Susanne Jordan
Robert Koch Institute
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Featured researches published by Susanne Jordan.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2013
Petra Rattay; Hans Butschalowsky; Alexander Rommel; Franziska Prütz; Susanne Jordan; Enno Nowossadeck; Olga Domanska; Panagiotis Kamtsiuris
The article provides representative benchmarks and trends for the use of medical and therapeutic services in Germany on the basis of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) and the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998 (GNHIES98) from the years 2008-2011 and 1997/98, respectively. DEGS1 shows that women seek most medical services more often than men. Differences by gender decreased with age. In almost all services, an increase in utilisation is recorded with age. There are large differences in utilisation depending on self-rated health, as opposed to fewer differences by social status, health insurance and region. At both time points, the proportion of the population that utilised outpatient or inpatient medical assistance at least once a year, is almost unchanged high. At the same time, a significant reduction in the annual number of contacts with medical practices and the length of hospital stay was recorded as well as an increase of the consulted specialist groups. This may be explained due to regulation effects of earlier reforms. An English full-text version of this article is available at SpringerLink as supplemental.ZusammenfassungDer vorliegende Beitrag liefert auf Basis der Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland (DEGS1) und des Bundes-Gesundheitssurveys (BGS98) aus den Jahren 2008–2011 und 1997/98 repräsentative Eckdaten und Trends zur Inanspruchnahme ärztlicher und therapeutischer Leistungen der 18- bis 79-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung in Deutschland. Die DEGS1-Daten zeigen, dass Frauen viele der einbezogenen medizinischen Leistungen häufiger in Anspruch nahmen als Männer. Mit dem Alter werden die Unterschiede nach Geschlecht geringer. Bei fast allen Leistungen ist mit zunehmendem Alter ein Anstieg der Inanspruchnahme zu verzeichnen. Große Unterschiede in der Inanspruchnahme bestehen in Abhängigkeit von der selbst eingeschätzten Gesundheit, geringere Unterschiede nach Sozialstatus, Krankenversicherung und Region. Zu beiden Erhebungszeitpunkten ist der Anteil der Bevölkerung, der mindestens 1-mal im Jahr ärztliche Hilfe (ambulant oder stationär) in Anspruch nahm, nahezu unverändert hoch. Gleichzeitig sind in diesem Zeitraum ein signifikanter Rückgang der Kontakte zu Arztpraxen pro Jahr und der Krankenhausverweildauer sowie eine Zunahme der konsultierten Facharztgruppen zu verzeichnen. Dies verweist auf Steuerungswirkungen früherer Reformen.AbstractThe article provides representative benchmarks and trends for the use of medical and therapeutic services in Germany on the basis of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) and the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998 (GNHIES98) from the years 2008–2011 and 1997/98, respectively. DEGS1 shows that women seek most medical services more often than men. Differences by gender decreased with age. In almost all services, an increase in utilisation is recorded with age. There are large differences in utilisation depending on self-rated health, as opposed to fewer differences by social status, health insurance and region. At both time points, the proportion of the population that utilised outpatient or inpatient medical assistance at least once a year, is almost unchanged high. At the same time, a significant reduction in the annual number of contacts with medical practices and the length of hospital stay was recorded as well as an increase of the consulted specialist groups. This may be explained due to regulation effects of earlier reforms. An English full-text version of this article is available at SpringerLink as supplemental.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2013
Petra Rattay; Hans Butschalowsky; Alexander Rommel; Franziska Prütz; Susanne Jordan; Enno Nowossadeck; Olga Domanska; Panagiotis Kamtsiuris
The article provides representative benchmarks and trends for the use of medical and therapeutic services in Germany on the basis of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) and the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998 (GNHIES98) from the years 2008-2011 and 1997/98, respectively. DEGS1 shows that women seek most medical services more often than men. Differences by gender decreased with age. In almost all services, an increase in utilisation is recorded with age. There are large differences in utilisation depending on self-rated health, as opposed to fewer differences by social status, health insurance and region. At both time points, the proportion of the population that utilised outpatient or inpatient medical assistance at least once a year, is almost unchanged high. At the same time, a significant reduction in the annual number of contacts with medical practices and the length of hospital stay was recorded as well as an increase of the consulted specialist groups. This may be explained due to regulation effects of earlier reforms. An English full-text version of this article is