Ricardo Uauy D
University of Chile
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Featured researches published by Ricardo Uauy D.
Revista Medica De Chile | 2007
Juliana Kain B; Lydia Lera M; Juanita Rojas P; Ricardo Uauy D
Twice a year, we analyzed the data ofchildren aged 2 to 4 yrs, from day care centers belonging to the National Association of DayCare Centers located in Greater Santiago, from 2002 till 2004 (the number of children includedon each point in time fluctuated between 3,500 and 10,000). Cross-sectional and longitudinalanalyses were carried out to determine the evolution of obesity prevalence, weight for age (WA)and body mass index (BMI) Z scores (according to the Centers for Disease Control 2000reference) on preschoolers who were 2 years old in March 2002 and that were followed 3 years,until November 2004. These parameters were compared by age and gender over time.
Revista chilena de nutrición | 2005
Juliana Kain B; Fernando Vio D; Bárbara Leyton D; Ricardo Cerda R; Sonia Olivares C; Ricardo Uauy D; Cecilia Albala B
Resumen es: Se diseno, implemento durante tres anos (de 2002 a 2004) y evaluo una intervencion en alimentacion/nutricion y actividad fisica en escolares de educacion...
Revista chilena de nutrición | 2006
Juanita Rojas P; Ricardo Uauy D
Resumen es: Se presentan las bases institucionales del programa JUNJI y se describen los cambios en los aspectos alimentarios y nutricionales mas importantes impleme...
Revista chilena de pediatría | 2004
Adolfo Llanos M; Patricia Mena N.; Ricardo Uauy D
The increase in survival of the very low birth weight baby has meant a challenge for the medical team involved in the care of the very low birth weight infant, in terms of its nutritional requirements, and to achieve the final objective of an optimal growth and development while hospitalized. The objective of this article is to summarize the actual knowledge of the nutritional requirements, the clinical practice, and the scientific principles utilized in the nutrition of these babies. We discuss the recommendations with respect to caloric needs, especific nutritional support and hidration needs, along with the different feeding strategies, offering practical recommendations to achieve an optimal nutrition. Furthermore we present the clinical practice and strategies of feeding which modify the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis, offering recommendations to avoid this feared surgical complication. Existing scientific evidence highlights the importance of supplementing the premature infant with sufficient nutrients, not only to improve survival, growth and neurological development, but also in its future health and quality of life. We evaluate the benefits and risks of different clinical practices, emphasing those with sufficient scientific evidence to be an integral part of the premature nutrition, in terms of early parenteral support of proteins and calories, minimal enteral feeding with maternal milk and the use of fortified formulas and to actively promove maternal lactancia.
Revista Medica De Chile | 2000
Ricardo Uauy D; Jessica Martínez A.; Cecilia V. Rojas B
PPARs are transcription factors belonging to the super family of hormonal receptors. Their activity is regulated by fibrates, thiazolidinediones, certain anti inflammatory drugs and fatty acid derivatives, present in food. PPAR isoforms play a central role in lipid homeostasis, regulating anabolic (PPAR gamma) and catabolic (PPAR alpha) pathways of lipid metabolism. Additionally, these receptors participate in glucose homeostasis, influence cellular proliferation and differentiation and participate in inflammatory processes. The effects of PPARs on oxidative substrate partitioning suggests that they have a relevant role in the development of obesity and insulin resistance.
Revista chilena de pediatría | 2005
Carlos Castillo-Durán; Paulina Balboa C; Claudia Torrejón S; Karla Bascuñán G; Ricardo Uauy D
ABSTRACT Nutrition in childhood. Guides of the Nutrition Branch, Chilean Society of Pediatrics Infant feeding habits are essential for child growth and development, as well as reducing various chronic di-sease risks; they can also alter later preferences of food. Obesity, allergies and other chronic diseases related to nutrition have become the most frequent problems in Chilean children. There is a lot of recent evidence, both international and domestic, about infant feeding habits, which forces an update to the 2004 Chilean guidelines. This study updates and proposes new feeding recommendations for the Chilean population during the first two years of life.(Key words: Feeding, infants, guidelines, Chile).Rev Chil Pediatr 2013; 84 (5): 565-572RESUMENLos modos de alimentacion adquiridos por el lactante son centrales para su crecimiento y desarrollo, asi como para la disminucion del riesgo de diversas enfermedades cronicas; pueden alterar ademas las preferencias ali-mentarias en otras edades. La obesidad, las alergias y otras enfermedades cronicas asociadas a la nutricion han pasado a ser los problemas mas prevalentes en los ninos chilenos. Hay abundante evidencia cientifica reciente tanto internacional como nacional acerca de los modos de alimentacion del lactante, que estan haciendo indis-pensable una actualizacion de las guias chilenas de alimentacion del ano 2004. Este articulo actualiza y pro-pone nuevas recomendaciones de alimentacion para poblacion chilena durante los primeros dos anos de vida.(Palabras clave: alimentacion, lactantes, guias, Chile).Rev Chil Pediatr 2013; 84 (5): 565-572
