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Featured researches published by Daniel Cézar da Silva.

Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal | 2014

Valor nutritivo do capim-andropogon em quatro idades de rebrota em período chuvoso

Daniel Cézar da Silva; Arnaud Azevêdo Alves; Marlúcia da Silva Bezerra Lacerda; Miguel Arcanjo Moreira Filho; Maria Elizabete de Oliveira; Elizabeth Almeida Lafayette

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da idade apos rebrota (35, 49, 63 e 77 dias) sobre a relacao folha/colmo, composicao bromatologica, produtividade e degradabilidade in situ do capim-andropogon (Andropogon gayanus Kunth.). Houve efeito linear crescente (P<0,01) dos dias de crescimento sobre os teores de MS e FDA na planta e de FDN e FDA nas folhas e decrescente para PB e MM na planta. Houve efeito quadratico (P<0,01) para teores de FDN na planta, PB nas folhas e relacao folha/colmo. A produtividade foi influenciada (P<0,01), com acrescimo de 0,0388 t de MS.ha-1 por dia de crescimento. A degradabilidade potencial da MS e FDN foram elevadas aos 35 dias apos rebrota, nos tres tempos de incubacao, com decrescimos em funcao da elevacao da idade de rebrota. Aos 35 e 63 dias apos rebrota, verificou-se maior degradabilidade potencial da PB. A degradacao efetiva da MS foi elevada aos 35 dias, enquanto para FDN maiores valores foram verificados aos 35 e menores aos 77 dias. O capim-andropogon, no intervalo de 35 a 49 dias apos rebrota, apresenta maior degradabilidade potencial e degradacao efetiva da materia seca, proteina bruta e fibra em detergente neutro, decorrente da melhor relacao folha/colmo associado ao menor teor de fibra, alem de apresentar teor proteico 6 a 8%, suficiente a mantenca de ruminantes. Palavras-chave: Andropogon gayanus. Composicao bromatologica. Degradabilidade in situ. Graminea tropical. Produtividade.

Revista Científica de Produção Animal | 2006

Estudo de Populações de Ovinos Santa Inês Utilizando Técnicas de Análise Multivariada

Paulo Luiz Souza Carneiro; Carlos Henrique Mendes Malhado; Danielle Maria Machado Ribeiro Azevêdo; Luiz Gustavo Rodrigues Souza; Daniel Cézar da Silva; Arnaud Azevêdo Alves; José Elivalto Guimarães Campelo; Gregório da Silva Costa Júnior

A di v ergenci a entr e o v in o s Sa nta Ine s d o e s t a do do Pi a ui criados e m tr e s dife r e n te s mi c rorre g ioe s f oi est u dad a ut i l i zand o m eto d o s de a n a li se multi v a r i a d a . Foram a va lia d a s t r e s popul ac oe s : P I (Te re s ina) , P 2 (C a m po Maior) e P 3 ( Ex pos icao) , par a s et e ca r acter i sticas de crescim e n to , n a s i dades I ( d ent e -de-leite) , 2 (1a. e 2a. mudas) e 3 (acima da 3a. muda) . A an a lise de agrupam e n t o nas id a de s 1 , 2 e 3 a g rup ou as t r es populacoes em dois grupos (grupo 1 - P I e P2 e g r upo 2 - P3 ) . Na anal i s e por m e io de va ri a ve is canoni ca s v erificou-se qu e as duas primeiras v a r i a v e i s can o nic as e x pli ca r a m mais d e 8 1% da variacao total nas tres idades, o qu e possibilito u r e p rese nta r o co mportament o d os genotip os em um grafico de dispersao bidim e nsional . Ficou e vi d e n c i a da a di sp a ri dade e ntr e o s animais d e e x posicao e os animais criados nos r ebanhos de producao .

Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal | 2014

Níveis de suplementação sobre as características quantitativas da carcaça e composição tecidual do pernil de caprinos mestiços terminados na caatinga

Daniel Cézar da Silva; Adriana Guim; Gladston Rafael de Arruda Santos; Fernando Lucas Torres de Mesquita; Nathália Andressa Pereira de Morais; Stela Antas Urbano; Miguel Arcanjo Moreira Filho; Elizabeth Almeida Lafayette

Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementacao alimentar nos niveis, 0; 0,4; 0,8 e 1,2% do peso corporal (PC), sobre as caracteristicas quantitativas da carcaca e composicao tecidual do pernil de caprinos mesticos terminados em pastagem de caatinga. Utilizaram-se 32 caprinos machos castrados, mesticos da raca Anglonubiana, com oito meses de idade e peso corporal de 18±2,5kg, distribuidos em delineamento de blocos casualizados, que foram mantidos em area de 37 hectares de pastagem de caatinga das 7h as 16h. O peso corporal sem jejum, peso corporal final, peso de carcaca quente e fria, peso de corpo vazio, rendimentos de carcaca quente e fria foram influenciados (P 0,05%) pela suplementacao, com medias, 10,17; 21,19; 16,23; 11,02; 7,30 e 34,08%, para o pescoco, paleta, costilhar, serrote, lombo e pernil, respectivamente. A composicao tecidual em peso absoluto do pernil foi influenciada (P<0,05) pela suplementacao alimentar, com incremento de, 293,59; 212,04; 28,29 e 53,82g, por unidade percentual do nivel de suplementacao, para o pernil inteiro, musculo total, gordura total e osso, respectivamente. A suplementacao alimentar eleva os parâmetros quantitativos da carcaca, associado a incrementos no tecido muscular, gordura total e ossos do pernil, recomendando-se emprego de 1,2 %PC, com vistas a melhor acabamento para comercializacao.

Revista Ciencia Agronomica | 2015

Levels of feed supplementation on the qualitative aspects of meat from crossbred goats finished on caatinga

Daniel Cézar da Silva; Adriana Guim; Gladston Rafael de Arruda Santos; Maria Inês Sucupira Maciel; Luciana Felizardo Pereira Soares

The effect was evaluated of feed supplementation (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2% of body weight) on the qualitative aspects of goat meat (moisture, ash, fat, protein, colouring using the CIE (L*, a* and b *) system, pH, cooking loss and shear force), and also on the sensory attributes of goat aroma, off-aroma, colour, texture, tenderness, flavour, off-flavour, juiciness and overall appearance. A total of 32 crossbred Anglo-Nubian goats were used, organised into randomised blocks and finished on a pasture of caatinga. There was a quadratic effect (p 0.05) by feed supplementation, except for colour and general appearance. Feed supplementation at 0.8% of body weight provides an increase in ash, fat and protein levels associated with qualitative improvements in cooking loss, tenderness and colouring, with increases in the sensory attributes of colour and overall appearance.

Revista Ciencia Agronomica | 2019

Predicting body and carcase composition in Nellore heifers and their cross-breeds

Evaristo Jorge Oliveira de Souza; Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho; Thaysa Rodrigues Torres; Daniel Cézar da Silva; José Ricardo Coelho da Silva

The aim of this study was to predict the body and carcase composition of Nellore heifers and their crosses with Angus and Simmental bulls. Sixty heifers from three genetic groups were used, 20 Nellore, 20 Nellore x Angus and 20 Nellore x Simmental; of these, 12 (four from each genetic group) were slaughtered at the beginning of the experiment (reference group). The heifers were randomly divided into nine treatments (completely randomised design), in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme of three genetic groups and three diets (30 and 50% of the dry matter of the concentrate feed, in addition to the maintenance group) in feedlot. Twelve heifers (four from each genetic group) were fed at maintenance level (1.1% of body weight in dry matter) with a diet containing 30% concentrate, and 36 heifers (12 animals from each genetic group) were fed ad libitum, with 30% (six from each group) or 50% (six from each group) of the dry matter (DM) from the concentrate feed. After slaughtering, the right-side half-carcase was completely dissected, and the 9 th, 10 th and 11 th ribs removed, from the left-side half-carcase, were cut. The 9 th, 10 th and 11 th rib cut satisfactorily estimated the fat and bone content; however, the muscle content was underestimated by 5.32%. The 9 th, 10 th and 11 th rib cut also satisfactorily estimated the chemical composition of the body and carcase, but not the physical composition of the carcase of Nellore heifers or their crosses with Angus and Simmental. The chemical constituents of the empty body and carcase are adequately estimated from the 9 th, 10 th and 11 th rib cut when the equations proposed by Valadares Filho, Paulino and Magalhaes (2006) are used. The percentage of macrominerals can be estimated from the rib cut, however, the levels of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are the most accurate.

