Willian Fernando de Borba
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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Featured researches published by Willian Fernando de Borba.
Revista Monografias Ambientais | 2014
Pedro Daniel da Cunha Kemerich; Débora Cristina Bianchini; Jiulia Caroline Fank; Willian Fernando de Borba; Diego Polonia Weber; Fernando Ernesto Ucker
The theme is a recent and little discussed in contemporary society, the environmental issue involving the burial of human bodies being the subject of many studies aimed at identifying sources of contamination caused by them. This work aims to address all issues involving cemeteries, still unknown to many people but of paramount importance for public health. Since the local necropolis burial of corpses, there are risks contamination of soil, air and water resources by necrochorume and putrefaction gases originated, if the means of burial or the area is not suitable for this purpose. Only after the approval of CONANA Resolution 335/2003 this issue began to receive the necessary attention. There are several types of cemeteries, and the most common traditional, parks or gardens where the body is in direct contact with the ground , vertical , those with better efficiency in terms of environment and health of the surrounding population , and the culture of the people determinant for the choice of the same factord.
Revista Monografias Ambientais | 2014
Willian Fernando de Borba; Pedro Daniel da Cunha Kemerich; Leonidas Luis Descovi Vicato Filho; Pablo Ricardo Piceti Pretto; Carlos Eduardo Balestrin Flores; Jacson Rodrigues França; Diego Hinteholz
The assessment of the vulnerability of aquifers to contamination is an important tool for management of groundwater resources. This article used the GOD methodology vulnerability assessment of aquifer contamination in the Brazilian city of Seberi/RS. The results showed that this county is vulnerable from low to high, following the southwest to northeast. The urban area of this town holds the largest number of information regarding funding and therefore provides more reliable results, with lower vulnerabilities in its southwestern corner, middle and high in the central portion in the northeast portion.
Ciência e Natura | 2014
Pedro Daniel da Cunha Kemerich; Sergio Roberto Martins; Masato Kobiyama; Antonio Luiz Santi; Carlos Eduardo Balestrin Flores; Willian Fernando de Borba; Gabriel D’Ávila Fernandes; Maurício Roberto Cherubin
Dentre as principais fontes de contaminacao dos recursos hidricos tanto superficiais quando subterrâneos, o escoamento superficial destaca-se principalmente no carreamento de substancias contaminantes, acarretando em alteracoes prejudiciais na qualidade da agua. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a determinacao das caracteristicas fisicas e quimicas da agua oriunda do escoamento superficial da bacia hidrografica do Rio Vacacai-Mirim. Para a realizacao do presente estudo foi utilizado o metodo o metodo “Cornell Sprinkle Infiltrometer”, que promove uma chuva simulada, com tres coletas da agua proveniente do escoamento superficial, aos 3, 30 e 60 minutos. Apos a coleta, foram realizadas testes em laboratorio para a determinacao dos parâmetros (Cloretos, Condutividade Eletrica, Cor, Fluor, Oxigenio Dissolvido, pH, Potassio, Sodio, Solidos Sedimentaveis). Os valores de Cloro variaram de 0,05 a 0,59 mg L-1, Condutividade Eletrica variaram de 31,1 a 188,1 µS cm-1, a Cor oscilou entre 0,9 e 523 uC, as concentracoes de Fluor variaram de 0 a 2,1 mg L-1, o Oxigenio Dissolvido variou de 0,9 a 8,4 mg L-1, o pH variou de 5,7 a 7,41, a concentracao de Potassio variou entre 0 e 20 mg L-1, os valores de Sodio variaram de 2 a 171 mg L-1, a concentracao de Solidos Sedimentaveis variaram de 0,01 a 5.6 mg L-1. Os resultados das analises da variância, nao revelaram interacoes entre os fatores uso e manejo do solo no inicio do escoamento superficial para nenhuma das variaveis estudadas, enquanto que as alteracoes quimicas na agua em funcao do periodo do inicio do escoamento superficial verificou-se efeito significativo apenas na cor da agua.
