Luiz Jorge Pedrão
University of São Paulo
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Featured researches published by Luiz Jorge Pedrão.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2009
Vivian Aline Preto; Luiz Jorge Pedrão
Stress has been observed among various professionals, including intensive care unit (ICU) nurses, due to their close contact with patients in distress and at the risk of death. This situation becomes worse due to the need for direct and intensive care. This study was performed to characterize nurses working at ICU and verify the presence of stress among them. A total of 21 ICU nurses from five hospitals located in the state of São Paulo answered a series of questions about the ICU and completed the Nurse Stress Inventory. Study results showed that 57.1% of nurses consider the ICU a stressful place, and 23.8% achieved a high score, indicating the presence of stress. Stress continues to affect these professionals, and institutions do not offer any special care for nurses in the sense of promoting comprehensive health care.Stress has been observed among various professionals, including intensive care unit (ICU) nurses, due to their close contact with patients in distress and at the risk of death. This situation becomes worse due to the need for direct and intensive care. This study was performed to characterize nurses working at ICU and verify the presence of stress among them. A total of 21 ICU nurses from five hospitals located in the state of Sao Paulo answered a series of questions about the ICU and completed the Nurse Stress Inventory. Study results showed that 57.1% of nurses consider the ICU a stressful place, and 23.8% achieved a high score, indicating the presence of stress. Stress continues to affect these professionals, and institutions do not offer any special care for nurses in the sense of promoting comprehensive health care.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2005
Rubia Laine de Paula Andrade; Luiz Jorge Pedrão
Neste trabalho, uma revisao da literatura foi realizada com o objetivo de identificar trabalhos que descrevessem modalidades terapeuticas nao tradicionais que o enfermeiro psiquiatrico tem capacidade para utilizar em sua pratica diaria. As modalidades descritas foram Musica, Atividade Motora, Acompanhamento Terapeutico e Ioga. A Musica pode reconstruir identidades, integrar pessoas, reduzir a ansiedade e proporcionar a construcao de auto-estima positiva. A Atividade Motora aumenta a auto-estima, reduz a ociosidade e aumenta a participacao do paciente psiquiatrico em outras atividades. No Acompanhamento Terapeutico, o enfermeiro acompanha o paciente na realidade de sua rotina diaria, buscando sua reintegracao as diversas situacoes que necessita enfrentar. A Ioga permite melhora da memoria, reduz a tensao emocional, a depressao, a ansiedade e a irritabilidade, promove relaxamento e maior sentimento de autodominio. Toda atividade deve estar integrada a um plano terapeutico global para cada usuario e fazer parte da programacao diaria do servico.In this work, a revision of the literature was carried out to identify articles that described non traditional therapeutic modalities psychiatric nurses can use in their daily practice. The described modalities were Music, Motor Activity, Therapeutic Accompaniment and Yoga. Music is able to reconstruct identities, integrate people, reduce anxiety and provide the construction of positive self-esteem. Motor Activity increases self-esteem, reduces inactivity and increases the participation of the psychiatric patient in other activities. In Therapeutic Accompaniment, nurses follow patients in daily routine with a view to their reintegration in the different situations they have to face. Yoga allows for improved memory, reduces emotional tension, depression, anxiety and irritability, and promotes relaxation and a greater feeling of self-control. All activities should be integrated in a global therapeutic plan for each user and be part of daily service programming.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2011
Patricia Cid-Monckton; Luiz Jorge Pedrão
Este e um estudo transversal, quantitativo, cujo objetivo foi verificar os fatores protetores e de riscos familiares, relacionados ao consumo de drogas em adolescentes, considerando os padroes de interacao que se desenvolvem na familia, seus graus de adaptabilidade e vulnerabilidade. Participaram deste estudo 80 adolescentes do sexo feminino, do 1o ao 4o ano do ensino medio, que responderam a um questionario. Foram estabelecidos os fatores de risco e de protecao mais relevantes que podem influenciar a situacao, como os padroes de interacao, grau de adaptabilidade, modo de enfrentamento dos problemas, os recursos da familia e valores. Os fatores de maior risco foram o modo de enfrentar os problemas e, dentro desses, a falta de apoio religioso e apoio profissional, juntamente com as dificuldades de comunicacao dentro das familias. Os de menor risco foram os valores, como o esforco pessoal. Os resultados evidenciaram que os enfermeiros devem assumir, como parte de seu papel, as intervencoes psicossociais, especialmente entre a populacao escolar, uma vez que atuariam como agentes na prevencao do uso de drogas.This cross-sectional and quantitative study aimed to verify the familys protective and risk factors related to drugs use in adolescents, considering the interaction patterns developed in the family, their