Pedro Osório Jardim
Universidade Federal de Pelotas
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Featured researches published by Pedro Osório Jardim.
Ciencia Rural | 1996
José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Nelson Manzoni de Oliveira; Pedro Osório Jardim; Eliane Mattos Monteiro
Fifty (ten per breed) Merino, Polwarth, Corriedale, Romney Marsh and Texel lambs were castrated at 30 days of age and raised up to weaning (ten weeks) on native pasture (mainly composed by Paspalum notatum Flugge and Axonoplus qffinis Chase) in the Southern (Bage, RS) region of Brazil. Following weaning, the animals were feedloted during one week and each lamb was daily fed 200 grams of a diet containing 17% of crude protein and 75% of dry matter basin. The animals were then moved to pasture up to 225 days of age when they were slaughtered to compare their live weight as a total and its components. Live weight was influenced by genotypes. This effect might not be observed in absolute numbers, but in percentage (head), or vice-versa, as shown by heart, lungs and liver. The Texel breed showed higher absolute values as compared to Merino. Polwarth, Corriedale and Romney Marsh. Percentualy, this superiority was only observed in carcass. Merino and Polwarth showed higher skin percentage, as compared to other breeds.Fifty (ten per breed) Merino, Polwarth, Corriedale, Romney Marsh and Texel lambs were castrated at 30 days of age and raised up to weaning (ten weeks) on native pasture (mainly composed by Paspalum notatum Flugge and Axonoplus qffinis Chase) in the Southern (Bage, RS) region of Brazil. Following weaning, the animals were feedloted during one week and each lamb was daily fed 200 grams of a diet containing 17% of crude protein and 75% of dry matter basin. The animals were then moved to pasture up to 225 days of age when they were slaughtered to compare their live weight as a total and its components. Live weight was influenced by genotypes. This effect might not be observed in absolute numbers, but in percentage (head), or vice-versa, as shown by heart, lungs and liver. The Texel breed showed higher absolute values as compared to Merino. Polwarth, Corriedale and Romney Marsh. Percentualy, this superiority was only observed in carcass. Merino and Polwarth showed higher skin percentage, as compared to other breeds.
Ciencia Rural | 1996
José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Pedro Osório Jardim; Marcelo Alves Pimentel; Juvêncio Pouey; Werner Erwin Lüder; Clóvis José Ávila
In order to obtain subsidies to a retail system based on the whole animal, this study compares the weight of live components of lambs, male (castrated) and female, of the Corriedale breed, at three different slaughter ages. Animais were raised under range conditions on native pasture, at Acegua region, Bage county in southern Brazil. Sixteen lambs (60) bom in August 1994 and slaughtered twenty at a time (10 males + 10 females), choosing always the heaviest ones, at the following ages: 03/04/95, 08/05/95 and 05/05/95. There was a siaughtering time effect upon live weight and its components. In absoluto values (kg) slaughtering time influenced live weight, carcass weight, green viscera, head, legs, lungs with trachea, hearth and kidneys. It carne out that animais slaughtered in the first group (April) showed a heavier live and carcass weight than those slaughtered in the second group (May) and these were heavier than the ones slaughtered in the third group (June). The heaviest lambs, with exception of the hearth, showed higher weights of their body components. There was a sex effect too, upon live weight, green viscera, head, legs, tiver and kidneys. In either, absoluto or percentile values, males were heavier than females. It is concluded that slaughter time and sex of the individuais are elements to be considered to obtain uniform carcasses. an importam aspect to retail and acceptance by the consumer.
Ciencia Rural | 1995
José Carlos da Silveira Osório; I. Sierra; C. Sañudo; José Guerreiro; Pedro Osório Jardim
O estudo teve por objetivo comparar e quantificar o peso vivo ao abate e seus componentes em cordeiros e borregos Polwarth (Ideal) com cruzas de Texel x ovelhas Polwarth. Foram sacrificados 59 cordeiros com 116 dias de idade, sendo 40 Polwarth (21 machos e 19 femeas) e 19 cruzas de Texel x ovelhas Polwarth (7 machos e 12 femeas) e 24 borregos com 450 dias de idade, sendo 14 Polwarth e 10 cruzas de Texel x ovelhas Polwarth. Os animais foram criados em condicoes extensivas de campo nativo ao sul do Brasil (Pelotas-RS) e castrados aos 30 dias de idade. Em termos de valores absolutos, para peso vivo e seus componentes, nao se detectaram diferencas significativas entre cordeiros puros e cruzas; para borregos, verificou-se que os cruzas apresentaram maiores pesos (peso vivo ao abate, carcaca quente e fria, cabeca, pulmoes com traqueia, figado, gordura renal e pelvica e rins). Em valores percentuais, foram verificados efeitos significativos entre puros e cruzas, somente em cordeiros, para pele e pulmoes com traqueia e, um efeito de sexo para patas e figado. Os resultados evidenciaram que o cruzamento entre ovelhas Polwarth com Texel, para aumento da producao de carne em condicoes extensivas de campo nativo, e viavel em borregos (maior idade e peso) e nao para cordeiros.