Revista Monografias Ambientais | 2016
Lueni Gonçalves Terra; Willian Fernando de Borba; Gabriel D’Ávila Fernandes; Helena Wichineski Trombeta; José Luiz Silvério da Silva
Groundwater generally have better natural condition than surface water. However, because of lithological diversity, they present variable chemical composition, which can also be modified by contaminant loads. This study aimed to evaluate the hydrochemistry, the natural vulnerability of aquifers to contamination and the potentiometric surface of the Serra Geral Aquifer in the municipality of Ametista do Sul, RS. The data was obtained from the Groundwater Information System. There was selected eleven captures information with electrical conductivity, pH, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate, fluoride, total alkalinity, static level profiles geological and geographical coordinates. From the Qualigraf 1.1 program, there were generated Piper diagrams for chemical classification and diagrams Stiff and Schoeller-Berkaloff to check the tendency of water. The vulnerability was determined from the GOD system. The pH was between 7.4 and 10.2. As for the chemical classification, ten samples showed up with sodium bicarbonate and sodium as mixed. Five samples showed fluoride concentrations greater than the Maximum Allowed 1.5 mg L-1 established by the Ministry of Health and the natural vulnerability of the aquifer to contamination ranged from insignificant to low.
Revista Monografias Ambientais | 2016
Lueni Gonçalves Terra; Bruna Nascimento de Vasconcellos Schiavo; Gabriel D’Ávila Fernandes; Willian Fernando de Borba; José Luiz Silvério da Silva
As a result of the significant increase in urbanization and the need to supply the population service increase gradually grows the use of groundwater to meet different uses.Based on this, the studies of the aquifer vulnerability to contamination becomes an important tool. This study aims to map the vulnerability of groundwater in Sao Sepe- Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, which is located in the Uruguayan South Rio-Grandense shield, fractured crystalline aquifer. For the spatialization the method used was GOD, adapted to the Brazilian conditions. Then, a hydrogeological database was elaborated for the eight funding containing the necessary information for the method (degree of containment, middle aquifer and deep water level). The vulnerability cartogram pointed out the predominant class such as low, equivalent to 44,56 % of the total area, followed by the middle class represented by 39,33% and the high class with 12,91% mapped. The extreme and insignificant classes represented 2,78 % and 0,42 % respectively. These results highlight the need for vulnerability indices, which should be considered for the licensing of potentially polluting enterprises and implementation of master plans.
Revista Eletrônica em Gestão, Educação e Tecnologia Ambiental (FECHADA PARA SUBMISSÕES POR TEMPO INDETERMINADO) | 2016
Pedro Daniel da Cunha Kemerich; Carlos Eduardo Balestrin Flores; Willian Fernando de Borba; Rafael Borth da Silveira; Jacson Rodrigues França; Natalie Levandoski
Com o aumento gradativo da populacao e dos padroes de consumo da sociedade atual, os debates envolvendo as questoes energeticas estao sendo cada vez mais frequentes. A base energetica do Brasil gira em torno das hidreletricas, visto que o pais possui uma otima disponibilidade hidrica. Com a escassez dos recursos nao renovaveis causado pelo consumo desenfreado, voltam-se os olhos para as fontes de energias renovaveis, dentre elas destaca-se a energia solar. Com isso o presente estudo teve por objetivo elencar a situacao, tipos, dificuldades e expectativas da energia solar no Brasil e no mundo. Foi identificado que o pais possui um grande potencial para geracao de tal energia, porem ainda esbarra principalmente em questoes financeiras para sua implementacao, o que indica que o poder publico deve investir no setor, que pode resolver diversos problemas relacionados ao acesso a energia eletrica em comunidades isoladas do pais.
