Jörg Schreiber
Max Planck Society
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Featured researches published by Jörg Schreiber.
Nature | 2006
B. M. Hegelich; B. J. Albright; J. A. Cobble; K. A. Flippo; S. Letzring; M. Paffett; H. Ruhl; Jörg Schreiber; Roland K. Schulze; Juan C. Fernandez
Acceleration of particles by intense laser–plasma interactions represents a rapidly evolving field of interest, as highlighted by the recent demonstration of laser-driven relativistic beams of monoenergetic electrons. Ultrahigh-intensity lasers can produce accelerating fields of 10 TV m-1 (1 TV = 1012 V), surpassing those in conventional accelerators by six orders of magnitude. Laser-driven ions with energies of several MeV per nucleon have also been produced. Such ion beams exhibit unprecedented characteristics—short pulse lengths, high currents and low transverse emittance—but their exponential energy spectra have almost 100% energy spread. This large energy spread, which is a consequence of the experimental conditions used to date, remains the biggest impediment to the wider use of this technology. Here we report the production of quasi-monoenergetic laser-driven C5+ ions with a vastly reduced energy spread of 17%. The ions have a mean energy of 3 MeV per nucleon (full-width at half-maximum ∼0.5 MeV per nucleon) and a longitudinal emittance of less than 2 × 10-6 eV s for pulse durations shorter than 1 ps. Such laser-driven, high-current, quasi-monoenergetic ion sources may enable significant advances in the development of compact MeV ion accelerators, new diagnostics, medical physics, inertial confinement fusion and fast ignition.
Physical Review Letters | 2009
A. Henig; S. Steinke; M. Schnürer; T. Sokollik; Rainer Hörlein; Daniel Kiefer; D. Jung; Jörg Schreiber; B. M. Hegelich; X. Q. Yan; J. Meyer-ter-Vehn; T. Tajima; P. V. Nickles; W. Sandner; Dietrich Habs
We present experimental studies on ion acceleration from ultrathin diamondlike carbon foils irradiated by ultrahigh contrast laser pulses of energy 0.7 J focused to peak intensities of 5x10(19) W/cm2. A reduction in electron heating is observed when the laser polarization is changed from linear to circular, leading to a pronounced peak in the fully ionized carbon spectrum at the optimum foil thickness of 5.3 nm. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations reveal that those C6+ ions are for the first time dominantly accelerated in a phase-stable way by the laser radiation pressure.
Cell Host & Microbe | 2008
Jong Seok Lee; Roland Krause; Jörg Schreiber; Hans-Joachim Mollenkopf; Jane Kowall; Robert Stein; Bo-Young Jeon; Jeongyeon Kwak; Min-Kyong Song; Juan Pablo Patron; Sabine Jörg; Kyoung-Min Roh; Sang-Nae Cho; Stefan H. E. Kaufmann
Attenuated strains of mycobacteria can be exploited to determine genes essential for their pathogenesis and persistence. To this goal, we sequenced the genome of H37Ra, an attenuated variant of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv strain. Comparison with H37Rv revealed three unique coding region polymorphisms. One polymorphism was located in the DNA-binding domain of the transcriptional regulator PhoP, causing the proteins diminished DNA-binding capacity. Temporal gene expression profiles showed that several genes with reduced expression in H37Ra were also repressed in an H37Rv phoP knockout strain. At later time points, genes of the dormancy regulon, typically expressed in a state of nonreplicating persistence, were upregulated in H37Ra. Complementation of H37Ra with H37Rv phoP partially restored its persistence in a murine macrophage infection model. Our approach demonstrates the feasibility of identifying minute but distinct differences between isogenic strains and illustrates the consequences of single point mutations on the survival stratagem of M. tuberculosis.
