R. H. Johansen
North Dakota State University
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Featured researches published by R. H. Johansen.
American Journal of Potato Research | 1988
R. H. Johansen; B. Farnsworth; D. C. Nelson; Gary A. Secor; Neil C. Gudmestad; Paul H. Orr
Russet Norkotah is a long, smooth, shallow-eyed, russet-skinned potato cultivar with wide adaptation. It has a smooth golden russet-skin and produces a high percent of medium sized U.S. No. 1 tubers that are good count-carton size.CompendioRusset Norkotah es un cultivar de papa de amplia adaptación, con tubérculos de forma alargada, ojos superficiales y cubierta lisa de color rojizo. Tiene la cáscara de un tinte rojizo dorado y produce un alto porcentaje de tubérculos US No. 1 de tamaño mediano, apropiados para embalaje reducido.
American Journal of Potato Research | 1990
M. K. Ehlenfeldt; D. F. Lopez-Portilla; A. A. Boe; R. H. Johansen
Two North Dakota breeding clones, ND860-2 and ND2221-6 accumulate very little reducing sugar in low temperature storage and will produce acceptably colored chips with little reconditioning. Progeny from diallel crosses of ND860-2, ND2221-6, Norchip and Kennebec were evaluated for reducing sugar and total sugar accumulation after 100 days of cold storage (3–4°C). Crosses of the North Dakota clones with Norchip or Kennebec produced families whose distributions were skewed towards the high parent with respect to reducing sugar values; about 2% had levels near the two low parents. Crosses between ND860-2 and ND2221-6 produced reciprocal families in which an average of 8% of the progeny had levels as low as these two parents.
American Journal of Potato Research | 1965
R. H. Johansen
SummaryNorgold Russet is an early maturing, oblong to long, russet-skinned variety with a high degree of resistance to common scab. Field trials have shown that Norgold Russet is highly adapted to the midwest and several other potato producing areas in the United States and Canada.Yield trials in the midwest have shown Norgold Russet to compare favorably with Irish Cobbler in yield but superior to Early Gem and Russet Burbank. When tested in North Dakota, dry matter of Norgold Russet as determined by specific gravity will average approximately 21.0%. Norgold Russet is a good baking and boiling potato, producing a cooked product that is exceptionally white and mealy.
American Journal of Potato Research | 1981
J. J. Pavek; D. L. Corsini; J. G. Garner; Sheri Michener; W. C. Sparks; G. F. Carnahan; C. E. Stanger; A. R. Mosley; M. J. Johnson; G. E. Carter; R. Voss; M. W. Martin; R. H. Johansen
Lemhi Russet, a new oblong, russet-skinned potato variety, was released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Idaho, Oregon, California, Washington, and North Dakota on September 23, 1980. The tubers of Lemhi Russet have been blockier, larger, 6% higher in solids, 50% lower in reducing sugars, and 25% higher in vitamin C than those of Russet Burbank. Lemhi Russet has averaged 34% more U.S. No. 1 tubers than Russet Burbank in 6 years of trials in five states. It was superior to Norgold Russet in yield and specific gravity in early harvest trials. In pilot plant and laboratory trials, Lemhi Russet made excellent french fries, baked well with a mealy texture, but sloughed when boiled. Lemhi Russet has a high degree of resistance to scab and net necrosis, but is susceptible to potato viruses S, X, Y, and to the leafroll virus. It is also susceptible to bruising and blackspot.ResumenUna nueva variedad, Lemhi Russet, de forma oblonga y piel tipo russet, ha sido liberada por el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos y por las Estaciones Experimentales de Idaho, Oregon, California, Washington, y Dakota del Norte en septiembre 23 de 1980. Los tubérculos de esta nueva variedad son más grandes, 6% más alto en sólidos, 50% más bajo en azúcares reductores y 22% más alto en vitamina C que Russet Burbank. Esta variedad ha promediado 34% más de tubérculos de primera bajo los standards de Estados Unidos que Russet Burbank durante seis años de ensayos en cinco estaciones. Fue superior a Norgold Russet en rendimiento y gravedad específica en ensayos tempranos. En pruebas de laboratorio y planta piloto, Lemhi Russet demostró excelencia para papas fritas, horneado y textura harinosa, pero se deshace al hervido. Tiene gran resistencia a la sarna y necrosis en red, pero es susceptible a los virus S, X, Y y al enrrollamiento de la hoja. También es susceptible a daños mecánicos y mancha negra.