available at SpringerLink as supplemental.ZusammenfassungDer vorliegende Beitrag liefert auf Basis der Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland (DEGS1) und des Bundes-Gesundheitssurveys (BGS98) aus den Jahren 2008–2011 und 1997/98 repräsentative Eckdaten und Trends zur Inanspruchnahme ärztlicher und therapeutischer Leistungen der 18- bis 79-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung in Deutschland. Die DEGS1-Daten zeigen, dass Frauen viele der einbezogenen medizinischen Leistungen häufiger in Anspruch nahmen als Männer. Mit dem Alter werden die Unterschiede nach Geschlecht geringer. Bei fast allen Leistungen ist mit zunehmendem Alter ein Anstieg der Inanspruchnahme zu verzeichnen. Große Unterschiede in der Inanspruchnahme bestehen in Abhängigkeit von der selbst eingeschätzten Gesundheit, geringere Unterschiede nach Sozialstatus, Krankenversicherung und Region. Zu beiden Erhebungszeitpunkten ist der Anteil der Bevölkerung, der mindestens 1-mal im Jahr ärztliche Hilfe (ambulant oder stationär) in Anspruch nahm, nahezu unverändert hoch. Gleichzeitig sind in diesem Zeitraum ein signifikanter Rückgang der Kontakte zu Arztpraxen pro Jahr und der Krankenhausverweildauer sowie eine Zunahme der konsultierten Facharztgruppen zu verzeichnen. Dies verweist auf Steuerungswirkungen früherer Reformen.AbstractThe article provides representative benchmarks and trends for the use of medical and therapeutic services in Germany on the basis of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) and the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998 (GNHIES98) from the years 2008–2011 and 1997/98, respectively. DEGS1 shows that women seek most medical services more often than men. Differences by gender decreased with age. In almost all services, an increase in utilisation is recorded with age. There are large differences in utilisation depending on self-rated health, as opposed to fewer differences by social status, health insurance and region. At both time points, the proportion of the population that utilised outpatient or inpatient medical assistance at least once a year, is almost unchanged high. At the same time, a significant reduction in the annual number of contacts with medical practices and the length of hospital stay was recorded as well as an increase of the consulted specialist groups. This may be explained due to regulation effects of earlier reforms. An English full-text version of this article is available at SpringerLink as supplemental.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2015
Susanne Jordan; Jens Hoebel
ZusammenfassungHintergrundIn modernen Informationsgesellschaften wird Gesundheitskompetenz (GK) als wichtige Fähigkeit zur Gesunderhaltung und Krankheitsbewältigung erachtet. Hierfür sind verschiedene kognitive und soziale Fähigkeiten für den Umgang mit Gesundheitsinformationen grundlegend.Ziel der ArbeitZiele der Studie sind die Beschreibung der Verteilung von GK in der Erwachsenenbevölkerung Deutschlands und die Ermittlung von Assoziationen der GK mit Gesundheitsverhalten und -zustand.Material und MethodenDie Analysen basieren auf Daten der Studie „Gesundheit in Deutschland aktuell“ (GEDA), einer Querschnittsbefragung der deutschsprachigen Wohnbevölkerung ab 18 Jahren, die von Oktober 2013 bis Juni 2014 durchgeführt wurde. Die GK wurde mit der Kurzform des European Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q16) erhoben, zusammen mit Fragen zur Soziodemografie, zum Gesundheitsverhalten und -zustand. Für 4845 Befragte konnte der HLS-EU-Q16-Index berechnet werden.ErgebnisseMehr als die Hälfte der Erwachsenen hat nach den Kriterien des HLS-EU-Q16 eine „ausreichende“ GK (55,8 %). Für fast jede dritte Person ist eine „problematische“ (31,9 %) und für nahezu jede achte Person eine „inadäquate“ GK (12,3 %) zu verzeichnen. Es wurden signifikante Unterschiede bezüglich Bildung, aber nicht für Geschlecht und Alter gefunden. Bestimmte Gesundheitsverhalten waren positiv mit Gesundheitskompetenz assoziiert. Ein niedriger GK-Level ging mit einer schlechteren körperlichen sowie psychischen Gesundheit einher.DiskussionDie Ergebnisse weisen auf Handlungsbedarf zur Verbesserung der GK in der Erwachsenenbevölkerung hin. Die Stärkung von GK sollte dabei nicht allein auf die Förderung individueller Fähigkeiten abzielen, sondern auch der Entwicklung von gesundheitskompetenten Lebenswelten einen hohen Stellenwert beimessen.AbstractBackgroundIn today’s information society, health literacy (HL) is considered important for health maintenance and disease management. In this context, dealing with health information is fundamental and requires different cognitive and social skills.ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of HL levels in the adult population of Germany, and to identify associations with health behaviours and health status.Materials and methodsThe analyses were based on data from the German Health Update (GEDA) study, a cross-sectional survey of the German-speaking adult population of Germany, which was conducted from October 2013 to June 2014. Health literacy was assessed with the short form of the European Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLS EU-Q16), along with questions about socio-demographics, health behaviours, and health status. The HLS-EU-Q16 index could be calculated for 4845 respondents.ResultsAccording to the criteria of the HLS-EU-Q16, more than half of the adults had “adequate” HL (55.8 %). Every third person (31.9 %) had “problematic” and almost every eighth person (12.3 %) had “inadequate” HL. We found significant differences in HL by educational level, but no differences in HL by sex and age group. Certain health behaviours were positively associated with health literacy. A low HL level was associated with poorer physical and mental health.ConclusionThe results point to a need for action to improve HL in the adult population. The strengthening of health literacy should not solely aim at the promotion of individual skills, but also give high priority to the development of health-literate settings.
