Taralan Tambunan
University of Indonesia
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Featured researches published by Taralan Tambunan.
Scientific Programming | 2016
Sudung O. Pardede; Partini P. Trihono; Taralan Tambunan
Glomerulonefritis akut merupakan glomerulonefritis yang sering ditemukan pada anak ditandai dengan hematuria, hipertensi, edem, dan penurunan fungsi ginjal. Glomerulonefritis akut pada anak paling sering ditemukan pada umur 2- 10 tahun dan umumnya terjadi pasca infeksi streptokokus. Tujuan: mengetahui gambaran klinis glomerulonefritis akut pada anak di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSCM, Jakarta. Metoda: penelitian deskriptif retrospektif. Data diperoleh dari catatan medik pasien dengan diagnosis glomerulonefritis akut yang berobat di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSCM, Jakarta, sejak tahun 1998 sampai 2002. Hasil: selama 5 tahun (1998-2002), didapatkan 45 pasien glomerulonefritis akut (26 laki-laki dan 19 perempuan) yang berumur antara 4 – 14 tahun dengan umur paling sering adalah 6-11 tahun. Riwayat infeksi saluran nafas akut didapatkan pada 36 pasien, dan infeksi kulit 14 pasien. Hematuria makroskopik didapatkan pada 29 pasien, anuria/ oliguria 31 pasien, dan edem pada 39 pasien. Hipertensi dijumpai pada 39 pasien, 19 di antaranya merupakan hipertensi krisis. Proteinuria dan hematuria mikroskopik didapatkan pada semua pasien, leukosituria 29 pasien. Penurunan fungsi ginjal didapatkan pada 21 pasien, peningkatan titer ASO 21 pasien, dan komplemen C3 yang menurun 32 pasien. Kesimpulan: hematuria, proteinuria, edem, hipertensi, dan oligo/anuria merupakan manifestasi klinis glomerulonefritis akut yang paling sering ditemukan pada anak. Dibandingkan dengan periode sebelumnya, kejadian glomerulonefritis akut semakin menurun.
Scientific Programming | 2016
Sudung O. Pardede; Partini P. Trihono; Taralan Tambunan
Asidosis tubulus renalis merupakan penyakit yang jarang dijumpai, mempunyai manifestasi klinis yang tidak spesifik; ditandai dengan asidosis metabolik hiperkloremik, senjang anion plasma dan laju filtrasi glomerulus normal. Gambaran klinis dapat berupa gangguan pertumbuhan, anoreksia, muntah, konstipasi, diare, dehidrasi, dan poliuria. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif deskriptif terhadap pasien asidosis tubulus renalis primer maupun sekunder di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI-RSCM Jakarta antara tahun 1975-1995. Selama 20 tahun didapatkan 12 kasus asidosis tubulus renalis yang terdiri dari 6 anak laki-laki dan 6 perempuan. Usia saat diagnosis ditegakkan antara 4 bulan sampai 11 tahun, rerata 5 tahun 2 bulan. Asidosis tubulus renalis distal merupakan jenis yang paling sering ditemukan yaitu 8 pasien, sedangkan asidosis tubulus renalis proksimal 4 pasien. Gangguan motorik tungkai bawah merupakan keluhan utama yang paling sering ditemukan yaitu pada 9/12 pasien (7 pasien tidak dapat berjalan atau lumpuh dan 2 pasien dengan tulang bengkok dan fraktur). Muntah-muntah disertai dehidrasi merupakan keluhan utama pada 2 pasien sedangkan gagal tumbuh pada 1 pasien. Malnutrisi dengan berat badan < P3 NCHS didapatkan pada 10 pasien sedangkan gangguan pertumbuhan dengan tinggi badan < P3 NCHS didapatkan pada 11 pasien. Sebagai kesimpulan, asidosis tubulus renalis merupakan penyakit yang sangat jarang dengan manifestasi klinis yang tidak spesifik sehingga diagnosis seringkali terlambat. Gangguan motorik tungkai bawah merupakan keluhan utama yang paling sering ditemukan.
