S. A. Esenwein
Ruhr University Bochum
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Featured researches published by S. A. Esenwein.
Biomaterials | 2003
Jongsik Dr. Choi; Denise Bogdanski; M. Köller; S. A. Esenwein; Dietmar Müller; G. Muhr; Matthias Epple
Nickel-titanium shape-memory alloys (NiTi-SMA) were coated with calcium phosphate by dipping in oversaturated calcium phosphate solution. The layer thickness (typically 5-20 micrometer) can be varied by choice of the immersion time. The porous nature of the layer of microcrystals makes it mechanically stable enough to withstand both the shape-memory transition upon cooling and heating and also strong bending of the material (superelastic effect). This layer may improve the biocompatibility of NiTi-SMA, particulary for osteosynthetic devices by creating a more physiological surface and by restricting a potential nickel release. The adherence of human leukocytes (peripheral blood mononuclear cells and polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes) and platelets to the calcium phosphate layer was analyzed in vitro. In comparison to non-coated NiTi-SMA, leukocytes and platelets showed a significantly increased adhesion to the coated NiTi-SMA.
Chirurg | 2001
S. A. Esenwein; S. Esenwein; G. Herr; G. Muhr; W. Küsswetter; C.-H. Hartwig
Abstract.Introduction: The successful combination of osteoinductive factors with current materials used in both endoprosthetics and implantology improves bony ingrowth and long-term stability of the chosen implants. The aim of the present experimental animal study was to clarify in what way faster bony integration can be achieved through additional BMP-3-coating of titanium test implants of different surface textures (hydroxy-apatite-coated or corundum-blasted). Methods: Thirty of 60 cylindrical titanium test implants with a hydroxy-apatite or corundum-blasted surface were coated with 230 μg porcine, high-purified BMP-3-precipitate per implant to check their osteoinductive potential in a bioassay. In each case a BMP-3-coated and an uncoated control-device were implanted with a gap formation of 1 mm into the femoral part of the patellofemoral joint of the right and left leg of 30 adult giant rabbits. Serial saw slices of all explanted specimens were prepared, and the osseous integration of the implant and time-dependent bone neoformation were analyzed microscopically and histomorphometrically 14, 35, and 56 days after implantation. Results: Coating of TiAl4V6-test devices with BMP-3 led in both groups after gap implantation to an improved osseointegration, that was histomorphological and histomorphometrical verifiable. Statistical evaluation using the t-test for matched samples showed 5 weeks after surgery a significant higher volume of new formed bone of the BMP-3-coated corundum-blasted or hydroxy-apatite-coated TiAl4V6 test devices compared to the non-coated controls of the same type (P < 0.01). Light microscopy demonstrated osseointegration without connective tissue membrane around the surface of the implants after 2, 5, and 8 weeks. Better osseointegration was achieved in the hydroxy-apatite-coated implants than in the corundum-blasted implants. Conclusions: Our results indicate that composite metal implants, as used in endoprosthetics and implantology, are suitable carriers for BMP-3 and improved fixation of the implants can be achieved.Zusammenfassung.Einleitung: Die erfolgreiche Kombination osteoinduktiver Faktoren mit in der Endoprothetik und Implantologie gebräuchlichen Materialien kann ihre Anwendung in der Verbesserung des knöchernen Einwachsverhaltens und der Langzeitstabilität der gewählten Implantate finden. Ziel der vorliegenden tierexperimentellen Studie war es zu klären, inwieweit durch zusätzliche BMP-3-Beschichtung von Titanprüfkörpern unterschiedlicher