Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Large-Scale Cargo Distribution

This study focuses on the design and development of methods for generating cargo distribution plans for large-scale logistics networks. It uses data from three large logistics operators while focusing on cross border logistics operations using one large graph. The approach uses a three-step methodology to first represent the logistic infrastructure as a graph, then partition the graph into smaller size regions, and finally generate cargo distribution plans for each individual region. The initial graph representation has been extracted from regional graphs by spectral clustering and is then further used for computing the distribution plan. The approach introduces methods for each of the modelling steps. The proposed approach on using regionalization of large logistics infrastructure for generating partial plans, enables scaling to thousands of drop-off locations. Results also show that the proposed approach scales better than the state-of-the-art, while preserving the quality of the solution. Our methodology is suited to address the main challenge in transforming rigid large logistics infrastructure into dynamic, just-in-time, and point-to-point delivery-oriented logistics operations.

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Artificial Intelligence

Large-Scale Intelligent Microservices

Deploying Machine Learning (ML) algorithms within databases is a challenge due to the varied computational footprints of modern ML algorithms and the myriad of database technologies each with its own restrictive syntax. We introduce an Apache Spark-based micro-service orchestration framework that extends database operations to include web service primitives. Our system can orchestrate web services across hundreds of machines and takes full advantage of cluster, thread, and asynchronous parallelism. Using this framework, we provide large scale clients for intelligent services such as speech, vision, search, anomaly detection, and text analysis. This allows users to integrate ready-to-use intelligence into any datastore with an Apache Spark connector. To eliminate the majority of overhead from network communication, we also introduce a low-latency containerized version of our architecture. Finally, we demonstrate that the services we investigate are competitive on a variety of benchmarks, and present two applications of this framework to create intelligent search engines, and real-time auto race analytics systems.

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Artificial Intelligence

Learn-n-Route: Learning implicit preferences for vehicle routing

We investigate a learning decision support system for vehicle routing, where the routing engine learns implicit preferences that human planners have when manually creating route plans (or routings). The goal is to use these learned subjective preferences on top of the distance-based objective criterion in vehicle routing systems. This is an alternative to the practice of distinctively formulating a custom VRP for every company with its own routing requirements. Instead, we assume the presence of past vehicle routing solutions over similar sets of customers, and learn to make similar choices. The learning approach is based on the concept of learning a Markov model, which corresponds to a probabilistic transition matrix, rather than a deterministic distance matrix. This nevertheless allows us to use existing arc routing VRP software in creating the actual routings, and to optimize over both distances and preferences at the same time. For the learning, we explore different schemes to construct the probabilistic transition matrix that can co-evolve with changing preferences over time. Our results on a use-case with a small transportation company show that our method is able to generate results that are close to the manually created solutions, without needing to characterize all constraints and sub-objectives explicitly. Even in the case of changes in the customer sets, our method is able to find solutions that are closer to the actual routings than when using only distances, and hence, solutions that require fewer manual changes when transformed into practical routings.

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Artificial Intelligence

Learning General Policies from Small Examples Without Supervision

Generalized planning is concerned with the computation of general policies that solve multiple instances of a planning domain all at once. It has been recently shown that these policies can be computed in two steps: first, a suitable abstraction in the form of a qualitative numerical planning problem (QNP) is learned from sample plans, then the general policies are obtained from the learned QNP using a planner. In this work, we introduce an alternative approach for computing more expressive general policies which does not require sample plans or a QNP planner. The new formulation is very simple and can be cast in terms that are more standard in machine learning: a large but finite pool of features is defined from the predicates in the planning examples using a general grammar, and a small subset of features is sought for separating "good" from "bad" state transitions, and goals from non-goals. The problems of finding such a "separating surface" while labeling the transitions as "good" or "bad" are jointly addressed as a single combinatorial optimization problem expressed as a Weighted Max-SAT problem. The advantage of looking for the simplest policy in the given feature space that solves the given examples, possibly non-optimally, is that many domains have no general, compact policies that are optimal. The approach yields general policies for a number of benchmark domains.

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Artificial Intelligence

Learning Logic Programs by Explaining Failures

Scientists form hypotheses and experimentally test them. If a hypothesis fails (is refuted), scientists try to explain the failure to eliminate other hypotheses. We introduce similar explanation techniques for inductive logic programming (ILP). We build on the ILP approach learning from failures. Given a hypothesis represented as a logic program, we test it on examples. If a hypothesis fails, we identify clauses and literals responsible for the failure. By explaining failures, we can eliminate other hypotheses that will provably fail. We introduce a technique for failure explanation based on analysing SLD-trees. We experimentally evaluate failure explanation in the Popper ILP system. Our results show that explaining failures can drastically reduce learning times.

