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Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan | 2017


M. Nizar Dahlan; Budy Wiryawan; Bambang Murdiyanto; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Akhmad Fauzi

Perairan Laut Cina Selatan dengan potensi lestari 1,06 juta ton/tahun dan masih belum menjadikan sektor perikanan sebagai kontributor ekonomi utama di kawasan termasuk di Kabupaten Belitung. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan kebijakan pembangunan perikanan tangkap sehingga menjadi basis ekonomi Kabupaten Belitung. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari analisis deskriptif dan analisis micro-macro link yang dikembangkan dengan metode structural equation modelling (SEM). Hasil analisis menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan terjadi pada usaha perikanan Belitung terhadap wilayah basis (P=0,008), kondisi fiskal terhadap pertumbuhan market output (P = 0,002) dan wilayah basis (P=0,005), kebijakan nasional terhadap moneter (P=0,002) dan trade (P=0,007), trade terhadap ekonomi regional (P=0,003), dan ekonomi regional terhadap sektor penunjang (P=0,000). Terkait dengan ini, maka kebijakan pembangunan perikanan dapat diarahkan pada pengembangan usaha perikanan tangkap yang berbasis potensi dan prospek kewilayahan, serta penyelamatan pemasaran produk perikanan daerah dan usaha perikanan unggulan terutama bila kondisi ekonomi dan keuangan global tidak stabil. Hal ini untuk antisipasi terhadap kondisi yang tidak mendukung bila suatu kebijakan nasional diberlakukan di kawasan yang tidak sesuai dengan kondisi kedaerahan. Dan perlu pengembangan jalur-jalur perdagangan produk perikanan yang permanen dan jangka panjang serta jaminan kondusifitas kegiatan pelayanan jasa yang mendukung pembangunan perikanan

Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan | 2017


Anjaya Purwa Wiyastra; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Fis Purwangka

PSP 01 boat is an accustomed boat and also fishing vessels that owned by the Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), IPB. These ships use an inboard propulsion four stroke diesel engine from Mitsubishi Canter truck with type 4D30-C. This study aims to describe the modifications to the installation of ship machinery at the PSP 01 boat and describe the suitability of its machinery installation guidelines refer to the FAO in 2009 on the Safety Guide for Small Fishing Boats. These study approach by using case study method in which observation and data collection that includes modifications to the installation of ship machinery PSP 01 and compliance with the FAO guidelines on Safety Guide for Small Fishing Boats. The results obtained that the PSP 01 engine already modified on the ignition system, fuel system, lubrication system, transmission system, and engine cooling system. Based on FAO guidelines in 2009 on the Safety Guide for Small Fishing boats, installation of machinery on PSP 01 boat in bilge pump fullfilled 58.33%, fuel system fulfilled 52.63%, the combustion gas exhaust system met 33.33%, the engine room vents are met 0%, range 85.71% met the electrical installation, battery installation are met 100%, daily checks before turning on the engine are met 75%, daily checks after turning on the engine are met 100%, the examination of every fourteen days are met 20%, and the examination of every 100 -150 hours of engine operation are fulfilled 0%. Based on FAO guidelines in 2009 on the Safety Guide for Small Fishing Boats, installation of Machinery on PSP 01 Boat on a whole scale are fulfilled 47,65%.

Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan | 2017


Khrisna Samudra; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Sugeng Hari Wisudo; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar

Kepulauan Kapoposan di Kabupaten Pangkep terdiri dari enam pulau kecil yaitu Pulau Kapoposan, Gondongbali, Papandangan, Suranti , Tambakulu, dan Pamanggangan. Berdasarkan Keputusan Bupati Pangkajene dan Kepulauan Nomor 180 Tahun 2009 tentang Penetapan Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah Kabupaten Pangkep, keenam pulau kecil di kawasan Kepulauan Kapoposan pengembangannya diarahkan bagi kegiatan wisata bahari yang berkelanjutan. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui survei, wawancara dengan key person, dan wawancara kelompok terfokus, yang dilanjutkan dengan pengolahan data menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dengan bantuan expert choice. Persepsi pemangku kepentingan terhadap pengelolaan wisata bahari di kawasan Kepulauan Kapoposan berdasarkan AHP, sesuai urutan prioritas pemangku kepentingan yang paling memiliki peran adalah Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Daerah, dunia usaha dan institusi non birokrasi.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016