Revista Ceres | 2016

Ingestive behavior of finishing sheep fed detoxified castor bean meal

Daniel Cézar da Silva; Beatriz Dantas Fernandes; Jéssica Monique dos Santos Lima; Francisco Jocélio Cavalcante Souza; Miguel Arcanjo Moreira Filho; Arnaud Azevêdo Alves

Castor bean crops stand out in the Northeastern Brazil for oil production, producing coproducts with potential for animal diets. Thus, this work evaluated the effect on ingestive behavior when 0, 33, 67 and 100% of detoxified castor bean meal (DCBM) were included to substitute soy bean meal in diets for sheep. The randomized blocks design was used with five sheep in each treatment. Dry matter intake and neutral detergent fiber intake were not affected (P > .05) by the inclusion of DCBM in the diet, with means of 1362.6 and 582.98 g/animal/day, respectively. Substitution of soybean meal by DCBM did not affect (P > .05) times of rumination, idle and total chewing, with averages of 181.33, 347.04 and 366.24 minute/12 h, respectively. A quadratic effect (P < .05) was found for feeding time, with minimum of 164.56 min/12 h, when 60% of DCBM was included in the diet. A quadratic effect (P < .05) was verified for eating efficiency with maximum of 4.43 g DM/minute and 2.08 g NDF/minute. Rumination efficiency in g DM and NDF/minute were not affected (P < .05), with means of 4.31 and 1.84, respectively. The substitution of soybean meal by DCBM decreases feeding time when 60% of it was used but does not influence the intake of DM and NDF, time spent in ruminating and idle, and total chewing time. The use of 60% of DCBM increases feeding efficiency of DM and NDF, and does not compromise the efficiency of rumination.

Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2016

Ammoniated babassu palm hay in anglo-nubian goat diets

Antonia Leidiana Moreira; Arnaud Azevêdo Alves; Miguel Arcanjo Moreira Filho; Daniel Cézar da Silva; Bruno Spíndola Garcez; Vânia Rodrigues Vasconcelos

Leaves of babassu may be used in diets for goats under maintenance, however, it is a low-quality roughage due to its high fiber content. The chemical treatment by ammonia causes reduction in the proportion of the cell wall, in addition to providing non-protein nitrogen for the microbial protein synthesis in the rumen. Babassu palm hay ammoniated with 4% urea (BHAU4%) was evaluated in this study as a substitute for guinea grass hay in the maintenance diets of goats in terms of intake, digestibility in vivo, and the partitioning of energy and nitrogen compounds. Twenty Anglo-Nubian male goats were used in a randomised block design with four treatments (diets containing 0, 33, 66, or 100% BHAU4%) and five replicates (animals/block). The chemical compositions of the feeds, leftovers, faeces, nitrogen and crude energy of the urine were evaluated. In addition, the rumen fluid pH, the rumen N-NH3, and the blood serum urea were evaluated. The digestibility of the dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crud protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDFap) and detergent acid (ADFap), corrected for ash and protein, declined (P<0.05) 0.0939, 0.0722, 0.0953, 0.1113, and 0.2666%, respectively, with the 1% inclusion of babassu palm hay in the diet. A negative linear effect (P<0.05) was observed in the ingested nitrogen (N), excretion of N in the urine, retained N, and N balance, with decreases of 0.15711, 0.0225 and 0.1071 g/day and 0.1388%, respectively, per percentage unit of the babassu palm hay included in the diet. The intake and digestibility of the DM and nutrients are reduced with the inclusion of BHAU4% in maintenance diets for goats, with positive nitrogen balance and stability of the ruminal pH and N-NH3 as well as blood urea, which presented values within the normal physiological range for goats.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2013