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Artificial Intelligence

Learning Optimal Strategies for Temporal Tasks in Stochastic Games

Linear temporal logic (LTL) is widely used to formally specify complex tasks for autonomy. Unlike usual tasks defined by reward functions only, LTL tasks are noncumulative and require memory-dependent strategies. In this work, we introduce a method to learn optimal controller strategies that maximize the satisfaction probability of LTL specifications of the desired tasks in stochastic games, which are natural extensions of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) to systems with adversarial inputs. Our approach constructs a product game using the deterministic automaton derived from the given LTL task and a reward machine based on the acceptance condition of the automaton; thus, allowing for the use of a model-free RL algorithm to learn an optimal controller strategy. Since the rewards and the transition probabilities of the reward machine do not depend on the number of sets defining the acceptance condition, our approach is scalable to a wide range of LTL tasks, as we demonstrate on several case studies.

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Artificial Intelligence

Learning Rewards from Linguistic Feedback

We explore unconstrained natural language feedback as a learning signal for artificial agents. Humans use rich and varied language to teach, yet most prior work on interactive learning from language assumes a particular form of input (e.g., commands). We propose a general framework which does not make this assumption, using aspect-based sentiment analysis to decompose feedback into sentiment about the features of a Markov decision process. We then perform an analogue of inverse reinforcement learning, regressing the sentiment on the features to infer the teacher's latent reward function. To evaluate our approach, we first collect a corpus of teaching behavior in a cooperative task where both teacher and learner are human. We implement three artificial learners: sentiment-based "literal" and "pragmatic" models, and an inference network trained end-to-end to predict latent rewards. We then repeat our initial experiment and pair them with human teachers. All three successfully learn from interactive human feedback. The sentiment models outperform the inference network, with the "pragmatic" model approaching human performance. Our work thus provides insight into the information structure of naturalistic linguistic feedback as well as methods to leverage it for reinforcement learning.

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Artificial Intelligence

Learning task-agnostic representation via toddler-inspired learning

One of the inherent limitations of current AI systems, stemming from the passive learning mechanisms (e.g., supervised learning), is that they perform well on labeled datasets but cannot deduce knowledge on their own. To tackle this problem, we derive inspiration from a highly intentional learning system via action: the toddler. Inspired by the toddler's learning procedure, we design an interactive agent that can learn and store task-agnostic visual representation while exploring and interacting with objects in the virtual environment. Experimental results show that such obtained representation was expandable to various vision tasks such as image classification, object localization, and distance estimation tasks. In specific, the proposed model achieved 100%, 75.1% accuracy and 1.62% relative error, respectively, which is noticeably better than autoencoder-based model (99.7%, 66.1%, 1.95%), and also comparable with those of supervised models (100%, 87.3%, 0.71%).

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Artificial Intelligence

Learning the Implicit Semantic Representation on Graph-Structured Data

Existing representation learning methods in graph convolutional networks are mainly designed by describing the neighborhood of each node as a perceptual whole, while the implicit semantic associations behind highly complex interactions of graphs are largely unexploited. In this paper, we propose a Semantic Graph Convolutional Networks (SGCN) that explores the implicit semantics by learning latent semantic-paths in graphs. In previous work, there are explorations of graph semantics via meta-paths. However, these methods mainly rely on explicit heterogeneous information that is hard to be obtained in a large amount of graph-structured data. SGCN first breaks through this restriction via leveraging the semantic-paths dynamically and automatically during the node aggregating process. To evaluate our idea, we conduct sufficient experiments on several standard datasets, and the empirical results show the superior performance of our model.

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Artificial Intelligence

Learning to Infer User Hidden States for Online Sequential Advertising

To drive purchase in online advertising, it is of the advertiser's great interest to optimize the sequential advertising strategy whose performance and interpretability are both important. The lack of interpretability in existing deep reinforcement learning methods makes it not easy to understand, diagnose and further optimize the strategy. In this paper, we propose our Deep Intents Sequential Advertising (DISA) method to address these issues. The key part of interpretability is to understand a consumer's purchase intent which is, however, unobservable (called hidden states). In this paper, we model this intention as a latent variable and formulate the problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) where the underlying intents are inferred based on the observable behaviors. Large-scale industrial offline and online experiments demonstrate our method's superior performance over several baselines. The inferred hidden states are analyzed, and the results prove the rationality of our inference.

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