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Featured researches published by Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2018

PENENTUAN PRIORITAS WILAYAH KERJA UNTUK PENINGKATAN PENGAWASAN PERIKANAN DI WPP NRI 711 (Priority Determination of Working Area For Surveillance Improvement in Indonesia Fisheries Management Area 711 (WPP NRI 711))

Yaser Krisnafi; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Sugeng Hari Wisudo; John Haluan

ABSTRA CT The Fisheries Management Area of Republic Indonesia or often abbreviated as WPP-NRI is a fisheries management area for fishing, conservation, research and fisheries development covering inland waters, archipelagic waters, territorial sea, additional zones and the Exclusive Economic Zone of Indonesia (ZEEI). Priority of selection work unit surveillance as the base pier becomes something very important because the pier of the surveillance vessel becomes a major requirement. The base pier is not just a place to moor the vessel but the base pier becomes a function of ongoing surveillance operations. In this case the facilities and facilities of the base pier should be able to provide facilities as well as ease in supporting surveillance operations activities. Problem in selection of prioritization unit of work is a complex problem, it need s a method to overcome them.TOPSIS is one of decision making method capable for solving the problem of multi-criteria , TOPSIS working principle is the chosen alternative should have the closest distance from the positive ideal solution and the farthest from the most negative solution. The result of testing on 11 alternatives in 6 criteria showed that development priority area for fisheries surveillance work units in WP P NRI 711 were: Bata m (score 0,672) work unit Pontianak (score 0,671), and Natuna (score 0,647) .The results of the ranking are to be used as a reference for determining the improvement surveillance strategy and to minimize losses due to illegal fishing of the natural resources in the region of WPP NRI711 in Indonesia. Keywords: TOPS IS, work unit , WP P NRI 711 ABSTRAK Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia atau sering disingkat dengan WPP NRI merupakan wilayah pengelolaan perikanan untuk penangkapan ikan, konservasi, penelitian, dan pengembangan perikanan yang meliputi perairan pedalaman, perairan kepulauan, laut teritorial, zona tambahan, dan Zona Ekonomi Ekslusif Indonesia (ZEEI). Prioritas pemilihan UPT Pengawasan SDKP (Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan) sebagai dermaga pangkalan menjadi sesuatu yang sangat penting dikarenakan dermaga kapal pengawas menjadi suatu kebutuhan yang paling utama. Dermaga pangkalan bukan hanya sebatas tempat untuk tambat kapal saja melainkan dermaga pangkalan menjadi sebuah fungsi berlangsungnya kegiatan operasi pengawasan. Dalam hal ini adalah sarana dan fasilitas dermaga pangkalan harus mampu memberikan fasilitas serta kemudahan dalam mendukung kegiatan operasi pengawasan. Permasalahan penentuan prioritas pemilihan satker merupakan masalah yang komplek maka diperlukan suatu metode untuk membantu mengatasinya. TOPSIS adalah metode pengambilan keputusan yang mampu menyelesaikan masalah multi-criteria. Prinsip kerja TOPSIS adalah alternatif yang dipilih harus memiliki jarak terdekat dari solusi ideal positif dan terjauh dari solusi ideal negatif. Dari pengujian 11 alternatif dari 6 kriteria didapatkan prioritas pengembangan satuan kerja wilayah pengawasan perikanan di WPP 711 adalah: Satker Batam = 0,672; Satker Pontianak = 0,671 dan Satker Natuna = 0,647. Hasil perangkingan tersebut akan dijadikan acuan sebagai dasar penentuan strategi peningkatan pengawasanwilayah perikanan di WPP 711 sehingga mampu meminimalisasi kerugian negara akibat pencurian SDA di wilayah WPP 711 Indonesia. K ata kunci : TOPS IS, unit kerja , , WP P NRI 711

Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan | 2017


Khrisna Samudra; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Sugeng Hari Wisudo; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar

Kepulauan Kapoposan di Kabupaten Pangkep terdiri dari enam pulau kecil yaitu Pulau Kapoposan, Gondongbali, Papandangan, Suranti , Tambakulu, dan Pamanggangan. Berdasarkan Keputusan Bupati Pangkajene dan Kepulauan Nomor 180 Tahun 2009 tentang Penetapan Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah Kabupaten Pangkep, keenam pulau kecil di kawasan Kepulauan Kapoposan pengembangannya diarahkan bagi kegiatan wisata bahari yang berkelanjutan. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui survei, wawancara dengan key person, dan wawancara kelompok terfokus, yang dilanjutkan dengan pengolahan data menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dengan bantuan expert choice. Persepsi pemangku kepentingan terhadap pengelolaan wisata bahari di kawasan Kepulauan Kapoposan berdasarkan AHP, sesuai urutan prioritas pemangku kepentingan yang paling memiliki peran adalah Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Daerah, dunia usaha dan institusi non birokrasi.

