Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Genetically Optimized Prediction of Remaining Useful Life

The application of remaining useful life (RUL) prediction has taken great importance in terms of energy optimization, cost-effectiveness, and risk mitigation. The existing RUL prediction algorithms mostly constitute deep learning frameworks. In this paper, we implement LSTM and GRU models and compare the obtained results with a proposed genetically trained neural network. The current models solely depend on Adam and SGD for optimization and learning. Although the models have worked well with these optimizers, even little uncertainties in prognostics prediction can result in huge losses. We hope to improve the consistency of the predictions by adding another layer of optimization using Genetic Algorithms. The hyper-parameters - learning rate and batch size are optimized beyond manual capacity. These models and the proposed architecture are tested on the NASA Turbofan Jet Engine dataset. The optimized architecture can predict the given hyper-parameters autonomously and provide superior results.

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Artificial Intelligence

Goods Transportation Problem Solving via Routing Algorithm

This paper outlines the ideas behind developing a graph-based heuristic-driven routing algorithm designed for a particular instance of a goods transportation problem with a single good type. The proposed algorithm solves the optimization problem of satisfying the demand of goods on a given undirected transportation graph with minimizing the estimated cost for each traversed segment of the delivery path. The operation of the routing algorithm is discussed and overall evaluation of the proposed problem solving technique is given.

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Artificial Intelligence

Granular conditional entropy-based attribute reduction for partially labeled data with proxy labels

Attribute reduction is one of the most important research topics in the theory of rough sets, and many rough sets-based attribute reduction methods have thus been presented. However, most of them are specifically designed for dealing with either labeled data or unlabeled data, while many real-world applications come in the form of partial supervision. In this paper, we propose a rough sets-based semi-supervised attribute reduction method for partially labeled data. Particularly, with the aid of prior class distribution information about data, we first develop a simple yet effective strategy to produce the proxy labels for unlabeled data. Then the concept of information granularity is integrated into the information-theoretic measure, based on which, a novel granular conditional entropy measure is proposed, and its monotonicity is proved in theory. Furthermore, a fast heuristic algorithm is provided to generate the optimal reduct of partially labeled data, which could accelerate the process of attribute reduction by removing irrelevant examples and excluding redundant attributes simultaneously. Extensive experiments conducted on UCI data sets demonstrate that the proposed semi-supervised attribute reduction method is promising and even compares favourably with the supervised methods on labeled data and unlabeled data with true labels in terms of classification performance.

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Artificial Intelligence

Graph-based Heuristic Search for Module Selection Procedure in Neural Module Network

Neural Module Network (NMN) is a machine learning model for solving the visual question answering tasks. NMN uses programs to encode modules' structures, and its modularized architecture enables it to solve logical problems more reasonably. However, because of the non-differentiable procedure of module selection, NMN is hard to be trained end-to-end. To overcome this problem, existing work either included ground-truth program into training data or applied reinforcement learning to explore the program. However, both of these methods still have weaknesses. In consideration of this, we proposed a new learning framework for NMN. Graph-based Heuristic Search is the algorithm we proposed to discover the optimal program through a heuristic search on the data structure named Program Graph. Our experiments on FigureQA and CLEVR dataset show that our methods can realize the training of NMN without ground-truth programs and achieve superior efficiency over existing reinforcement learning methods in program exploration.

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Artificial Intelligence

GraphGallery: A Platform for Fast Benchmarking and Easy Development of Graph Neural Networks Based Intelligent Software

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have recently shown to be powerful tools for representing and analyzing graph data. So far GNNs is becoming an increasingly critical role in software engineering including program analysis, type inference, and code representation. In this paper, we introduce GraphGallery, a platform for fast benchmarking and easy development of GNNs based software. GraphGallery is an easy-to-use platform that allows developers to automatically deploy GNNs even with less domain-specific knowledge. It offers a set of implementations of common GNN models based on mainstream deep learning frameworks. In addition, existing GNNs toolboxes such as PyG and DGL can be easily incorporated into the platform. Experiments demonstrate the reliability of implementations and superiority in fast coding. The official source code of GraphGallery is available at this https URL and a demo video can be found at this https URL.