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 2013
Anca Dorhoi; Marco Iannaccone; Maura Farinacci; Kellen C. Faé; Jörg Schreiber; Pedro Moura-Alves; Geraldine Nouailles; Hans J. Mollenkopf; Dagmar Oberbeck-Müller; Sabine Jörg; Ellen Heinemann; Karin Hahnke; Delia Löwe; Franca Del Nonno; Delia Goletti; Rosanna Capparelli; Stefan H. E. Kaufmann
The molecular mechanisms that control innate immune cell trafficking during chronic infection and inflammation, such as in tuberculosis (TB), are incompletely understood. During active TB, myeloid cells infiltrate the lung and sustain local inflammation. While the chemoattractants that orchestrate these processes are increasingly recognized, the posttranscriptional events that dictate their availability are unclear. We identified microRNA-223 (miR-223) as an upregulated small noncoding RNA in blood and lung parenchyma of TB patients and during murine TB. Deletion of miR-223 rendered TB-resistant mice highly susceptible to acute lung infection. The lethality of miR-223(–/–) mice was apparently not due to defects in antimycobacterial T cell responses. Exacerbated TB in miR-223(–/–) animals could be partially reversed by neutralization of CXCL2, CCL3, and IL-6, by mAb depletion of neutrophils, and by genetic deletion of Cxcr2. We found that miR-223 controlled lung recruitment of myeloid cells, and consequently, neutrophil-driven lethal inflammation. We conclude that miR-223 directly targets the chemoattractants CXCL2, CCL3, and IL-6 in myeloid cells. Our study not only reveals an essential role for a single miRNA in TB, it also identifies new targets for, and assigns biological functions to, miR-223. By regulating leukocyte chemotaxis via chemoattractants, miR-223 is critical for the control of TB and potentially other chronic inflammatory diseases.
Laser and Particle Beams | 2005
Juan C. Fernandez; B. Manuel Hegelich; James A. Cobble; K. A. Flippo; S. Letzring; R. P. Johnson; D. Cort Gautier; Tsutomu Shimada; George A. Kyrala; Yongqiang Wang; Chris J. Wetteland; Jörg Schreiber
This new project relies on the capabilities collocated at LosAlamos in theTrident laser facility of long-pulse laser drive, for laser-plasma formation, and high-intensity short-pulse laser drive, for relativistic laser-matter interaction experiments. Specifically, we are working to understand quantitatively the physics that underlie the generation of laserdriven MeV0nucleon ion beams, in order to extend these capabilities over a range of ion species, to optimize beam generation, and to control those beams. Furthermore, we intend to study the interaction of these novel laser-driven ion beams with dense plasmas, which are relevant to important topics such as the fast-ignition method of inertial confinement fusion ~ICF!, weapons physics, and planetary physics. We are interested in irradiating metallic foils with the Trident short-pulse laser to generate medium to heavy ion beams ~Z 20–45! with high efficiency. At present, target-surface impurities seem to be the main obstacle to reliable and efficient acceleration of metallic ions in the foil substrate.Inordertoquantifytheproblem,measurementsofsurfaceimpuritiesontypicalmetallic-foillasertargetswere made. To eliminate these impurities, we resorted to novel target-treatment techniques such as Joule-heating and laser-ablation, using a long-pulse laser intensity of ;10 10 W0cm 2 . Our progress on this promising effort is presented in this paper, along with a summary of the overall project.
New Journal of Physics | 2013
D. Jung; L. Yin; B. J. Albright; D. C. Gautier; S. Letzring; B. Dromey; M. Yeung; Rainer Hörlein; R. C. Shah; S. Palaniyappan; K. Allinger; Jörg Schreiber; K. J. Bowers; H-C Wu; J. C. Fernandez; Dietrich Habs; B. M. Hegelich
Experimental data on laser-driven carbon C6+ ion acceleration with a peak intensity of 5???1020?W?cm?2 are presented and compared for opaque target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) and relativistically transparent laser?plasma interactions. Particle numbers, peak ion energy and conversion efficiency have been investigated for target thicknesses from 50?nm to 25??m using unprecedented full spectral beam profile line-out measurements made using a novel high-resolution ion wide-angle spectrometer. For thicknesses of about 200?nm, particle numbers and peak energy increase to 5???1011 carbon C6+ particles between 33 and 700?MeV (60?MeV?u?1), which is a factor of five higher in particle number than that observed for targets with micron thickness. For 200?nm thick targets, we find that the peak conversion efficiency is 6% and that up to 55% of the target under the laser focal spot is accelerated to energies above 33?MeV. This contrasts with the results for targets with micron thickness, where surface acceleration with TNSA is dominant. The experimental findings are consistent with two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations.