degree of adaptability and vulnerability. Participants in this study were 80 female adolescents, from the 1st to 4th grade of high school, who answered a questionnaire. The most relevant risk and protective factors that would influence the situation were established, such as patterns of interaction, degree of adaptability, way of coping with problems, family resources and values. The major risk factors that emerged were the way people confront problems and, within these, lack of religious support and professional support, besides communication difficulties within families. The lowest risks were values, such as personal effort. The results highlight that nurses should assume psychosocial interventions as part of their role, especially among school-age children as, thus, they would be acting as agents in the prevention of drugs use.Este e um estudo transversal, quantitativo, cujo objetivo foi verificar os fatores protetores e de riscos familiares, relacionados ao consumo de drogas em adolescentes, considerando os padroes de interacao que se desenvolvem na familia, seus graus de adaptabilidade e vulnerabilidade. Participaram deste estudo 80 adolescentes do sexo feminino, do 1o ao 4o ano do ensino medio, que responderam a um questionario. Foram estabelecidos os fatores de risco e de protecao mais relevantes que podem influenciar a situacao, como os padroes de interacao, grau de adaptabilidade, modo de enfrentamento dos problemas, os recursos da familia e valores. Os fatores de maior risco foram o modo de enfrentar os problemas e, dentro desses, a falta de apoio religioso e apoio profissional, juntamente com as dificuldades de comunicacao dentro das familias. Os de menor risco foram os valores, como o esforco pessoal. Os resultados evidenciaram que os enfermeiros devem assumir, como parte de seu papel, as intervencoes psicossociais, especialmente entre a populacao escolar, uma vez que atuariam como agentes na prevencao do uso de drogas.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2005
Rita de Cássia Avanci; Luiz Jorge Pedrão; Moacyr Lobo da Costa Júnior
Emergency Units frequently assist suicide attempts. It is important to study this phenomenon in adolescence, since this is a conflict period. This study aimed to outline an epidemiological profile of adolescents admitted in an Emergency Unit, who were diagnosed as suicide attempters. Thus, we examined the records of adolescents admitted at this Unit as suicide attempters in 2002. The results revealed that 77.8% of the cases are characterized as follows: female, predominant age range between 15 and 19 years old, single, white, student, living in neighborhoods with low purchasing power, taking medication during the day. Our findings were similar to those described in other studies and thus require special attention.E frequente o atendimento para tentativa de suicidio em Unidades de Emergencia e estudar este fenomeno na adolescencia e importante por ser um periodo de conflitos. Este estudo objetivou tracar um perfil epidemiologico de adolescentes admitidos em uma Unidade de Emergencia diagnosticados como Tentativa de Suicidio. Para isso, foram examinados os atendimentos de adolescentes admitidos nesta Unidade, com o diagnostico referido, no ano de 2002. Os resultados mostraram que 77,8% dos casos pertencem ao sexo feminino, predominância da faixa etaria entre 15 e 19 anos, estado civil solteiro, cor branca, estudantes, com residencia em bairros de baixo poder aquisitivo, utilizando a ingestao de medicamentos no periodo diurno, e sao semelhantes aos descritos em outros estudos, necessitando assim atencao especial.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2008
Adriana Inocenti Miasso; Silvia Helena De Bortoli Cassiani; Luiz Jorge Pedrão
Este estudio identifico las barreras enfrentadas por las personas con Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar (TAB) ante la necesidad del usar continuamente medicamentos. De enfoque cualitativo, tuvo como referencia metodologico, a la Teoria Basada en los Datos, bajo la perspectiva de la Interaccion Simbolica. Participaron del estudio 14 personas con TAB, las cuales seguian tratamiento en un servicio Ambulatorio para Trastornos del Humor de un hospital universitario y 14 familiares senalados por los mismos. Las principales formas de obtencion de datos fueron la entrevista y la observacion. Los resultados mostraron dos categorias que describen las barreras enfrentadas por las personas con TAB: manifestar olvidos afectivos y cognoscitivos y la aparicion de varias limitaciones. Se constato que la persona con TAB sienten ambivalencia con relacion al seguimiento medicamentoso, pues perciben que cualquiera que sea la direccion adoptada, las conducira al preconcepto, perdidas y limitaciones en las diversas esferas de su vida.This study identified the barriers faced by people with bipolar affective disorder (BAD) regarding the need for continuous medication. The qualitative approach was used, and the methodological framework was based on the Grounded Theory in the light of Symbolic Interactionism. In total, of 14 people with BAD, who were being attended at the Outpatient Unit for Mood Disorders of a university hospital, and 14 relatives indicated by them participated in the study. The data collection was carried out through interviews and observation. Two categories emerged from the results, describing the barriers faced by people with BAD: to have affective and cognitive losses and to have several limitations. People with BAD feel ambivalent regarding medication adherence, as they perceive that, no matter the direction they take, it will lead to a context of prejudice, losses and limitations in various spheres of daily life.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2009