Oberflächenbeschaffenheit (hydroxylapatitbeschichtet oder korundgestrahlt) eine schnellere knöcherne Integration erzielt werden kann. Methoden: 30 von insgesamt 60 zylinderförmigen Titanprüfkörpern mit Hydroxylapatit- bzw. korundgestrahlter Oberfläche wurden mit jeweils 230 μg porcinem, hochgereinigtem BMP-3-Präzipitat beschichtet, um in einem Bioassay ihr osteoinduktives Potential zu überprüfen. Jeweils ein BMP-3-beschichtetes und ein unbeschichtetes Kontrollimplantat wurde unter Spaltbildung von 1 mm in den femoralen Anteil des Patellagleitlagers des rechten und linken Hinterlaufs von 30 adulten Riesenkaninchen implantiert. Von allen Explantaten wurden Seriensägeschnitte hergestellt und die knöcherne Implantateinheilung sowie die zeitabhängige Knochenneubildung lichtmikroskopisch und histomorphometrisch nach einer Implantatliegedauer von 14, 35 und 56 Tagen beurteilt. Ergebnisse: Die Beschichtung der TiAl4V6-Prüfkörper mit BMP-3 führte im Spaltheilungsversuch bei beiden Prüfkörpergruppen zu einer verbesserten Osseointegration, die histomorphologisch und histomorphometrisch nachweisbar war. Die statistische Auswertung mittels t-Test für verbundene Stichproben zeigte 5 Wochen post implantationem eine signifikant höhere Knochenneubildungsrate der BMP-3-beschichteten korundgestrahlten bzw. hydroxylapatitbeschichteten TiAl4V6-Prüfkörper im Vergleich zu den jeweiligen unbeschichteten Kontrollimplantaten (p < 0,01). Lichtmikroskopisch zeigte sich eine bindegewebsfreie Osseointegration der Implantate nach 2, 5 und 8 Wochen Liegedauer. Ein besseres Einwachsverhalten wurde bei den hydroxylapatitbeschichteten im Vergleich zu den korundgestrahlten Implantaten erzielt. Schlussfolgerungen: Unsere Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass Composite-Metallimplantate, wie sie in der Endoprothetik und Implantologie verwandt werden, als Carriersysteme für BMP-3 genutzt werden können und sich dadurch eine verbesserte Implantatfixation erzielen lässt.
Calcified Tissue International | 1998
S. Sell; Christoph Gaissmaier; Jürgen Fritz; G. Herr; S. A. Esenwein; W. Küsswetter; R. Volkmann; K. M. Wittkowski; H. P. Rodemann
Abstract. In this study, a characterization of human bone-forming cells responsible for heterotopic ossification was carried out in vitro. The biological and biochemical cell characteristics of the heterotopic osteoblast-like (HOB) cells were compared with those of orthotopic osteoblast-like (OB) cells from normal bone and stromal bone marrow cells believed to contain a subpopulation of osteogenic precursor cells. We found that HOBs from the spongiosa of heterotopic ossification required less time until the beginning of migration and the achievement of confluence in vitro compared with OBs from femoral shaft spongiosa. The fraction of mitotically active cells assessed by a clonogenic assay was higher as well in HOB cells. The in vitro studies of mitogenesis and the efficiency of colony formation of osteogenic cells indicate that with increasing differentiation and relative age they become more dependent on growth factors in the medium, otherwise the morphology of osteoblast-like cells changes and they pass irreversibly into the postmitotic stage of the cell cycle. The activity of the alkaline phosphatase is distinctly higher in the HOB than in the OB cells, HOB cells exhibit a lower level of osteocalcin expression compared with OB cells. No significant difference was found between OB and HOB cells in the amount of procollagen of type I sequestered by the cells. After 30 days, HOB and OB cells formed a mineralized matrix on exposure to 2 mM β-glycerophosphate. Since HOBs were isolated from heterotopic bone that had developed within 3–6 months after hip surgery, the differences in cellular behavior compared with OBs may be attributed to the relatively young age of HOB cells.