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis | 2017


Muh. Arkam Azis; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Yopi Novita

The fishing vessel is the main vehicle of the fishermen to go to fishing ground and hauling purse seine especially fishing gear. Pinrang Regency ships traditionally built without calculation of naval architecture. Where the purse seine fishing gear in Pinrang Regency has length 330 m nets with a depth of 36 m. The purpose of this research was to examine the main dimension ratio in particular design and static stability of the vessel purse seine in Pinrang Regency. Method of using a case study on two types of vessels have different relative and analyzed by numerical simulation, calculate the ratio of the main dimensions and static stability. The results of this research are the vessels in Pinrang kasko model has the shape of a round bottom and slim body as well as the ratio of the dimensions of the vessels only L/D purse seine LOA 24 m more than the standard reference of vessels (encircling) in Indonesia and on the value of the static stability by the IMO, with a purse seine vessel Pinrang already has a good stability. However, in both types of vessel purse seine size 20 m that has better stability. Keywords: design, fishing vessel, purse seine, stability

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016

TATA MUATAN DAN VARIASI MUSIM PENANGKAPAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP STABILITAS PURSESEINER BULUKUMBA, SULAWESI SELATAN (Influence of Cargo Arrangement and Fishing Season Variation toward Bulukumba Purseseiner Stability in South sulawesi)

Hery Sutrawan Nurdin; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Mohammad Imron; Yopi Novita

of cargo arrangement so can they impact to quality stability of fishing vessel. The aim of this research is design and stability analysis Bulukumba purseseiner with three conditions cargo arrangement and two fishing seasons (peak fishing season and scarcity fisihing season). This research is done at Bulukumba regency, South Sulawesi province in February until April 2013 with measurements, observation and interview related of main dimension and cargo arrangement of Bulukumba purseseiner in field. Hydrostatic paramter analysis uses naval architecture formula and stability analysis uses PGZ software of three cargo arrangement conditions on two fishing seasons and then, these values will be compared with references value. The results of design analysis show that coefficient of finennes bulukumba purseseiner is Cb = 0.80 and Cp = 0.88 which its hull type bulukumba purseseiner is round bottom. Principal dimension ratio Bulukumba purseseiner have agreed with references of fishing vessel in Indonesia but it have not filled references of fishing vessel in Japan. The values of Bulukumba purseseiner stability have filled to IMO criteria of stability values. Stability of Bulukumba purseseiner on scarcity fishing season better than on peak fishing season and the best value of stability is PA-K3 condition (condition of purseseiner back to fishing base on scarcity fishing season). Key words: Bulukumba, cargo arrangement, design, purseseiner, stability ------- ABSTRAK Kabupaten Bulukumba merupakan salah satu daerah pembuatan kapal kayu dan masih besifat tradisional. Musim penangkapan ikan dapat mempengaruhi distribusi muatan di atas kapal sehingga dapat berakibat pada kualitas stabilitas kapal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis desain dan stabilitas kapal purse seine Bulukumba berdasarkan tata muatan dengan tiga kondisi muatan dalam dua variasi musim penangkapan (musim puncak dan musim paceklik). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Bulukumba Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan pada bulan Februari–April 2013 dengan melakukan pengukuran, pengamatan dan wawancara secara langsung di lapangan terkait dimensi utama dan distribusi muatan. Analisis parameter hidrostatis dilakukan menggunakan formula naval architecture sedangkan analisis stabilitas menggunakan software PGZ yang selanjutnya dibandingkan dengan nilai acuan. Hasil analisis desain menunjukkan, kapal purse seine Bulukumba memiliki nilai koefisien bentuk yaitu Cb = 0,80 dan Cp = 0,88 dengan kasko kapal berbentuk round bottom. Rasio dimensi utama kapal purse seine Bulukumba telah berada pada rentang nilai kapal purse seine di Indonesia namun belum berada pada rentang nilai kapal purse seine di jepang. Nilai stabilitas kapal purse seine Bulukumba telah memenuhi nilai kriteria stabilitas IMO. Stabilitas kapal purse seine Bulukumba pada musim paceklik lebih baik dibandingkan pada musim puncak dengan nilai stabilitas terbaik pada kondisi PA-K3 (kondisi kapal kembali ke fishing base pada musim paceklik). Kata kunci: Bulukumba, tata muatan, desain, kapal purse seine, stabilitas

