Wagner Paris
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
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Featured researches published by Wagner Paris.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2009
Wagner Paris; Ulysses Cecato; Antonio Ferriani Branco; Leandro Martins Barbero; Sandra Galbeiro
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a massa de forragem (MF), a taxa de acumulo diario (TAD), a oferta de forragem (OF), a taxa de lotacao (TL), a porcentagem de Arachis pintoi (PAR), o ganho medio diario (GMD) e o ganho por hectare (GPV/ha) de novilhas de corte em pastejo de Coastcross-1 consorciada com Arachis pintoi. Os consorcios avaliados foram: CA0 = coastcross + Arachis pintoi sem adubacao nitrogenada; CA100 = coastcross + Arachis pintoi com 100 kg de nitrogenio; CA200 = coastcross + Arachis pintoi com 200 kg de nitrogenio; e C200 = coastcross com 200 kg de nitrogenio, distribuidos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com duas repeticoes. O manejo do pasto foi o de lotacao continua com carga animal variavel utilizando-se novilhas mesticas com tres animais-testes por consorcio. A massa de forragem nas pastagens de coastcross + Arachis pintoi adubadas com 0, 100 e 200 kg de nitrogenio e na pastagem de coastcross adubada com 200 kg de nitrogenio foi de 2.641, 2.431, 2.760 e 2.704 kg de MS/ha, respectivamente. A taxa de acumulo diario foi semelhante (66,12 kg de MS/ha) entre as pastagens; o verao foi a estacao de maior producao, seguido da primavera, do outono, que nao diferiram entre si, e do inverno (108,6; 71,1; 54,2; 30,6 kg de MS/ha, respectivamente). Na associacao de coastcross + Arachis pintoi sem adubacao nitrogenada, foram obtidas a maior oferta de forragem e a menor taxa de lotacao (4,0 UA/ha). As maiores taxas de lotacao e as menores ofertas de forragem foram observadas com a adubacao nitrogenada. A porcentagem de Arachis pintoi foi maior na primavera e, na associacao coastcross + Arachis pintoi sem adubacao, as estimativas visuais foram sempre superiores as medidas, em virtude do baixo teor de materia seca dessa leguminosa. O ganho medio diario foi maior no cultivo em consorcio e adubacao com 200 kg de nitrogenio e na pastagem de coastcross em cultivo exclusivo com 200 kg de nitrogenio em comparacao aquelas de coastcross + Arachis adubada com 100 kg de nitrogenio e sem adubacao (0,51; 0,51; 0,42 e 0,38 kg/dia, respectivamente). Os ganhos anuais por hectare foram superiores a 1.000 kg/ha/ano e foram maiores no verao (221,4 kg/ha).
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Paulo Afonso Carvalho; Luis Maria Bonnecarrère Sanchez; Cleber Cassol Pires; Julio Viégas; João Pedro Velho; Wagner Paris
The work was carried out to evaluate the body composition and the net requirements of protein and energy for weight gain of dairy calves in the beginning of the productive life were determined. Eighteen Holstein bulls calves at newly born to 110 days of age weighing between 30 and 100 kg were used. Six animals were slaughtered at the beginning of the experiment (to birth) and other twelve animals were full fed until a pre-established slaughter of age. Six animals were slaughtered when completed 50 days and six when completed 110 days of age. Regression analysis of the logarithm of protein, fat and energy corporal amount in function of the empty body weight (EBW) logarithm were fitted. The net requirements of protein and energy for weight gain were obtained by derivation of the prediction equations of corporal composition. The body content of protein, fat and energy increased in according to the LW increase. The net requirements of protein and energy for empty body weight gain (EBWG) increased as the empty body weight changes from 27.57 to 74.27 kg. The net requirements changed from 200.60 to 229.21 g/kg EBWG for protein, from 1.93 to 2.99 Mcal/kg EBWG for energy.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Paulo Afonso Carvalho; Luis Maria Bonnecarrère Sanchez; Cleber Cassol Pires; Julio Viégas; João Pedro Velho; Wagner Paris
