Tobias Just
Deutsche Bank
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Featured researches published by Tobias Just.
Constitutional Political Economy | 2000
Klaus W. Zimmermann; Tobias Just
We argue that the institutionalization of direct democratic elements in a constitution will tend to enhance the efficiency of an economy. In a model of direct democracy it is shown that—contrary to the political process in a representative democracy—efficient projects will always be politically accepted and the degree of inefficiency of inefficient projects will be reduced. These effects stem from a more intense competition among small interest groups and the pressure to improve the cost-benefit ratio of a project. Furthermore, ‘contestable decision markets,’ that is the co-existence of direct and indirect forms of democracy, will always work in favor of higher efficiency.
Archive | 2001
Klaus W. Zimmermann; Tobias Just
Glaubwurdigkeit ist eine knappe Wahrung: Falls Fukuyama (1995) Recht hat, wenn er die Wohlfahrt von Nationen auf ein besonderes Mas an Vertrauen und gegenseitiger Glaubwurdigkeit zuruckfuhrt, dann sollte jede Regierung darum bemuht sein, glaubwurdig gegenuber ihren Wahlern zu sein. Gerade dieses wechselseitige Vertrauen scheint aber weithin zu erodieren, was sich idealtypisch in der Diskussion um die Durchfuhrung eines Volksentscheids in Deutschland zur Einfuhrung der gemeinsamen europaischen Wahrung (Euro) widerzuspiegeln scheint. Alle etablierten Parteien der politischen Mitte lehnten ein Referendum ab, wohl wissend, das die Mehrheit der deutschen Bevolkerung gegen die Einfuhrung des Euro gestimmt hatte. Dies ist deshalb erstaunlich, weil die grosen Volksparteien ungewohnt einstimmig seine gesamtwirtschaftliche Vorteilhaftigkeit proklamierten. Diese Zusicherung war aber offensichtlich in den Augen des Souverans nicht glaubwurdig: Nach dem ZDF-Politbarometer vom 16.1.1998 waren 71% der Deutschen auf dem Hohepunkt der Debatte gegen den Euro.1
Archive | 2012
Tobias Just; Wolfgang Maennig
In this book, experts discuss how German real estate values have remained stable throughout the financial crisis, even though transaction volumes have been very volatile since 2005. Consequently, risk-averse national and international investors have started to invest in virtually all German real estate asset classes. This book tries to answer what has made the German real estate markets more resilient to shocks than many European real estate markets by analyzing the economic, regulatory and demographic environment. In 30 well-structured chapters, experts from both the academic and professional world analyze structural and current issues of German real estate markets. Readers will get a deep understanding of what makes the German real estate market special and where potential opportunities and threats in Europe’s largest real estate market exist.
WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium | 2004
Justus Haucap; Tobias Just
Die Allokation knapper Güter durch den Preismechanismus wird zwar von Ökonomen wegen ihrer Effizienzvorteile gerühmt, von anderen Bevölkerungsschichten jedoch oft als unfair abgelehnt. Für studentische Offiziere der Universität der Bundeswehr finden wir ebenfalls, dass Ökonomiestudenten eher Marktlösungen akzeptieren als Nicht-Ökonomen. Diese unterschiedliche Bewertung lässt sich zum einen auf Selektionseffekte und zum anderen auf „Indoktrinations-“ oder Lerneffekte zurückführen.
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik | 2014
Tobias Just
Abstract There are four major challenges for housing policy in the near and midterm future: First, rents in many German conurbations have been rising significantly faster than incomes over the last five years. Though it can rightly be argued, that the suggested policies of the new German federal government are less detrimental than often perceived by real estate professionals, it must be feared that policy makers have underestimated indirect negative effects for both housing and labour markets. Still, what is more important, is that the current discussion on housing policies is focused on the short term putative misallocations, and to a significant lesser extent on the other three structural challenges of the German housing markets, i. e. increasing vacancies in outward-migration areas, severe lack of „low-barrier“- housing for seniors and a need to reduce energy emissions in the property stock. This asymmetry is unintelligible, as markets can comparatively easily deal with the first short-term challenge, provided supply-elasticities are increased. However, the other three challenges are to a large extent due to externalities, and this implies that markets cannot easily correct imbalances. It would therefore be important to rebalance the current policy-mix and debate.
