Cynthia Andersen Sarti
Federal University of São Paulo
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Featured researches published by Cynthia Andersen Sarti.
Revista Estudos Feministas | 2004
Cynthia Andersen Sarti
Based on the Brazilian experience in the last decades, the text approaches feminism as a phenomenon that, although enunciating womens emancipation in general and abstract terms, concretizes itself in specific social, cultural, political and historical contexts. Initially, the article shows feminism in Brazil, in the seventies, as a womens movement that was framed in opposition to the military dictatorship. In the following decades, it developed within the possibilities and limits of the process of political democratization. Nevertheless, the text argues that the difficulties faced by Brazilian feminism concerns not only the conjuncture constraints, but are related to structural impasses of feminism, due to the fact that women are not a universal category, except by the projection of our own cultural references. Their cultural and social existence implies diversity and institutes boundaries that cut the world culturally identified as feminine. As such, the analysis of feminism requires the reference to the context of its enunciation, which gives its meaning. Accordingly, the analysis of gender relations implies considering the notion of the person as conceived in the symbolic universe to which they refer.
Saude E Sociedade | 2001
Cynthia Andersen Sarti
Na dor, manifesta-se claramente a relacao entre o individuo e a sociedade. As formas de sentir e de expressar a dor sao regidas por codigos culturais e a propria dor, como fato humano, constitui-se a partir dos significados conferidos pela coletividade, que sanciona as formas de manifestacao dos sentimentos. Embora singular para quem a sente, a dor se insere num universo de referencias simbolicas, configurando um fato cultural.
Caderno Crh | 2011
Cynthia Andersen Sarti
Thinking about the suffering associated with violence, this text paper aims to raise questions about the social and historical construction of the victim and the extent that this figure takes on contemporary society as moral legitimacy of social demands. The construction of the victim is thought as a way of giving social recognition to suffering, circumscribing it and giving it intelligibility. The field of mental health has an important place in this process, through the delimitation, by the Psychiatry, of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a reference for the treatment of victims of violence, constituting a privileged focus for this reflection. One tries to locate the figure of the victim in the social logic that engenders it, inquiring about the grammar of the conflicts that underlie its construction and thus questioning the uses to which the notion of victim gives rise to legitimate social and political action.
Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2009
Cristina Brandt Nunes; Cynthia Andersen Sarti; Conceição Vieira da Silva Ohara
Objectives: To understand how heath care professionals approach family violence against children and teenagers. Methods: This was a qualitative case study with 30 health care professionals. Results: Health care professionals were concerned with the lack of successful family problems resolution. Measures used by health care professionals emphasized punitive actions instead of caring behaviors. The characteristics of the job did not allow of the health care professionals to express their feelings and reactions and to know how to successfully address family violence. Health care professionals’ approaches to address violence with families who already experienced violence may also become violent acts against those families. Conclusion: Approaches used to address family violence against children and teenagers reflect a lack of integration among the several categories of health care professionals and health care services.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2008
Cristina Brandt Nunes; Cynthia Andersen Sarti; Conceição Vieira da Silva Ohara
Este estudio busco comprender las concepciones que los profesionales de la salud manifiestan sobre laviolencia intrafamiliar contra ninos y adolescentes. Fue utilizada la metodologia cualitativa a traves del estudiode caso y tecnicas de observacion participante, entrevista y consulta a documentos. Los participantes trabajabanen una Unidad de Salud de la Familia en Brasil. Se observo que estos profesionales asocian la violencia a lacoyuntura economica, social, politica y a aspectos culturales; para algunos de ellos, los actos violentos sonparte del ciclo intergeneracional y de la dinamica familiar. La punicion fisica, considerada violencia por algunos,es defendida por otros como una medida educativa. Definen violencia basandose en una construccion previaque tienen los sujetos como victimas o agresores, perdiendo asi la dimension relacional del fenomeno. Seobserva que los profesionales de la salud tienen dificultad para comprender la violencia dentro del contexto enque tiene significado, asi como para reconocerla como una consecuencia de dinamica relacional compleja.DESCRIPTORES: violencia; prestacion de atencion de salud; salud del nino; salud del adolescente; salud de lafamilia; enfermeria pediatricaThe present study sought to understand the conceptions held by health professionals with regards to violence within the family against children and adolescents. Qualitative case-study methodology and techniques of participant observation, interviewing, and search in documents were used. Participants were staffed in a government-run Family Health Basic Unit in Brazil. Health professionals were found to associate violence with the economic, social, and political juncture and with cultural aspects; for some, violent acts are part of the intergenerational cycle and family dynamics. Physical punishment, considered as violence by some, is advocated as an educational measure by others. Participants also base their definition of violence on an a priori construction of subjects as either victims or aggressors, thus missing the relational dimension of the phenomenon. Health professionals were found to have difficulty in understanding violence in the context that gives it a meaning and to recognize it as consequence of a complex relational dynamics.
Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva | 2005
Cynthia Andersen Sarti
A indagacao fundamental deste texto diz respeito aos limites e possibilidades de uma atencao a casos de violencia no âmbito da saude, em particular na emergencia. Parte-se do problema de que uma atencao especializada a esses casos requer uma atuacao interdisciplinar e multiprofissional, distinta daquela pressuposta na formacao biomedica que caracteriza os profissionais de saude em geral, sobretudo medicos e enfermeiros. Com base em pesquisa etnografica em um hospital publico de emergencias na cidade de Sao Paulo, busca-se analisar as concepcoes de corpo e violencia desses profissionais, subjacentes a suas praticas de atendimento a corpos feridos por atos violentos, dadas as caracteristicas desses servicos. Pretende-se atentar para as concepcoes e praticas que se instituem em um contexto de atendimento a saude caracterizado pela destituicao da subjetividade tanto dos doentes, quantos dos profissionais - da qual sao emblematicos os servicos de emergencia - e discutir suas implicacoes para a atencao a casos de violencia.
Cadernos Pagu | 2001
Cynthia Andersen Sarti
Com base no movimento feminista brasileiro, que se inicia nos anos 70, este texto pretende ressaltar a particularidade do feminismo como uma experiencia historica que enuncia generica e abstratamente a emancipacao feminina e, ao mesmo tempo, atua dentro dos limites e das possibilidades – que lhe sao intrinsecos – de se referir concretamente a mulheres em contextos politicos, sociais, culturais e historicos especificos.
Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2009
Regina Issuzu Hirooka de Borba; Circéa Amália Ribeiro; Conceição Vieira da Silva Ohara; Cynthia Andersen Sarti
Objectives: To understand the meaning of asthma and its implications in daily life of children with acute asthma and their family in school settings. Methods: A qualitative case study with 3 children from a pediatric outpatient clinic of a hospital in the municipal district of Sao Paulo. Data were collected through participant observation, interviews, and therapeutic play. Results: Treatment demands and frequency of asthma crisis affected the daily life of the children in school settings: missing classes, decreased opportunity to learn, restrictions on type of plays, and conflicting interactions with the other children. Final considerations: There is need for health care providers and teachers to work together in order to guarantee those children formal education and quality social interactions.OBJETIVO: Comprender el significado que el nino asmatico grave y su familia atribuyen a la enfermedad y sus implicancias en la escuela. METODOS: Se trata de un estudio de caso cualitativo, desarrollado en el consultorio externo de pediatria de un hospital del Municipio de Sao Paulo. Fueron estudiados tres ninos y sus familiares, utilizando la observacion participante, entrevista y juego terapeutico dramatico. RESULTADOS: Las demandas del tratamiento y las frecuentes crisis de asma influenciaron en el cotidiano del nino en la escuela como: falta a las clases; dejar de aprender; restriccion en los juegos y relacion conflictiva con sus colegas. CONSIDERACIONES FINALES: Teniendo en vista las dificultades encontradas por los ninos para frecuentar a la escuela y convivir con sus colegas, se recomineda un trabajo conjunto entre los profesionales de salud y de educacion, asegurando la manutencion de la educacion formal y de la convivencia social saludable.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2008
Cristina Brandt Nunes; Cynthia Andersen Sarti; Conceição Vieira da Silva Ohara
Este estudio busco comprender las concepciones que los profesionales de la salud manifiestan sobre laviolencia intrafamiliar contra ninos y adolescentes. Fue utilizada la metodologia cualitativa a traves del estudiode caso y tecnicas de observacion participante, entrevista y consulta a documentos. Los participantes trabajabanen una Unidad de Salud de la Familia en Brasil. Se observo que estos profesionales asocian la violencia a lacoyuntura economica, social, politica y a aspectos culturales; para algunos de ellos, los actos violentos sonparte del ciclo intergeneracional y de la dinamica familiar. La punicion fisica, considerada violencia por algunos,es defendida por otros como una medida educativa. Definen violencia basandose en una construccion previaque tienen los sujetos como victimas o agresores, perdiendo asi la dimension relacional del fenomeno. Seobserva que los profesionales de la salud tienen dificultad para comprender la violencia dentro del contexto enque tiene significado, asi como para reconocerla como una consecuencia de dinamica relacional compleja.DESCRIPTORES: violencia; prestacion de atencion de salud; salud del nino; salud del adolescente; salud de lafamilia; enfermeria pediatricaThe present study sought to understand the conceptions held by health professionals with regards to violence within the family against children and adolescents. Qualitative case-study methodology and techniques of participant observation, interviewing, and search in documents were used. Participants were staffed in a government-run Family Health Basic Unit in Brazil. Health professionals were found to associate violence with the economic, social, and political juncture and with cultural aspects; for some, violent acts are part of the intergenerational cycle and family dynamics. Physical punishment, considered as violence by some, is advocated as an educational measure by others. Participants also base their definition of violence on an a priori construction of subjects as either victims or aggressors, thus missing the relational dimension of the phenomenon. Health professionals were found to have difficulty in understanding violence in the context that gives it a meaning and to recognize it as consequence of a complex relational dynamics.
Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação | 2007
Damaris Gomes Maranhão; Cynthia Andersen Sarti
Based on a case study of a qualitative nature, this text analyzes the relationship between families and professionals in a child day care center in the process of sharing care during early childhood, using the techniques of observation, interviews and document analysis. The research studied the families and the professionals of a government-run day care center in the city of Sao Paulo. The conflicts between these social actors became eviden t, mainly, with regard to care related to feeding and hygiene. The task of sharing care demands from these professionals not only technical preparation, but training in listening to children and their families while taking their uniqueness in to account, a requirement that can lead to reflections on the type of care that is most appropriate for the specificity of the group in question, consideri ng the characteristics of locality in its historica l and social context.