Emerging Themes in Epidemiology | 2017
Mario Bach; Susanne Jordan; Susanne Hartung; C Santos-Hövener; Michael T. Wright
BackgroundEpidemiology has contributed in many ways to identifying various risk factors for disease and to promoting population health. However, there is a continuing debate about the ability of epidemiology not only to describe, but also to provide results which can be better translated into public health practice. It has been proposed that participatory research approaches be applied to epidemiology as a way to bridge this gap between description and action. A systematic account of what constitutes participatory epidemiology practice has, however, been lacking.MethodsA scoping review was carried out focused on the question of what constitutes participatory approaches to epidemiology for the purpose of demonstrating their potential for advancing epidemiologic research. Relevant databases were searched, including both the published and non-published (grey) literature. The 102 identified sources were analyzed in terms of comparing common epidemiologic approaches to participatory counterparts regarding central aspects of the research process. Exemplary studies applying participatory approaches were examined more closely.ResultsA highly diverse, interdisciplinary body of literature was synthesized, resulting in a framework comprised of seven aspects of the research process: research goal, research question, population, context, data synthesis, research management, and dissemination of findings. The framework specifies how participatory approaches not only differ from, but also how they can enhance common approaches in epidemiology. Finally, recommendations for the further development of participatory approaches are given. These include: enhancing data collection, data analysis, and data validation; advancing capacity building for research at the local level; and developing data synthesis.ConclusionThe proposed framework provides a basis for systematically developing the emergent science of participatory epidemiology.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2011
Susanne Jordan; Melanie Weiß; Susanne Krug; Gert Mensink
ZusammenfassungDer vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über primärpräventive Maßnahmen zur Förderung der körperlichen Aktivität in Deutschland. Zuerst werden die gesundheitsrelevanten Empfehlungen für körperliche Aktivität vorgestellt, gefolgt von einer kurzen Darstellung der Häufigkeit von körperlicher Aktivität und der diesbezüglichen Einflussfaktoren. Die gegenwärtigen Präventionsmaßnahmen in Deutschland zur Förderung körperlicher Aktivität werden unter Berücksichtigung von Interventionsebenen (Individuum, Setting, Bevölkerung) und Kontextbezug (mit und ohne Einbezug von Rahmenbedingungen) kategorisiert. Anhand einiger Beispiele werden typische Präventionsmaßnahmen vorgestellt. Daran schließt sich eine Einschätzung der aktuellen Präventionslandschaft zur Förderung von körperlicher Aktivität an.AbstractThis article provides an overview of primary prevention measures to promote physical activity. First, health-related recommendations for physical activity are presented together with a brief description of the frequency and determinants of physical activity. Prevention measures in Germany to promote physical activity are categorized taking into account the respective level of intervention (individual, setting, population) and contextual reference (with and without relying on structural conditions). Typical preventive measures to promote physical activity will be presented along with some examples. This is followed by concluding remarks about the current state in the area of preventive measures in Germany for the promotion of physical activity.This article provides an overview of primary prevention measures to promote physical activity. First, health-related recommendations for physical activity are presented together with a brief description of the frequency and determinants of physical activity. Prevention measures in Germany to promote physical activity are categorized taking into account the respective level of intervention (individual, setting, population) and contextual reference (with and without relying on structural conditions). Typical preventive measures to promote physical activity will be presented along with some examples. This is followed by concluding remarks about the current state in the area of preventive measures in Germany for the promotion of physical activity.
