Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

LightCAKE: A Lightweight Framework for Context-Aware Knowledge Graph Embedding

Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models learn to project symbolic entities and relations into a continuous vector space based on the observed triplets. However, existing KGE models cannot make a proper trade-off between the graph context and the model complexity, which makes them still far from satisfactory. In this paper, we propose a lightweight framework named LightCAKE for context-aware KGE. LightCAKE explicitly models the graph context without introducing redundant trainable parameters, and uses an iterative aggregation strategy to integrate the context information into the entity/relation embeddings. As a generic framework, it can be used with many simple KGE models to achieve excellent results. Finally, extensive experiments on public benchmarks demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our framework.

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Artificial Intelligence

Linear Temporal Public Announcement Logic: a new perspective for reasoning the knowledge of multi-classifiers

Current applied intelligent systems have crucial shortcomings either in reasoning the gathered knowledge, or representation of comprehensive integrated information. To address these limitations, we develop a formal transition system which is applied to the common artificial intelligence (AI) systems, to reason about the findings. The developed model was created by combining the Public Announcement Logic (PAL) and the Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), which will be done to analyze both single-framed data and the following time-series data. To do this, first, the achieved knowledge by an AI-based system (i.e., classifiers) for an individual time-framed data, will be taken, and then, it would be modeled by a PAL. This leads to developing a unified representation of knowledge, and the smoothness in the integration of the gathered and external experiences. Therefore, the model could receive the classifier's predefined -- or any external -- knowledge, to assemble them in a unified manner. Alongside the PAL, all the timed knowledge changes will be modeled, using a temporal logic transition system. Later, following by the translation of natural language questions into the temporal formulas, the satisfaction leads the model to answer that question. This interpretation integrates the information of the recognized input data, rules, and knowledge. Finally, we suggest a mechanism to reduce the investigated paths for the performance improvements, which results in a partial correction for an object-detection system.

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Artificial Intelligence

Location Trace Privacy Under Conditional Priors

Providing meaningful privacy to users of location based services is particularly challenging when multiple locations are revealed in a short period of time. This is primarily due to the tremendous degree of dependence that can be anticipated between points. We propose a Rényi divergence based privacy framework for bounding expected privacy loss for conditionally dependent data. Additionally, we demonstrate an algorithm for achieving this privacy under Gaussian process conditional priors. This framework both exemplifies why conditionally dependent data is so challenging to protect and offers a strategy for preserving privacy to within a fixed radius for sensitive locations in a user's trace.

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Artificial Intelligence

Logical Judges Challenge Human Judges on the Strange Case of B.C.-Valjean

On May 12th, 2020, during the course entitled Artificial Intelligence and Jurisdiction Practice organized by the Italian School of Magistracy, more than 70 magistrates followed our demonstration of a Prolog logical judge reasoning on an armed robbery case. Although the implemented logical judge is just an exercise of knowledge representation and simple deductive reasoning, a practical demonstration of an automated reasoning tool to such a large audience of potential end-users represents a first and unique attempt in Italy and, to the best of our knowledge, in the international panorama. In this paper we present the case addressed by the logical judge - a real case already addressed by a human judge in 2015 - and the feedback on the demonstration collected from the attendees.

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Artificial Intelligence

Ludii Game Logic Guide

This technical report outlines the fundamental workings of the game logic behind Ludii, a general game system, that can be used to play a wide variety of games. Ludii is a program developed for the ERC-funded Digital Ludeme Project, in which mathematical and computational approaches are used to study how games were played, and spread, throughout history. This report explains how general game states and equipment are represented in Ludii, and how the rule ludemes dictating play are implemented behind the scenes, giving some insight into the core game logic behind the Ludii general game player. This guide is intended to help game designers using the Ludii game description language to understand it more completely and make fuller use of its features when describing their games.

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Artificial Intelligence

Machine Knowledge: Creation and Curation of Comprehensive Knowledge Bases

Equipping machines with comprehensive knowledge of the world's entities and their relationships has been a long-standing goal of AI. Over the last decade, large-scale knowledge bases, also known as knowledge graphs, have been automatically constructed from web contents and text sources, and have become a key asset for search engines. This machine knowledge can be harnessed to semantically interpret textual phrases in news, social media and web tables, and contributes to question answering, natural language processing and data analytics. This article surveys fundamental concepts and practical methods for creating and curating large knowledge bases. It covers models and methods for discovering and canonicalizing entities and their semantic types and organizing them into clean taxonomies. On top of this, the article discusses the automatic extraction of entity-centric properties. To support the long-term life-cycle and the quality assurance of machine knowledge, the article presents methods for constructing open schemas and for knowledge curation. Case studies on academic projects and industrial knowledge graphs complement the survey of concepts and methods.

