Maria Teresa Moreira Osório
Universidade Federal de Pelotas
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Featured researches published by Maria Teresa Moreira Osório.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2002
José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Nelson Manzoni de Oliveira; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; Rodrigo Desessards Jardim; Marcelo Alves Pimentel
O estudo objetivou oferecer informacoes sobre a morfologia (in vivo e na carcaca), caracteristicas comerciais, componentes do peso vivo, qualidade da carcaca e da carne em cordeiros nao castrados cruzas de Border Leicester com ovelhas Corriedale e Ideal, criados em condicoes de campo nativo no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros, 11 procedentes do cruzamento de Border x Corriedale e 13 de Border Leicester x Ideal, sacrificados com 6,5 meses de idade. Foi verificado um efeito entre os cruzamentos para a perda ao resfriamento (em kg e %), peso e percentagem da pele, peso e percentagem do pescoco e capacidade de retencao de agua. Igualmente, foi verificado que ha diferenca no desenvolvimento relativo dos componentes do peso vivo, composicao regional da carcaca e composicao tecidual da paleta entre os cordeiros Border Leicester x Corriedale e Border Leicester x Ideal e, dentro de cada genotipo verificou-se uma diferenca quantitativa e qualitativa entre a paleta e a perna. As diferenca quanto a qualidade da carcaca e carne nao apresentam importância pratica que justifique uma diferenciacao do produto; porem, a comercializacao deve ser com base no peso de carcaca fria e nao com base no peso vivo ou carcaca quente. A paleta e mais precoce que a perna em ambos grupos geneticos.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2012
Juliano Hideo Hashimoto; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; Marlice Salete Bonacina; Rosilene Inês Lehmen; Carlos Eduardo da Silva Pedroso
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of finishing systems on natural pasture and gender on the carcass quality, parts and tissue development of lambs. Forty-five non-castrated males and forty-five females were distributed in a completely randomized design into three treatments: lamb with mother kept on pasture; weaned lamb kept on pasture and weaned lamb kept on pasture with supplementation (soybean hulls at 1% of body weight). The criteria for slaughter was body condition score (2.0 - 3.0). The carcass characteristics and parts composition were influenced by the sex. The finishing system with supplementation promoted greater carcass yield and longer leg length. The tissue composition was different only for the sex, with the males presenting bigger amount of muscle mass. The allometric growth of shoulder of supplemented lambs and the shoulder and leg of the lambs with mother had been precocious, while the ribs of the supplemented lambs and lambs with the mother were late and the other components had growth similar to the half-carcass. For the females, only shoulder of lambs finished with mother presented precocious growth, being isogonic for the other cuts. The finished systems evaluated demonstrated that Texel × Corrierdale lambs slaughtered with similar body condition score present similar carcass quality. The development is influenced by the termination system and sex. The quali-quantitative characteristics of the carcass were influenced by the sex. The development of the regional components of the males are influenced by the finishing system. Nevertheless, the tissu components are not influenced by the finishing system or gender.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2011
Marlice Salete Bonacina; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Gladis Ferreira Corrêa; Juliano Hideo Hashimoto
Neste trabalho o objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do sexo e do sistema de terminacao de cordeiros Texel × Corriedale sobre as caracteristicas subjetivas da carcaca e as medidas instrumentais e quimicas da carne. Foram utilizados 90 animais, 45 deles cordeiros machos nao-castrados e 45 femeas, mantidos em pastagem com a mae ate o desmame (70 dias); e terminados em tres sistemas de producao: apenas pastagem; mantidos na pastagem com a mae e pastagem com suplementacao (casca de soja em nivel correspondente a 1% do peso vivo dos cordeiros). Apos o abate dos animais, as carcacas foram armazenadas em câmara fria (1oC, 24 horas) para medidas de pH, marmoreio, estado de engorduramento, cor e textura. Na sequencia, foi retirado o musculo longissimus dorsi da meia-carcaca, para a analise instrumental e quimica. A analise de variância e o teste de Tukey foram utilizados para comparacao da media a 5% de significância. Nao ocorreu interacao de sexo e sistema de terminacao dos animais nas caracteristicas avaliadas na carcaca. Igualmente, nao ocorreu interacao entre sexo e sistema de terminacao, porem os fatores isolados tiveram efeito significativo na forca de cisalhamento e nos teores de umidade e gordura. A carne dos machos e dos animais terminados mantidos com a mae apresentam maior resistencia a forca de cisalhamento e maior umidade, porem menor teor de gordura.
