Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola
University of São Paulo
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Featured researches published by Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola.
Ciencia Rural | 2001
Francisco Leydson Formiga Feitosa; Eduardo Harry Birgel; Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola; Silvia Helena Venturoli Perri
The total protein and its fractions (albumin, alpha globulin, beta globulin and gamma globulin), G and M immunoglobulins and the activity of gamma glutamyl transferase were determined in the blood samples of 40 calves, 24 hours old, in an attempt to identify calves with failure of passive immunoglobulin transfer. The majority of newborn calves that died in the first months of life had lower levels of total protein, beta globulin, gamma globulin, IgG, IgM and GGT, than those found in newborn calves that survived.
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science | 2003
Marta Lizandra do Rêgo Leal; Fernando José Benesi; Júlio Augusto Naylor Lisbôa; Clarisse Simões Coelho; Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola
Com a finalidade de estabelecer valores de referencia do proteinograma serico e avaliar o efeito do fator etario, estudaram-se amostras de soro sanguineo de 300 bezerras sadias, da raca Holandesa, no primeiro mes pos-nascimento, distribuidas por 15 grupos etarios. O teor serico de proteina total foi minimo nos animais com ate oito horas de idade, aumentando progressivamente ate o 4o dia, quando alcancou o valor maximo seguindo, entao, com pequenas oscilacoes ate o 30o dia. Os teores de albumina serica apresentaram pequenas elevacoes a partir das 24 horas de vida, sendo o aumento significativo apos 13 a 15 dias e mantendo-se ate os 30 dias de idade, quando registrou-se o valor maximo. As taxas sericas de alfaglobulina nao demonstraram variacoes significativas entre os grupos etarios. Os teores de betaglobulina serica aumentaram progressivamente ate sete a nove dias pos-nascimento, quando alcancaram um valor maximo, sendo este seguido por pequenas variacoes ate o final das observacoes. A concentracao serica de gamaglobulina que foi minima ate oito horas de idade, evoluiu com aumentos significativos ate dois dias de idade, quando atingiu um valor maximo, tendo estabilidade dos valores ate o 11o dia de idade e, na sequencia, apresentou queda progressiva das taxas ate os 30 dias. A relacao albumina:globulina evidenciou um valor maximo nos animais com ate oito horas de idade, seguido por queda significativa ate os dois dias pos-nascimento, quando passou a apresentar valores relativamente estaveis mantidos ate os 15 dias de idade, demonstrando entao tendencia a aumentos ate o final do periodo de estudo. Todos os componentes do proteinograma, com excecao da fracao alfaglobulina, apresentaram variacoes influenciadas pela idade.
Ciencia Rural | 2001
Júlio Augusto Naylor Lisbôa; Fernando José Benesi; Celso Akio Maruta; Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola; Cynthia Maria Carpigiani Teixeira
In order to verify the viability of blood gas analysis in bovine venous blood stored on ice water bath, two samples (10ml each) were taken from the jugular vein of 14 healthy animals (7 males and 7 females), 1- to 5-year-old, using plastic syringes and attached needles filled with sodium heparin (1,000IU). The blood samples were obtained anaerobically, the air bubbles observed were immediately removed, and the needle was maintened capped with a rubber stopper. Each syringe of the pair was distinctally stored at room temperature (23-30oC) or in ice water bath (0-4oC) during the experimental period. Values of pH, carbon dioxide (PvCO2) and oxigen (PvO2) tensions, bicarbonate (HCO3-), total carbon dioxide (TCO2), base excess (BE), standard bicarbonate (StB), oxigen saturation (SatO2), and oxigen content (O2) were determined soon after sampling and after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 24 hours. According to the type of storage temperature, the results were analysed through repeated measurements ANOVA, considering the contrast between the mean value of each time and the initial one. On the storage at room temperature, the in vitro changes were characterized from continuous decreases in pH, PvO2, BE, StB, SatO2, and O2 values, and gradual increase in PvCO2, starting at 2- or 3-hour after the collection. In the samples stored at 0-4oC, on the other hand, the changes in pH occurred only at the 4th hour, and the stability of the PvCO2, BE, and StB values were maintened for up to the 6th hour. These results indicated that the diagnostic utility of blood gas analysis is conserved in bovine venous blood samples adequately stored up to 6 hours in ice water bath, at 0-4oC.