Chirurg | 2001
T. Ambacher; S. A. Esenwein; E. Kollig; G. Muhr
Abstract.Introduction: It is generally accepted that septic conditions of the shoulder often lead to an earnest situation with joint damage. Because of the low incidence of shoulder infections there are only a few cases reported in the literature. Therefore, unlike joint infections of the knee no diagnostic and therapeutic standard procedure is documented for the shoulder. Materials and Methods: In a retrospective study the results of 15 patients with a surgical revision at the BG-Clinic-Bergmannsheil-Bochum between 1 January 1989 and 31 August 1999 after an infection of the shoulder joint were analyzed. We registered the following parameters: etiology, intervall until the first clinical symptoms, clinical signs, diagnostic procedure, intraoperative site (Gächter classification), and operative treatment. The diagnostic procedure followed an algorithm, including CRP-determination, ultrasound of the shoulder, ultrasound-guided aspiration and a Gram stain. If the result was positive, surgical joint revision followed. The infection stage was classified intraoperatively according to the criteria of the Gächter classification. Eight patients were reexaminated after an average follow-up of 4.8 years. Results: Fourteen infections followed injection. All patients demonstrated increasing CRP levels and a painful limited range of motion. In all Gram stains we detected bacterial organisms. The diagnosis of an acute infection according to the criteria of this diagnostic algorithm was verified intraoperatively in all 15 joints. Two patients with delayed admission died postoperatively due to septic multiorgan failure despite maximal treatment under intensive care conditions. Conclusion: If there are suspicious clinical symptoms after a typical anamnesis, we recommend an immediate diagnostic algorithm, including CRP determination, ultrasound of the shoulder, ultrasound-guided joint puncture and a Gram stain. If there is acute joint infection, time-consuming diagnostic procedures must be avoided because of the risk of secondary reduced joint mobility or life-threatening complications.Zusammenfassung.Einleitung: Bakterielle Gelenkinfektionen stellen auch heute noch eine ernstzunehmende Situation dar, die häufig zu irreparablen Schäden am betroffenen Gelenk führen. Während bei den häufigeren Kniegelenkinfektionen das diagnostische Management weitgehend standardisiert ist, finden sich infolge der geringen Incidenz von Infektionen des Schultergelenks nur wenige Angaben in der Literatur. Patienten und Methode: Im Rahmen einer retrospektiven Studie wurden die Ergebnisse von 15 Patienten analysiert, die im Zeitraum von 1990–1999 nach einer Infektion des Schultergelenks in der BG-Klinik Bergmannsheil Bochum behandelt wurden. Erfaßt wurden folgende Parameter: Ätiologie, Intervall bis zum Auftreten der ersten Symptome, klinische Symptomatik, diagnostische Verfahren, intraoperativer Befund (Klassifikation nach Gächter), operative Therapie, Keimspektrum. Die Diagnostik erfolgte nach einem festgelegten Algorithmus, bestehend aus CRP-Bestimmung, Gelenksonographie, sonographisch kontrollierter Gelenkpunktion sowie der Anfertigung eines Gram-Präparats. Alle infizierten Gelenke wurden anschließend revidiert. Ergebnisse: 14 Infektionen traten nach einer Gelenkinjektion auf. Als diagnostisch wegweisende Befundkonstellation trat bei allen Patienten eine CRP-Erhöhung in Kombination mit einer schmerzhaften Bewegungseinschränkung des betroffenen Gelenks auf. In allen Fällen konnten im präoperativen Gram-Präparat Kokkenbakterien nachgewiesen werden. Die nach Abschluß des diagnostischen Algorithmus gestellte Diagnose einer akuten Gelenkinfektion wurde intraoperativ in allen Fällen bestätigt. Zwei Patienten mit verzögerter Zuweisung verstarben im septischen Multiorganversagen unter maximaler Intensivtherapie trotz radikaler chirurgischer Revision. Schlußfolgerung: Bei verdächtigen klinischen Beschwerden nach typischer Anamnese empfehlen wir die zielgerichtete Diagnostik nach dem oben genannten Algorithmus. Bei einer akuten Gelenkinfektion muß eine zeitaufwendige Diagnostik vermieden werden, da verspätet diagnostizierte Infekte der Schulter zu hochgradigen Bewegungseinschränkungen, im Extremfall sogar zu einer vitalen Bedrohung des Patienten führen können.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research | 2009
Joerg Hauser; Manfred Hauser; G. Muhr; S. A. Esenwein
In clinical and experimental studies an acceleration of fracture healing and increased callus formation induced by low‐intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) has been demonstrated. The exact molecular mechanisms of ultrasound treatment are still unclear. In this study ultrasound transmitted cytoskeletal and growth rate changes of SAOS‐2 cells were examined. Osteoblast‐like cell lines (SAOS‐2) were treated using low‐intensity pulsed ultrasound. Cytoskeletal changes were analyzed using rhodamine phalloidine for f‐actin staining and indirect immunofluorescence techniques with different monoclonal antibodies against several tubulin modifications. To examine changes of cell number after ultrasound treatment cell counts were done. Significant changes in cytoskeleton structure were detected compared to controls, including an enhancement of stress fiber formation combined with a loss of cell migration after ultrasound application. We further observed that sonication altered the proportion of the more stable microtubules to the more labile microtubule subclass. The labile tyrosinated microtubules appeared highly enhanced, whereas the amount of the more stable acetylated microtubules was remarkably diminished. All these observations were quantified by fluorometric measurements. The centrosomal γ‐tubulin was frequently scattered throughout the cells cytoplasm, giving rise to additional polyglu‐positive microtubular asters, which induced multipolar spindles, leading either to aneuploid mini‐or giant cells. Moreover, a significant increase of cell number was noticed in the sonicated group. These experiments demonstrate that ultrasound treatment increases cell number and leads to significant changes of the cytoskeletal structure and composition in vitro.