Paediatrica Indonesiana | 2016
Edi S Tehuteru; Taralan Tambunan
Familial Hypophosphatemic Rickets (FHR) was found for the first time by Albright in 1937 and is also called vitamin D resistant rickets. 1-3 It is a disease that can occur through x-linked dominant, autosom dominant, and sporadic inheritance. 1-4 Albright found that most FHR is x-linked dominant type. 3 To distinguish between x-linked dominant and autosom dominant, the family pedigree can not be used, because it may look alike. Usually this disease can be distinguished genetically. The gene that is responsible for x-linked dominant is located in Xp21 while for autosom dominant is in 12p13. 4 Sporadic type can easily be distinguished from the other two. In the family pedigree, there is no other FHR patient besides the patient himself. 3,4 The case that we are about to report was a sporadic type FHR.
Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan | 2001
Taralan Tambunan; Partini P. Trihono; Sudung O. Pardede
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is deJined by the triad of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and acute renal failure (ARF) that develop acutely in an otherwise healthy child. It is one of the most common causes of ARF in children and carried high mortality. Within the period of ten years (January 1980 December 1987) we retrospectively reviewed 9 cases of HUS out of 25.309 cases hospitalized at the same period, consisting or 5 males and 4 females, age ranged between 1 12 years (mean age: 7.1 years). Only one case was below 5 years, the rest have ages of 5 years or more. Prodromal illness detected in our cases includedfever (8 cases); vomiting (5 cases) and diarrhea (4 cases), one of them with bloody diarrhea. Noteworthy presenting clinical features included fever and pallor that were detected in all cases, bleeding (5 cases), hepatomegaly (5 cases), neurologic deficit such as drowsiness, lethargy and seizures (4 cases) and oliguria (7 cases). All cases showed hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and renal insuflciency on laboratory investigation. Metabolic acidosis was detected in 8 cases, proteinuria and hematuria was found in 8 and 5 cases consecutively. The results of treatment were not fully satisfactory. Four out of 5 cases who underwent intermittent peritoneal dialysis died. Based on clinical proJile, prevalence, age distribution and outcome of the disease with relatively high mortality we come to the conclusion that our cases were class
Paediatrica Indonesiana | 1997
Husein Alatas; Fahrul W. Arbi; Taralan Tambunan; I.G.N. Wita Wirya
ed as atypic or. sporadic type, strictly different from cases reportedfrom the literature such as Argentina or Northern part of India which usually present the clinical profile of epidemic type with a better prognosis.
Scientific Programming | 2016
Syafruddin Haris; Taralan Tambunan
Recombinant human erythropoeitin (rHuEPO) was administered to 16 patients hospitalized at the Department of Child Health Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between July 1992 until December 1994, with anemia (Hb < 8 g dl) due to chronic renal failure (creatinine uclearance < 30 ml/min/1.3 m J ). three of them with end stage renal failure (creatinine clearance < 5 ml/min/1.73 nr). The average age was 15.9 years (range 4-16 years) the proportion of sex were the same. An initial dose of 150 lU/kgBW/week rHuEPO was administered subcutaneously. The dose was increased by 75 U/kgBW/week and maintained when the hemoglobin level reached 11 g/dl. Good result was mostly found at the dose of 150-199 IU/kgBW/week. The hemoglobin level rose from 6.79 + 1.19/dl before treatment to 10.4 + 3.9 g/dl after treaunent (p=0.011). Six cases failed to reach Hb 1 lg/dl, one of them with severe hypertension while in the other case had peritonitis. Decrease of the serum ferritin level during treatment indicated that ferrum was utilized for erythropoesis. This study showed that in chronic renal insufficiency we should consider to give r-HuEPO to increase hemoglobin to avoid giving recurrent blood tranfusion; however, the cost may limit its widespread use.
Paediatrica Indonesiana | 2016
Zainul Arifin; Aswitha Boediarso; Taralan Tambunan
Paediatrica Indonesiana | 2016
Yulia Iriani; Taralan Tambunan; Sudigdo Sastroasmoro
Paediatrica Indonesiana | 2016
Daisy Widiastuti; Irawan Mangunatmadja; Taralan Tambunan; Rulina Suradi
Paediatrica Indonesiana | 2001
Taralan Tambunan; Attila Dewanti; Bambang Madiyono; Nastiti N Rahayoe