Ciencia Rural | 2003
Fernando José Benesi; Marta Lizandra do Rêgo Leal; Júlio Augusto Naylor Lisbôa; Clarisse Simões Coelho; Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola
Three hundred healthy female Holstein calves were used for assess the liver function throughout the first month of life. The following serum biochemical variables were analysed: bilirrubin (total, direct and indirect) and the activities of gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and creatine kinase (CK). The influence of age on the biochemical values was also studied. The bilirrubin values had highest levels on the 1st d of life (BT-1.360mg/dl; BC-0.150mg/dl e BL-1.175mg/dl) and then showed a continuing decrease until the 30th d of life (BT-0.350mg/dl; BC-0.050mg/dl e BL-0.300mg/dl). The serum GGT activities were at they highest point between the 16th to 24th h (945.00UI/L). There was a downward trend from the 11th d (86.00UI/), presenting the lowest activity at the 30th d (24.00UI/) similar to the activities usually found in healthy adult dairy cattle. The activities of AST and CK were higher at the 1st d of life (AST- 27.50UI/L e CK- 73.00UI/L) declining from then on (AST- 19.00UI/L e CK-41.50UI/L). Ageing showed a significant influence on all the biochemical variables studied.
Ciencia Rural | 2006
Ronaldo Jun Yamato; Maria Helena Matiko Akao Larsson; Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola; Guilherme G. Pereira; Fernanda Lie Yamaki; Ana Carolina Brandão de Campos Fonseca Pinto; Elina Célia Nakandakari
In Brazil, the canine population of the Poodle, mainly the Miniature variation, grows in geometric progression, beeing this breed frequently affected by congenital and adquired cardiopathies. The main objective of this study was the standardization and evaluation of the echocardiographic parameters in unidimensional (M) mode, from clinically normal Miniature Poodle dogs. Thirthy Miniature Poodle dogs, 09 males and 21 females ageing between 2 and 7 years old (3.87±1.55), and weight varying from 2.0 to 8.7 kilogram (4.49±1.38) were studied. To be included in this study, physical exam, hemogram, biochemical profile, urinalysis, detection of circulating microfilaries as well as ELISA test for Dirofilaria immitis, electrocardiographic, radiographic exams and meansurement of the blood pressure were performed. After the analysis of obtained echocardiographic results, reference values for the echocardiographic data, in healthy Miniature Poodle dogs, were determined. The statistical analysis also showed that factors, as weight and height, may have some influence on the echocardiographic parameters.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2006
Paola Lazaretti; Márcia Mery Kogika; Mitika Kuribayashi Hagiwara; Marcio D. Lustoza; Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola
The occurrence of renal secondary hyperparathyroidism was studied and serum intact parathormone (PTHi-c), total calcium and phosphorus were measured in thirty dogs with chronic renal failure (CRF) and in forty healthy dogs. The imunnofluorometric method was used for the PTHi-c assay, using anti-aminoterminal antibodies (obtained from chicken yolk) and anti-carboxiterminal monoclonal antibodies (H5P10), marked with Europium. Mean value ± SD of serum concentration of PTHi-c was 717.23±469.13pg/ml in CRF group and 36.76±34.40pg/ml in control group (P=0.0001); for total calcium it was 11.46±2.03mg/dl in CRF group and 10.11±0.91mg/dl in control group (P=0.003); and for phosphorus it was 12.01±8.06mg/dl in CRF group and 4.33±0.74mg/dl in control group (P=0.0001). The highest values were observed in CRF dogs. A positive correlation between PHTi-c and phosphorus was observed (r=0.56; p=0.0006), and no correlation was detected between PTHi-c and total calcium. In dogs with CRF, hypercalcemia in presence of high level of serum PTHi-c showed a possible indication of tertiary hyperparathyroidism in 11 animals. In conclusion, hyperphosphatemia could indirectly demonstrate the occurrence of secondary hyperparathyroidism in CRF dogs.