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung | 2012
Susanne Jordan
Das Monitoring erhebt kontinuierlich Daten auf Bevölkerungsebene, die die Bedarfsermittlung und den Wirkungsnachweis von Maßnahmen der Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung unterstützen. Je nach Art der herangezogenen Daten lassen sich Gesundheits-, Interventions-, Medien- oder Politikmonitoring unterscheiden. Mit dem Gesundheitsmonitoring lassen sich die Verbreitung von Erkrankungen, Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren sowie die Inanspruchnahme von Leistungen des Gesundheitswesens beobachten. Das Interventionsmonitoring führt Daten über die praktische Umsetzung und die Wirkung von Maßnahmen der Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung zusammen. Mit Politikmonitoring lassen sich die Gesetzgebung und die von der Politik veranlassten Programme verfolgen. Das Medienmonitoring liefert eine Analyse der Berichterstattung zu gesundheitsrelevanten Themen in den Medien. Der erweiterte „Public Health Action Cycle“ zeigt, auf welche Weise die Daten der verschiedenen Monitoringsysteme zur Entwicklung datengestützter und wissensbasierter Maßnahmen der Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung beitragen. Monitoring continuously collects data on the population level, which supports the identification of needs and effects of prevention and health promotion. Depending on the nature of the data used, a distinction can be made between health monitoring, intervention monitoring, media monitoring, and policy monitoring. Health monitoring allows the spread of diseases, risk and protective factors, and the use of health care services to be observed. Intervention monitoring brings together information concerning the practical implementation and impact of measures of prevention and health promotion. Policy monitoring provides an analysis of health-related legislation and programmes initiated by politics. Media monitoring observes the coverage of health issues in the media. The advanced public health action cycle shows how data from different monitoring systems contribute to develop data-driven and knowledge-based measures of prevention and health promotion.
Archive | 2013
Petra Rattay; Hans Butschalowsky; Alexander Rommel; Franziska Prütz; Susanne Jordan; Enno Nowossadeck; Olga Domanska
The article provides representative benchmarks and trends for the use of medical and therapeutic services in Germany on the basis of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) and the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998 (GNHIES98) from the years 2008-2011 and 1997/98, respectively. DEGS1 shows that women seek most medical services more often than men. Differences by gender decreased with age. In almost all services, an increase in utilisation is recorded with age. There are large differences in utilisation depending on self-rated health, as opposed to fewer differences by social status, health insurance and region. At both time points, the proportion of the population that utilised outpatient or inpatient medical assistance at least once a year, is almost unchanged high. At the same time, a significant reduction in the annual number of contacts with medical practices and the length of hospital stay was recorded as well as an increase of the consulted specialist groups. This may be explained due to regulation effects of earlier reforms. An English full-text version of this article is available at SpringerLink as supplemental.ZusammenfassungDer vorliegende Beitrag liefert auf Basis der Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland (DEGS1) und des Bundes-Gesundheitssurveys (BGS98) aus den Jahren 2008–2011 und 1997/98 repräsentative Eckdaten und Trends zur Inanspruchnahme ärztlicher und therapeutischer Leistungen der 18- bis 79-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung in Deutschland. Die DEGS1-Daten zeigen, dass Frauen viele der einbezogenen medizinischen Leistungen häufiger in Anspruch nahmen als Männer. Mit dem Alter werden die Unterschiede nach Geschlecht geringer. Bei fast allen Leistungen ist mit zunehmendem Alter ein Anstieg der Inanspruchnahme zu verzeichnen. Große Unterschiede in der Inanspruchnahme bestehen in Abhängigkeit von der selbst eingeschätzten Gesundheit, geringere Unterschiede nach Sozialstatus, Krankenversicherung und Region. Zu beiden Erhebungszeitpunkten ist der Anteil der Bevölkerung, der mindestens 1-mal im Jahr ärztliche Hilfe (ambulant oder stationär) in Anspruch nahm, nahezu unverändert hoch. Gleichzeitig sind in diesem Zeitraum ein signifikanter Rückgang der Kontakte zu Arztpraxen pro Jahr und der Krankenhausverweildauer sowie eine Zunahme der konsultierten Facharztgruppen zu verzeichnen. Dies verweist auf Steuerungswirkungen früherer Reformen.AbstractThe article provides representative benchmarks and trends for the use of medical and therapeutic services in Germany on the basis