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International Journal of Innovation Science | 2017

Innovativeness measures: a bibliometric review and a classification proposal

Gustavo Dambiski Gomes de Carvalho; June Alisson Westarb Cruz; Hélio Gomes de Carvalho; Luiz Carlos Duclós; Rosângela de Fátima Stankowitz

Purpose Innovation has been widely studied in business and economics, but different innovation and innovativeness measures have been used by scholars. Within this context, this research aims to identify the main innovation and innovativeness measures used by high-impact or recent papers within the past 10 years. Design/methodology/approach Regarding methodology, the bibliometric process Proknow-C was used, selecting 26 papers from a sample exceeding 2,000 articles in the Web of Science database. Findings Based on the literature review, these articles’ innovativeness measures were classified in terms of inputs, capabilities and outputs. In summary, the articles of the bibliometric portfolio used diverse innovativeness measures comprising inputs (R&D investments, R&D staff qualification, patents, etc.), capabilities and processes (culture, leadership, knowledge, strategy, etc). and outputs (number of innovations, percentage of revenues of innovative products, etc.). Furthermore, a new innovativeness classification was proposed with eight types of organizations considering the presence of inputs, capabilities and outputs. Research limitations/implications Although Proknow-C is an established bibliometric process, it naturally has some limitations to select a bibliometric portfolio of approximately 20 articles from a sample exceeding 2,000 articles. The major limitations involve the filters used, such as aligned titles, number of citations in Google Scholar, Pareto principle, aligned abstracts and full text availability. Originality/value This research contributes to theory, as it covers high-impact and recent papers concerning innovativeness, specifically by analysing the main measures used and by gathering recommended future research directions, beyond proposing an innovativeness classification. It also contributes to practice, as it gathers diverse innovation measures, which could be used by managers in their organizations.

Journal of Technology Management & Innovation | 2013

Percepción de los Estudiantes de Ingeniería: Tecnología y Curso Técnico sobre Responsabilidad Social Empresarial

Rosângela de Fátima Stankowitz Penteado; Leila Mendes da Luz; Patricio Henrique de Vasconcelos; Hélio Gomes de Carvalho; Antonio Carlos de Francisco

This article identifies the perceptions of students in Engineering, Technology and Technical Course at the Federal University of Technology, Parana (UTFPR), Campus Ponta Grossa, on Social Responsibility (SR) using a structured questionnaire in three areas: i) perception of CSR in companies, ii) in relation to UTFPR, and iii) RS about themselves. Actions should be shared with the governments actions in promoting social welfare and development. Companies should be accountable and solve their social problems. Actions and projects of the institution are perceived with a positioning responsible socially in the formation. There is RS in shopping quality and the best practices are those that preserve the environment, recycle and respect human rights.

Revista Gestão Industrial | 2009


Rosângela de Fátima Stankowitz Penteado; Hélio Gomes de Carvalho

Os softwares de apoio aos processos de gerenciamento das sugestoes permitem as empresas estimular, captar e gerenciar, de modo sistematico, as ideias dos seus colaboradores. Nesse contexto, este artigo objetiva identificar o grau de atendimento desses aplicativos as etapas identificadas nos Programas de Sugestao organizacional. Foram levantadas as caracteristicas e requisitos de cinco aplicativos, em plataforma web, que servem de apoio aos Programas de Sugestao voltados a inovacao. A abordagem utilizada neste estudo foi predominantemente qualitativa. Buscou-se em revistas tecnicas de sistemas de informacao, livros, artigos de periodicos e congressos, bem como sites das empresas desenvolvedoras de software para gerenciamento de ideias, os dados pertinentes ao contexto da pesquisa. Foram obtidos documentos internos das empresas desenvolvedoras dos softwares, possibilitando a extracao dos dados. Para o levantamento dos requisitos funcionais e nao funcionais, houve a necessidade de detalhar todas as etapas, baseados em exemplos de Programas de Sugestao, identificando o grau com que cada aplicativo atende a cada etapa. Entre os resultados obtidos, foi observado que, para os requisitos nao funcionais de usabilidade, manutencao, confiabilidade, desempenho, portabilidade e reusabilidade, os softwares atendem completamente as necessidades do Programa. No entanto, os requisitos funcionais dos softwares atendem completamente outras etapas do Programa de Sugestao, que sao as funcionalidades de consulta ao status das ideias e o feedback dado ao colaborador. Para as demais etapas, e necessario adicionar recursos e funcionalidades que consigam atender completamente a demanda do Programa. Na comparacao entre os cinco aplicativos analisados, as caracteristicas mais presentes foram: a transparencia do processo, agilidade e a geracao de relatorios. Palavras-chave : inovacao, software , programa de sugestao.