Revista chilena de pediatría | 1983
Sonia Guerrero R.; Patricia Cisternas P.; Silvia González R; Ricardo Uauy D
RESUMEN Diferentes investigadores han encontrado que laprevalencia de caries dentarias es mayor en laszonas donde el agua no contiene fluor.Este trabajo, se propuso medir la concentrationde fluoruros en las aguas naturales chilenas; calcu-lar la proportion de la poblacion nacional querecibe fluor natural y sugerir recomendacionespara suplementar a su dieta dicho elemento. Paraello, se realize un catastro del contenido de fluorde las fuentes naturales de agua que en formacentralizada abastecen a la poblacion del pafs. Setomaron 380 muestrasde 300 cc cada una.evitan-do su contamination. El contenido de fluoruros, seanalizo utilizando el metodo potenciometrico. Losvalores fluctuan entre 0.00 ppm hasta 2.2 ppm(Iquique, Canchones), encontrandose un prome-dio de 0.75 ppm en la I y III Region y unpromedio de 0,2 ppm en lasregiones restantes.El contenido de fliior de las aguas naturales, esinferior al mfnimo recomendado para la preven-tion de caries. Solo un 4.2% de la muestra alcanzael optimo recomendado. Aparece fundamentalsuplementar la dieta con fluor como una de lasmedida s ma importante par a l prevention decaries. Se hacen recomedationes para suplemen-tacion diaria con fliior segun edad y contenido defluor del agua.AGRADECIMIENTOSLos autores agradecen la valiosa colaboraciondel Sr. Carlos Morales, Ingeniero Jefe delSub—Departamento Calidad de Aguas SENDOS.ydel Sr. Felix Blu, Quimico Jefe LaboratorioEMOS. A la Srta. Genoveva Escobar por su asisten-cia de secretaria en la preparation de este manus-crito.
Revista chilena de nutrición | 2005
Ricardo Uauy D; María Teresa Oyarzún M.
Resumen es: En la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentacion (CMA) del ano 1996, los jefes de estado de 186 paises acordaron para el ano 2015, reducir al 50% la cantidad d...
Revista chilena de pediatría | 1991
Judith King Ch; Saturnino de Pablo; Fernando Montes de Oca A; Ricardo Uauy D
The complementary feeding national programme (PNAC) delivers 2 kg-month of dried full-fat cows milk (LP) to 0-1 year old infants. The purpose of this work was to design, produce and evaluate nutrient stability and shelf life of a modified LP milk formula (LPM), which seems nutritionally more adequate for infants and is of similar cost than LP, to be included into the PNAC. LPM has the following attributes: P% 12.0 (LP 21.8%): casein/whey proteins ratio: 40 to 50/60 to 50 (LP 80/20); more digestible fats; essential fatty acids: > or = 4% of total calories; vitamins and minerals which cover 100% daily requirements for 0 to 6 months old infants; protein and energy can be modulated between 1.5 and 2.25 g/100 ml and 50-75 kcal/100 ml respectively. Forty tons of LPM were produced in accordance with our specifications for a field study. Quality controls on the product showed the production feasibility of such a formula at a lower price than LP. To determine shelf life, periodical analysis of peroxides, available lysine, ascorbic acid and linoleic acid were carried out in LPM stored for 1 year at 20 degrees C and 37 degrees C. It was found that LPM has an optimum shelf life of 7 months when packed in the same material that is now being in use for LP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Revista chilena de pediatría | 1982
Rubén Puentes R; Ricardo Uauy D; Carlos Castillo
RESUMEN En EMO (Obs 270906) el diagn6stico se efectuoa los 7 1/2 meses de vida por cupremia de 14 ^.g%.Destacan antecedentes de DCP de III grado, quese inicia al 2.° mes de vida, escasa duraci6n delactancia natural, 2 hospitalizaciones previas pordiarreas, la ultima de evoluci6n t6rpida con into-lerancia a disacaridos, y ausencia de ingesta dealimentos carneos hasta la fecha del diagn6stico.Cupremias suben a 34-91 y 102 ^tg% a los 30-60 y90 dias de tratamiento, con excelente recupera-cion nutricional.En LLA (261921) no hubo alimentacion naturalni ingesta de sopa hasta el diagnostico —6 meses(cupremia 4 ^tg%). Tambien se trata de un DCPIII grado, de iniciaci6n precoz, con 2 hospitaliza-ciones previas por diarrea. Excelente respuesta altratamiento, subiendo Cupremia a 101 /Ag% a los 71/2 meses de edad.RMP (277543) fue pretermino, con 2.110 g. alnacer. No recibio pecho matemo, presentando 2hospitalizaciones, por meningitis purulenta yluego infeccion urinaria, que lo conducen a DCPII g. descompensada. A los 4 meses 8 dias seconstata cupremia de 47 /xg% la que se normalizacon tratamiento (118 ^,g% a los 90 dias).MPS (247432) tampoco recibe pecho, desnu-triendose desde los 4 meses. Ingresa a CONIN alos 8 meses con DCP III. Previamente tuvo 4bronconeumonias, requiriendo 2 hospitalizacio-nes. A raiz de nuevo cuadro respiratorio se consta-to neutropenia intensa (55 granulocitos por mm