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery | 2000
S. A. Esenwein; S. Sell; G. Herr; Christoph Gaissmaier; M. Bamberg; G. Möllenhoff; W. Küsswetter; G. Muhr
Abstract The histological and enzymatic effects of single-dose irradiation of 7 Gray (Gy) versus fractionated irradiation of 5 × 2 Gy on the suppression of heterotopic ossification were examined over a period of 60 days in adult male Wistar rats (n = 57). The standardized osteogenesis model system in rats [9, 10, 11, 16, 19] was used for this purpose. The course of developing ossifications was documented quantitatively and qualitatively by means of quantitative computed tomography/osteodensitometry and digital luminescence radiography. Assessment of the activities of the enzymes alkaline and acid phosphatase throughout the experiment as well as characterization of the isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase (AP) in connection with histological observations displayed a metaplasia of the ingrowing connective tissue into bone-typical cells during osteoinduction. Thus, the increase of AP is the first sign of a functional transformation of mesenchymal stem cells into chondroid bone cells. The increase in the acid phosphatase level with a maximum of acitivity between the 15th and 30th day (according to the respective treatment group) is highly suggestive of a remodeling process paralleling incipient chondroclast and osteoclast activity. In the animal groups undergoing irradiation, the above-mentioned increase of enzymes occurred after a delay. Furthermore, the maximum values observed were lower than those in the group not undergoing irradiation. Both findings were more manifest in the animal group which underwent 5 × 2 Gy of radiation than in the group which underwent single-dose irradiation of 7 Gy. Radiation suppresses matrix-induced osteogenesis. The histological and enzymatic course of this process was unchanged in the animals which did not undergo irradiation. However, it was quantitatively reduced and accompanied by a retardation of osteogenesis. Both effects were again reduced with fractionated irradiation of 5 × 2 Gy, which is theoretically dose-equivalent to a 1 × 7 Gy application. Histological examinations revealed damage to the migratory, proliferating mesenchymal stem cell population by irradiation doses which had relatively small effects on preosteoblasts, osteoblasts, chondroblasts and other specialized cell forms. Therefore, it may be concluded that the smaller degree of heterotopic ossification in the irradiated groups was due to damage of and a decrease in the number of mesenchymal stem cells at the implant site. Our results stress the necessity of instituting postoperative irradiation therapy as early as possible to prevent heterotopic ossification. In view of experimentally proven better effects, fractionated irradiation has to be preferred to a dose-equivalent single-dose radiation, especially considering the fewer side-effects noted with fractionated irradiation.
Unfallchirurg | 2000
S. A. Esenwein; E. Kollig; F. Kutscha-Lissberg; T. Klapperich; G. Muhr
ZusammenfassungMit dem Nachweis eines bakteriellen Gelenkinfekts liegt eine absolute Indikation zur Intervention vor. Eine systemische Antibiose und eine umgehende Gelenkdrainage sind in jedem Fall obligat. Ein therapeutischer Algorhythmus hat sich zur Behandlung der eitrigen Arthritis des Kniegelenks bewährt: Im Initialstadium kann mittels arthroskopischer Spülung unter systemischer Antibiose der Infekt beherrscht werden. Liegt ein fortgeschrittener Befund vor oder persistieren die Symptome, ist die Sanierung des Gelenks durch offene Synovektomie der konsequente Behandlungsschritt.Wird die Indikation zur offenen Revision mit Durchführung einer Synovektomie nicht oder zu spät gestellt, drohen irreversible Schäden des betroffenen Gelenks bis hin zur septischen Streuung mit vitaler Gefährdung des Patienten. Wir berichten über 2 Patienten mit generalisierter Sepsis und Exitus letalis nach zögerlich eingeleiteter Behandlung eines Kniegelenkinfekts. Anhand der vorgestellten Fälle liegt der Schluss nahe, dass die Indikation zur frühzeitigen chirurgischen Gelenksanierung einschließlich offener Synovektomie des Kniegelenks nach Ausbildung einer eitrigen Arthritis immer noch zu zurückhaltend gestellt wird.AbstractAfter detection of bacterial infection of the joint, an absolute indication for interwention is given. Systemic antibiotic drug therapy is indicated and drainage of the joint has to be performed immediately.The following therapeutic algorithm regimen is a proven remedy in treating pyarthrosis of the knee joint: During the initial period, the infection can be controlled by arthroscopic irrigation and systemic antibiotiy therapy. Depending on the progredient findings or if the symptoms persist, curing the joint by open synovectomy is the next step of treatment. If open joint revision including synovectomy is not performed or is performed too late, there will be a threat of irreversible damage of the afflicted joint up to septic spread endangering the patients life.We report on two patients suffering from generalized sepsis resulting in death after delayed therapy for knee joint infection. Regarding the presented cases, it can be concluded that indication to early surgical joint debridement including open synvectomy of the knee is still rarely seen after development of pyarthritis.