Journal of Technology Management & Innovation | 2014

Controversies about the Process of Technology Transfer from Public Research Institutions in Brazil: The Case of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa

Nádia Solange Schmidt Bassi; Christian Luiz da Silva; Ariane Hinça Schneider; Hélio Gomes de Carvalho

This article investigates the process of technology transfer in the Embrapa - Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, one of the most important center for tropical agricultural technology in the world. Our research is survey-based, and a questionnaire was applied to the employees working at strategic and operational level of a research unit of Embrapa. The results demonstrate that the technology transfer from Embrapa needs instruments, standards and standardized strategies. The lack of standardization of the can lead to disjointed actions among professionals and researchers, and may to make the Embrapa is seen in a fragmented form. Is important to explore new alternatives to treat simultaneously the issues of planning, research and development, transfer and communication in order to reset the current model, such as the use of Dual - use of technology transfer, characterized by a strong interaction between the chain production and potential users of the technology.

Revista Gestão Industrial | 2007


Jorge Luciano Gil Kolotelo; Hélio Gomes de Carvalho

A velocidade de transformacao na qual o mundo tem passado trouxe um novo paradigma organizacional conduzido e pressionado pelos vetores social, economico, ambiental e tecnologico, imprimindo um carater inovativo e dinâmico na capacidade de formulacao da estrategia e na conexao inteligente e sincronizada das atividades fim. Este processo de reorganizacao, imposto pela era da economia do conhecimento, reforca a necessidade de novos modelos de gestao e de projetos ajustados com maior eficacia de forma a cumprir com os objetivos estrategicos. Executar o planejamento estrategico, seus projetos associados e conduzir pessoas, deve ser proporcionado por um processo de comunicacao sistematizado, articulado e coerente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os processos de comunicacao entre objetivos estrategicos e os projetos em uma organizacao que trabalha por projetos. Escolheu-se uma empresa privada de direito publico onde foram analisadas as respostas aos questionarios enviados a colaboradores ligados a projetos a partir do contexto anterior e a luz da literatura pesquisada. O estudo de caso, valendo-se da metodologia aplicada que se verificou eficiente, confirmou a hipotese apresentada e o resultado do problema de pesquisa levantou as disfuncoes da comunicacao que podem ser utilizadas como fonte para um trabalho de melhoria.

European Scientific Journal, ESJ | 2014


Rosângela de Fátima Stankowitz; Hélio Gomes de Carvalho; Faimara do Rocio Strahus; Dario Eduardo Dergint

