Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Off-Policy Meta-Reinforcement Learning Based on Feature Embedding Spaces

Meta-reinforcement learning (RL) addresses the problem of sample inefficiency in deep RL by using experience obtained in past tasks for a new task to be solved. However, most meta-RL methods require partially or fully on-policy data, i.e., they cannot reuse the data collected by past policies, which hinders the improvement of sample efficiency. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel off-policy meta-RL method, embedding learning and evaluation of uncertainty (ELUE). An ELUE agent is characterized by the learning of a feature embedding space shared among tasks. It learns a belief model over the embedding space and a belief-conditional policy and Q-function. Then, for a new task, it collects data by the pretrained policy, and updates its belief based on the belief model. Thanks to the belief update, the performance can be improved with a small amount of data. In addition, it updates the parameters of the neural networks to adjust the pretrained relationships when there are enough data. We demonstrate that ELUE outperforms state-of-the-art meta RL methods through experiments on meta-RL benchmarks.

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Artificial Intelligence

On Population-Based Algorithms for Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems

Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems (DCOPs) are a widely studied class of optimization problems in which interaction between a set of cooperative agents are modeled as a set of constraints. DCOPs are NP-hard and significant effort has been devoted to developing methods for finding incomplete solutions. In this paper, we study an emerging class of such incomplete algorithms that are broadly termed as population-based algorithms. The main characteristic of these algorithms is that they maintain a population of candidate solutions of a given problem and use this population to cover a large area of the search space and to avoid local-optima. In recent years, this class of algorithms has gained significant attention due to their ability to produce high-quality incomplete solutions. With the primary goal of further improving the quality of solutions compared to the state-of-the-art incomplete DCOP algorithms, we present two new population-based algorithms in this paper. Our first approach, Anytime Evolutionary DCOP or AED, exploits evolutionary optimization meta-heuristics to solve DCOPs. We also present a novel anytime update mechanism that gives AED its anytime property. While in our second contribution, we show that population-based approaches can be combined with local search approaches. Specifically, we develop an algorithm called DPSA based on the Simulated Annealing meta-heuristic. We empirically evaluate these two algorithms to illustrate their respective effectiveness in different settings against the state-of-the-art incomplete DCOP algorithms including all existing population-based algorithms in a wide variety of benchmarks. Our evaluation shows AED and DPSA markedly outperform the state-of-the-art and produce up to 75% improved solutions.

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Artificial Intelligence

On a notion of independence proposed by Teddy Seidenfeld

Teddy Seidenfeld has been arguing for quite a long time that binary preference models are not powerful enough to deal with a number of crucial aspects of imprecision and indeterminacy in uncertain inference and decision making. It is at his insistence that we initiated our study of so-called sets of desirable option sets, which we have argued elsewhere provides an elegant and powerful approach to dealing with general, binary as well as non-binary, decision-making under uncertainty. We use this approach here to explore an interesting notion of irrelevance (and independence), first suggested by Seidenfeld in an example intended as a criticism of a number of specific decision methodologies based on (convex) binary preferences. We show that the consequences of making such an irrelevance or independence assessment are very strong, and might be used to argue for the use of so-called mixing choice functions, and E-admissibility as the resulting decision scheme.

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Artificial Intelligence

On formal concepts of random formal contexts

In formal concept analysis, it is well-known that the number of formal concepts can be exponential in the worst case. To analyze the average case, we introduce a probabilistic model for random formal contexts and prove that the average number of formal concepts has a superpolynomial asymptotic lower bound.

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Artificial Intelligence

On the Control of Attentional Processes in Vision

The study of attentional processing in vision has a long and deep history. Recently, several papers have presented insightful perspectives into how the coordination of multiple attentional functions in the brain might occur. These begin with experimental observations and the authors propose structures, processes, and computations that might explain those observations. Here, we consider a perspective that past works have not, as a complementary approach to the experimentally-grounded ones. We approach the same problem as past authors but from the other end of the computational spectrum, from the problem nature, as Marr's Computational Level would prescribe. What problem must the brain solve when orchestrating attentional processes in order to successfully complete one of the myriad possible visuospatial tasks at which we as humans excel? The hope, of course, is for the approaches to eventually meet and thus form a complete theory, but this is likely not soon. We make the first steps towards this by addressing the necessity of attentional control, examining the breadth and computational difficulty of the visuospatial and attentional tasks seen in human behavior, and suggesting a sketch of how attentional control might arise in the brain. The key conclusions of this paper are that an executive controller is necessary for human attentional function in vision, and that there is a 'first principles' computational approach to its understanding that is complementary to the previous approaches that focus on modelling or learning from experimental observations directly.