American Journal of Potato Research | 1969
R. H. Johansen; J. T. Schulz; J. E. Huguelet
On March 1, 1968, North Dakota State University released a new white-skinned potato variety named Norchip (1) . Norchip was grown and tested under the Pedigree Number N D 5899-1. Norchip is a selection from the cross, N D 4631-1 and a selection from the University of Manitoba, Canada M 5009-2. The cross was made in 1960 and the seedling from the cross was grown in the greenhouse the same year. The initial field selection was made in the fall of 1961. The pedigree of Norchip follows:
American Journal of Potato Research | 1970
E. P. Lana; R. H. Johansen; D. C. Nelson
Specific gravity of tubers from the Irish Cobbler, Kennebec, Norgold Russet, Norland, Red Pontiac, Russet Burbank, Snowflake, and Viking varieties grown at 2 locations over 3 years were determined by the brine solution method. The usual differences in specific gravity were noted between varieties and locations. There was a narrow range in specific gravity of individual tubers within lots of Norland and Russet Burbank, and a wide range within lots of Kennebec and Snowflake, with the remaining varieties intermediate. Low variation of tubers within a variety as measured by standard deviation did not indicate low or high specific gravity. Varieties with low variation tended to remain low from one year to the next.ResumenSe determinó la gravedad específica, por el método de la solución de salmuera, de tubérculos de papas de variedades Irish Cobbler, Kennebec, Norgold Russet, Norland, Red Pontiac, Russet Burbank, Snowflake y Viking cultivadas en 2 localidades durante tres años. Se notaron las diferencias usuales en gravedad específica entre localidades y variedades. Se encontró una variación pequeña en gravedad específica entre tubérculos individuales en los lotes de Norland y Russet Burbank y una variación más amplia en los lotes de Kennebec y Snowflake, quedando intermedias las demás variedades. Una variación pequeña en una variedad, medida por la desviación normal, no indicó una baja o alta gravedad específica. Las variedades con una variación pequeña tenían la tendencia de mantener la variación pequeña de un año a otro.
American Journal of Potato Research | 1977
R. H. Johansen; B. Farnsworth; J. E. Huguelet; D. C. Nelson; E. P. Lana
Bison, a new red potato, was introduced by North Dakota State University. This new red variety has smooth tuber type and bright red skin color. Bison yields somewhat less than Norland and Red Pontiac but the advantage of Bison over these two varieties is its uniformity and bright red color. Bison is about medium in total solids and makes chips comparable in color to Norchip but lighter in color than Kennebec. Bison is resistant to race 0 of the late blight organismPhytophthora infestans, but susceptible to race 1–4.ResumenBison, una nueva papa roja, fue introducido por la Universidad Estatal de North Dakota. Esta nueva variedad roja, tiene un tipo suave de tubérculos y un color de piel rojo brillante. Bison rinde algo menos que Norland y Red Pontiac pero la ventaje del Bison sobre estas dos variedades es su uniformidad y color rojo brillante. Bison es mediano en sólidos totales y produce chips comparables en color Norchip pero más claros en color que Kennebec. Bison es resistente a la raza 0 del organismo del Tizón tardióPhytophthora infestans, pero susceptible a la raza 1–4.
American Journal of Potato Research | 1986
R. H. Johansen; B. Farnsworth; D. C. Nelson; Gary A. Secor; Neil C. Gudmestad; Paul H. Orr; A. A. Boe
NorKing Russet is an oblong to slightly blocky, russet-skinned potato cultivar with medium-early maturity and a strong vine. It has resistance to verticillium wilt but is susceptible to most viruses and to early and late blight. It is generally medium to high yielding and high in total solids.ResumenNorking Russet es un cultivar de papa de forma oblonga a ligeramente adoquinada, piel escamosa, tallos robustos, y maduración medianamente temprana. Es resistente a la marchitez porVerticillium, pero susceptible a la mayoría de los virus y a los tizones temprano y tardío. Sus rendimientos son generalmente medios a altos, y su contenido en sólidos totales es normalmente alto.
American Journal of Potato Research | 1984
R. H. Johansen; B. Farnsworth; Gary A. Secor; D. Hahn; D. C. Nelson; Paul H. Orr; A. A. Boe
Redsen is a smooth, round, bright red-skinned potato cultivar with medium to high yield potential. It has resistance to race 0 of late blight (Phytophthora infestons) and is moderately resistant to some strains of silver scurf (Helminthosporium solanum) and common scab (Streptomyces scabies). The red color resists fading during storage and Redsen retains excellent marketability during storage.ResumenRedsen es un nuevo cultivar de papa de piel lisa y color rojo brillante, de forma redonda y de mediano a alto potencial de rendimiento. Es un cultivar resistente a la raza 0 de tizón tardío (Phytophthora infestons) y es moderadamente resistente a algunos “strains” de costra plateada (Helminthosporium solanum) y sarna común (Streptomyces scabies). El color rojo resiste a los cambios debido a la luz en almacenamiento, por lo que este cultivar retiene su estado comerciable en forma excelente durante el almacenaje.
American Journal of Potato Research | 1969
R. H. Johansen; J. T. Schulz; J. E. Huguelet
Norchief is a medium late maturing, red variety with high total solids. In yield, the new variety is quite comparable to Red Pontiac and La Rouge but higher than Norland. Norchief has shown a certain degree of field tolerance to potato flea beetle,Epitrix cucumeris.