KEBIASAAN MAKAN HIU KEJEN (Carcharinus falciformis): STUDI KASUS PENDARATAN HIU DI PPP MUNCAR JAWA TIMUR (Feeding habit of Silky Shark (Carcharinus falciformis): Case Study of Landing Shark in Muncar Coastal Fishing Port East Java)

Benaya M. Simeon; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Am Azbas Taurusman; Dwi A. Gautama

ABSTRACT Indonesia is the biggest country which produced shark in the world. Muncar Coastal Fishing Port, Banyuwangi, is a shark fishing center in East Java. Caught sharks were dominated by silky shark (Carcharinus falciformis). Primary data collected by in situ sampling and stomach content analysis. Stomach content was collected by sectio. It preserved by 10% formaline in coolbox. Silky shark had caught by shark long line and gillnet. Shark is the fish target of longline and by-catch of gillnet. Silky shark preys were grouper fish (Epinephelus sp.) as main prey and squid (Loligo sp.), beltfish (Trichiurus lepturus), sardine (Sardinella lemuru) as complementary preys. Based on stomach content analysis, silky shark was identified on 4.7 trophic level. Silky shark preys were grouper on trophic level 4.1, squid, beltfish on trophic level 4.4, sardine on trophic level 2.1. Silky shark as apex predator could be found in Bali Strait and Makassar Strait, which it classified as fertility water. The existence of silky sharks whicht prey fish in several trophic level layers made silky shark as one of the key species in Bali Strait and Makassar Strait. Catching sharks will have implications for trophic level is high or low. Keywords: feeding habit, silky shark, trophic level ------- ABSTRAK Indonesia merupakan negara penghasil hiu terbesar di dunia. PPP Muncar, Banyuwangi merupakan salah satu pusat penangkapan hiu di Jawa Timur. Hiu yang tertangkap oleh nelayan didominasi oleh hiu kejen (Carcharinus falciformis). Data primer didapatkan dari pengambilan sampel dan analisis isi lambung. Isi lambung didapatkan dari proses pembedahan. Isi lambung diawetkan dalam formalin 10% dalam coolbox. Hiu kejen tertangkap menggunakan rawai dan gillnet. Hiu menjadi ikan target pada alat tangkap rawai dan by-catch pada gillnet. Mangsa hiu kejen adalah kerapu sebagai makanan utama dan lemuru, cumi-cumi, layur merupakan makanan pelengkap. Hiu kejen (C.falciformis) yang tertangkap di Selat Bali berada pada trofik level 4,7. Mangsa utama hiu kejen adalah kerapu (trofik level 4,1) dan mangsa pelengkap lemuru (trofik level 2,1), layur (trofik level 4,4) dan cumi-cumi. Hiu kejen sebagai salah satu apex predator dapat ditemukan di Selat Bali maupun Selat Makassar yang memiliki kesuburan tinggi. Keberadaan hiu kejen yang memangsa beberapa ikan di beberapa lapisan trofik level menjadikan hiu kejen sebagai salah satu spesies kunci di perairan Selat Bali dan Selat Makassar. Penangkapan hiu akan memberi implikasi terhadap trofik level yang tinggi maupun rendah. Kata kunci: kebiasaan makan, hiu kejen, trofik level

Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan | 2014


Roza Yusfiandayani; Indra Jaya; Mulyono S. Baskoro

The purpose of the study is to analyze the influence level of the production factors to development of the tuna fishing industry in Ambon City. The data collected are the vessel size, gear size, long trip, fuel use, ice use, fresh water and the number of crew. The data comes from Ambon tuna fishermen. Data collected are primary and secondary data. The analysis used is multiple regression analysis. Multiple regression analysis of the relationship of tuna production gets the value of significance (sig) 0,000. Sig be in the range of beliefs <0.005 means that the regression model can predict the tuna fishery production. Determinant coefficient (R2) of about 0.719 shows the influence of production factors together could explain 71.9% up and down the production of tuna. Base on the significance value of each production factor to production, only the use BBM (X4) and the use of ice cubes (X5) which has a significance value <0.05 (0.000). Use of X5 is influential but has no effect supports the development of tuna in Ambon City. Conclusions taken from this study is the production of factors that influence the production of tuna fisheries in Ambon is the use BBM and the use of ice cubes (X5) which has a significance value <0.05 is 0.000.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2013

Densitas Insulasi Polyurethane pada Palka Kapal Penangkap Ikan Tradisional di Pekalongan (Density of Polyurethane for Fish Hold Insulator on Traditional Fishing Boats in Pekalongan)

Wilma Amiruddin; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Bambang Murdiyanto; Mulyono S. Baskoro

Penggunaan polyurethane sebagai bagian dari sistem insulasi pada palka kapal penangkap ikan sudah sangat umum digunakan. Namun demikian takaran yang diaplikasikan masih berdasarkan pengalaman dan perkiraan pembuatnya. Salah satu kriteria teknis adalah densitas material insulasi ( ρ ). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan nilai densitas insulasi yang digunakan pada pa l ka kapal penangkap ikan di Pekalongan. Palka dari dua kapal penangkap ikan dan bahan insulasi polyurethane digunakan sebagai obyek dalam penelitian ini untuk menentukan apakah densitas insulasi yang digunakan sudah memenuhi batas minimum. Nilai densitas standar yang digunakan adalah nilai densitas ( ρ ) polyurethane > 30 kg . m -3 (Dellino 1997 ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, nilai densitas insulasi yang bervariasi. Pada kapal 1 densitas berkisar 28,15 kg.m -3 - 30,86 kg.m -3 , sementara itu pada kapal 2 berkisar 31,67 kg.m -3 - 33,58 kg.m -3 . Pada kapal 1 hanya 70% dinding palka memiliki insulasi sesuai dengan standar , sementara pada kapal 2 semua dinding palka memenuhi standar yang digunakan . Kata kunci: densitas, insulasi, polyurethane , kapal penangkap ikan

Jurnal Kebijakan Perikanan Indonesia | 2013


Imran Taeran; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Am Azbas Taurusman; Daniel R. Monintja; Mustaruddin Mustaruddin

Perikanan giob di Kayoa, dikhususkan untuk mengeksploitasi ikan julung-julung. Kegiatan eksplotasi dilakukan sangat intensif dan hingga saat ini belum ada upaya pengelolaan. Penelitian bertujuan menentukan prioritas strategi pengelolaan perikanan giob yang berkelanjutan dan menyusun konsep implementasi dari strategi pengelolaan perikanan giob terpilih. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan pengisian kuisoner. Analisis data menggunakan metode AHP (Analisis Hierarki Proses). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prioritas strategi pengelolaan perikanan giob yang berkelanjutan di Kayoa, Halmahera Selatan yaitu pengawasan terhadap eksploitasi sumberdaya ikan julung julung. Konsep implementasi dari strategi prioritas pengawasan adalah pengaturan waktu penangkapan, pengawasan terhadap penangkapan ilegal, pengawasan terhadap pengolahan hasil tangkapan, pengawasan terhadap jaringan pemasaran, dan sosialisasi tentang pentingya Pendapatan Asli Daerah. Perlu dibentuk daerah perlindungan laut di Kayoa, Halmahera Selatan sehingga dapat memantau kegiatan pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan sumberdaya ikan julung-julung sebagai target tangkapan utama alat tangkap giob. Giob fisheries in Kayoa is specialized to exploitat halfbeak fish. This activitiy is undertaken intensively and no management effort until now. The research objective were to determine the priority of management strategies for sustainable giob fisheries and to formulate the implementation of the selected management strategy for giob fisheries. Data was collected by using interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis used AHP (Analysis of Hierarchy Process). The result showes that the priority of management strategices for sustainable giob fisheries in Kayoa, South Halmahera, was the supervision of exploitation of halfbeak resources. The implementation concepts of monitoring the priority strategy are: setting the fishing time, supervisie the illegal fishing, supervisie the catch processing, supervisie the marketing network, and socialize the impotance of region income. It is necessary to develop a local marine sanctuary in Kayoa, South Halmahera which is in charge of overseeing the utilization and management of halfbeak fish resources as the main target of giob.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2012