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de desenvolver equacoes de estimativa da composicao fisica e quimica da carcaca de bezerros de origem leiteira, no inicio da vida produtiva. Foram usados 18 bezerros da raca Holandes, machos, nao castrados, pesando entre 30 e 100 kg. Seis animais foram abatidos no inicio do experimento (ao nascimento), seis aos 50 dias e seis aos 110 dias de idade. Foi realizada a divisao da carcaca em dianteiro, costilhar, traseiro e seccao 9a-11a costelas e procedida a separacao fisica total de todos os constituintes da carcaca. Foi determinada a composicao fisica e quimica por um metodo direto e ajustadas equacoes de predicao para estimar a composicao fisica e quimica da carcaca, por um metodo indireto. Os dados de composicao fisica da seccao 9a-11a costelas tambem foram tabulados nas equacoes propostas por Hankins e Howe, para testar a utilizacao das mesmas em animais jovens e imaturos. O traseiro foi a regiao que melhor representou a composicao fisica de osso, musculo e gordura, assim como a composicao quimica de agua e cinzas da carcaca. No entanto, a composicao energetica e proteica foi mais bem representada pela composicao energetica e proteica do dianteiro. A composicao fisica e quimica do corte da 9a-11a costelas nao foi um bom estimador da composicao fisica e quimica da carcaca de animais imaturos fisiologicamente ou extremamente jovens.
Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal | 2015
Wagner Paris; Gustavo Zamarchi; Paulo Sergio Pavinato; Thomas Newton Martin
The objective was evaluate the effect of growth stage, particle size and pre-wilting on fermentation characteristics and nutritional value of the black oat silage (Avena strigosa S.). The experiment was conducted during the winter of 2011, in the city of Renascenca, Southwest region of Parana State, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized distributed in a factorial (3x2x2) with four replications. The factors evaluated were particle sizes: 5, 13 and 22mm; ensilage stages: early flowering and full flowering; and management: with and without pre-wilting. The particle size changes only the silage pH, with better results under 22mm, without any effects on the chemical composition of the silage produced. The management of pre-wilting is efficient to restrict effluents emission at early flowering, also gives better silage fermentationconditions, with reduced buffering capacity of 87.68 to 53.20meq 100g NaOH DM-1 and of pH from 3.64 to 3.15, which ensure a better preservation of the forage nutritional value, having lower levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) with greater crude protein (CP), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and total digestible nutrients (TDN). With the advancement of maturity it is observed increases in NDF and ADF and decreases in the values of CP, IVDMD and TDN. The ensilage in the early flowering stage followed by pre-wilting has suitable conditions for fermentation and has better nutritional value.
Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias | 2015
Renato Marchesan; Wagner Paris; Roniclei Tonion; Clederson Martinello; Marcos Luis Molinete; Fabiana Luiza Matielo de Paula; Rose Rocha
The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional value of ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum Lam) cv. Barjumbo and common ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum ) intercropped or not with oats ( Avena strigosa Schreb) cv. IAPAR 61 under two post-grazing residue. The study was conducted at the Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana, Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, in the period April-September, 2012. The experimental design was a bifactorial 4x2, totaling eight treatments with three replicates, common and Barjumbo ryegrass single or intercropped with oat in two post-grazing residue: High: 50% of the input height; Low: 30% of the input height being evaluated. The variables evaluated were crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), total digestible nutrients (TDN) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). The single Barjumbo had higher CP. NDF and ADF were lower for single cultivar or intercropped Barjumbo in comparison to the common cultivar and, consequently, the IVDMD and TDN were higher. Within the trial period, the grazing slightly increased the CP content, TDN and IVDMD until about 100 days after emergence. The NDF and ADF values have showed a linear increase from the beginning to the end of the trial period.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2015
M.M.G. Hirai; Luis Fernando Glasenapp de Menezes; Fernando Kuss; Wagner Paris; E. Lisbinski; O.N. Oliveira; D. Nazário; G.R. Schimtz
