Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Multistage BiCross Encoder: Team GATE Entry for MLIA Multilingual Semantic Search Task 2

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has led to a rapidly growing `infodemic' online. Thus, the accurate retrieval of reliable relevant data from millions of documents about COVID-19 has become urgently needed for the general public as well as for other stakeholders. The COVID-19 Multilingual Information Access (MLIA) initiative is a joint effort to ameliorate exchange of COVID-19 related information by developing applications and services through research and community participation. In this work, we present a search system called Multistage BiCross Encoder, developed by team GATE for the MLIA task 2 Multilingual Semantic Search. Multistage BiCross-Encoder is a sequential three stage pipeline which uses the Okapi BM25 algorithm and a transformer based bi-encoder and cross-encoder to effectively rank the documents with respect to the query. The results of round 1 show that our models achieve state-of-the-art performance for all ranking metrics for both monolingual and bilingual runs.

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Artificial Intelligence

MöbiusE: Knowledge Graph Embedding on Möbius Ring

In this work, we propose a novel Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE) strategy, called MöbiusE, in which the entities and relations are embedded to the surface of a Möbius ring. The proposition of such a strategy is inspired by the classic TorusE, in which the addition of two arbitrary elements is subject to a modulus operation. In this sense, TorusE naturally guarantees the critical boundedness of embedding vectors in KGE. However, the nonlinear property of addition operation on Torus ring is uniquely derived by the modulus operation, which in some extent restricts the expressiveness of TorusE. As a further generalization of TorusE, MöbiusE also uses modulus operation to preserve the closeness of addition operation on it, but the coordinates on Möbius ring interacts with each other in the following way: {\em \color{red} any vector on the surface of a Möbius ring moves along its parametric trace will goes to the right opposite direction after a cycle}. Hence, MöbiusE assumes much more nonlinear representativeness than that of TorusE, and in turn it generates much more precise embedding results. In our experiments, MöbiusE outperforms TorusE and other classic embedding strategies in several key indicators.

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Artificial Intelligence

Naive Artificial Intelligence

In the cognitive sciences, it is common to distinguish between crystal intelligence, the ability to utilize knowledge acquired through past learning or experience and fluid intelligence, the ability to solve novel problems without relying on prior knowledge. Using this cognitive distinction between the two types of intelligence, extensively-trained deep networks that can play chess or Go exhibit crystal but not fluid intelligence. In humans, fluid intelligence is typically studied and quantified using intelligence tests. Previous studies have shown that deep networks can solve some forms of intelligence tests, but only after extensive training. Here we present a computational model that solves intelligence tests without any prior training. This ability is based on continual inductive reasoning, and is implemented by deep unsupervised latent-prediction networks. Our work demonstrates the potential fluid intelligence of deep networks. Finally, we propose that the computational principles underlying our approach can be used to model fluid intelligence in the cognitive sciences.

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Artificial Intelligence

Neural Fitted Q Iteration based Optimal Bidding Strategy in Real Time Reactive Power Market_1

In real time electricity markets, the objective of generation companies while bidding is to maximize their profit. The strategies for learning optimal bidding have been formulated through game theoretical approaches and stochastic optimization problems. Similar studies in reactive power markets have not been reported so far because the network voltage operating conditions have an increased impact on reactive power markets than on active power markets. Contrary to active power markets, the bids of rivals are not directly related to fuel costs in reactive power markets. Hence, the assumption of a suitable probability distribution function is unrealistic, making the strategies adopted in active power markets unsuitable for learning optimal bids in reactive power market mechanisms. Therefore, a bidding strategy is to be learnt from market observations and experience in imperfect oligopolistic competition-based markets. In this paper, a pioneer work on learning optimal bidding strategies from observation and experience in a three-stage reactive power market is reported.

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Artificial Intelligence

Neural Model-based Optimization with Right-Censored Observations

In many fields of study, we only observe lower bounds on the true response value of some experiments. When fitting a regression model to predict the distribution of the outcomes, we cannot simply drop these right-censored observations, but need to properly model them. In this work, we focus on the concept of censored data in the light of model-based optimization where prematurely terminating evaluations (and thus generating right-censored data) is a key factor for efficiency, e.g., when searching for an algorithm configuration that minimizes runtime of the algorithm at hand. Neural networks (NNs) have been demonstrated to work well at the core of model-based optimization procedures and here we extend them to handle these censored observations. We propose (i)~a loss function based on the Tobit model to incorporate censored samples into training and (ii) use an ensemble of networks to model the posterior distribution. To nevertheless be efficient in terms of optimization-overhead, we propose to use Thompson sampling s.t. we only need to train a single NN in each iteration. Our experiments show that our trained regression models achieve a better predictive quality than several baselines and that our approach achieves new state-of-the-art performance for model-based optimization on two optimization problems: minimizing the solution time of a SAT solver and the time-to-accuracy of neural networks.

