

Carl Christian Hoffmann; Charlotte Kjaergaard; Jaana Uusi-Kämppä; Hans Christian Bruun Hansen; Brian Kronvang

Ground water and surface water interactions are of fundamental importance for the biogeochemical processes governing phosphorus (P) dynamics in riparian buffers. The four most important conceptual hydrological pathways for P losses from and P retention in riparian buffers are reviewed in this paper: (i) The diffuse flow path with ground water flow through the riparian aquifer, (ii) the overland flow path across the riparian buffer with water coming from adjacent agricultural fields, (iii) irrigation of the riparian buffer with tile drainage water from agricultural fields where disconnected tile drains irrigate the riparian buffer, and (iv) inundation of the riparian buffer (floodplain) with river water during short or longer periods. We have examined how the different flow paths in the riparian buffer influence P retention mechanisms theoretically and from empirical evidence. The different hydrological flow paths determine where and how water-borne P compounds meet and interact with iron and aluminum oxides or other minerals in the geochemical cycling of P in the complex and dynamic environment that constitutes a riparian buffer. The main physical process in the riparian buffer-sedimentation-is active along several flow paths and may account for P retention rates of up to 128 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1), while plant uptake may temporarily immobilize up to 15 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1). Retention of dissolved P in riparian buffers is not as pronounced as retention of particulate P and is often below 0.5 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1). Several studies show significant release of dissolved P (i.e., up to 8 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1)).

Hydrobiologia | 2011

Climate change effects on nitrogen loading from cultivated catchments in Europe: implications for nitrogen retention, ecological state of lakes and adaptation

Erik Jeppesen; Brian Kronvang; Jørgen E. Olesen; Joachim Audet; Martin Søndergaard; Carl Christian Hoffmann; Hans Estrup Andersen; Torben L. Lauridsen; Lone Liboriussen; Søren E. Larsen; Meryem Beklioglu; Mariana Meerhoff; Arda Özen; Korhan Özkan

Climate change might have profound effects on the nitrogen (N) dynamics in the cultivated landscape as well as on N transport in streams and the eutrophication of lakes. N loading from land to streams is expected to increase in North European temperate lakes due to higher winter rainfall and changes in cropping patterns. Scenario (IPCC, A2) analyses using a number of models of various complexity for Danish streams and lakes suggest an increase in runoff and N transport on an annual basis (higher during winter and typically lower during summer) in streams, a slight increase in N concentrations in streams despite higher losses in riparian wetlands, higher absolute retention of N in lakes (but not as percentage of loading), but only minor changes in lake water concentrations. However, when taking into account also a predicted higher temperature there is a risk of higher frequency and abundance of potentially toxic cyanobacteria in lakes and they may stay longer during the season. Somewhat higher risk of loss of submerged macrophytes at increased N and phosphorus (P) loading and a shift to dominance of small-sized fish preying upon the key grazers on phytoplankton may also enhance the risk of lake shifts from clear to turbid in a warmer North European temperate climate. However, it must be emphasised that the prediction of N transport and thus effects is uncertain as the prediction of regional precipitation and changes in land-use is uncertain. By contrast, N loading is expected to decline in warm temperate and arid climates. However, in warm arid lakes much higher N concentrations are currently observed despite reduced external loading. This is due to increased evapotranspiration leading to higher nutrient concentrations in the remaining water, but may also reflect a low-oxygen induced reduction of nitrification. Therefore, the critical N as well as P loading for good ecological state in lakes likely has to be lower in a future warmer climate in both north temperate and Mediterranean lakes. To obtain this objective, adaptation measures are required. In both climate zones the obvious methods are to change agricultural practices for reducing the loss of nutrients to surface waters, to improve sewage treatment and to reduce the storm-water nutrient runoff. In north temperate zones adaptations may also include re-establishment of artificial and natural wetlands, introduction of riparian buffer zones and re-meandering of channelised streams, which may all have a large impact on, not least, the N loading of lakes. In the arid zone, also restrictions on human use of water are urgently needed, not least on the quantity of water used for irrigation purposes.