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Artificial Intelligence

Grid Cell Path Integration For Movement-Based Visual Object Recognition

Grid cells enable the brain to model the physical space of the world and navigate effectively via path integration, updating self-position using information from self-movement. Recent proposals suggest that the brain might use similar mechanisms to understand the structure of objects in diverse sensory modalities, including vision. In machine vision, object recognition given a sequence of sensory samples of an image, such as saccades, is a challenging problem when the sequence does not follow a consistent, fixed pattern - yet this is something humans do naturally and effortlessly. We explore how grid cell-based path integration in a cortical network can support reliable recognition of objects given an arbitrary sequence of inputs. Our network (GridCellNet) uses grid cell computations to integrate visual information and make predictions based on movements. We use local Hebbian plasticity rules to learn rapidly from a handful of examples (few-shot learning), and consider the task of recognizing MNIST digits given only a sequence of image feature patches. We compare GridCellNet to k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) classifiers as well as recurrent neural networks (RNNs), both of which lack explicit mechanisms for handling arbitrary sequences of input samples. We show that GridCellNet can reliably perform classification, generalizing to both unseen examples and completely novel sequence trajectories. We further show that inference is often successful after sampling a fraction of the input space, enabling the predictive GridCellNet to reconstruct the rest of the image given just a few movements. We propose that dynamically moving agents with active sensors can use grid cell representations not only for navigation, but also for efficient recognition and feature prediction of seen objects.

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Artificial Intelligence

Grounded Relational Inference: Domain Knowledge Driven Explainable Autonomous Driving

Explainability is essential for autonomous vehicles and other robotics systems interacting with humans and other objects during operation. Humans need to understand and anticipate the actions taken by the machines for trustful and safe cooperation. In this work, we aim to enable the explainability of an autonomous driving system at the design stage by incorporating expert domain knowledge into the model. We propose Grounded Relational Inference (GRI). It models an interactive system's underlying dynamics by inferring an interaction graph representing the agents' relations. We ensure an interpretable interaction graph by grounding the relational latent space into semantic behaviors defined with expert domain knowledge. We demonstrate that it can model interactive traffic scenarios under both simulation and real-world settings, and generate interpretable graphs explaining the vehicle's behavior by their interactions.

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Artificial Intelligence

Handling Epistemic and Aleatory Uncertainties in Probabilistic Circuits

When collaborating with an AI system, we need to assess when to trust its recommendations. If we mistakenly trust it in regions where it is likely to err, catastrophic failures may occur, hence the need for Bayesian approaches for probabilistic reasoning in order to determine the confidence (or epistemic uncertainty) in the probabilities in light of the training data. We propose an approach to overcome the independence assumption behind most of the approaches dealing with a large class of probabilistic reasoning that includes Bayesian networks as well as several instances of probabilistic logic. We provide an algorithm for Bayesian learning from sparse, albeit complete, observations, and for deriving inferences and their confidences keeping track of the dependencies between variables when they are manipulated within the unifying computational formalism provided by probabilistic circuits. Each leaf of such circuits is labelled with a beta-distributed random variable that provides us with an elegant framework for representing uncertain probabilities. We achieve better estimation of epistemic uncertainty than state-of-the-art approaches, including highly engineered ones, while being able to handle general circuits and with just a modest increase in the computational effort compared to using point probabilities.

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Artificial Intelligence

Hedging of Financial Derivative Contracts via Monte Carlo Tree Search

The construction of approximate replication strategies for pricing and hedging of derivative contracts in incomplete markets is a key problem of financial engineering. Recently Reinforcement Learning algorithms for hedging under realistic market conditions have attracted significant interest. While research in the derivatives area mostly focused on variations of Q -learning, in artificial intelligence Monte Carlo Tree Search is the recognized state-of-the-art method for various planning problems, such as the games of Hex, Chess, Go,... This article introduces Monte Carlo Tree Search as a method to solve the stochastic optimal control problem behind the pricing and hedging tasks. As compared to Q -learning it combines Reinforcement Learning with tree search techniques. As a consequence Monte Carlo Tree Search has higher sample efficiency, is less prone to over-fitting to specific market models and generally learns stronger policies faster. In our experiments we find that Monte Carlo Tree Search, being the world-champion in games like Chess and Go, is easily capable of maximizing the utility of investor's terminal wealth without setting up an auxiliary mathematical framework.

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Artificial Intelligence

Hierarchical Affordance Discovery using Intrinsic Motivation

To be capable of lifelong learning in a real-life environment, robots have to tackle multiple challenges. Being able to relate physical properties they may observe in their environment to possible interactions they may have is one of them. This skill, named affordance learning, is strongly related to embodiment and is mastered through each person's development: each individual learns affordances differently through their own interactions with their surroundings. Current methods for affordance learning usually use either fixed actions to learn these affordances or focus on static setups involving a robotic arm to be operated. In this article, we propose an algorithm using intrinsic motivation to guide the learning of affordances for a mobile robot. This algorithm is capable to autonomously discover, learn and adapt interrelated affordances without pre-programmed actions. Once learned, these affordances may be used by the algorithm to plan sequences of actions in order to perform tasks of various difficulties. We then present one experiment and analyse our system before comparing it with other approaches from reinforcement learning and affordance learning.

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