Ciencia Rural | 2008
Carmen Lucia de Souza Rech; José Luiz Rech; Vivian Fischer; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; Nelson Oliveira Manzoni; Heden Luiz Marques Moreira; Isabella Dias Barbosa Silveira; Adriana Kroef Tarouco
ABSTRACT The trial was conducted at the ExperimentalStation of Embrapa, Bage, RS, from March 2005 to February2006, and aimed to evaluate the maternal behavior andtemperament of ewes and their lambs and related them withlamb’s survival. Forty-seven Corriedale ewes with mean bodyweight of 52.1kg and 45 Pollwarth ewes with mean body weightof 49.5kg were used, according to a completely randomizeddesign. Temperament was evaluated through maternalbehaviour score (MBS), flight time test (score and quantitative)and flight distance. Corriedale ewes presented larger values forflight time score than Pollwarth ewes. Corriedale lambs wereheavier and a greater number survived than Pollwarth lambs.Sheep breed did not affect maternal score. Ewes consideredreactive (MBS=1, those who run away and did not come backto stay with their lamb) seek less isolation from the herd atparturition, protected less their lambs, weaned them earlierand lighter than less reactive ewes. Reactivity decreasedmaternal care of ewes with its lambs, and this characteristicmight be considered by productive systems.
Ciencia Rural | 1999
Ana Paula Roque; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Pedro Osório Jardim; Nelson Manzoni de Oliveira; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório
The aim of the present work was to study the relative development of liveweight components, regional composition and tissue composition of shoulder and hindquarter in Australian Merino, Polwarth, Corriedale, Romney Marsh and Texel lamb. The study was carried out at the Centro de Pesquisa de Pecuaria dos Campos Sulbrasileiros of EMBRAPA (CPPSUL/EMBRAPA), located in Bage, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Fifty lambs, ten of each breed, were used, born and raised up to weaning (10 weeks) on native pasture. After weaning, they were fed with a concentrate (200g/lamb/day), containing 17% of crude protein and 75% of dry matter basis, which was offered in confinement until one week. After this, they were put onto paddoks and slaughtered at 7.5 months of age. The study on the relative development of liveweight was done by using the equation: Y = a . xb. The genotype had an effect on the relative development of liveweight components, and both regional composition and tissue composition. By increasing the liveweight, there was proportional increase in the hot carcass weight in Australian Merino, Romney Marsh and Texel breeds. In Polwarths and Corriedales, the development of both traits was similar. The liveweight components in all genotypes were non significant with exception of head in Romney Marsh and Texel lambs, which showed a late development, and of spleen in Australian Merino lambs, which showed a late development. Related to cold carcass, the neck region had an early development in Corriedale and Romney Marsh lambs, while the rack was late in Romney Marsh lambs. Other cuts showed a similar development in all genotypes. Based on the results of this work, it can be stated that the slaughtery weight of lambs is influenced by genotype.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2006
Eunice de Leon Rota; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Mauricio Oliveira; Mabel Mascarenhas Wiegand; Gilson de Mendonça; Roger Esteves; Michelle Gonçalves
The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effects of castration and slaughtering age on subjective and instrumental characteristics of meat from Corriedale lambs raised on native pasture. Sixty male lambs (30 castrated and 30 intact) slaughtered at 120, 210 and 360 days of age were used in this experiment. The Longissimus dorsi muscle was used for all meat evaluations and analysis. No significant castration ´ slaughtering age interaction was observed for the studied variables. A significant slaughtering age effect was found for meat fat thickness and marbling, which had lower scores in animals slaughtered at more advanced age as well as for all instrumental characteristics of the meat, mainly tenderness that was reduced in older lambs. However, a significant castration effect was observed only for meat color (brightness according to the CIELAB system). It can be concluded that meat quality from Corriedale lambs grazing native pasture was not affected by castration. Slaughtering age affected meat quality with lambs slaughtered at 120 days of age showing the best results.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2010
Luiz Antero de Oliveira Peixoto; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; José Laerte Nörnberg; Marceli Pazini
Avaliou-se o desempenho reprodutivo de ovelhas sob suplementacao com sal orgânico ou sal comum durante a estacao de monta e sua associacao com os constituintes metabolicos do sangue. O experimento foi conduzido no periodo de novembro de 2005 a maio de 2006 utilizando-se 40 ovelhas da raca Ile de France. Durante a estacao de monta, as ovelhas permaneceram em duas areas de campo nativo, cada uma com 15 hectares, e foram distribuidas em dois grupos, conforme o tipo de suplementacao: recebendo apenas mistura mineral (sal+fosfato) ou suplementacao diaria de sal orgânico. Foram analisados os indicadores bioquimicos do perfil nutricional por meio da quantificacao de albumina, ureia, glicose, colesterol e triglicerideos do soro sanguineo. As ovelhas sob suplementacao com mineral orgânico tiveram teor de nitrogenio ureico serico superior ao daquelas que receberam mineral na forma tradicional (39,00 vs 35,69 mg/dL, respectivamente). Os demais componentes bioquimicos avaliados nao apresentaram diferenca entre as formas de suplementacao. Os niveis sericos de albumina, ureia, glicose e colesterol apresentaram variacao entre os periodos avaliados durante a estacao de monta. Os niveis sericos de albumina e nitrogenio ureico nao influenciam a taxa de paricao das ovelhas. A suplementacao com mineral orgânico nao melhora os indices reprodutivos do rebanho ovino na estacao de monta das ovelhas.