Hydrological Processes | 1997


Brian Kronvang; A. Laubel; Ruth Grant

Reliable quantification of suspended sediment (SS) and particulate phosphorus (PP) transport, and identification of the various delivery pathways at the catchment level, is an important and necessary aid to appropriate catchment management. In this study we measured storm event, seasonal and annual losses of SS and PP from a Danish arable catchment, Gelbaek Stream, using a multisampling strategy. SS losses for the study years May 1993–April 1994 and May 1994–April 1995 ranged from 71 to 88 kg ha−1, while PP losses ranged from 0·32 to 0·36 kg P ha−1. In both cases losses mainly occurred during infrequent storm events. In comparison with intensive storm sampling, infrequent (fortnightly) sampling underestimated annual transport during the two study years by −24 and −331%, respectively, for SS, and by −8·6 and −151%, respectively, for PP. Reliable estimation of the transport of sediment and sediment-associated nutrients and other substances thus necessitates the use of an intensive monitoring approach. Turbidimeters proved to be a good substitute for direct measurement of SS, especially during storm events, although careful calibration is needed at the seasonal and storm event levels. Experience shows that in artificially drained and geologically complex catchments such as Gelbaek, simultaneous comparative monitoring of different sources (e.g. subsurface drainage water) is an important means of reliably discriminating between the various diffuse sources of sediment and phosphorus. Subsurface drainage water was found to account for 11–15% of the annual SS export from the catchment; the corresponding figure for PP being 11–18%. Surface runoff was only a source of SS and PP during the first study year, when it accounted for 19% of SS and 7% of PP catchment export. Stream bank/bed erosion must therefore have been the major diffuse source of SS and PP in both study years. The study also revealed that analysis of the trace element content (e.g. 137Cs, 210Pb) of the SS transported in subsurface drainage water and stream water during storm events is a useful means of discriminating between diffuse losses of SS delivered from topsoil and subsoil compartments.

Science of The Total Environment | 2014

Mitigation options to reduce phosphorus losses from the agricultural sector and improve surface water quality: a review

O.F. Schoumans; W.J. Chardon; Marianne Bechmann; Chantal Gascuel-Odoux; Georges Hofman; Brian Kronvang; G. H. Rubæk; Barbro Ulén; J-M Dorioz

The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) obliges Member States to improve the quality of surface water and groundwater. The measures implemented to date have reduced the contribution of point sources of pollution, and hence diffuse pollution from agriculture has become more important. In many catchments the water quality remains poor. COST Action 869 was an EU initiative to improve surface water quality that ran from 2006 to 2011, in which 30 countries participated. Its main aim was a scientific evaluation of the suitability and cost-effectiveness of options for reducing nutrient loss from rural areas to surface waters at catchment scale, including the feasibility of the options under different climatic and geographical conditions. This paper gives an overview of various categories of mitigation options in relation to phosphorus (P). The individual measures are described in terms of their mode of action, applicability, effectiveness, time frame, environmental side-effects (N cycling) and cost. In total, 83 measures were evaluated in COST Action 869.

Hydrobiologia | 1999

Lake and catchment management in Denmark

Erik Jeppesen; Martin Søndergaard; Brian Kronvang; Jens Peder Jensen; Lars M. Svendsen; Torben L. Lauridsen