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science | 2003
Rinaldo Batista Viana; Eduardo Harry Birgel Junior; Maria Consuelo Caribé Ayres; Fernando José Benesi; Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola; Eduardo Harry Birgel
The influence of pregnancy and puerperium on the erythrogram of Saanen goats (Capra hircus) was evaluate on blood samples were taken from 150 goats raised on the State of Sao Paulo and were allocated into 5 experimental groups of 30 goats each as described: non-pregnant; initial pregnancy (30 -| 60 days of pregnancy); middle pregnancy (60 -| 120 days of pregnancy); late pregnancy (more than 120 days of pregnancy); kidding goats (until 30 days after parturition). The blood samples were collected with EDTA and submitted to the following analysis: erythrocyte counts (at the modified Neubauer hemocytometer, using Gowers liquid as a dilute); packed cell volume (using the microhematocrit method); hemoglobin concentration (using cyanmethemoglobin method); calculated blood indices: MCV - mean corpuscular volume; MCH - mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC - mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. Although lower number of erytrocytes were seen at the end of pregnancy, the blood values returned to normality during the kidding phase. These values returned to those observed in non-pregnant goats, goats in early and middle pregnancy. The evaluation of the hemoglobin concentration and packed cell volume did not show any significant variation that could be attributed to pregnancy or the puerperium. The MCV and MCH values were higher in goats in late pregnancy and during kidding.
Ciencia Rural | 1997
Maria Helena Matiko Akao Larsson; Sílvia Regina Ricci Lucas; Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola; Paola Lazaretti; José Daniel Luzes Fedulho; Marcelo Alcindo de Barros Vaz Guimarães
Blood serum samples obtained from 127 Capuchin monkeys, anesthetized with ketamine, were analysed. Hepatic function tests (total protein, albumin, glucose, bilirrubins and enzimatic activity of ALT, AST and ALP), renal function tests (urea and creatinine), and some electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and inorganic phosphorus) were quantified. Differences related to sex and age were studied. Among the hepatic function tests, the values of ALP and ALT were higher in the young animals, while the levels of AST were higher in the young males when compared to adult males. The albumin parameters were more elevated in adult males and females than in young males and the total protein showed higher in adult females. In relation to the renal function tests, the levels of creatinine were more elevated in adult males and the urea were more elevated in young males than in adult animals. Chloride were higher in young females while sodium showed more elevated in adult males than young females.
Ciencia Rural | 2004
Fernanda Elias; Sílvia Regina Ricci Lucas; Mitika Kuribayashi Hagiwara; Márcia Mery Kogika; Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola
Erythrocyte osmotic fragility (EOF) evaluates the resistance of red blood cells to saline solution of decreasing concentrations. Cells resistance is related to their shape, volume and size, as well as to the hemoglobin content and half life and can be altered by physiologic or pathologic mecanisms. There are few descriptions and litlle is known about EOF in cats. To clear up this point, EOF of healthy cats, and those with liver disease and cats with renal failure were studied. Twenty-seven adult cats were divided in three groups. Hemolysis 50% occurred similarly in all groups, although relevant differences in relation to 100% hemolysis were found. Erythrocyte from cats with renal failure and from icteric animals with hepatic disease showed higher osmotic fragility and elevated cholesterol serum levels when compared to those belonging to the control group. These findings may be associated to the metabolic characteristics of this specie.
Ciencia Rural | 2001
Eduardo Harry Birgel Junior; Lucila Cardoso de Almeida Salvatore; Flávia Signorini Neves; Regina Mieko Sakata Mirandola; Patrício Marques de Souza; Eduardo Harry Birgel
In an attempt to determine the serum protein dynamics in cattle naturally infected with bovine leukemia virus, samples of blood sera from 60 cows of Holstein breed, raised in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were collected.The animals were divided in three Groups: Group 1- was composed of 20 bovine leukemia virus antibody negative cows; Group 2 - was composed of 20 cows reacting to the antigen (gp-51) of the bovine leukemia virus without lymphocytosis and Group 3 - was composed of 20 cows reacting to the antigen (gp-51) of the bovine leukemia virus with lymphocytosis. Serum total protein was determined by the biuret reaction and serum protein fractions (alpha, beta and gammaglobulin) by electrophoresis. Immunoglobulins IgM and IgG were determined by single radial imunodiffusion.There were no signifcant differences in the serum protein profiles and the concentration of serum IgG and IgM between the three groups (bovine leukemia virus antibody negative cows; bovine leukemia virus antibody positive cows without lymphocytosis and bovine leukemia virus antibody positive cows with lymphocytosis).