Ciencia Rural | 2006
Gladis Ferreira Correa; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; Roberto Kremer; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Fernando Perdigón; Lucy Sosa
The objective of this study was to evaluate production and chemical components of milk from Corriedale sheep and Corriedale x Milchschaf breed. Thirty-three Corriedale, 43 Corriedale x Milchschaf (F1), and 23 F1 (Corriedale x Milchschaf) x Milchschaf (F2) were used. Animals were milked twice daily, from September to December 2002. A total of five milking evaluation periods with a 21-day interval was conducted. Fat, protein and lactose contents were determined. A completely randomized design was used to evaluate the effect of genotype in milk production, corrected for 100 days and yield of fat, protein and lactose. In the mathematical model, age, number of sheep born and body condition were used as co-factors. Significant difference (P<0.0001) was found between genotypes in terms of milk production (kg), fat, protein, and lactose (g) corrected for 100 days of lactation. Genotypes F1 and F2 were the most productive.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2007
Gilson de Mendonça; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; Mabel Mascarenhas Wiegand; Roger Esteves; Carlos Eduardo da Silva Pedroso; Olívia Araújo
Forty-nine intact Texel lambs were used to evaluate the effects of different birth periods (August vs. November) on body development, body measurements and carcass characteristics. Animals were maintained in pasture and slaughtered in December for those born in August and April for those born in November at 129 and 164 days of age, respectively. Prior to slaughtering forage yield was estimated by the Botanal technique, which showed that animals born in August had access to better quality pasture. These lambs had greater retail and true carcass yields, hot and cold carcass weights, and carcass fat score and covering fat than those born in November. However, green viscera yield was higher in lambs born in November probably due to the observed differences in pasture nutritional conditions. It can be concluded that birth period affected carcass characteristics in the present trial.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2012
Marta Farias Aita; Vivian Fischer; César Henrique Espírito Candal Poli; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; Isabella Dias Barbosa Silveira; Marcelo Brasil Selbot; Daniel Bulgareli Montano; Paula Baierle Losekann
The objective of this study to assess the relationship between ewe maternal behavior score and physiological parameters related to their temperament. During lambing, 258 Corriedale and 50 Polwarth ewes were evaluated. They were raised on native pasture in the southwest region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The effects of farm, age, type of lambing, maternal behavior scores and body condition score before lambing and during the weaning were evaluated in relation to heart rate, respiratory rate and body temperature of animals at weaning. In the first 24 hours after lambing, the maternal behavior score was assigned to the ewe as the distance from its lamb: 1) >10 meters and does not return to the lamb; 2) >10 meters from the lamb, but returns; 3) five to 10 meters; 4) between one and five meters; 5) less than one meter; 6) maintains physical contact. Ewes with maternal behavior score of 3. Sheep raised on the farm in Bage municipality had higher heart and respiratory rates. Ewes with a body condition score before lambing of <2.0 had lower levels of heart and respiratory rates and body temperatures. On the other hand, ewes with body condition score at weaning of <2.0 had the highest values of heart and respiratory rates, and the lowest body temperatures. The lack of association between the physiological parameters measured at weaning and maternal behavior does not allow for the recommendation of its use to estimate postpartum reactivity and maternal ability of ewes.