Massae Noda Chaud
Federal University of São Paulo
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Featured researches published by Massae Noda Chaud.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2008
Ariane Ferreira Machado; Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves Pedreira; Massae Noda Chaud
A randomized, controlled study was implemented to verify reasons to release and adverse events related to the use of peripheral intravenous catheters in children, according to the dressing regimens The sample was set at 150 peripheral intravenous catheters, randomly assigned to three groups: sterile gauze dressings, sterilized transparent film dressings, and non sterile hypoallergenic adhesive tape. The data was collected after consent had been obtained by the Ethics Committee, including children who had been submitted to catheterization with Teflon(R) over the needle catheters. Statistical tests were performed by applying the Pearson Chi-square test, significance level set at p < 0.05. The results showed that dressing regimens influenced the reasons for catheter removal and occurrence of adverse events, mainly due to infiltration (55.3%). The Sterile gauze showed the best performance (p=0.002) in comparison with the other studied groups, once 40.0% of the catheters were removed by release from treatment.Estudo randomizado e controlado que objetivou identificar motivos de retirada e eventos adversos relacionados ao uso de cateteres intravenosos perifericos em criancas segundo tipo de curativo. A amostra foi ajustada em 150 cateteres distribuidos em tres grupos, compostos por curativo com gaze esteril ou pelicula transparente e fixacao com fita adesiva hipoalergenica nao esteril. A coleta de dados ocorreu apos aprovacao do merito etico, incluindo-se no estudo criancas submetidas a puncao intravenosa periferica, com cateteres fora da agulha de Teflon®. Para analise de correlacao entre variaveis foi utilizado teste do Qui-quadrado de Pearson, sendo considerados significantes valores de p < 0,05. Os resultados evidenciaram que os curativos influenciaram os motivos de retirada do cateter e a ocorrencia de eventos adversos, destacando-se a infiltracao (55,3%). O curativo com gaze em comparacao com os outros grupos estudados apresentou menor proporcao de eventos adversos (p=0,002), sendo 40,0% dos cateteres retirados por alta do tratamento.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2005
Ariane Ferreira Machado; Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves Pedreira; Massae Noda Chaud
Estudo prospectivo, randomizado e controlado, que verificou a influencia de tres tipos de curativos, sobre o tempo de permanencia de cateteres venosos perifericos (CVP) em criancas. Os grupos de estudo foram compostos por curativos com gaze esteril (GE 1), pelicula transparente esteril (GE 2) e fita adesiva hipoalergenica (GC). Foram selecionadas variaveis para o controle de caracteristicas referentes as criancas, profissionais executantes dos procedimentos e terapia intravenosa. Compuseram os grupos 150 CVP, instalados em 68 criancas, predominantemente pre-escolares, sexo masculino, cor da pele parda, eutroficas com patologias do sistema gastrointestinal. A maioria dos CVP foi instalada por auxiliares de enfermagem, em veias do arco dorsal da mao. Verificamos que o tipo de curativo influenciou significantemente (p=0,022) o tempo medio de permanencia dos CVP estudados: GE 1 (46,12 horas), GE 2 (29,53 horas) e GC (38,18 horas), e o curativo com gaze esteril manteve o cateter por mais tempo.This prospective, randomized and controlled study verified the influence of three dressing regimens on the dwell time of peripheral intravenous catheters (PIC) in children. The study groups were composed of dressings with sterile gauze (EG 1), with sterile transparent film (EG 2) and with hypoallergenic adhesive tape (CG). Variables were selected to control for variables related to children, professionals and intravenous therapy characteristics. The 150 PIC that composed the sample were inserted in 68 children, predominantly of preschool age, male, with brown skin color, eutrophic and with gastrointestinal system diseases. The majority of the PIC was installed by nursing auxiliaries in veins of the dorsal arch of the hand. The type of dressing exerted a significant influence (p = 0.022) on the average dwell time of the studied PIC: EG 1 (46.12 hours), EG 2 (29.53 hours) and CG (38.18 hours), concluding that the dressing with sterile gauze maintained the catheter inserted for a longer time.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2003
Maria Angélica Sorgini Peterlini; Massae Noda Chaud; Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves Pedreira
Estudo descritivo, realizado em um hospital universitario, que verificou quantidade e tipo de medicamentos administrados por via intravenosa em criancas, alem da adequacao da apresentacao farmacologica para uso em pediatria e custo estimado de administracao de algumas drogas. Em trinta dias, foram administradas 8.245 doses de medicamentos, com media diaria de 274,83 doses, e projecao anual de 98.940. Os principais medicamentos utilizados foram metilpredinosolona, vancomicina, furosemida, ranitidina, penicilina, amicacina, midazolan, fentanil, ceftriaxone e cefalotina. Nenhum dos 41 medicamentos identificados possuia apresentacao pediatrica, acarretando, em alguns casos, maior manipulacao durante o preparo, risco de contaminacao e perda da estabilidade. Observou-se que a falta de apresentacao pediatrica gerou aumento dos custos de atendimento; na prescricao de uma crianca em pos-operatorio, com tempo de internacao estimado de cinco dias, a terapia administrada diaria foi de US
Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2008
Maria Angélica Marcheti Barbosa; Massae Noda Chaud; Maria Magda Ferreira Gomes
6.71, e US
Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2008
Maria Angélica Marcheti Barbosa; Massae Noda Chaud; Maria Magda Ferreira Gomes