of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) and the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998 (GNHIES98) from the years 2008–2011 and 1997/98, respectively. DEGS1 shows that women seek most medical services more often than men. Differences by gender decreased with age. In almost all services, an increase in utilisation is recorded with age. There are large differences in utilisation depending on self-rated health, as opposed to fewer differences by social status, health insurance and region. At both time points, the proportion of the population that utilised outpatient or inpatient medical assistance at least once a year, is almost unchanged high. At the same time, a significant reduction in the annual number of contacts with medical practices and the length of hospital stay was recorded as well as an increase of the consulted specialist groups. This may be explained due to regulation effects of earlier reforms. An English full-text version of this article is available at SpringerLink as supplemental.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology | 2012
Roma Schmitz; Susanne Jordan; Stephan Müters; Hannelore Neuhauser
Background: Behavioural prevention and counselling programmes for lifestyle-related cardiovascular risk factors are widely offered. However, their population-wide use is largely unexplored, particularly in high-risk persons with known CVD or diabetes. Methods: Data were collected within GEDA 2009, a national health survey covering a representative sample of 21,262 adults in Germany. Standardised structured computer-assisted telephone interviews included self-reported physician-diagnosed coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke, diabetes as well as height, weight, usual diet, physical activity, and the use of programmes for weight reduction, healthy diet and improvement of fitness or mobility in the last twelve months. Results: The use of prevention measures was lowest for weight reduction (men 2.1%, women 3.5%), somewhat higher for healthy diet (men 3.2%, women 4.7%), and highest for improvement of fitness or mobility (men 8.6%, women 16.1%). Among individuals with the respective risk factor, programme participation was still low: 5.5% in obese men (women 7.2%) for weight reduction, 2.8% in men (women 3.7%) who did not eat fruit or vegetables daily for healthy diet, and 7.9% in physically inactive men (women 15.7%) for improvement of fitness or mobility. In the presence of known CVD or diabetes, participation increased inconsistently and only moderately. Conclusion: Our results show low participation in behavioural prevention measures for lifestyle-related risk factors even in individuals with known CVD or diabetes. Further studies should investigate knowledge about potential programme benefit, availability and reimbursement in both patients and health care providers.
BMJ Open | 2018
Kristin Manz; Gert Mensink; Susanne Jordan; Anja Schienkiewitz; Susanne Krug; Jonas D. Finger
Objectives To investigate individual, interpersonal and environmental baseline factors predicting regular aerobic physical activity (PA) participation among older adults in Germany at follow-up 12 years later. Design Population-based cohort study. Setting Cluster-randomised general population sample selected based on population registry address information from 130 nationally distributed sample points collected from 1997 to 1999 and re-evaluated 12 years later from 2008 to 2011. Participants 1184 adults, aged 65 years or older at follow-up with complete data at baseline and follow-up, were included in the final study sample. Outcome measure Regular ‘aerobic PA ≥1 day/week’ assessed based on self-reported information. Results At follow-up, 53.2% of the participants engaged in aerobic PA ≥1 day/week. Participants aged 50 to 60 years at baseline were more likely to engage in aerobic PA ≥1 day/week than participants aged 61 to 78 years; OR 1.88, 95% CI 1.46 to 2.40. Participants with middle and high socioeconomic status (SES) were more likely to engage in aerobic PA ≥1 day/week than participants with low SES; OR middle SES 2.08, 1.33 to 3.25; high SES 3.44, 2.11 to 5.60. Participants with high social support were more likely to engage in aerobic PA ≥1 day/week at follow-up than participants with low social support; OR 1.98, 1.26 to 3.12. Furthermore, participants who engaged in leisure time PA at least once per week at baseline were more likely to engage in aerobic PA ≥1 day/week at follow-up than those who engaged less than once per week; OR 1.95, 1.46 to 2.60. Conclusions Several influencing factors assessed at baseline predicted regular aerobic PA participation 12 years later. These factors should be considered when planning interventions to prevent physical inactivity in older adults. There is great potential to increase aerobic PA participation in older adults in Germany, in particular among those with low SES and low social support.