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016

KEBUTUHAN FASILITAS POKOK PELABUHAN PERIKANAN PANTAI LAMPULO 15 TAHUN MENDATANG (Main Facility Necessity of Lampulo Coastal Fishing Port for 15 Years for the Future)

Fauzi Syahputra; Anwar Bey Pane; Ernani Lubis; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar

Lampulo fishing port located in Banda Aceh. This port categorized as type C. The activity in Lampulo very dense, it is suspected due to inadequate of facilities available at the port. The aims of this study is to determine the projected increase in the production volume of the catch; determine the projected increase in the number of fishing boats; determine the needs of the dock, and harbor, for the current and future needs of 15 years. This research was conducted at the Lampulo fishing port in Banda Aceh by using a case study method. Calculation of the dock and harbour needs presently and in the next 15 years by using statistical data, namely the catch production (1), the number and size of vessel (2), direct measurement of results data objects i.e. jetty length (1), pond depth (2), ships length (3), direct observations data of the research object, namely dock facilities condition (1) port (2), the maximum draft of vessels (3) and the distance between the ship while tethered in the harbour. Based on projections of production, the total production volume in Lampulo reached 14,096 tons in 2027 or increased by 114%, but became decreased in 2028-2029 by 3,6% when compared with the production volume in 2027. The projected number of vessel fleet reached 822 units or an increase of 112% in 2029. Projected increase the size of the dock and the depth of the pool is needed for the next 15 years in the amount of 831m for landing docks and 757m for loading docks. It also required the addition of the port into a vast pool of 224.497 m2 and the depth of the pool minus 3,4 m.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016

SISTEM RANTAI PASOK TUNA LOIN DI PERAIRAN MALUKU (Supply Chain System of Tuna Loin in Maluku Waters)

Arinto Kuncoro Jati; Tri Wiji Nurani; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar

Fishing operation pattern in Maluku waters are highly dependent on natural conditions and others supporting technical factors such as fuel supply and other operational capital which generally unstructured and unmeasureable fishing operation management pattern. One important factor in determining quality control process is supplying-chain factor, i.e. loin tuna distribution which ranging from fish hooked on the ship until the receiving product by the consumer. The objectives of this study is to describe loin tuna supply chain system in Maluku. The supply chain was analyzed by using black box diagram system approach and market integration model used to identify a valuate the relationship of each supply chain component with destined market. The results showed that there is no market integration between Japanese markets and Maluku, but there is long term cooperation between American market and Maluku.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016

UNJUK KERJA SLURRY ICE REFRIGERATOR BERBAHAN BAKU AIR LAUT DI PERAIRAN TROPIS (The Performance of Slurry ice Refrigerator with Sea Water Raw Material in Tropical Area)

Nasirin; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Mohammad Imron; Zulkarnain; Maimun

Fish is perishable food. Quality of fish, especially the freshness level will drop significantly if it is not treated quickly and properly. The general method used in fish handling on fishing vessels is cold treatment such as ice cube, ice flake, ice tube, and slurry ice. Usage of slurry ice in Indonesia has not been applied due to high cost of refrigeration slurry ice unit, even though slurry ice has many advantages such as quick cooling, low operating cost, easy operation, and adaptable size. The objective of this research was to determine performance of slurry ice refrigerator (SIR) using sea water as raw material in tropical area. This unit can produce slurry ice for fish handling on fishing vessel. An experimenta lmethod was applied in this research. The results showed that SIR could reach temperatures of -60 C with no-added load, and -40 C with load.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016


Hamba Ainul Mubarok; Sugeng Hari Wisudo; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar

ABSTRACT Speargun is productive fishing gear,spearfishermen catch numerous reef fishes such as yellow tail, snapper grouper,andother fish species.Spearfishermen dive to spear fishes. Air supply diving is common in spearfishing, therefore spearfishermen facing a huge health risk. Diving safety standard should be applied by spearfishermen to prevent various diving diseases.Research objectives wereto determine the Karimunjawa spearfishing status by the CCRF perspective and describe job safety analysis.Fishing gear used by fishermen consists of a gun made of wood with a rubber strap to hurl an arrow made of rust resistant metal.Coral reef is spear fisheries main fishing ground, which is vulnerable ecosystem therefore spearfishing has to carry out carefully. Spearfishing operations is a high-risk activities, fishermen have to be very careful and perform diving safety standards so that the potential risks can be avoided. Karimunjawa spear fisheries, in the CCRF perspective point of view, denote fisheries that support the CCRF concept, despite of several aspects that need to take notice of seriously. Among them isthe fishermen awareness to comply and perform code of conduct and safety standards in the fishing operations and prudence in carrying out fishing operations in the coral reef ecosystems. Key words: CCRF, Karimunjawa, safety standard and spearfishing ------ ABSTRAK Panah adalah alat tangkap yang cukup produktif. Nelayan panah menangkap berbagai jenis ikan karang, seperti ekor kuning, kakap dan kerapu serta jenis ikan lainnya. Nelayan panah menyelam untuk menombak ikan. Pasokan udara dipompakan dari kompresor yang biasa digunakan untuk mengisi udara ban kendaraan. Oleh karena itu nelayan menghadapi risiko bahaya yang besar. Standar keselamatan penyelaman harus diterapkan oleh nelayan untuk mencegah berbagai penyakit penyelaman. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan status perikanan panah di Karimunjawa dengan perspektif CCRF dan analisis keselamatan kerja. Penelitian dilaksanakan di perairan Kepulauan Karimunjawa, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah, antara bulan Oktober – November 2011. Metode survei digunakan sebagai metode penelitian. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi deskripsi unit tangkap panah, analisis perikanan panah berdasarkan CCRF dan analisis keselamatan kerja (Job Safety Analysis – JSA). Alat tangkap yang digunakan oleh nelayan terdiri dari senapan yang terbuat dari kayu dengan tali karet untuk melontarkan panah yang terbuat dari besi tahan karat. Ekosistem terumbu karang adalah daerah penangkapan utama perikanan panah. Sementara itu, terumbu karang merupakan ekosistem yang rentan. Operasi perikanan panah adalah kegiatan berisiko tinggi. Oleh karena itu nelayan harus sangat berhati-hati dan mengikuti standar keselamatan penyelaman, sehingga potensi risiko dapat dihindari. Perikanan panah di Karimunjawa, dari perspektif CCRF, merupakan kegiatan perikanan yang mendukung konsep CCRF, meskipun terdapat beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan secara serius. Aspek tersebut diantaranya adalah kesadaran nelayan untuk mematuhi dan melaksanakan standar CCRF dan aspek keselamatan dalam operasi penangkapan ikan serta kehati-hatian dalam melaksanakan operasi penangkapan ikan di ekosistem terumbu karang. Kata kunci: CCRF, Karimunjawa, perikanan panah dan standar keselamatan

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016

ASPEK KESELAMATAN DITINJAU DARI STABILITAS KAPAL DAN REGULASI PADA KAPAL POLE AND LINE DI BITUNG, SULAWESI UTARA (Safety Aspects Pole and liner From Ship Stability and Regulation Point of View in Bitung, North Sulawesi)

Yuli Purwanto; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Mohammad Imron; Budy Wiryawan