Ciencia Rural | 1999
Ana Paula Roque; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Pedro Osório Jardim; Nelson Manzoni de Oliveira; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório
The aim of the present work was to study the relative development of liveweight components, regional composition and tissue composition of shoulder and hindquarter in Australian Merino, Polwarth, Corriedale, Romney Marsh and Texel lamb. The study was carried out at the Centro de Pesquisa de Pecuaria dos Campos Sulbrasileiros of EMBRAPA (CPPSUL/EMBRAPA), located in Bage, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Fifty lambs, ten of each breed, were used, born and raised up to weaning (10 weeks) on native pasture. After weaning, they were fed with a concentrate (200g/lamb/day), containing 17% of crude protein and 75% of dry matter basis, which was offered in confinement until one week. After this, they were put onto paddoks and slaughtered at 7.5 months of age. The study on the relative development of liveweight was done by using the equation: Y = a . xb. The genotype had an effect on the relative development of liveweight components, and both regional composition and tissue composition. By increasing the liveweight, there was proportional increase in the hot carcass weight in Australian Merino, Romney Marsh and Texel breeds. In Polwarths and Corriedales, the development of both traits was similar. The liveweight components in all genotypes were non significant with exception of head in Romney Marsh and Texel lambs, which showed a late development, and of spleen in Australian Merino lambs, which showed a late development. Related to cold carcass, the neck region had an early development in Corriedale and Romney Marsh lambs, while the rack was late in Romney Marsh lambs. Other cuts showed a similar development in all genotypes. Based on the results of this work, it can be stated that the slaughtery weight of lambs is influenced by genotype.
Ciencia Rural | 1996
Pedro Osório Jardim; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Jaime Urdapilleta Tarouco; Werner Erwin Lüder
Fifty eight Hereford steers, raised under native pasture conditions, slaughtered with an average age of thirty months, were used to study the feasibility of the use of live wheight (PV) as an estimator of the hot carcass weight (PCQ) and of cuts such as fore quarter (PD), ribs (PC) and hind pistol (PS), as well as to quantify the relationship of live weight with hot carcass weight and the main carcass cuts (PD, PC and PS). The regression equations obtained were: PCQ =-3.7 + 0.474 (PV); PS = 4.32 + 0.50 (PV); PC = -5.6 + 0.92 (PV) and PD =-0.4 + 0.43 (PV), all of them highly significant (P<0.001), showing, respectively, the following determination coefficients: 90.6%, 86.6%, 72.6% and 87.0%. According to these values one might conclude that live weight is a good estimator of hot carcass weight and of its cuts, and may be utilized to sort animals for slaughter and when to sell them.
Current Agricultural Science and Technology | 2002
Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; Oscar Terra Neto; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Pedro Osório Jardim
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento relativo dos componentes do peso vivo em novilhos da raca Holandes. Foram utilizados 18 novilhos da raca Holandes, oriundos do rebanho do Centro Agropecuario da Palma, pertencente a Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Capao do Leao/RS, criados em sistema de confinamento aberto e abatidos aos 24 meses de idade. Os animais iniciaram o confinamento aos 6 meses e foram alimentados com feno de Capim Rodhes (Chlorys gayana Kunth), oferecido a vontade, e concentrado a base de cama de aviario, milho, farelo de soja e mistura mineral, com 64% de NDT e 14,8% de Proteina Bruta, consumidos ao redor de 4,5 kg animal-1 dia-1. Ao abate foram tomadas as medidas de peso vivo e, logo apos esse, os pesos de carcaca quente, patas, cabeca, intestino, compartimentos estomacais, cola, rins, figado, coracao, pulmoes e traqueia, diafragma, baco, gordura renal, peritonio, couro, gordura escrotal e genitais. A partir dos pesos, foram calculadas as porcentagens de cada parte em relacao ao peso vivo. O estudo do desenvolvimento relativo realizou-se mediante o modelo da equacao exponencial: y = a . xb. Couro, cabeca e patas apresentaram desenvolvimento precoce. Por outro lado, a gordura renal e escrotal, o diafragma e a cola apresentaram desenvolvimento tardio. A carcaca, compartimentos estomacais, intestinos, figado, pulmoes e traqueia, peritonio, coracao, baco, genitais e rins apresentaram um desenvolvimento isogonico ao desenvolvimento relativo do peso vivo. Sendo a carcaca o unico referencial de remuneracao, e recomendado o abate de novilhos com pesos mais elevados.