During the treatment of this paper it is aimed the accurate characterization of natural objects that constitute the natural heritage of this region, as well as the proposals for new monuments. In this article it is conducted a genuine scientific work for the analysis of these monuments and the values associated with them. The basic method that is used in the treatment of this paper has been the one of direct field observations, analyzing these aspects; their physical condition, size, prognosis and photography. The paper has scientific value to researchers in the field of geography and local authorities. The main part in the paper is occupied by the results of the performed work in the following areas: The assessment of the natural conditions of this district, in function ofthe natural monuments. The classification of natural monuments; geomonuments, bio and hidromonuments. The physical analysis of the declared monuments,explaining their current situation and future trend.Their association with different views. Proposals for new natural monuments, for those objects that meet the criteria of being such. All these proposed monuments, are analyzed by the natural aspect, and accompanied by photos. At the end of this paper are given the conclusions, noting that the natural heritage of this district is a national asset. There are given some recommendations such as; their defence is responsibility of the state and of all the public opinion. Their good management requires strong legal measures in order to preserve these values.This article focuses in the azorean third tea period (1878-1879), time to learn and the first move towards tea industry. This time is made up of two periods: First, time to collect and make tea (March to July 1878); Second, time to collect and make tea (April to July 1879). With the hiring of two Chinese tea technicians, Lau-a-Pan (the master) and Lau-a- Teng (the interpreter) by the local agricultural society, locals rapidly acquired two things: how to grow and make tea and the value of his tea. Tea industry brought together first and second generation SPAM members, who, to cope with wine and orange crises, among other products, invested in tea. Industry mainly developed in Saint Michaels‘s Island.Military in Pakistan and Bangladesh has been deeply involved in politics all over the history. Since after the birth of both countries, the strong democratic government has not yet been established, due to the continuous involvement of Military in politics. The current research attempts to evaluate the main causes of Military Intervention in two countries. The utilized information of causes has been taken from books, journals, articles, on line materials and other secondary sources. The findings result with regard to the sources of military interventions in politics are the causes of weak political institution, vested interest of the military, legacy of the British army, political corruption and superiority.The subject of insurance law has been a very trickish and clumsy one to anybody who desires to know about it or conduct any research with regard to same. The general notion of the public against insurance companies is very negative when it comes to the aspect of payment of indemnity by the insurers. Perhaps based on a simple or very trivial excuse, the insurer may repudiate liability either on the basis of non – disclosure or non – possession of insurable interest e.t.c. In most cases, insurers have denied or repudiated indemnities on ground of non – disclosure which in all of the policies are made to be a ―warranty‖ or ―conditions‖ which goes to the root of the contract itself. The common law rule on this is very strict and therefore operates against the claim of the assured whenever the defence is raised by the insurer. However, the Nigerian Insurance Act, appears to have remedied this common law position by making the concept of non – disclosure equitable to both parties to an insurance policy. It is hereby suggested that other jurisdiction should follow suit for the development of insurance law.The need to own assets, whether in the form of long-term tangible or intangible assets, conditions a successful operation of an accounting entity in some cases. The objective of the article is to compare the asset structure defined for public sector accounting entities to the asset structure binding for business entities in compliance with the legislation valid in SR. Further objective of the article is to compare the legislation valid in SR in terms of long-term assets to the legislation defined under IAS/IFRS International Accounting Standards (applicable for businesses) and IPSAS (applicable for public sector entities). Our effort is to point out the differences on the grounds of the given comparisons, and to propose measures aimed at enhancing the legislation on the grounds of the analysis.Mass housing estates of the second half of the 20th century represent a poorly described and appraised topic of recent history. Mainly professionals overlook their garden design related aspect. It seems unbuilt areas within them were neglected by their authors; still, they represent an essential change in the urban structure in the 20th century and the rising significance of elements representing nature in urbanized environments. The present text focuses on housing estates in the Czech Republic that were built between the 1960s and 1989, especially their garden design related and landscape related aspects. First, circumstances of post-war building of mass housing and the role of modernist theories are introduced. Second, the development of forms of public areas in specific