Archive | 2012
Tobias Just
The fertility rate in Germany has been very low for 40 years at more or less 1.4 children per woman. In the past the resulting deficit of births could be offset with immigration, but this will become increasingly difficult in future on account of the natural population change continuing to decline. The population in Germany has already been shrinking since 2003 by roughly 700,000 people and demographers expect that the coming decades will bring more contractions and a marked ageing of society. This chapter will outline the most important demographic trends for Germany as well as the regional differences in order to discern the most important implications for real estate markets.
Archive | 2017
Tobias Just; Steffen P. Sebastian
Anleger sind durch Investition in das diversifizierte Immobilien-Portfolio einer indirekten Anlage wesentlich besser vor Risiken geschutzt sind als bei einer Direktanlage in Immobilien, weil Verluste in einem Anlageobjekts bei der Direktanlage fur den Einzelanleger direkt durchschlagt, hingegen in einem Portfolio durch die Stabilitat der anderen Objekte abgesichert wird. Der einzelwirtschaftliche Vorteil einer Insolvenzvermeidung beinhaltet gleichzeitig einen gesamtwirtschaftlichen Vorteil, da soziale Auffangmechanismen entlastet werden.
23rd Annual European Real Estate Society Conference | 2016
Mark A. Maurin; Michael Heinrich; Thomas Schreck; Tobias Just
In the year 2011, over 50,000 houses were sold at foreclosure sales in Germany with an estimated value of 6 billion Euros. As the international literature proved in the past, foreclosed real estate assets usually sell at a discount and damage the value of house prices, which implies a vast harm to the national economy. However, the accurate discount rates of German foreclosure sales and their conjunct reasons have not been suspect of any scientific research so far. Therefore, this article shall estimate the discount rates and examine the default prices by analyzing the foreclosure sales. For this purpose, we merged three unique datasets: One dataset with normal residential market prices (non foreclosure sales), one dataset of foreclosed real estate residential values and another dataset with regional economic indicators and average residential prices. The aforementioned datasets are divided into the 16 German federal states and include the years from 2008 until 2011. A distinctive feature of the merged dataset is, that it represents the population of all foreclosed real estate assets in Germany during the time between 2008 and 2011, which allows us to identify the main characteristics of foreclosed residential assets and their real values as well as their discounts. Subsequently another (logit)-regression analysis shall illustrate the probability of default for German residential real estate assets and their associated micro- and macroeconomics reasons.This paper offers an innovative way of conceptualizing and estimating potential effects for real estate residential assets
Archive | 2012
Tobias Just
Jede Form von Urbanisierung ist immer Ausdruck zahlreicher atomistischer Investitionsentscheidungen: Im Falle der Urbanisierung verspricht die kompakte Siedlung den Bauherren und Investoren hohere Nutzen – offensichtlich geht es hierbei nicht zwangslaufig um sofort monetisierbare Nutzen, sondern um ein breiter angelegtes Nutzenkonzept. Diese Vorteilhaftigkeit ist vielschichtig und reicht von geringeren Transaktionskosten durch die engere Verknupfung von wertschopfenden Unternehmen, uber das breitere und tiefere Angebot an spezialisierter Arbeit, die den Unternehmen Grosen- und Spezialisierungsvorteile eroffnet, hin zu dem Schaffen ganz neuer Guter, die erst eine grosere Finanzierungsgemeinschaft ermoglicht. Die Literatur zur Okonomie von Stadten liefert eine Fulle weiterer okonomischer Grunde fur Stadte (vgl. z. B. Glaeser 1998). Alle diese Faktoren ermoglichen den Unternehmen in Stadten hohere Lohne zu zahlen, und das ist ein wichtiger Beweggrund fur die Arbeitnehmer, tatsachlich ihre Arbeitskraft auch in den Stadten anzubieten.
European Journal of Law and Economics | 2010
Justus Haucap; Tobias Just