Jozinete Vieira Pereira
Federal University of Pernambuco
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Featured researches published by Jozinete Vieira Pereira.
Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy | 2007
Jackeline G. da Silva; Ivone Antônia de Souza; Jane Sheila Higino; José P. Siqueira-Junior; Jozinete Vieira Pereira; Maria do Socorro Vieira Pereira
Medicinal plants with therapeutical properties are of great significance in the whole world, especially in developing countries. Anacardium occidentale Linn. is a plant widely used in the traditional medicine in our region against diarrhea, tonsillitis, bronchitis, arthritis, and inflammation. In this paper, the antimicrobial activity of the hydroalcoholic extract of the cashew tree stem was evaluated against samples of meticillin-resistant and meticillin-sensible Staphylococcus aureus, attained from patients interned at Hospital Universitario/Universidade Federal da Paraiba. The antimicrobial activity was determined by the diffusion method in solid milieu to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the extract, and it was observed in 30 samples the presence or not of inhibition zone. All the assayed samples proved to be sensible to the activity of the extract of the cashew tree, with inhibition zones diameter of 10 to 20 mm, displaying consequently great effectiveness of the extract of the cashew tree stem. Thus, the use of this plant in our region can infer a low cost and efficient therapeutical alternative against bacterial infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus.
Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy | 2006
Jozinete Vieira Pereira; Maria do Socorro Vieira Pereira; Fábio Correia Sampaio; Maria Carmeli Correia Sampaio; Pollianna Muniz Alves; Cristina Ruan Ferreira de Araújo; Jane Sheila Higino
Nesta pesquisa foi avaliada a atividade antimicrobiana e a capacidade de inibicao da sintese de glucano in vitro do extrato da casca do fruto da roma (Punica granatum Linn.) sobre linhagens bacterianas de Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus sobrinus e Lactobacillus casei. Os ensaios foram realizados pelas tecnicas de agar-difusao em placas para determinacao da Concentracao Inibitoria Minima (CIM) e tecnica dos tubos inclinados para determinacao da Concentracao Inibitoria Minima de Aderencia (CIMA) ao vidro, na presenca de 5% de sacarose. Os mesmos procedimentos foram realizados com a clorexidina a 0,12%. As CIMs (mg/mL) do extrato da P. granatum frente ao S. mitis, S. mutans, S. sanguis, S. sobrinus e L. casei foram 1:32, 1:8, 1:8, 1:512, e 1:128, respectivamente. Para as CIMAs o extrato da P. granatum mostrou resultados melhores que a clorexidina, exceto para o S. mutans com achados semelhantes na diluicao de 1:256. Os resultados mostram a potencialidade da P. granatum na inibicao do crescimento bacteriano e sintese de glucano representada pela aderencia ao vidro, sugerindo o emprego do extrato da roma, como meio alternativo, no controle desses microrganismos na formacao do biofilme.
Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy | 2008
Maria Angélica Ramos da Silva; Jane Sheila Higino; Jozinete Vieira Pereira; José P. Siqueira-Júnior; Maria do Socorro Vieira Pereira
A medicina humana e veterinaria tem falhado no tratamento de infeccoes em longo prazo causadas por Staphylococcus aureus associadas ao desenvolvimento de resistencia a agentes antimicrobianos. A atividade antimicrobiana do extrato da casca do fruto de Punica granatum Linn. foi avaliada sobre 38 linhagens de S. aureus de origem bovina para a determinacao da concentracao inibitoria minima (CIM). Das 38 linhagens ensaiadas, 22 sao resistentes a penicilina.(PRSA). O extrato de P. granatum apresentou potencial acao antimicrobiana sobre todas as linhagens ensaiadas formando halos de inibicao variando de 10 a 36 mm de diâmetro. Os resultados deste estudo confirmam a eficacia do extrato de P. granatum como potencial agente antibacteriano sobre S. aureus e demonstram a importância de se avaliar novas substâncias com potencial antimicrobiano, o que pode contribuir para a terapeutica alternativa em Medicina Veterinaria.
Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy | 2009
Leonardo Costa de Almeida Paiva; Rodrigo Alves Ribeiro; Jozinete Vieira Pereira; Neuza Maria Cavalcante Oliveira
In dentistry, the phytotherapy is already being used successfully for some years now. It is about a promising therapeutical way in the pharmaceutical field, having as advantage on pharmacotherapy medications the fact to present minimum adverse reactions. The Uncaria tomentosa is an aboriginal plant of the Amazonian forest and other tropical areas of the South and Central America. It has application in the treatment of several pathologies, including candidiasis. This work evaluates, clinical and laboratorial, the action of the Uncaria tomentosa gel in the oral cavity candidiasis patients. Twenty patients which presented clinical and laboratorial signs of Candida infection were selected. They were divided in 2 groups. The test-group (Uncaria tomentosa/IMUNO-MAX Gel), with 10 patients, was told to use the Uncaria tomentosa gel, on the oral cavity injuries, 3 times a day for a period of 14 days. The control-group (Miconazol/DAKTARIN Gel) used the prescribed medication in the same way of the test-group. After the treatment period, the patients returned for a new clinical and laboratorial evaluation. The Uncaria tomentosa showed to be a promising phytotherapeutical medication in dentistry, in the field of the anti-fungi treatment, presenting as advantage on the Miconazol not causing adverse reactions in the patients, once 40% of the control-group patients showed undesirable reactions.
Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy | 2009
Maria Regina Macedo-Costa; Denise Nóbrega Diniz; Carine Markus Carvalho; Maria do Socorro Vieira Pereira; Jozinete Vieira Pereira; Jane Sheila Higino
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana do extrato da folha de Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg., Myrtaceae (jabuticabeira) sobre: Streptococcus mitis (ATCC 903), Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175), Streptococcus sanguinis (ATCC 15300), Streptococcus oralis (ATCC 10557), Streptococcus salivarius (ATCC 7073) e Lactobacillus casei (ATCC 9595). A pesquisa foi realizada atraves de tecnicas bacteriologicas laboriosas. Os ensaios foram realizados pelo metodo da diluicao em meio solido para a determinacao da Concentracao Inibitoria Minima (CIM). Os resultados obtidos foram transferidos para um banco de dados informatizado e calculados os parâmetros estatisticos mediante o emprego do programa SPSS versao 13.0. Utilizou-se, ao nivel de 5% de significância, o teste t-Student. Em estudo comparativo, foi determinada a CIM do digluconato de clorexidina a 0,12%. O extrato de jabuticabeira formou halos de inibicao variando de 10 a 18 mm de diâmetro e apresentou desempenho medio significativamente inferior em relacao a clorexidina, na comparacao do extrato bruto vs substância pura e nas concentracoes 1:2 e 1:4. Conclui-se, que o extrato de Myrciaria cauliflora produziu uma significante atividade bacteriostatica in vitro sobre as bacterias do biofilme dental, o que sugere a utilizacao dessa substância como meio alternativo e economicamente viavel para o controle de afeccoes em Odontologia.
Anais Brasileiros De Dermatologia | 2015
Miguel Franklin Alves Silva; Kevan Guilherme Nóbrega Barbosa; Jozinete Vieira Pereira; Patrícia Meira Bento; Gustavo Pina Godoy; Daliana Queiroga de Castro Gomes
BACKGROUND Patients with diabetes mellitus have been associated with a number of changes in the oral cavity, such as gingivitis, periodontitis, mucosal diseases, salivary dysfunction, altered taste, and burning mouth. OBJECTIVES To determine the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in patients with diabetes mellitus. METHODS A cross-sectional observational study between August and October 2012 with a convenience sampling was performed for 51 patients with diabetes mellitus (type 1 and type 2). The study consisted of two phases: 1) a questionnaire application; 2) intraoral clinical examination. For the analysis of data, we used descriptive statistics, Fishers exact test in bivariate analysis (significance level of 0.05), and Poisson Regression. RESULTS The prevalence of oral lesions was 78.4%. Traumatic ulcers (16.4%) and actinic cheilitis (12.7%) were the most prevalent lesions. The lips (35.3%) and tongue (23.5%) were the most common location. The bivariate analysis showed an association with the type of diabetes, and two variables (age and comorbidity) were quite close to the significance level. In the Poisson Regression analysis, only diabetes type 2 remained significant after adjusting the model. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study show a high prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in diabetic patients. The oral mucosal lesions are mostly associated with diabetes type 2.
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada | 2009
Cristina Ruan Ferreira de Araújo; Jozinete Vieira Pereira; Maria do Socorro Vieira Pereira; Pollianna Muniz Alves; Jane Sheila Higino; Amely Branquinho Martins
Resumen pt: Objetivo: Estudar a atividade bactericida, in vitro, do extrato da casca do caule do Anacardium occidentale Linn. (cajueiro) sobre os microrganismos form...