Vivian Aline Preto; Luiz Jorge Pedrão
Stress has been observed among various professionals, including intensive care unit (ICU) nurses, due to their close contact with patients in distress and at the risk of death. This situation becomes worse due to the need for direct and intensive care. This study was performed to characterize nurses working at ICU and verify the presence of stress among them. A total of 21 ICU nurses from five hospitals located in the state of São Paulo answered a series of questions about the ICU and completed the Nurse Stress Inventory. Study results showed that 57.1% of nurses consider the ICU a stressful place, and 23.8% achieved a high score, indicating the presence of stress. Stress continues to affect these professionals, and institutions do not offer any special care for nurses in the sense of promoting comprehensive health care.Stress has been observed among various professionals, including intensive care unit (ICU) nurses, due to their close contact with patients in distress and at the risk of death. This situation becomes worse due to the need for direct and intensive care. This study was performed to characterize nurses working at ICU and verify the presence of stress among them. A total of 21 ICU nurses from five hospitals located in the state of Sao Paulo answered a series of questions about the ICU and completed the Nurse Stress Inventory. Study results showed that 57.1% of nurses consider the ICU a stressful place, and 23.8% achieved a high score, indicating the presence of stress. Stress continues to affect these professionals, and institutions do not offer any special care for nurses in the sense of promoting comprehensive health care.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2008
Francisco Rafael Guzmán Facundo; Luiz Jorge Pedrão
Grupos reconhecidos com maior risco para o consumo de drogas, sao os de populacoes marginais, e, dentro destas, podemos localizar os adolescentes que pertencem a bandos juvenis. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o efeito dos fatores de risco pessoais e interpessoais sobre o consumo de drogas em 175 adolescentes e jovens marginais de bandos juvenis do Mexico. Os resultados mostraram um efeito significativo dos fatores pessoais com uma variacao estimada de 26,1%, sendo que os fatores que mostraram um indice maior foram: sexo, idade e problemas de saude mental. Os fatores interpessoais: relacao com amigos portadores de condutas mal adaptadas e relacao e inapropriada com os pais, mostraram efeito com uma variacao estimada de 15%. Estes resultados possibilitaram a reflexao e em um futuro desenhar programas adequados direcionados a prevencao neste grupo de jovens.Marginal populations are groups which are known to present higher risks of drug consumption. It is possible to identify adolescents and young people from juvenile gangs that constitute this group. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of personal and interpersonal risk factors of drug consumption in 175 marginal adolescents and young people who belong to juvenile gangs in Mexico. Results showed a significant effect of personal factors on drug use, with an estimated variation of 26.1%. The factors that presented the highest rates were: gender, age and mental problems. The interpersonal factors (relationships with friends who have maladaptive behaviors and inappropriate relationships with parents) showed an effect with an estimated variation of 15%. These results will allow for reflection and, in the future, the elaboration of adequate preventive programs aimed at this group of young people.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2004
Neris Marina Ortega de Medina; Ever Agustín Osorio Rebolledo; Luiz Jorge Pedrão
Descubrir las percepciones que tienen los estudiantes de enfermeria para la construccion del significado de drogas, fue el objetivo general de esta investigacion. El estudiante de enfermeria como persona joven y futuro profesional de la salud, esta inmerso en un contexto cultural que inexorablemente le facilita el contacto con drogas legales e ilegales. Se trata de un diseno cualitativo descriptivo. La colecta de los datos fue realizada a ocho estudiantes de enfermeria de ambos sexos mediante entrevista a profundidad semi-estructurada. Para el tratamiento de los datos se utilizo el analisis de tematica. Se evidenciaron ocho categorias de creencias mediante las cuales el estudiante construye el significado de drogas.To discover the perceptions that have the infirmary students for the construction of the meaning of drugs, was the general objective of this investigation. The infirmary students like young person and professional future of the health, this inmost in a cultural context that inexorably facilitates him the contact with legal and illegal drugs. It is a descriptive qualitative design. The collection of the data was carried out eight students infirmary of both sexes by means of interview to depth semi-structured. For treatment of the data you use the tamatic analysis. Eight categories of beliefs were evidence by means of which the students builds the meaning of drugs.