39.52 de medicamentos tiveram que ser desprezados, por excederem as necessidades terapeuticas da crianca.Descriptive study, developed at a general university hospital that aimed at verifying the number and types of i.v. drugs administered to children, the adequacy of their pharmacological presentation for pediatric use and the estimated costs of some drugs administration. In a period of 30 days, 8,245 drug doses were administered, with an average of 274.83 doses a day, and a yearly estimation of 98.940. The most used drugs were methylprednisolone, vancomycin, furosemide, ranitidine, penicillin, amikacin, midazolam, fentanyl, ceftriaxone, cephalothin, oxacillin, ampicillin and metronidazole. None of the 41 different drugs had a pediatric presentation, what caused, in some cases, more manipulation during the preparation, increasing the contamination risks and the loss of stability. Authors observed that the lack of pediatric presentation generated an increase in care costs; as an example, considering the prescription of a child in the period after surgery, with an estimated time of hospitalization of 5 days, the daily therapy costs were of U
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2008
Ariane Ferreira Machado; Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves Pedreira; Massae Noda Chaud
6.71, and U
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2005
Ariane Ferreira Machado; Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves Pedreira; Massae Noda Chaud
39.52 of drugs were thrown away as they exceeded the children therapeutic needs.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2003
Maria Angélica Sorgini Peterlini; Massae Noda Chaud; Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves Pedreira
Objective: To unveil the experiences of mothers of disabled children, with a view to understand the meaning of that experience. Methods: This is a qualitative study using phenomenological approach based on Heidegger. The study subjects were five mothers with a disabled child. The interviews were performed at the women’s homes, guided by the question “To you, what does it mean to have a disabled child? Results: Five categories came into focus: “meeting one’s actual infant,” “the impact of disability,” “treading a new path with one’s disabled child,” “experiencing maternal altruism in the care of the disabled child,” and “altering one’s family daily life.” Conclusions: The discourses revealed emotionally moved beings experiencing a painful, sorrowful manner of being-in-the-world. Mothers find themselves unprepared to deal with the experience of having a disabled child, though perceiving the situation as an opportunity for self-encounter. Changes occurred to the couple’s dynamics and family members became distant. When seeking guidance from health professionals, the mothers failed to find the necessary support.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 1999
Masuco Naganuma; Massae Noda Chaud; Eliana Moreira Pinheiro
Objective: To unveil the experiences of mothers of disabled children, with a view to understand the meaning of that experience. Methods: This is a qualitative study using phenomenological approach based on Heidegger. The study subjects were five mothers with a disabled child. The interviews were performed at the women’s homes, guided by the question “To you, what does it mean to have a disabled child? Results: Five categories came into focus: “meeting one’s actual infant,” “the impact of disability,” “treading a new path with one’s disabled child,” “experiencing maternal altruism in the care of the disabled child,” and “altering one’s family daily life.” Conclusions: The discourses revealed emotionally moved beings experiencing a painful, sorrowful manner of being-in-the-world. Mothers find themselves unprepared to deal with the experience of having a disabled child, though perceiving the situation as an opportunity for self-encounter. Changes occurred to the couple’s dynamics and family members became distant. When seeking guidance from health professionals, the mothers failed to find the necessary support.
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2006
Maria Angélica Sorgini Peterlini; Massae Noda Chaud; Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves Pedreira
A randomized, controlled study was implemented to verify reasons to release and adverse events related to the use of peripheral intravenous catheters in children, according to the dressing regimens The sample was set at 150 peripheral intravenous catheters, randomly assigned to three groups: sterile gauze dressings, sterilized transparent film dressings, and non sterile hypoallergenic adhesive tape. The data was collected after consent had been obtained by the Ethics Committee, including children who had been submitted to catheterization with Teflon(R) over the needle catheters. Statistical tests were performed by applying the Pearson Chi-square test, significance level set at p < 0.05. The results showed that dressing regimens influenced the reasons for catheter removal and occurrence of adverse events, mainly due to infiltration (55.3%). The Sterile gauze showed the best performance (p=0.002) in comparison with the other studied groups, once 40.0% of the catheters were removed by release from treatment.Estudo randomizado e controlado que objetivou identificar motivos de retirada e eventos adversos relacionados ao uso de cateteres intravenosos perifericos em criancas segundo tipo de curativo. A amostra foi ajustada em 150 cateteres distribuidos em tres grupos, compostos por curativo com gaze esteril ou pelicula transparente e fixacao com fita adesiva hipoalergenica nao esteril. A coleta de dados ocorreu apos aprovacao do merito etico, incluindo-se no estudo criancas submetidas a puncao intravenosa periferica, com cateteres fora da agulha de Teflon®. Para analise de correlacao entre variaveis foi utilizado teste do Qui-quadrado de Pearson, sendo considerados significantes valores de p < 0,05. Os resultados evidenciaram que os curativos influenciaram os motivos de retirada do cateter e a ocorrencia de eventos adversos, destacando-se a infiltracao (55,3%). O curativo com gaze em comparacao com os outros grupos estudados apresentou menor proporcao de eventos adversos (p=0,002), sendo 40,0% dos cateteres retirados por alta do tratamento.
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Maria Angélica Marcheti Barbosa
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
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