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Artificial Intelligence

Neural Storage: A New Paradigm of Elastic Memory

Storage and retrieval of data in a computer memory plays a major role in system performance. Traditionally, computer memory organization is static - i.e., they do not change based on the application-specific characteristics in memory access behaviour during system operation. Specifically, the association of a data block with a search pattern (or cues) as well as the granularity of a stored data do not evolve. Such a static nature of computer memory, we observe, not only limits the amount of data we can store in a given physical storage, but it also misses the opportunity for dramatic performance improvement in various applications. On the contrary, human memory is characterized by seemingly infinite plasticity in storing and retrieving data - as well as dynamically creating/updating the associations between data and corresponding cues. In this paper, we introduce Neural Storage (NS), a brain-inspired learning memory paradigm that organizes the memory as a flexible neural memory network. In NS, the network structure, strength of associations, and granularity of the data adjust continuously during system operation, providing unprecedented plasticity and performance benefits. We present the associated storage/retrieval/retention algorithms in NS, which integrate a formalized learning process. Using a full-blown operational model, we demonstrate that NS achieves an order of magnitude improvement in memory access performance for two representative applications when compared to traditional content-based memory.

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Artificial Intelligence

Neurocognitive Informatics Manifesto

Informatics studies all aspects of the structure of natural and artificial information systems. Theoretical and abstract approaches to information have made great advances, but human information processing is still unmatched in many areas, including information management, representation and understanding. Neurocognitive informatics is a new, emerging field that should help to improve the matching of artificial and natural systems, and inspire better computational algorithms to solve problems that are still beyond the reach of machines. In this position paper examples of neurocognitive inspirations and promising directions in this area are given.

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Artificial Intelligence

Neurogenetic Programming Framework for Explainable Reinforcement Learning

Automatic programming, the task of generating computer programs compliant with a specification without a human developer, is usually tackled either via genetic programming methods based on mutation and recombination of programs, or via neural language models. We propose a novel method that combines both approaches using a concept of a virtual neuro-genetic programmer: using evolutionary methods as an alternative to gradient descent for neural network training}, or scrum team. We demonstrate its ability to provide performant and explainable solutions for various OpenAI Gym tasks, as well as inject expert knowledge into the otherwise data-driven search for solutions.

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Artificial Intelligence

New methods for metastimuli: architecture, embeddings, and neural network optimization

Six significant new methodological developments of the previously-presented "metastimuli architecture" for human learning through machine learning of spatially correlated structural position within a user's personal information management system (PIMS), providing the basis for haptic metastimuli, are presented. These include architectural innovation, recurrent (RNN) artificial neural network (ANN) application, a variety of atom embedding techniques (including a novel technique we call "nabla" embedding inspired by linguistics), ANN hyper-parameter (one that affects the network but is not trained, e.g. the learning rate) optimization, and meta-parameter (one that determines the system performance but is not trained and not a hyper-parameter, e.g. the atom embedding technique) optimization for exploring the large design space. A technique for using the system for automatic atom categorization in a user's PIMS is outlined. ANN training and hyper- and meta-parameter optimization results are presented and discussed in service of methodological recommendations.

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Artificial Intelligence

OWL2Vec*: Embedding of OWL Ontologies

Semantic embedding of knowledge graphs has been widely studied and used for prediction and statistical analysis tasks across various domains such as Natural Language Processing and the Semantic Web. However, less attention has been paid to developing robust methods for embedding OWL (Web Ontology Language) ontologies which can express a much wider range of semantics than knowledge graphs and have been widely adopted in domains such as bioinformatics. In this paper, we propose a random walk and word embedding based ontology embedding method named OWL2Vec*, which encodes the semantics of an OWL ontology by taking into account its graph structure, lexical information and logical constructors. Our empirical evaluation with three real world datasets suggests that OWL2Vec* benefits from these three different aspects of an ontology in class membership prediction and class subsumption prediction tasks. Furthermore, OWL2Vec* often significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in our experiments.

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