Chirurg | 2002
F. Kutscha-Lissberg; E. Kollig; S. A. Esenwein; G. Muhr
ZusammenfassungSeit dem Entstehen der Unfallchirurgie als eigenständige medizinische Disziplin Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland und Österreich wurde die Entwicklung der Unfallchirurgie ständig auch von externen qualitätssichernden Maßnahmen begleitet. Waren es anfangs die Berufsgenossenschaften in Deutschland und die Allgemeine Unfallversicherungs Anstalt in Österreich, die für Dokumentation und Richtlinien sorgten, wurde die zweite Hälfte des vergangenen Jahrhunderts durch die Arbeiten und Erkenntnisse der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen geprägt. Den einzelnen Kliniken und Abteilungen, die nicht direkt in diese Strukturen involviert waren, war selbst überlassen, ob und wie sie sich an der Entwicklung neuer Strategien beteiligten. Mit Änderung der Rahmenbedingungen 1988 hat sich die Situation dahingehend geändert, dass alle Abteilungen und Kliniken zur internen und externen, vergleichenden Qualitätssicherung verpflichtet wurden. Während die internen qualitätssichernden Maßnahmen im Wesentlichen weiter von den Abteilungen autonom betrieben wurden, entstanden in der externen Qualitätssicherung neue Modelle. Der medizinische Dienst der Krankenkassen überprüft im Auftrag des Kostenträgers stichprobenartig, Indikationen und medizinische Verhältnismäßigkeiten. Flächendeckende diagnosebezogene Studien wurden initiiert und durchgeführt. Am Beispiel der Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahme “Schenkelhalsfraktur” werden die Vorteile und Möglichkeiten, aber auch derzeitige Gefahren und Mängel derartiger Studien aufgezeigt. Gewonnene sinnvolle Erkenntnisse müssen in Anbetracht des Aufwandes und der Konsequenzen dringend weiterentwickelt werden. Ein Weiterführen und sogar ein Ausbau dieser oder ähnlicher Maßnahmen erschient auch vor dem Hintergrund der sich ändernden Arbeitszeitsituation und der geplanten Zusammenführung der Fächer Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie unbedingt erforderlich.AbstractTrauma surgery and orthopedic trauma surgery have been accompanied not only by internal quality assessment, but also by external quality assessment procedures right from the beginning. The reasons for these mechanisms were based on legal regulations of treatment of work-related accidents. In 1958, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthese (Working Group on Osteosynthesis, AO group) was founded. The results of the AOs scientific activities built the basis of osteosyntheses. In 1988, legal regulations changed again in Germany. Since this reform of some important facets of public health care, each hospital or institution is committed to perform external and internal quality assessment. In addition, the introduction of a payment system based on diagnosis-related groups makes it necessary to install basic quality management systems within the next few years. This paper presents some well-established procedures, especially the diagnosis-related study in the whole district of Westphalia-Lippe. The aim of the study was a quality assessment of the treatment of intracapsular fractures of the collum of the femur. Problems in data analysis and interpretation are shown. Because of some grave problems, certain changes in the study design seem to be warranted. Despite these facts, however, we are convinced that we not only need this kind of quality assessment, but that we should try to expand these studies based on the experiences we gained.