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada | 2011
Suzanne Kaelinne Pereira da Costa; Gustavo Pina Godoy; Daliana Queiroga de Gomes; Jozinete Vieira Pereira; Ruthinéia Diógenes Alves Uchôa Lins
Objeti vo: Identi fi car clinicamente e por meio de questi onario anamnesico, as condicoes de saude bucal em individuos, causadas pelo uso de drogas e suas relacoes com fatores sociodemografi cos. Metodo: O estudo foi do ti po descriti vo transversal, com abordagem pelo metodo induti vo, sendo a amostra composta de 70 pacientes que buscaram atendimento no CAPS-ad (Centro de atencao psicossocial – alcool e outras drogas). Os dados foram coletados de forma sistemati ca por uma unica examinadora previamente calibrada, atraves de exame clinico e aplicacao de formulario especifi co para identi fi cacao e classifi cacao de provaveis alteracoes. Resultados: Os resultados encontrados mostraram que a idade media dos pacientes pesquisados foi de 40,44 anos; o genero masculino (90%) foi predominante na amostra; mais da metade dos pacientes eram da raca branca (57,1); o nivel de escolaridade encontrado nos mesmos e baixo; as drogas mais consumidas pelos mesmos foram respecti vamente o alcool (68,6%), maconha(17,1%), cocaina(7,1%), crack (4,3%) e farmacos psicotropicos (2,8%); a maioria dos dependentes apresentou saude bucal defi ciente; eram dependentes quimicos ha mais de cinco anos; a defi ciencia na saude bucal pode estar associada ao descaso com a higiene corporal provocado pelo uso abusivo de drogas. Observou-se ainda que quanto maior o periodo de dependencia mais precaria a saude bucal do usuario (p= 0,002) e que a precariedade da saude bucal dos mesmos, esta relacionada aos seus habitos de higiene bucal (p=0,029). Conclusao: Observou-se a necessidade da insercao do profi ssional de odontologia nos projetos de recuperacao oferecidos a estes pacientes, para a realizacao de programas de promocao e de recuperacao da saude bucal melhorando assim, a qualidade de vida desses pacientes. 1
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP | 2014
Walkyria Khéturine de Souza Motta; Danúbia Roberta de Medeiros Nóbrega; Manuela Gouvêa Campêlo dos Santos; Daliana Queiroga de Castro Gomes; Gustavo Pina Godoy; Jozinete Vieira Pereira
INTRODUCTION: The oral and perioral lesions are common in patients infected with HIV, and may represent the first signs of the disease, even before the systemic manifestations. OBJECTIVE : This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of oral manifestations in HIV seropositive individuals, considering the aspects socio-demographic, immunological and therapeutic. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Was performed nature study clinical-epidemiological transverse, between October 2007 to April 2008, with a sample of 40 patients. Was used the technique of intensive direct observation through appropriate clinical exam. Data were recorded on data sheets pre-prepared and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULT: There was a prevalence of females (52.5%), aged 40-49 years (45%). Treatment with antiretroviral drugs was found in 85.0% of cases, all being with high power therapy (HAART). It was observed that 52.5% of patients had a TCD4+ lymphocyte count above 500cel/mm ³ and 50.0% had an undetectable viral load. The prevalence of oral manifestations was 42.5%, the most significant for pseudomembranous candidiasis (19.23%), followed necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis (15.38%), hairy leukoplakia (11.54%) and angular cheilitis (11.54%). No association was observed between oral lesions and viral load (p=0.1268) nor the TCD4 cell count (p=0.3458). CONCLUSION: Prevalence of some oral manifestations associated with HIV infection is still high, with pseudomembranous candidiasis infection more prevalent, mainly among people with low education levels and longer HIV infection, independent of the therapy and immune status of the patient.
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine | 2014
Rennaly de Freitas Lima; Érika Ponchet Alves; Pedro Luiz Rosalen; Marta Cristina Teixeira Duarte; Vivian Fernandes Furletti Góes; Ana Cláudia Dantas de Medeiros; Jozinete Vieira Pereira; Gustavo Pina Godoy; Edja Maria Melo de Brito Costa
The aim of the present study was to perform an in vitro analysis of the antimicrobial and antiproliferative potential of an extract from Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan (angico) and chemically characterize the crude extract. Antimicrobial action was evaluated based on the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum bactericidal/fungicidal concentration, and the inhibition of formation to oral biofilm. Cell morphology was determined through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Six strains of tumor cells were used for the determination of antiproliferative potential. The extract demonstrated strong antifungal activity against Candida albicans ATCC 18804 (MIC = 0.031 mg/mL), with similar activity found regarding the ethyl acetate fraction. The extract and active fraction also demonstrated the capacity to inhibit the formation of Candida albicans to oral biofilm after 48 hours, with median values equal to or greater than the control group, but the difference did not achieve statistical significance (P > 0.05). SEM revealed alterations in the cell morphology of the yeast. Regarding antiproliferative activity, the extract demonstrated cytostatic potential in all strains tested. The present findings suggest strong antifungal potential for Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan as well as a tendency toward diminishing the growth of human tumor cells.
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Cassiano Francisco Weege Nonaka
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
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