Tissue composition of the leg and meat quality of sheep fed castor bean hulls in replacement of tifton hay

Stela Antas Urbano; Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira; Maria Inês Sucupira Maciel; Wilson Moreira Dutra Júnior; Rafael de Paula Xavier de Andrade; Daniel Cézar da Silva

The effects of replacing Tifton hay with castor bean hulls (0, 33, 66 and 100%) on the leg tissue composition, chemical composition, physicochemical parameters and sensorial traits of sheep meat were studied. A total of 28 non-castrated sheep averaging seven months in age with an average initial weight of 19.5±4.3 kg were assigned to a randomized block design with four treatments and seven replicates and were slaughtered after 70 days of confinement. At slaughter, body weight and leg, muscle and bone weights decreased linearly, whereas the muscle-to-bone ratio increased linearly according to the treatments. There was a quadratic effect on yellow intensity (maximum of 8.05 with replacement of 54.5%) and the percentage of cooking losses (minimum of 33.8% with replacement of 45.17%). The treatment employed did not affect either the chemical composition or sensorial traits of the lamb meat. Although replacing Tifton hay with castor bean hulls alters the tissue composition of the leg as well as some physicochemical parameters of the meat, the sensory analysis indicated good acceptability of the meat, regardless of the inclusion of this byproduct.

Revista Científica de Produção Animal | 2010

Consumo e Digestibilidadade da Silagem de Capim-Elefante com Adição de Vagens de Bordão-de-Velho

Miguel Arcanjo Moreira Filho; Cícero Fortes de Cerqueira Neto; Daniel Cézar da Silva; Marcônio Martins Rodrigues; Arnaud Azevêdo Alves; George Emanuel Silva do Vale; Abigail Feitosa Cavalcante

Avaliou-se o consumo e a digestibilidade da MS e de nutrientes da silagem de capim-elefante cv. Roxo com adicao de vagens de bordao-de-velho. Utilizou-se cinco caprinos em gaiolas metabolicas que receberam apenas silagem de capim-elefante com 30% de inclusao de vagens de bordao-de-velho mais sal mineral e agua ad libitum. Os animais permaneceram sete dias em adaptacao e cinco dias em coleta de amostras da silagem, sobras e fezes, foram realizadas durante cinco dias. Os consumos de MS, MO, PB, FDN, FDA e NDT foram, respectivamente, 235,66, 221,85, 24,18, 112,27, 66,18 e 141,34 g/dia. A digestibilidade da MS, MO, PB, FDN, FDA e CNF foram 65,64, 66,51, 60,33, 52,71, 48,59 e 90,14%, respectivamente. A adicao de 30% de vagens de bordao-de-velho a silagem de capim-elefante cv. Roxo resulta em baixo consumo e elevada digestibilidade da MS e de nutrientes. DOI:10.15528/2176-4158/rcpa.v12n2p180-183

Tropical Animal Health and Production | 2018

Prevalence of subclinical hypocalcemia in dairy cows in the Sousa city micro-region, Paraíba state

Daniel Cézar da Silva; Beatriz Dantas Fernandes; Jéssica Monique dos Santos Lima; Gilderlândio Pinheiro Rodrigues; Déborah Lanne Barros Dias; Evaristo Jorge de Oliveira Souza; Miguel Arcanjo Moreira Filho


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Adriana Guim

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

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Stela Antas Urbano

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

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Evaristo Jorge Oliveira de Souza

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

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Evaristo Jorge de Oliveira Souza

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

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Luciana Felizardo Pereira Soares

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

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Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

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Maria Inês Sucupira Maciel

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

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