Jeti Pulu; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Daniel R. Monintja; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Akhmad Fauzi

This paper is discussing the continuation of previous research result in Talaud Island Regency that analyzed the loss due to illegal fishing activities in the area. Simulation result shows that if there is no illegal fishing, fisheries economic potential in Talaud is estimated to be in about IDR 7 billion or even might reach IDR 10 billion, but if this illegal fishing activities increased with acceleration, then in in the coming year-20th that potential will be negative. This means an economic loss of Talaud Regency. By means of a SWOT analysis, at least three main strategies are obtained those are as follows: increasing local budget alocation for marine and fisheries sectors, fisheries bussiness cooperation between Indonesia and Filiphina to eliminate illegal fishing practices and empowerment of the local community.

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2012


Jeti Pulu; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Daniel R. Monintja; Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar; Akhmad Fauzi

The research is aimed to reveal opportunity development of the capture fisheries in Talaud Islands Regency by using bionomy approach with Gordon-Schaefer model (Fauzy, 2005) con-cerning the dominant of illegal fishing activities around the area. The research was started by co-llected some secondary data on fish production and number of fishing units. Primary data were collected on catch composition and types of fishing gear. Gordon-Schaefer methods was applied to evaluate the tuna and skipjack resources in the area. The troll and pole and line are indicated as the dominant fishing gears used to catch the skipjack and tuna. In case of open access condition, the production will end up to 25,09 tons, while the resource rent will be end up to zero. For the development, simulations were exercised in 3 scenarios: 1) scenario of enhancing domestic fleet, 2) scenario of illegal fishing, and 3) scenario of net surplus. With those scenarios, if the illegal fishing could be eliminated, the capture fisheries in this regency could render economic value to 10 billion rupiah.

Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis | 2008


Mulyono Partosuwirjo; John Haluan; Mulyono S. Baskoro; Soepanto Soemokaryo

Capture fishery has an important role in the economic activity and livelihood among the people of Yogyakarta, but its dynamic interaction is not yet effective and still dominated by monopoly practices. This study has analyzed the feasibility and appropriate dynamic interaction for the development of capture fishing. The method developed in the study consisted of a cost-benefit analysis and SEM.Catching fish using sero, payang, gillnet, and krendet was found to be feasible and obtain net profits of Rp. 44,291,851, Rp. 91,202,416, Rp 47,585,387, and Rp 56,514,757, respectively. The most significant aspects of interaction determining the environments (internal, external, and industrial), business strategies, fishing industry performance, and development goals were management, social aspect, entry barrier, finance, and feedback period. For the construct interaction, the internal environment had a significant positive effect on the external environment, the external environment had a significant positive effect the industrial environment, and the business strategies had a significant positive effect on the goal of fishery development.


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Roza Yusfiandayani

Bogor Agricultural University

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Daniel R. Monintja

Bogor Agricultural University

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Budy Wiryawan

Bogor Agricultural University

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Eko Sri Wiyono

Bogor Agricultural University

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Indra Jaya

Bogor Agricultural University

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John Haluan

Bogor Agricultural University

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Sulaeman Martasuganda

Bogor Agricultural University

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