Ciência e Natura | 2016
Carlos Alberto Löbler; Willian Fernando de Borba; José Luiz Silvério da Silva
With the increasing pollution of surface water resources, groundwater consumption has grown rapidly in recent times. It is a resource that most often does not require treatment for human consumption. From this, there are some tools that aim to assist in the management of those groundwater resources. This paper aims to evaluate the natural vulnerability of aquifer to contamination in the watershed of the Santa Maria River, within the Parana Sedimentary basin in the Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil. The GOD scheme was applied to determine the aquifer pollution vulnerability. Results indicate a moderate vulnerability for ca. 31.89% of the area, and a high vulnerability for 50.44% of the total area. These natural characteristics were related with the predominance of porous/permeable sandstones in its substrate constitution and the occurrence of shallow groundwater levels. This geologic context makes the aquifer more vulnerable according to GOD scheme. These results are important for the management of groundwater resources, uses in municipal master plans and land use.
Ciência e Natura | 2016
Carlos Alberto Löbler; Willian Fernando de Borba; José Luiz Silvério da Silva; Iago Turba Costa; Lucas Lasta
O Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) e abastecido principalmente por aguas subterrâneas, sendo essas captadas em Zona de Afloramentos (ZA) do Sistema Aquifero Guarani (SAG). O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar duas variaveis, uma fisica que e a temperatura e uma quimica que e a Condutividade Eletrica (CE) na coluna da agua em dois pocos tubulares dedicados a pesquisa no Campus da UFSM. Estatisticamente, nas duas datas distintas de coletas, os dados apresentaram bastante uniformidade, sendo que a CE caracteriza pelo incremento do seu valor na medida em que se desce na coluna da agua e a temperatura tente a decair a medida que se aprofunda na coluna da agua. Houve algumas pequenas variacoes entre as diferentes datas de coleta para os mesmos pocos, contudo constatou-se que prevaleceu a uniformidade dos dados na maioria dos casos.
Anuário do Instituto de Geociências UFRJ | 2016
Willian Fernando de Borba; Gabriel D’Ávila Fernandes; Lueni Gonçalves Terra; Carlos Alberto Löble; José Luiz Silvério da Silva
The progressive pollution of surface water reserves increasingly generates the exploitation of groundwater resources. Based on this, grows the importance of studies that aim to contribute to the qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of these important sources. The present study aims to determine the natural vulnerability of the aquifer to contamination in the watershed of the Passo Fundo river basin, by applying the GOD system. It has been used information from 439 wells registered on the Groundwater Information System. The river basin under study presents a negligible vulnerability in 73,1% of its total area, low in 25,6 %, an average of 1,3 % and high in only 0,01 %. Thus, it can be concluded that the aquifer has a significant natural protection through the basaltic rocks of the Serra Geral Formation, featuring, for the most part, a confining condition to the aquifer.
Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ | 2016
Willian Fernando de Borba; José Luiz Silvério da Silva; Daniel Allasia; Cristiano Niederauer da Rosa; Jean Ricardo Favaretto; Luís Ribeiro
The issue related to the contamination of the superficial and underground water resources, associated to the lack of environmental monitoring, instigates researchers and professionals to seek new information and methods to promote a proper management. Thus, searching for a better understanding of the susceptibility to contamination of groundwater resources in the city of Frederico Westphalen -RS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and its potential sources of contamination. This work combines the methodologies of Susceptibility Index (IS) with the Pollutant Origin Surcharge Hydraulically (POSH) system through geoprocessing tools. For this, it has built up a database of hydrogeological information based on System Groundwater Information (SIAGAS) from the Geological Service of Brazil, to the depth parameters of water level and the material of the aquifer. Also, there has been raised information of relief and land use from the images provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). From this information, we determined the IS and applied the POSH method for the determination of potential sources of pollution load generation from the local aquifer. The results showed an IS ranging from low to very low in 14% of the city, moderately low in 55%, moderate high at 30% and higher by 1%, with the largest classes found east of the city mainly in the areas of agricultural crops subsistence. The use of POSH method indicated that the potential sources of contaminant load generation are located in areas of moderate to high susceptibility to contamination. These being areas more susceptible to contamination from diffuse sources, depending on annual crops of surface and groundwater sources. Therefore, it was concluded that the geoprocessing techniques applied in the relationship between the IS and POSH, optimize the identification of potential sites and sources of groundwater pollution, being useful in monitoring and environmental planning.