The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the association of vetch (Vica sativa) or energy supplementation in oat (Avena sativa) on the performance of steers in the finishing phase. The experiment was performed in 18 steers, quarter Marchegiana, quarter Aberdeen Angus and 2/4 Nellore genetic groups, with the live weight and age of 360kg and 19 months, respectively, divided into three treatments: pasture white oat, pasture white oat intercropped with vetch and oat pasture with energetic supplementation with the basis of ground corn (1% body weight per day in dry matter). The experimental design was a randomized block design with three treatments and three replications. The interaction was observed by the period of evaluation and treatments for the participation of oat leaf in grassland. The participation of vetches increased in the course of the experiment from 3.51% to 12.21% as opposed to the participation of oat, which decreased in the course of the experiment in all treatments. No significant difference (P>0.05) was found for the forage mass, stoking rate, forage offer and rate of daily accumulation between treatments. The animals that received supplementation showed higher (P <0.05) average daily weight gain (1.08kg/day), live weight gain for ha (4.47kg/ha/day) and total live weight gain (242.82kg) compared with those animals that received only oat (0.68kg, 2.50kg/ha/day; 123.49kg, respectively). While the animals that have remained in pasture with oat and vetch showed intermediate results (0.89kg/day, 2.99kg/ha/day and 154.26kg, respectively) the final weight was better in the treatment with supplementation (424.44kg). The energy supplementation with oat pasture is presented as the best alternative to improve animal performance. Nevertheless, the oat plus vetch is an alternative when the supplement (corn grain) has a high cost, once the animal performance was lower, but it was not different from the energetic supplementation.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2012
P.E.F. Prohmann; Antonio Ferriani Branco; Wagner Paris; Julio Cesar Barreto; V.J.A. Magalhães; Rafael Henrique de Tonissi e Buschinelli de Goes; M.V.M. Oliveira
The experiment was conducted to study different methods of pasture sampling, to estimate the chemical composition of the diet of Holstein steer, and grazing pasture of oat (Avena strigosa Schreb)and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam). The methods evaluated were Clipping Close by Soil (CCS), Hand-Plucking (HPL) and Rumen Evacuation (REV). The averages for crude protein (CP), total digestible nutrients (TDN), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were 9.7, 62.2, 64.5 and 33.1% for the CCS treatment; 9.8, 65.4, 59.6 and 30.0% for HPL, and 11.4, 70.8, 51.6 and 25.5% for REV, respectively. There was no statistical difference between CCS and HPL methods, however, in relation to the REV method, both underestimated protein and energy concentration, and overestimated the amount of cell walls in the diet. The conclusion is that rumen evacuation may be an adequate method to characterize the diet consumed by steers on oats and ryegrass pastures.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Paulo Afonso Carvalho; Luis Maria Bonnecarrère Sanchez; Cleber Cassol Pires; Julio Viégas; João Pedro Velho; Wagner Paris
O presente estudo foi conduzido para avaliar as mudancas na composicao corporal e estudar as exigencias liquidas de materia mineral total (MM), calcio (Ca), fosforo (P), magnesio (Mg) e potassio (K) para ganho de peso de corpo vazio (GPCVZ) e ganho de peso vivo (GPV) de bezerros do nascimento ate os 110 dias de idade. Foram usados 18 bezerros da raca Holandes, machos, nao castrados, pesando entre 30 e 100 kg. Seis animais foram abatidos ao nascimento, seis aos 50 dias e seis aos 110 dias de idade. Foram ajustadas equacoes de regressao do logaritmo da quantidade de MM, Ca, P, Mg e K retidos no corpo, em funcao do logaritmo do peso de corpo vazio (PCVZ). As exigencias liquidas dos macroelementos para ganho de peso foram obtidas por derivacao das equacoes de predicao da composicao corporal. Ocorreu acrescimo na concentracao de todos macroelementos no PCVZ e no GPCVZ do nascimento aos 110 dias de vida, entretanto, as exigencias destes elementos para GPV decresceram neste mesmo periodo. As exigencias liquidas para 1 kg de GPCVZ, para o intervalo de PCVZ de 27,57 a 74,27 kg, variaram de 69,76 a 74,33 g para MM; 24,24 a 24,67 g para o Ca; 14,64 a 16,06 g para o P; 0,48 a 0,53 g para o Mg e de 3,18 a 3,61 g para o K. As exigencias liquidas para 1 kg de GPV, para o intervalo de PV de 30 a 100 kg, variaram de 63,37 a 55,20 g para MM; 22,02 a 18,32 g para o Ca; 13,30 a 11,93 g para o P; 0,44 a 0,39 g para o Mg e de 2,89 a 2,68 g para o K.