Escola Anna Nery | 2007
Francisco Rafael Guzmán Facundo; Luiz Jorge Pedrão; Lucio Rodríguez Aguilar; Karla Selene López García; Santiaga Enrriqueta Esparza Almanza
Adolescentes y jovenes que pertenecen a bandas juveniles con frecuencia son omitidos de las encuestas nacionales sobre consumo de alcohol y drogas. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer los trastornos por consumo de alcohol, y analizar el efecto de factores personales sobre estos, en 125 adolescentes y jovenes marginales de bandas juveniles de Monterrey, NL. Mexico. Los resultados indicaron que 70% mostro consumo excesivo, 62% se clasifico con consumo perjudicial y el 50% con dependencia. Los factores que mas contribuyeron en la prediccion del consumo excesivo fueron la edad, sexo y el bajo nivel educativo, para el consumo perjudicial fueron la edad y problemas de salud mental, y para el consumo dependiente fueron la edad, los anos de escolaridad y los problemas de salud mental. Estos resultados posibilitaran la reflexion de la necesidad de disenar programas adecuados dirigidos a la prevencion en este grupo de jovenes marginales.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2008
Raúl Martínez Maldonado; Luiz Jorge Pedrão; María Magdalena Alonso Castillo; Karla Selene López García; Nora Nely Oliva Rodríguez
This study aimed to know the differences, if any, in the consumption of tobacco and alcohol among adolescents from urban and rural areas, and if self-esteem and self-efficacy are related to the consumption in these two groups of adolescents from secondary schools in urban and rural areas of Nuevo León México, from January to June in 2006. The study was based on the theoretical concepts of self-esteem, perceived self-efficacy and consumption of alcohol and tobacco. The design was descriptive and correlational with a sample of 359 students. A substantial difference was found in the consumption of tobacco among secondary students from urban and rural areas (U= 7513.50, p = .03). The average consumption in urban area was higher (average chi = .35) than in the rural area (average chi = .14). A negative and significant relation was found between the quantity of drinks consumed on a typical day and self-esteem (r s = - .23, p <.001), as well as for the quantity of cigarettes consumed on a typical day (r s = - .20, p <.001).O proposito deste estudo foi verificar diferencas no consumo de tabaco e alcool entre adolescentes das areas urbana e rural, e se a auto-estima e auto-eficacia se relacionam com o consumo nestes dois grupos de adolescentes do ensino fundamental nas areas urbana e rural de Nuevo Leon Mexico, entre janeiro e junho de 2006. Este estudo, descritivo e correlacional, se baseou nos conceitos teoricos de auto-estima, auto-eficacia percebida e consumo de alcool e tabaco. A mostra foi de 359 estudantes. Encontrou-se diferenca significativa de consumo de tabaco entre estudantes do ensino fundamental, areas urbana e rural, (U= 7513.50, p=.03) sendo mais alta a media de consumo em area urbana (media chi =.35) que na rural (media chi =.14). Encontrou-se relacao, negativa e significativa, entre quantidade de bebidas consumidas num dia tipico e a auto-estima (r s=-.23, p<.001), assim como da quantidade de cigarros consumidos num dia tipico (r s=-.20, p< .001).