conditions of socialist central planning is observed. Our exploration concentrates on significant projects presented in the press of the time as well as housing estates that did not stand out from the average. The results, which we are presenting, are an overview of particular types of public spaces within mass housing estates with their basic characteristics and a definition of the roles of vegetation and other garden design means related to housing. In conclusion, we formulate a general development direction which the relation between landscape and housing took, as we can observe it in the example of housing estates of the second half of the 20th century.Our research is dedicated to the problem of the development of the future doctors’ subject competencies in Medical deontology by means of Cooperative learning structures. In this article we are going to review the findings on the initial level of the future doctors’ subject competencies in Medical deontology in terms of the motivational component within the framework of the experimental part of the investigation. Our main task is to reveal the gaps in the motivational component of the future doctors’ subject competencies in Medical deontology and to suggest Cooperative learning as a technique to improve the deontological education. The initial level of the development of the future doctors’ subject competencies in Medical deontology has been evaluated by us in terms of three components – motivational, cognitive and behavioral the essence of which is represented in criteria and the latter are reflected in indicators. In this article we will review the findings on the motivational component. The initial level of the development of the motivational component of the competencies in Medical deontology has been determined in terms of the professional needs and interests of the medical students, the indicators of which include awareness of a career choice, type of motivation to study at the higher medical educational establishment (“professional” motives, motives of “personal prestige”, “pragmatic” and “educational” motives, external factors), prevailing personality orientation (humanistic, professional, social, business, and antisocial), motivation for communication, self-improvement and selfdevelopment motivation, recognition of the practical significance of the academic course “Deontology in medicine”, an interest in ethical and deontological education.Nowadays, the number of stimuli reaching the consumers is underdrastic growth. At the same time, consumers are not able to or willing toprocess this amount of information. In spite of the educational level,informative campaigns and publications, the consumers‘ level of knowledgeremains low concerning the composition of food products. On the basis of aresearch carried out in 2013, in Hungary and involving 1,150 individuals, wecan state that consumers are not aware of the extent of carbohydrates andenergy contained in their food products. It is the responsibility of consumerprotection to work out a signalling for food products that is easy to beprocessed and can be immediately understood by the consumers. Such aninitiative could be the comprehensive and mandatory introduction of the―traffic light system‖.Agence France-Presse (AFP) is an international French news agency located in Paris. It is the oldest and largest news agency in the world. It is one of four most outstanding agencies together with “Associate Press”, “Reuters” and “Itar-Tass”. Information agencies originated from 1835 when a young French writer and translator Charles-Louis Havas established Agency Havas on the basis of which was established one of the greatest agencies France-Presse. A lot of issues were changed in the strategy of the Agency from the day of its foundation, but in XXI century, the epoch of modern technologies, it faced new challenges and accomplished changes in the sphere of its activities. Top management of Agence France- Presse managed to implement new technologies and become one of the most prestigious agencies in the world.The spectrum of the problems analyzed in the following article is based on the works by Merab Mamardashvili (1930-1990) dedicated to the theme of Europe, talks given in Paris and Barcelona, articles and interviews published in various French newspapers or journals. Mamardashvili clearly realized that the establishment of democratic regime in the society emerging on the ruins of a totalitarian state could create the most complicated problem to the state and culture; that the indigenous peoples of the former Soviet Union (including Georgians) who before October Revolution could not follow the time, modernity, would find themselves in a difficult situation in the process of formation of civil society and its members as citizens. The aspiration toward modernizing the individuals poses many difficulties to the politicians and citizens because we are simultaneously being transformed into free and independent nation, and the members of civil society. The situation is complicated by the fact that this process passes through the fog of post-totalitarian society. Merab Mamardashili’s critical analysis is due to a desire for better future of Georgia, the desire that in the era of globalization Georgian thinking could adequately respond to the challenges of time. In the process of desovietization of thinking and formation of civil society, the views developed by the philosopher Merab Mamardashili about the relationships between the individual and society are still valuable and relevant.The total world population is 7.093 billion of them 1.29 billion do live with absolute poverty [PPP below