Ciencia Rural | 1997
Karen Beatriz de Oliveira Arévalo; Pedro Osório Jardim; José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Marcelo Alves Pimentel; Werner Erwin Lüder
Sixteen carcasses of Holstein steers raised in feed lot from six to twenty four months, where used to test measurements of the carcass, trought simple linear regression equation, as predictors of hinquarter cuts weight. The independent variables were conformation, carcass length, leg length while the dependent variables were weight of hindquarter cuts. From the results obtained, one may conclude that conformation was a good predictor only for eye round; the carcass length was a good predictor for knuckie, stripling and eye round; leg length only estimated rump cover weight.
Ciencia Rural | 1996
José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Nelson Manzoni de Oliveira; Pedro Osório Jardim; Eliane Mattos Monteiro
Fifty (ten per breed) Merino, Polwarth, Corriedale, Romney Marsh and Texel lambs were castrated at 30 days of age and raised up to weaning (ten weeks) on native pasture (mainly composed by Paspalum notatum Flugge and Axonoplus qffinis Chase) in the Southern (Bage, RS) region of Brazil. Following weaning, the animals were feedloted during one week and each lamb was daily fed 200 grams of a diet containing 17% of crude protein and 75% of dry matter basin. The animals were then moved to pasture up to 225 days of age when they were slaughtered to compare their live weight as a total and its components. Live weight was influenced by genotypes. This effect might not be observed in absolute numbers, but in percentage (head), or vice-versa, as shown by heart, lungs and liver. The Texel breed showed higher absolute values as compared to Merino. Polwarth, Corriedale and Romney Marsh. Percentualy, this superiority was only observed in carcass. Merino and Polwarth showed higher skin percentage, as compared to other breeds.Fifty (ten per breed) Merino, Polwarth, Corriedale, Romney Marsh and Texel lambs were castrated at 30 days of age and raised up to weaning (ten weeks) on native pasture (mainly composed by Paspalum notatum Flugge and Axonoplus qffinis Chase) in the Southern (Bage, RS) region of Brazil. Following weaning, the animals were feedloted during one week and each lamb was daily fed 200 grams of a diet containing 17% of crude protein and 75% of dry matter basin. The animals were then moved to pasture up to 225 days of age when they were slaughtered to compare their live weight as a total and its components. Live weight was influenced by genotypes. This effect might not be observed in absolute numbers, but in percentage (head), or vice-versa, as shown by heart, lungs and liver. The Texel breed showed higher absolute values as compared to Merino. Polwarth, Corriedale and Romney Marsh. Percentualy, this superiority was only observed in carcass. Merino and Polwarth showed higher skin percentage, as compared to other breeds.
Ciencia Rural | 1996
José Carlos da Silveira Osório; N. M. de Oliveira; Pedro Osório Jardim; Eliane Mattos Monteiro
Fifty (ten per breed) Merino, Polwarth, Corriedale, Romney Marsh and Texel lambs were castrated at 30 days of age and raised up to weaning (ten weeks) on native pasture (mainly composed by Paspalum notatum Flugge and Axonoplus qffinis Chase) in the Southern (Bage, RS) region of Brazil. Following weaning, the animals were feedloted during one week and each lamb was daily fed 200 grams of a diet containing 17% of crude protein and 75% of dry matter basin. The animals were then moved to pasture up to 225 days of age when they were slaughtered to compare their live weight as a total and its components. Live weight was influenced by genotypes. This effect might not be observed in absolute numbers, but in percentage (head), or vice-versa, as shown by heart, lungs and liver. The Texel breed showed higher absolute values as compared to Merino. Polwarth, Corriedale and Romney Marsh. Percentualy, this superiority was only observed in carcass. Merino and Polwarth showed higher skin percentage, as compared to other breeds.Fifty (ten per breed) Merino, Polwarth, Corriedale, Romney Marsh and Texel lambs were castrated at 30 days of age and raised up to weaning (ten weeks) on native pasture (mainly composed by Paspalum notatum Flugge and Axonoplus qffinis Chase) in the Southern (Bage, RS) region of Brazil. Following weaning, the animals were feedloted during one week and each lamb was daily fed 200 grams of a diet containing 17% of crude protein and 75% of dry matter basin. The animals were then moved to pasture up to 225 days of age when they were slaughtered to compare their live weight as a total and its components. Live weight was influenced by genotypes. This effect might not be observed in absolute numbers, but in percentage (head), or vice-versa, as shown by heart, lungs and liver. The Texel breed showed higher absolute values as compared to Merino. Polwarth, Corriedale and Romney Marsh. Percentualy, this superiority was only observed in carcass. Merino and Polwarth showed higher skin percentage, as compared to other breeds.
Ciencia Rural | 1999
José Carlos da Silveira Osório; Pedro Osório Jardim; Marcelo Alves Pimentel; Juvêncio Pouey; Maria Teresa Moreira Osório; Werner Erwin Lüder; M. F. S. Borba