The majority of Danish lakes are highly eutrophic due to high nutrient input from domestic sources and agricultural activities. Reduced nutrient retention, and more rapid removal, in catchments as a result of agricultural drainage of wetlands and lakes and channelisation or culverting of streams also play a role. Attempts have recently been made to reduce nutrient loading on lakes by intervening at the source level and by improving the retention capacity of catchment areas. The former measures include phosphorus stripping and nitrogen removal at sewage works, increased use of phosphate-free detergents, and regulations concerning animal fertiliser storage capacity, fertiliser application practices, fertilisation plans and green cover in winter. In order to improve nutrient retention capacity of catchments, wetlands and lakes have been re-established and channelised streams have been remeandered. In addition, cultivation-free buffer strips have been established alongside natural streams and there has been a switch to manual weed control. These measures have resulted in a 73% reduction of the mean total phosphorus concentration of point-source polluted streams since 1978; in contrast, there has been no significant change in the total nitrogen concentration. Despite the major reduction in stream phosphorus concentrations, lake water quality has often not improved. This may reflect a too high external or internal phosphorus loading or biological resistance. Various physico-chemical restoration measures have been used, including dredging and oxidation of the hypolimnion with nitrate and oxygen. Biological restoration measures have been employed in 17 Danish lakes. The methods include reducing the abundance of cyprinids, stocking with 0+ pike ( Esox lucius) to control 0+ cyprinids, and promoting macrophyte recolonization by protecting germinal submerged macrophyte beds against grazing waterfowl and transplanting out macrophyte shoots. In several lakes, marked and long-lasting improvements have been obtained. The findings to date indicate that fish manipulation has a long-term effect in shallow lakes, providing nutrient loading is reduced to a level so low as to ensure an equilibrium lake water phosphorus concentration of less than 0.05–0.1 mg phosphorus l−1. If nitrogen loading is very low, however, positive results may be obtained at higher phosphorus concentrations. Macrophyte refuges and transplantation seem to be the most successful as restoration measures in the same nutrient-phosphorus regime as fish manipulation.

Hydrobiologia | 1993

Retention of nitrogen and phosphorus in a Danish lowland river system: implications for the export from the watershed

Lars M. Svendsen; Brian Kronvang

In a Danish lowland river system intensive measurements were made, in four 80 m reaches, of the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stored in the stream sediment. The results were used for calculation of the total retention in the river system during two summers (June to August). In addition, the mobilization of nutrients from the stream bottom in autumn 1987 was compared with the export from the watershed.During the study period (June 1987 to September 1988) the amounts of N and P stored in stream reaches were determined fortnightly using a core-sample technique. In reaches dominated by submersed macrophytes, 25–40 g N m−2 and 20–30 g P m−2 were stored during two summers, against only 10–15g N and P m−2 for sandy and gravely reaches. In riparian zones with emergent macrophytes the retention was even higher than in the submersed macrophytes. Gross retention exceeded net retention by a factor of two to three.Net retention of P in the river system during the summer of 1987 was equal to the summer export from the watershed. On an annual basis, retention in the summer constituted 20% of the P export. In contrast, retention in the summer of 1988 amounted to 60% of the total P export during the same period (38% reduction) and 22% in comparison with the annual export. The corresponding figures for N were lower, showing reductions of 16% and 12% of the export of total N in the two summer periods, and about 1% of the annual exports.In September 1987 6.4% of the total N export and 65% of the total P export from the watershed consisted of resuspended material. In 1987 the N and P retained during the summer was almost completely resuspended during storm events during September to November.

Aquatic Ecology | 1999

Retention of nutrients in river basins

Brian Kronvang; Carl Christian Hoffmann; Lars M. Svendsen; Jørgen Windolf; Jens Peder Jensen; Jesper Dørge