Semina-ciencias Agrarias | 2018
João de Assis Farias Filho; Fabiana Luiza Matielo de Paula; Adalberto Luiz de Paula; Wagner Paris; Fabrício Ghinzelli; Gustavo Henrique Arend; Luis Fernando Glasenapp de Menezes
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the bromatological quality, forage production, and botanical and structural composition of Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp.) pastures overseeded with black oat (Avena strigosa). Four treatments were evaluated in a 2 × 2 factorial scheme (irrigated and non-irrigated × fertilized and non-fertilized), with three replicates, in a completely randomized design. In irrigated paddocks, the irrigation system was activated when the soil matric potential reached a value equal to, or higher than, 10 kPa and 135 kg N ha-1 was applied to fertilized paddocks, divided into four applications. The forage mass pre- and post-grazing, total forage production, and the botanical, structural, and bromatological composition of the pastures were evaluated. No interaction was observed between the irrigation and nitrogen fertilization factors for any of the variables and no significant differences were observed in forage mass between pre- and post-grazing or in Tifton leaf and stem percentages. Nitrogen fertilization had a significant effect on forage production, which was 2626.41 kg dry matter (DM) ha-1 higher in fertilized pastures than in unfertilized pastures. In addition, fertilization resulted in a lower percentage of dead material (6.66%), higher percentage of oat leaves (30.84%), higher leaf:stem ratio (1:45), higher crude protein content (24.13%), lower levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (64.57%) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) (32.86%), and higher in vitro dry matter digestibility (73.01%) than in unfertilized pastures. The use of irrigation did not influence total forage production, however, it resulted in pastures with lower NDF (65.97%) and ADF (33.54%), and higher in vitro dry matter digestibility (73.48%) than unirrigated pastures. Nitrogen fertilization produced improvements in pasture structure, associated with higher dry matter yield and bromatological quality, while irrigation only produced pastures with lower fiber content and greater digestibility.
Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias | 2017
Ana Maria Osorio Dias; Luis Fernando Glasenapp de Menezes; Wagner Paris; Priscila Vincenzi dos Santos; Ronaldo Rubens Biesek; Renan D. Mafioletti; Renato Marchesan
The use of animals from dairy farms is an alternative to meat production since it provides an increment of total income for farmers. This study aims to evaluate the performance of Holstein calves finished in two feeding systems (feedlot or pasture). Forty-three animals with 58 days old and 57 kg were divided in two treatments: 23 animals finished in feedlot with corn silage plus concentrate based on corn and soybean meal (40:60); 20 animals kept in cultivated pastures according to the period of the year: Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) with supplementation with the same feedlot-concentrate at 1% body weight. Animals were slaughtered with 200 kg. Dry matter and nutrient intake were determined, with the use of chromium oxide for estimating pasture intake. Feedlot animals had greater total intake and total digestible nutrients, resulting in higher average daily gain (0.949 vs 0.694 kg day-1). Crude protein intake, neutral detergent fiber and feed conversion did not show significant differences. Holstein calves have improved performance when finished in feedlot.