Physics of Plasmas | 2005
B. M. Hegelich; B. J. Albright; P. Audebert; A. Blazevic; E. Brambrink; J. A. Cobble; T. Cowan; J. Fuchs; J. C. Gauthier; C. Gautier; Matthias Geissel; Dietrich Habs; R. P. Johnson; Stefan Karsch; Andreas Kemp; S. Letzring; Markus Roth; U. Schramm; Jörg Schreiber; Klaus Witte; Juan C. Fernandez
Collimated jets of beryllium, carbon, oxygen, fluorine, and palladium ions with >1MeV∕nucleon energies are observed from the rear surface of thin foils irradiated with laser intensities of up to 5×1019W∕cm2. The normally dominant proton acceleration is suppressed when the target is subjected to Joule heating to remove hydrogen-bearing contaminant. This inhibits screening effects and permits effective energy transfer to and acceleration of heavier ion species. The influence of remnant protons on the spectral shape of the next highest charge-to-mass ratio species is shown. Particle-in-cell simulations confirming the experimental findings are presented.
Laser and Particle Beams | 2007
P. V. Nickles; S. Ter-Avetisyan; M. Schnürer; T. Sokollik; W. Sandner; Jörg Schreiber; D. Hilscher; U. Jahnke; A. A. Andreev; V. T. Tikhonchuk
New perspectives have been opened up in the field of laser–matter interactions due to recent advances in laser technology, leading to laser systems of high contrast and extreme intensity values, where the frontier of maximum intensity is pushed now to about 1022 W/cm2. Many striking phenomena such as laser-acceleration of electrons up to the GeV level, fast moving ions with kinetic energies of several 10s of MeV, as well as nuclear physics experiments have already actuated a broad variety of theoretical as well as experimental studies. Also highly relativistic effects like laser induced electron-positron pair production are under discussion. All these activities have considerably stimulated the progress in understanding the underlying physical processes and possible applications. This article reviews recent advances in the experimental techniques as well as the associated plasma dynamics studies at relativistic intensities performed at the Max-Born-Institute (MBI). Interactions of a laser pulse at intensities above 1019 W/cm2 with water- and heavy-water droplets, as well as, with thin foils are discussed. Rear and front side acceleration mechanisms, particle dynamics inside the dense target, proton source characteristics, strong modulations in proton and deuteron emission spectra, and finally generation of quasi-monoenergetic deuteron bursts are the topics covered in the article.
Physics of Plasmas | 2007
Jean-Noël Fuchs; Y. Sentoku; Emmanuel d'Humieres; T. E. Cowan; J. A. Cobble; P. Audebert; Andreas Kemp; A. Nikroo; P. Antici; Erik Brambrink; A. Blazevic; E. M. Campbell; Juan C. Fernandez; J. C. Gauthier; M. Geissel; Manuel Hegelich; Stefan Karsch; H. Popescu; N. Renard-LeGalloudec; Markus Roth; Jörg Schreiber; R. Stephens; H. Pépin
The maximum energy of protons that are accelerated forward by high-intensity, short-pulse lasers from either the front or rear surfaces of thin metal foils is compared for a large range of laser intensities and pulse durations. In the regime of moderately long laser pulse durations (300–850fs), and for high laser intensities [(1−6)×1019W∕cm2], rear-surface acceleration is shown experimentally to produce higher energy particles with smaller divergence and a higher efficiency than front-surface acceleration. For similar laser pulse durations but for lower laser intensities (2×1018Wcm−2), the same conclusion is reached from direct proton radiography of the electric fields associated with proton acceleration from the rear surface. For shorter (30–100fs) or longer (1–10ps) laser pulses, the same predominance of rear-surface acceleration in producing the highest energy protons is suggested by simulations and by comparison of analytical models with measured values. For this purpose, we have revised our previous ...
New Journal of Physics | 2006
Michael Geissler; Jörg Schreiber; J. Meyer-ter-Vehn
We present three-dimensional particle-in-cell (3D-PIC) simulations of laser wake field acceleration (LWFA) of electrons in the bubble regime, using the code ILLUMINATION}. The study is motivated by the new Light Wave Synthesizer (LWS), currently under construction at Max-Planck-Institut f?r Quantenoptik (MPQ), which is expected to produce short (sub-10?fs), high power (multi-terawatt) laser pulses. They will be short enough for optimal drive of bubbles in dense gas jet targets at laser energies as low as 20?mJ and to generate efficiently very bright, quasi-monoenergetic, low-emittance bunches of 10?100?MeV electrons. It is shown how the results change when plasma density, laser amplitude and focusing are varied. The density and the spectral evolution of bubble evolution are presented for a reference case in much detail in terms of a movie. In particular, the formation of peaked spectra with an energy spread in the range of 10% are discussed qualitatively. Also plasma dynamics at the laser front and the rear vertex of the bubble as well as the periodic structures in the stem of accelerated electrons are addressed.