In Denmark, as in many other European countries, the diffuse losses of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from the rural landscape are the major causes of surface water eutrophication and groundwater pollution. The export of total N and total P from the Gjern river basin amounted to 18.2 kg ha−1 and 0.63 kg P ha−1 during June 1994 to May 1995. Diffuse losses of N and P from agricultural areas were the main nutrient source in the river basin contributing 76% and 51%, respectively, of the total export.Investigations of nutrient cycling in the Gjern river basin have revealed the importance of permanent nutrient sinks (denitrification and overbank sedimentation) and temporary nutrient storage in watercourses. Temporary retention of N and P in the watercourses thus amounted to 7.2–16.1 g N m−2 yr−1 and 3.7–8.3 g P m−2 yr−1 during low-flow periods. Deposition of P on temporarily flooded riparian areas amounted from 0.16 to 6.50 g P m−2 during single irrigation and overbank flood events, whereas denitrification of nitrate amounted on average to 7.96 kg N yr−1 per running metre watercourse in a minerotrophic fen and 1.53 kg N yr−1 per linear metre watercourse in a wet meadow. On average, annual retention of N and P in 18 Danish shallow lakes amounted to 32.5 g N m−2 yr−1 and 0.30 g P m−2 yr−1, respectively, during the period 1989–1995.The results indicate that permanent nutrient sinks and temporary nutrient storage in river systems represent an important component of river basin nutrient budgets. Model estimates of the natural retention potential of the Gjern river basin revealed an increase from 38.8 to 81.4 tonnes yr−1 and that P-retention increased from −0.80 to 0.90 tonnes yr−1 following restoration of the water courses, riparian areas and a shallow lake. Catchment management measures such as nature restoration at the river basin scale can thus help to combat diffuse nutrient pollution.

Aquatic Conservation-marine and Freshwater Ecosystems | 1998

Long-Term, Habitat Specific Response of a Macroinvertebrate Community to River Restoration

Nikolai Friberg; Brian Kronvang; Hans Ole Hansen; Lars M. Svendsen

1. In 1989 a 1.3 km channelized reach of the River Gelsa was restored to a new 1.9 km meandering course. The restored reach was subsequently (1989–95) monitored for changes in physical and biological features compared with an upstream channelized reach. Weed clearance and other types of maintenance practices have not been undertaken in either reach since 1990. 2. By 1993 the restored reach had already stabilized, both physically and with respect to diversity and density of the macroinvertebrate community. 3. The upstream reach gradually improved physically during the study period, but remained less heterogeneous than the restored reach, with only a very limited amount of stony substrate. Stone-dwelling macroinvertebrate species were consequently still scarce in 1995, while overall diversity and density of the macroinvertebrate community was similar to that in the restored reach. 4. The results indicate that natural rehabilitation of physical features is a rather fast process, but in some ways cannot match the almost instantaneous heterogeneity obtained by active restoration measures.

Environmental Research Letters | 2014

Policies for agricultural nitrogen management—trends, challenges and prospects for improved efficiency in Denmark

Tommy Dalgaard; Birgitte Hansen; Berit Hasler; Ole Hertel; Nicholas J. Hutchings; Brian H. Jacobsen; Lars Stoumann Jensen; Brian Kronvang; Jørgen E. Olesen; Jan K. Schjørring; Ib Sillebak Kristensen; Morten Graversgaard; Mette Termansen; Henrik Vejre

With more than 60% of the land farmed, with vulnerable freshwater and marine environments, and with one of the most intensive, export-oriented livestock sectors in the world, the nitrogen (N) pollution pressure from Danish agriculture is severe. Consequently, a series of policy action plans have been implemented since the mid 1980s with significant effects on the surplus, efficiency and environmental loadings of N. This paper reviews the policies and actions taken and their ability to mitigate effects of reactive N (Nr) while maintaining agricultural production. In summary, the average N-surplus has been reduced from approximately 170 kg N ha?1 yr?1 to below 100 kg N ha?1 yr?1 during the past 30 yrs, while the overall N-efficiency for the agricultural sector (crop?+?livestock farming) has increased from around 20?30% to 40?45%, the N-leaching from the field root zone has been halved, and N losses to the aquatic and atmospheric environment have been significantly reduced. This has been achieved through a combination of approaches and measures (ranging from command and control legislation, over market-based regulation and governmental expenditure to information and voluntary action), with specific measures addressing the whole N cascade, in order to improve the quality of ground- and surface waters, and to reduce the deposition to terrestrial natural ecosystems. However, there is still a major challenge in complying with the EU Water Framework and Habitats Directives, calling for new approaches, measures and technologies to mitigate agricultural N losses and control N flows.


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