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy | 2006
F. Kutscha-Lissberg; U. Hebler; S. A. Esenwein; G. Muhr; M. Wick
Arthrodesis is a well-recognized salvage procedure in patients with septic destruction of knee joints. It offers the opportunity for restoring weight bearing capability and significant pain relief as well as eradication of infection, but at the expense of joint motion. However, arthrodesis in order to joint sepsis may be difficult to achieve because of poor bone stock, persistent infection and soft tissue compromise. From 2000 to June 2004, in 70 consecutive patients arthrodesis of the knee was indicated. Nineteen patients were considered to have external hybrid fixator (EHF) and were therefore included to the prospective study protocol. Forty-three stabilisations of destructed knee joints were done by a modular titanium rod. In these cases bony fusion was very unlikely to be achieved because of devastating defects due to infected total knee arthroplasties. Eight patients were treated by compression nailing. In these situations EHF was not indicated. In three patients minor complication occurred. In two out of 17 patients fusion failed because of primary underestimated bony defects (11.8%). The use of EHF for arthrodeses after septic destruction of knee joints can be recommended according to our results. However, EHF will not be successful or applicable in each case. Therefore, physicians and institutions that offer this special method should have not only experiences with EHF but also with arthrodeses and alternative procedures.
Arthroskopie | 2001
S. A. Esenwein; T. Ambacher; E. Kollig; F. Kutscha-Lissberg; F. Hopf; G. Muhr
Mit dem Nachweis einer bakteriellen Arthritis des Schultergelenks liegt eine absolute Indikation zur Intervention vor. Eine frühzeitige Diagnosestellung und Therapie sind unabhängig von der Genese des Infekts die entscheidenden prognostischen Faktoren. Wir berichten über 2 Patienten mit generalisierter Sepsis und Todesfolge nach zögerlich eingeleiteter Behandlung eines iatrogenen Schultergelenkinfekts infolge intraartikulärer Injektionsbehandlung. Die Patienten wurden bereits im Zustand des septischen Schocks zur chirurgischen und intensivmedizinischen Behandlung zuverlegt. Beide Patienten verstarben trotz maximaler intensivmedizinischer Therapie und Durchführung aggressiver chirurgischer Débridements. Anhand der präsentierten Fälle ist zu fordern, dass beim Vorliegen einer schmerzhaften Bewegungseinschränkung in Kombination mit klinischen und laborchemischen Entzündungszeichen der frühzeitige Ausschluss einer akuten Schultergelenkinfektion erfolgen muss. Eine systemische Antibiotikatherapie und eine umgehende Gelenkdrainage sind in jedem Fall obligat. Die erfolgreiche Therapie des Gelenkinfekts erfordert außerdem die rechtzeitige Einleitung chirurgischer Behandlungsmaßnahmen mit Resektion des infizierten Gewebes. Wird die Indikation zur operativen Revision des Gelenks nicht oder zu spät gestellt, drohen irreversible Schäden bis hin zur septischen Streuung mit vitaler Gefährdung des Patienten. Es liegt der Schluss nahe, dass die Indikation zur frühzeitigen chirurgischen Gelenksanierung einschließlich Synovektomie nach Ausbildung eines Gelenkinfekts teilweise zu zurückhaltend gestellt wird.Detection of a bacterial arthritis of the shoulder constitutes an absolute indication for intervention. Independent of the cause of infection, early diagnosis and therapy are the most decisive prognostic factors. We report on two patients who suffered from generalized sepsis and subsequently died after delayed therapy of iatrogenic joint infections of the shoulder caused by intraarticular injection therapy. Both patients, already suffering from septic shock syndrome, had been transferred to our hospital for surgical and intensive care treatment. They died in spite of maximal intensive care therapy and aggressive surgical treatment. On the basis of the presented cases it can be concluded that in case of painfully limited range of motion in combination with clinical and laboratory signs of inflammation an acute infection of the shoulder joint must be excluded early. In case of infection, systemic antibiotic drug therapy is indicated and drainage of the joint has to be performed immediately. Successful therapy of joint infection also requires early surgical treatment including resection of infected tissue. If surgical joint revision is not performed or is performed too late, there will be a threat ranging from irreversible damage of the afflicted joint to a septic spread endangering the patient’s life. It can be concluded that there is still too much hesitancy to recognize that early surgical joint debridement including synovectomy may be indicated after development of pyarthritis.