Revista Gestão Industrial | 2008


Fabio Fernando Kobs; Dálcio Roberto dos Reis; Hélio Gomes de Carvalho

1.25]. Around 4 million of people die cause of starving and malnutrition and 25 million without treatment/year. 100 million is homeless and further 100 million is hidden homeless. Around 200 million is unemployed, of them 75 million that is 13% of the total figure is between the ages of 15 & 24 [IMF-2012]. If dramatic changes are not happened in the world job markets and young jobless is remain stable, its impact would be very devastative for the forthcoming world.This paper analyzes the category of mediation from the point of view of humanisticoriented pedagogy. Mediation is discussed first in its presumably most popular context, that is, in the context of legal procedures, where Polish law is taken as an illustrative material. Against this background, the main functions and principles of legal concept of mediation are presented. Further investigations are devoted to the characterization of humanistic-oriented pedagogy, with emphasis on the main categories of this type of pedagogical inquiry. The very notion of category is also focused on. Finally, the research question concerning the understanding of mediation as a category of humanistic-oriented pedagogy is discussed. It is argued that certain important values underlying the legal concept of mediation are present in the research in pedagogy, but in the latter context, the category of mediation adopts a much broader meaning, for its elements are present in every stage of human development.Screening of oncologic pathology of gastro-intestinal tract by means of multicenter endoscopic examination has shown that phylactic esophagogastroduodenoscopy, сolonofiberscopy can be recommended as an obligatory component during planned examination. Despite all the achievements of modern medicine , the entry of new methods of diagnosis and healing, the disease incidence and death rate due to oncologic diseases has been constantly increasing in the world. It is well-known , that cancer is the second leading reason of death after cardiovascular system diseases death. If to summarize the cancer frequency of all organs of gastro-intestinal tract, it will take the first place (more than 50%), powering past larynx cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer1. Therewith disease and death rate are the cancer of approximately all digestive systems 2. Numerous research proves, that disease prognosis mainly depends on oncology diagnose promptness, which gives much meaning to the earlier diagnosis. Unfortunately, 60– 80% patients with for the first time oncology diagnose already have III–IV stages of disease2. Potential causes of such late diagnose are late application of patients, erased clinical performance, and also deficient oncological suspicion of doctors with primary stage of healthcare.

Archive | 2011

Gestão da inovação

Hélio Gomes de Carvalho; Dálcio Roberto dos Reis; Márcia Beatriz Cavalcante

Este documento apresenta os principais indicadores do Estado do Parana, comparados com o desempenho do Brasil na Pesquisa de Inovacao Tecnologica, sobre as atividades inovativas realizadas pelas empresas industriais entre os anos de 2003 e 2005. O objetivo principal deste estudo e levantar e apresentar os principais indicadores presentes na Pesquisa de Inovacao Tecnologica 2005 em termos Parana e Brasil. A classificacao deste artigo, no ponto de vista de seus objetivos, classifica-se como pesquisa exploratoria e, quanto aos procedimentos, classifica-se como pesquisa bibliografica e documental. O metodo de pesquisa utilizado do ponto de vista da forma de abordagem do problema e de pesquisa quantitativa. Os indicadores encontrados apontam que o PR possui um numero superior de empresas que implementaram inovacoes, o que pode ainda ser superior se elevar o grau de importância a P&D, melhor a qualificacao do pessoal, o que garantira maior apoio do governo em programas de incentivo a inovacao. Nesse contexto, as politicas de apoio surgem como instrumento relevante para apoiar as industrias no Brasil.

Archive | 2001

Tecnologia: estratégia para a competitividade

Antônio Corrêa de Lacerda; Dálcio Roberto dos Reis; Fernando A. de Barros Perini; Hélio Gomes de Carvalho; Márcia Beatriz Cavalcante; Sérgio Bruel

Journal of Technology Management & Innovation | 2006

Equipes e Comunidades de Prática como Estruturas Complementares na Gestão do Conhecimento Organizacional

Viviane Carvalho Bejarano; Luiz Alberto Pilatti; Hélio Gomes de Carvalho; Antonella Carvalho de Oliveira


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Gustavo Dambiski Gomes de Carvalho

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

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Antonio Carlos de Francisco

Federal University of Technology - Paraná

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Isaura Alberton de Lima

Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais

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Luiz Alberto Pilatti

Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais

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Rosângela de Fátima Stankowitz

Federal University of Technology - Paraná

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Hilda Alberton de Carvalho

Federal University of Technology - Paraná

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Ariane Hinça Schneider

Federal University of Technology - Paraná

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June Alisson Westarb Cruz

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

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