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Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning in Airline Crew Pairing to Construct Initial Clusters for Dynamic Constraint Aggregation

The crew pairing problem (CPP) is generally modelled as a set partitioning problem where the flights have to be partitioned in pairings. A pairing is a sequence of flight legs separated by connection time and rest periods that starts and ends at the same base. Because of the extensive list of complex rules and regulations, determining whether a sequence of flights constitutes a feasible pairing can be quite difficult by itself, making CPP one of the hardest of the airline planning problems. In this paper, we first propose to improve the prototype Baseline solver of Desaulniers et al. (2020) by adding dynamic control strategies to obtain an efficient solver for large-scale CPPs: Commercial-GENCOL-DCA. These solvers are designed to aggregate the flights covering constraints to reduce the size of the problem. Then, we use machine learning (ML) to produce clusters of flights having a high probability of being performed consecutively by the same crew. The solver combines several advanced Operations Research techniques to assemble and modify these clusters, when necessary, to produce a good solution. We show, on monthly CPPs with up to 50 000 flights, that Commercial-GENCOL-DCA with clusters produced by ML-based heuristics outperforms Baseline fed by initial clusters that are pairings of a solution obtained by rolling horizon with GENCOL. The reduction of solution cost averages between 6.8% and 8.52%, which is mainly due to the reduction in the cost of global constraints between 69.79% and 78.11%.

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Artificial Intelligence

Mapping and Describing Geospatial Data to Generalize Complex Mapping and Describing Geospatial Data to Generalize Complex Models: The Case of LittoSIM-GEN Models

For some scientific questions, empirical data are essential to develop reliable simulation models. These data usually come from different sources with diverse and heterogeneous formats. The design of complex data-driven models is often shaped by the structure of the data available in research projects. Hence, applying such models to other case studies requires either to get similar data or to transform new data to fit the model inputs. It is the case of agent-based models (ABMs) that use advanced data structures such as Geographic Information Systems data. We faced this problem in the LittoSIM-GEN project when generalizing our participatory flooding model (LittoSIM) to new territories. From this experience, we provide a mapping approach to structure, describe, and automatize the integration of geospatial data into ABMs.

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Artificial Intelligence

Massively Parallel and Asynchronous Tsetlin Machine Architecture Supporting Almost Constant-Time Scaling

Using logical clauses to represent patterns, Tsetlin Machines (TMs) have recently obtained competitive performance in terms of accuracy, memory footprint, energy, and learning speed on several benchmarks. Each TM clause votes for or against a particular class, with classification resolved using a majority vote. While the evaluation of clauses is fast, being based on binary operators, the voting makes it necessary to synchronize the clause evaluation, impeding parallelization. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme for desynchronizing the evaluation of clauses, eliminating the voting bottleneck. In brief, every clause runs in its own thread for massive native parallelism. For each training example, we keep track of the class votes obtained from the clauses in local voting tallies. The local voting tallies allow us to detach the processing of each clause from the rest of the clauses, supporting decentralized learning. This means that the TM most of the time will operate on outdated voting tallies. We evaluated the proposed parallelization across diverse learning tasks and it turns out that our decentralized TM learning algorithm copes well with working on outdated data, resulting in no significant loss in learning accuracy. Furthermore, we show that the proposed approach provides up to 50 times faster learning. Finally, learning time is almost constant for reasonable clause amounts (employing from 20 to 7,000 clauses on a Tesla V100 GPU). For sufficiently large clause numbers, computation time increases approximately proportionally. Our parallel and asynchronous architecture thus allows processing of massive datasets and operating with more clauses for higher accuracy.

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Artificial Intelligence

Measuring Intelligence and Growth Rate: Variations on Hibbard's Intelligence Measure

In 2011, Hibbard suggested an intelligence measure for agents who compete in an adversarial sequence prediction game. We argue that Hibbard's idea should actually be considered as two separate ideas: first, that the intelligence of such agents can be measured based on the growth rates of the runtimes of the competitors that they defeat; and second, one specific (somewhat arbitrary) method for measuring said growth rates. Whereas Hibbard's intelligence measure is based on the latter growth-rate-measuring method, we survey other methods for measuring function growth rates, and exhibit the resulting Hibbard-like intelligence measures and taxonomies. Of particular interest, we obtain intelligence taxonomies based on Big-O and Big-Theta notation systems, which taxonomies are novel in that they challenge conventional notions of what an intelligence measure should look like. We discuss how intelligence measurement of sequence predictors can indirectly serve as intelligence measurement for agents with Artificial General Intelligence (AGIs).

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