ABSTRACT Has become a common understanding that fishing is a risky job, so the safety aspects on board is an important factor that must be considered. Fishing vessels should also be supported with design and good stability, so that fishing activities can run smoothly and avoid the danger of accidents. Pole and liner in Bitung is quite varied and the ships were built in traditional dockyard and not based on the calculation and construction planning and design. One of the instruments on fishing vessel operational safety assurance is the implementation of the regulation, both nationally and internationally. At the international level, many regulations governing the safety of the ship in respect of fish. While national regulations relating to the safety of fishing vessels has not been consistent and in harmony, hence the assessment regulations relating to fishing vessel safety improvement needs to be done to determine the extent of the responsibility of government and the extent of the application of the existing rules. The general objective of this study was to determine the safety aspects of pole and line vessels, while the specific goal are: (1) review and analyze to get the quality stability of the ship (2) identify and assess safety-related regulatory review pole and line vessels in Bitung. The results showed that the quality of the stability of the vessel pole and line in the four conditions of the charge distribution in a state of good stability. It is represented by the value of all the parameters that are above the standard value IMO. In the simulated load conditions, the maximum GZ value at the time the vessel is in operation, while the GZ smallest value in an empty load case ship condition. There are seven international policy and five national policies relevant to the safety of fishing vessels. International policies clearly have established the safety of the ship and crew of fishing vessels, but implementation at the national level is still lacking and not aligned. Keywords: pole and liner, quality stability, regulation ------- ABSTRAK Telah menjadi pemahaman umum bahwa kegiatan penangkapan ikan merupakan suatu pekerjaan beresiko, sehingga aspek keselamatan diatas kapal merupakan faktor terpenting yang harus diperhatikan. Kapal ikan juga harus didukung dengan desain dan stabilitas yang baik, sehingga kegiatan penangkapan ikan dapat berjalan lancar dan terhindar dari bahaya kecelakaan. Armada kapal pole and line di Bitung cukup bervariasi dan kapal-kapal tersebut dibangun digalangan tradisional yang tidak berdasarkan perhitungan dan perencanaan konstruksi dan desain. Salah satu instrumen dalam jaminan keselamatan operasional kapal ikan adalah pelaksanaan peraturan, baik nasional maupun internasional. Pada tingkat internasional, banyak regulasi yang mengatur berkenaan dengan keselamatan kapal ikan. Sementara peraturan nasional yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan kapal ikan belum sejalan dan selaras, karenanya pengkajian regulasi terkait dengan peningkatan keselamatan kapal ikan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tanggung jawab pemerintah dan sejauh mana penerapan aturan yang ada. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan aspek keselamatan kapal pole and line, sedangkan tujuan khususnya adalah: (1) mengkaji dan menganalisis untuk mendapatkan kualitas stabilitas kapal (2) mengidentifikasi dan mengkaji tinjauan regulasi terkait keselamatan kapal pole and line di Bitung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas stabilitas kapal pole and line pada empat kondisi distribusi muatan dalam keadaan stabilitas yang baik. Hal ini diwakili oleh nilai semua parameter yang berada di atas nilai standar IMO. Pada kondisi simulasi muatan, nilai GZ maksimum berada pada saat kapal beroperasi, sementara nilai GZ terkecil pada kondisi kapal muatan kosong. Terdapat tujuh kebijakan internasional dan lima kebijakan nasional yang relevan dengan keselamatan kapal ikan. Kebijakan internasional jelas telah menetapkan keselamatan kapal dan awak kapal penangkap ikan, tetapi implementasi di tingkat nasional masih kurang dan belum selaras. Kata kunci: Kapal pole and line, kualitas stabilitas, regulasi

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2013

Densitas Insulasi Polyurethane pada Palka Kapal Penangkap Ikan Tradisional di Pekalongan (Density of Polyurethane for Fish Hold Insulator on Traditional Fishing Boats in Pekalongan)

Wilma Amiruddin; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Bambang Murdiyanto; Mulyono S. Baskoro

Penggunaan polyurethane sebagai bagian dari sistem insulasi pada palka kapal penangkap ikan sudah sangat umum digunakan. Namun demikian takaran yang diaplikasikan masih berdasarkan pengalaman dan perkiraan pembuatnya. Salah satu kriteria teknis adalah densitas material insulasi ( ρ ). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan nilai densitas insulasi yang digunakan pada pa l ka kapal penangkap ikan di Pekalongan. Palka dari dua kapal penangkap ikan dan bahan insulasi polyurethane digunakan sebagai obyek dalam penelitian ini untuk menentukan apakah densitas insulasi yang digunakan sudah memenuhi batas minimum. Nilai densitas standar yang digunakan adalah nilai densitas ( ρ ) polyurethane > 30 kg . m -3 (Dellino 1997 ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, nilai densitas insulasi yang bervariasi. Pada kapal 1 densitas berkisar 28,15 kg.m -3 - 30,86 kg.m -3 , sementara itu pada kapal 2 berkisar 31,67 kg.m -3 - 33,58 kg.m -3 . Pada kapal 1 hanya 70% dinding palka memiliki insulasi sesuai dengan standar , sementara pada kapal 2 semua dinding palka memenuhi standar yang digunakan . Kata kunci: densitas, insulasi, polyurethane , kapal penangkap ikan


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Mulyono S. Baskoro

Bogor Agricultural University

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Yopi Novita

Bogor Agricultural University

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John Haluan

Bogor Agricultural University

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Fis Purwangka

Bogor Agricultural University

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Mohammad Imron

Bogor Agricultural University

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Bambang Murdiyanto

Bogor Agricultural University

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Budy Wiryawan

Bogor Agricultural University

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Daniel R. Monintja

Bogor Agricultural University

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