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Artificial Intelligence

On the Effectiveness of Minisum Approval Voting in an Open Strategy Setting: An Agent-Based Approach

This work researches the impact of including a wider range of participants in the strategy-making process on the performance of organizations which operate in either moderately or highly complex environments. Agent-based simulation demonstrates that the increased number of ideas generated from larger and diverse crowds and subsequent preference aggregation lead to rapid discovery of higher peaks in the organization's performance landscape. However, this is not the case when the expansion in the number of participants is small. The results confirm the most frequently mentioned benefit in the Open Strategy literature: the discovery of better performing strategies.

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Artificial Intelligence

On the Evaluation of Vision-and-Language Navigation Instructions

Vision-and-Language Navigation wayfinding agents can be enhanced by exploiting automatically generated navigation instructions. However, existing instruction generators have not been comprehensively evaluated, and the automatic evaluation metrics used to develop them have not been validated. Using human wayfinders, we show that these generators perform on par with or only slightly better than a template-based generator and far worse than human instructors. Furthermore, we discover that BLEU, ROUGE, METEOR and CIDEr are ineffective for evaluating grounded navigation instructions. To improve instruction evaluation, we propose an instruction-trajectory compatibility model that operates without reference instructions. Our model shows the highest correlation with human wayfinding outcomes when scoring individual instructions. For ranking instruction generation systems, if reference instructions are available we recommend using SPICE.

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Artificial Intelligence

On the Generalizability of Motion Models for Road Users in Heterogeneous Shared Traffic Spaces

Modeling mixed-traffic motion and interactions is crucial to assess safety, efficiency, and feasibility of future urban areas. The lack of traffic regulations, diverse transport modes, and the dynamic nature of mixed-traffic zones like shared spaces make realistic modeling of such environments challenging. This paper focuses on the generalizability of the motion model, i.e., its ability to generate realistic behavior in different environmental settings, an aspect which is lacking in existing works. Specifically, our first contribution is a novel and systematic process of formulating general motion models and application of this process is to extend our Game-Theoretic Social Force Model (GSFM) towards a general model for generating a large variety of motion behaviors of pedestrians and cars from different shared spaces. Our second contribution is to consider different motion patterns of pedestrians by calibrating motion-related features of individual pedestrian and clustering them into groups. We analyze two clustering approaches. The calibration and evaluation of our model are performed on three different shared space data sets. The results indicate that our model can realistically simulate a wide range of motion behaviors and interaction scenarios, and that adding different motion patterns of pedestrians into our model improves its performance.

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Artificial Intelligence

On the Philosophical, Cognitive and Mathematical Foundations of Symbiotic Autonomous Systems (SAS)

Symbiotic Autonomous Systems (SAS) are advanced intelligent and cognitive systems exhibiting autonomous collective intelligence enabled by coherent symbiosis of human-machine interactions in hybrid societies. Basic research in the emerging field of SAS has triggered advanced general AI technologies functioning without human intervention or hybrid symbiotic systems synergizing humans and intelligent machines into coherent cognitive systems. This work presents a theoretical framework of SAS underpinned by the latest advances in intelligence, cognition, computer, and system sciences. SAS are characterized by the composition of autonomous and symbiotic systems that adopt bio-brain-social-inspired and heterogeneously synergized structures and autonomous behaviors. This paper explores their cognitive and mathematical foundations. The challenge to seamless human-machine interactions in a hybrid environment is addressed. SAS-based collective intelligence is explored in order to augment human capability by autonomous machine intelligence towards the next generation of general AI, autonomous computers, and trustworthy mission-critical intelligent systems. Emerging paradigms and engineering applications of SAS are elaborated via an autonomous knowledge learning system that symbiotically works between humans and cognitive robots.

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Artificial Intelligence

On the Tractability of SHAP Explanations

SHAP explanations are a popular feature-attribution mechanism for explainable AI. They use game-theoretic notions to measure the influence of individual features on the prediction of a machine learning model. Despite a lot of recent interest from both academia and industry, it is not known whether SHAP explanations of common machine learning models can be computed efficiently. In this paper, we establish the complexity of computing the SHAP explanation in three important settings. First, we consider fully-factorized data distributions, and show that the complexity of computing the SHAP explanation is the same as the complexity of computing the expected value of the model. This fully-factorized setting is often used to simplify the SHAP computation, yet our results show that the computation can be intractable for commonly used models such as logistic regression. Going beyond fully-factorized distributions, we show that computing SHAP explanations is already intractable for a very simple setting: computing SHAP explanations of trivial classifiers over naive Bayes distributions. Finally, we show that even computing SHAP over the empirical distribution is #P-hard.

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