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung | 2015
Pablo Zamora; Paulo Pinheiro; Orkan Okan; Eva Maria Bitzer; Susanne Jordan; Uwe H. Bittlingmayer; Fabian Kessl; Albert Lenz; Jürgen Wasem; Maren A. Jochimsen; Ullrich Bauer
ZusammenfassungHintergrundStudien belegen die gesundheitliche Relevanz von „Health Literacy“ (HL), etwa für die Inanspruchnahme von präventiven und kurativen Angeboten. Der Kindheits- und Jugendphase kommt hierbei für die gesundheitliche Entwicklung sowie für die Nachhaltigkeit von Angeboten der Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Die Befundlage zeigt jedoch, dass Kinder und Jugendlichen bislang nicht ausreichend adressiert sind.FragestellungIm Mittelpunkt steht die Entwicklung eines theoretischen Rahmens für die Förderung von HL im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Des Weiteren geht es um die Entwicklung, Erprobung und Evaluation von Maßnahmen zur Förderung von HL sowie von Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung am Beispiel von Mental HL und eHL. Es sind insgesamt 9 theoretisch und anwendungsorientiert ausgelegte Projekte geplant.Methode und MaterialDer Verbund wird Methoden zur Erfassung von HL bei Kindern und Jugendlichen entwickeln, testen und validieren. Hierbei werden sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Methoden und Materialien zur Anwendung kommen.ErgebnisseDas Verbundvorhaben wird dazu beitragen, die Rahmenbedingungen für die bedarfsspezifische Gestaltung von Interventionen im Bereich Primärprävention und Gesundheitsförderung für Kinder und Jugendliche konzeptionell und methodisch weiter zu entwickeln.SchlussfolgerungDer HLCA-Verbund wird durch die theoretisch fundierte Konzeptualisierung des HL-Konzepts für die Zielgruppe „Kinder und Jugendliche“ die Entwicklung, Erprobung und den Praxistransfer von bedarfsspezifischen Maßnahmen der Gesundheitsförderung und Primärprävention fördern. Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt kursorisch das Forschungsprogramm, die Verbundstruktur und die beteiligten Forschungseinrichtungen.AbstractBackgroundScientific research consistently confirms the relevance of health literacy (HL), e.g., utilization of preventive and curative services. Screening of the scientific literature, however, reveals that children and adolescents have poorly been included in HL research in the past. This is in contrast with the importance given to the phase of childhood and adolescence for the individual’s future health development and for sustainable health promotion and primary prevention.ObjectivesThe HLCA Consortium aims at contributing to the comprehensive understanding of HL in children and adolescents by developing, adjusting, implementing, and evaluating theoretical, conceptual, and methodological HL approaches. A total of nine projects focusing on basic research and applied research (mental HL, eHL) will offer a solid base to substantially contribute to the understanding of the topic.Materials and methodsA multidisciplinary approach has been adopted by the HLCA Consortium in order to develop, test, and validate methods of measurement and evaluation of HL in children and adolescents. Both quantitative and qualitative methods and materials will be utilized.ResultsThe HLCA Consortium will contribute to further develop the conceptional and methodological framework of HL in order to make the design of needs-based interventions for primary prevention and health promotion for children and adolescents possible.ConclusionsThe HLCA Consortium aims at contributing to a comprehensive understanding of HL in children and adolescents. This paper gives an overview of the HLCA Consortium, its research projects, and the participating research institutions.